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yahoo news ^ | 9122006 | Maggie Gallagher

Posted on 09/12/2006 6:08:37 PM PDT by BlueJ7

Over the years, historians and dramatists will produce many, many versions of "The Path to 9/11." If Bill Clinton wishes in the future to complain about historical inaccuracies, I suggest he first answer one question:

What handwritten notes, and by whom, were on the three copies of classified documents (out of five) that Sandy Berger chose to steal and cut up with scissors in 2003, smack in the middle of the 9/11 commission's investigation?

When we know the answer to that question, Bill, then and only then will you be entitled to complain about historical inaccuracies in the record.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

TOPICS: News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: 911; abledanger; atta; attas; berger; clintonfailures; clintonlegacy; clintonscandals; milleniumplot; mohammedatta; nsa; paulweldon; sandyberger; sandyburglar; sandyscissorhands; scissors; sept11; weldon; whileclintonslept; wmd; wot
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1 posted on 09/12/2006 6:08:38 PM PDT by BlueJ7
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To: BlueJ7

Clinton aide says
9/11 film 'correct'
Producer consulted with military attaché
who saw aborted attacks on bin Laden

2 posted on 09/12/2006 6:10:09 PM PDT by IrishMike (Democrats .... Stuck on Stupid, RINO's ...the most vicious judas goats)
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To: BlueJ7

Are these the documents from the national archives that ended up in Sandy Burglar's shorts and socks due to an "honest mistake?"

3 posted on 09/12/2006 6:10:21 PM PDT by Disturbin (Welcome to society -- morons with keys)
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To: BlueJ7

Bill Clinton will go down in history as the worst most asleep at the wheel President this country has had to date. Let's hope and pray no one else is ever as lackdaisical as he was.

4 posted on 09/12/2006 6:11:31 PM PDT by yldstrk (My heros have always been cowboys-Reagan and Bush)
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To: BlueJ7

Sandy Pants Burglar. A one-man Ministry of Truth.

5 posted on 09/12/2006 6:12:24 PM PDT by Dan Evans
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To: BlueJ7

BINGO Maggie!

6 posted on 09/12/2006 6:13:11 PM PDT by eeevil conservative (JOHN BOLTON FOR PRESIDENT)
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To: yldstrk

Clinton.......caretaker President who only took care of himself.

7 posted on 09/12/2006 6:13:23 PM PDT by originalbuckeye
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To: BlueJ7
There's also the photo's he sent via his cell phone to someone unknown that's no-ones bothered to look into. If they weren't incriminating in some way why did he make everyone else there leave the room?
8 posted on 09/12/2006 6:15:00 PM PDT by AmeriBrit ( Squashing Clinton's Lies:
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To: Dan Evans

Gee, I wonder what they would do to me if I "accidently" put classified material in my socks.

9 posted on 09/12/2006 6:15:56 PM PDT by xxyyxx
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To: Disturbin

Revisionist History
"Path to 9/11" Prompts the Question: Who's Guilty? Disney/ABC or the Clinton Administration Crowd ?

By John E. Carey
September 10, 2006

Let’s just review for a moment the affair of one Samuel “Sandy” Berger and the National Archives.

On Thursday, July 22, 2004, Washington Post staff writers John F. Harris and Susan Schmidt, wrote “Last Oct. 2, former Clinton national security adviser Samuel R. ‘Sandy’ Berger stayed huddled over papers at the National Archives until 8 p.m. What he did not know as he labored through that long Thursday was that the same Archives employees who were solicitously retrieving documents for him were also watching their important visitor with a suspicious eye.”

The employees of the National Archives suspected that Sandy Berger was stealing classified government archives about terrorists from his tenure as President Clinton’s National Security Advisor.

They were right.

John F. Harris and Susan Schmidt wrote, “The documents that Berger has acknowledged taking -- some of which remain missing -- are different drafts of a January 2000 ‘after-action review’ of how the government responded to terrorism plots at the turn of the millennium. The document was written by White House anti-terrorism coordinator Richard A. Clarke, at Berger's direction when he was in government.”

Harris and Schmidt also reported that, “Sources have told The Washington Post, and other news organizations, that Berger was witnessed stuffing papers into his clothing.”

Transporting classified government documents without proper authorization is a serious offense. Stealing historical records from the national Archives is equally heinous.

But the real crime that Sandy Berger, and other Clinton Administration personnel, may be guilty of is this: “revisionist history.”

After September 11, 2001, everyone in Washington DC asked the same questions: How could this happen and why weren’t we forewarned?

In fact, “we” were forewarned. There were many events that should have set off alarm bells during President Clinton’s Administration.

A few of the events among these warning signs include: the first World trade center bombing (February 1993), the discovery of the Lincoln and Holland tunnel plots (Spring 1993), the car bombing of the U.S. military headquarters of the United States in Saudi Arabia (November 1995), the truck bombing of the U.S. military housing facility Khobar Towers (June 1996), the truck bombings at U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania (August 1998), and the bombing of USS Cole (October 2000).

Less than one year later, the World Trade Center and the pentagon were hit on September 11, 2001.

This brings us to the loud and vocal protestations from Clinton Administration loyalists to the Disney/ABC production which starts to air tonight, “Path to 9/11.”

Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, former National Security Adviser Sandy Berger, Clinton Foundation head Bruce Lindsey and Clinton adviser Douglas Band all wrote in the past week to Robert Iger, CEO of ABC's parent The Walt Disney Co., to express concern over “The Path to 9/11.”

What do they have to hide?

Add to that, highly partisan Rep. Louise Slaughter of New York reportedly composed a tough letter to Robert A. Iger, CEO of Walt Disney, ABC's parent company. The letter cites two scenes from the program casting doubt on the Clinton administration's legacy in fighting terrorism.

Slaughter added as co-signers of the letter three senior Democrats who would join her as committee chairmen if Democrats won control of the House. They are Rep. John Dingell of Michigan, senior member of the House; Rep. Jane Harman of California, a top party spokesman on national security; and Rep. John Conyers of Michigan, a left-wing leader.

What do they have to hide? Or is this just a self-serving case of piling on for personal gain?

And what respect do they have for freedom of speech?

When Oliver Stone made his movie “J.F.K.” depicting the president’s assassination as the product of a government conspiracy, do you recall this level of protest?

So we take caution and pause when we hear these vociferous protestations from the Clinton Camp.

We don’t much like revisionist history. And we wonder what the members of the Clinton Administration want to shroud from public view.

10 posted on 09/12/2006 6:16:11 PM PDT by John Carey
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To: yldstrk

He was a fluke. He got elected only because Perot ran and won with 42% of the vote.

I think he only got 47% the second time.

If he was military he would have been court martialed for incompetence. If he was in private industry he would have been canned.

Only in government can one so incomptent keep their job.


11 posted on 09/12/2006 6:17:05 PM PDT by Diggity
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To: yldstrk

Bill "I loathe the military" Clinton lackdaisical? Nah.

Not that self-serving, low-life elitist bastard.

12 posted on 09/12/2006 6:18:05 PM PDT by TeddyCon
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To: John Carey

The horrors of 911 are what this nation gets when they elect, twice, a degenerate liar to be President ... and SZinkEmperor is merely a typical democrat politician, the Seante and House are full of the same from that party and a few Republicans of like failing. Can you imagine the horrors that will follow four years of democrat rule in House and Seante, with two years of democrat soiling the WHite House with a war on terrorism going on? I truly shudder to contemplate the feckless appeasements under such rule, not to mention the democrat entitlements which will go into effect to guarantee their re-election until the nation falls into utter mayhem and chaos with the Islamofascist's strikes.

13 posted on 09/12/2006 6:30:51 PM PDT by MHGinTN (If you can read this, you've had life support from someone. Promote life support for others.)
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To: BlueJ7

One more time:

Al-Qaeda grew while Monica blew.

14 posted on 09/12/2006 6:31:44 PM PDT by shankbear
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To: Disturbin

C'mon, everyone knows ol' Sandy was just sloppy!

15 posted on 09/12/2006 6:34:27 PM PDT by eyespysomething (
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To: xxyyxx
Gee, I wonder what they would do to me if I "accidently" put classified material in my socks.

That depends entirely on your party affiliation.

16 posted on 09/12/2006 6:34:57 PM PDT by Jeff Chandler (Peace begins in the womb.)
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To: BlueJ7

Okay, leave everything else aside for a moment. Sandy "the Burglar" Berger runs an international consulting firm, and shreds documents with scissors? He didn't have access to a DOD-grade shredder after hours? Couldn't stick the documents between papers he'd be shredding for his consulting business and shred them during business hours? SCISSORS???!

17 posted on 09/12/2006 6:35:30 PM PDT by The_Reader_David (And when they behead your own people in the wars which are to come, then you will know. . .)
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To: BlueJ7

The real Clinton legacy exposed...

18 posted on 09/12/2006 6:37:01 PM PDT by NCjim (The more I use Windows, the more I love UNIX)
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To: BlueJ7

For the life of me, I don't understand why the Justice Department whitewashed Berger's crime. Nor why the White House didn't scream bloody murder about Gorelick and Ben Veniste being on the 9-11 committee. They should have thrown a hairy fit. But no. Mustn't fight back or anything.

19 posted on 09/12/2006 6:37:23 PM PDT by Jeff Chandler (Peace begins in the womb.)
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To: xxyyxx

Gee, I wonder what they would do to me if I "accidently" put classified material in my socks.


20 posted on 09/12/2006 6:41:00 PM PDT by hdstmf
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