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More on the Betrayal of America
Augusta Free Press ^ | May 29, 2006 | Max Friedman

Posted on 06/12/2006 8:41:13 AM PDT by Interesting Times

On Feb. 20, The Augusta Free Press published my rant column, "The Betrayal of America," in which I took off on the American Left, especially the Communist Party and its sympathizers, foolish liberals, the mainstream media, the Democratic Party, and even the present Republican leadership of Congress and some in the White House.

If I forgot anyone, I'm sorry, but there will be other columns in which to catch up with the blithering idiots in our political and media systems.

The purpose of the rant was to let out a lot of intellectual frustration that I've been holding in, as well as to impart information and observations that I've accumulated during a journalism career that has taken place over the past 35 years, plus specific knowledge gained during my youth.

The response has been incredible, far beyond anything I could have imaged, with hundreds of positive comments and a few criticisms.

(The column was reproduced at another political Web site, and overall, it got more than 14,000 hits).

While none of the criticisms challenged any specific facts that I provided in the column, a few raised an issue that I want to explore in this piece, i.e., how I came to the conclusions that I did, what I have actually seen to lead me to those conclusions, and what are verifiable resources that the reader can check on to see if I was accurate in my facts and statements, or not.

The best way to provide you, the reader, with my research methodology is to focus on "the book that wasn't," and to build my story around it. I intend to weave personal experiences in and out of the book theme because a lot of my contacts involved people found in it.

The book in question is known as Appendix IX, Communist Front Organizations with Special Reference to The National Citizens Political Action Committee Investigation of Un-American Propaganda Activities in the United States, produced by the Special Committee on Un-American Activities (also known as the Dies Committee), House of Representatives, 78th Congress, Second Session re House Resolution 282 "to investigate foreign propaganda operations in the U.S."

This first section of A9 was printed for the public in 1944, and was described on the inside page as "a special appendix to Volume XVII of the hearings of the Special Committee on Un-American Activities. The published hearings contained in Volume XVII were conducted on September 27-29 and October 3-5, 1944, by a subcommittee composed of (several names)." It picks up at page 261 and runs through page 1,648, listing 181 Communist Party fronts, causes, messages, etc. and is focused on members of the CPUSA front, the National Citizens Political Action Committee.

As stated by the SCUA's chief investigator, Robert E. Stiplin, in Volume XVII, "Investigation of Un-American Propaganda Activities in the United States," the purpose of the hearing was as follows:

"Mr. Chaiman, this committee's investigation of the C.I.O (Congress of Industrial Organizations) Political Action Committee began in July 1943, when the PAC was set up by the executive board of the CIO. On March 29, 1944, the committee filed a report with the House of Representatives on the PAC which dealt with the origin as well as the Communist affiliations of many of its officers and leaders. Pursuant to the committee's instructions, the investigation of the PAC was continued after the issuance of the March 29 report, and we are now prepared to present to the committee evidence which makes it clear that the CIOPAC was a byproduct of the Communist Party of the United States, and further, that its program is now being directed and carried on in certain sections of the country by well-known Communist leaders."

(The leader of the PAC was Sidney Hillman, a leftist labor leader who became very powerful during World War II as a liaison between the Roosevelt administration and organized labor, many of whose unions were under both open and secret CPUSA control. See the publications Labor History and Intelligence and National Security for stories on this issue.)

However, this two-part A9 plus index was never released to the public - even though it was the documentation section of the original hearing. It was ordered destroyed by chairman Martin Dies because it was too embarrassing to the Congress because many of its members were listed in it as sponsors of CPUSA fronts and causes. A few were eventually identified as covert members of the CPUSA.

However, a one-time CP sympathizer, the late Benjamin Mandel, who later defected from the party's orbit, worked for SCUA and its successor, the House Committee on Un-American Activities. He covertly saved two boxes with 24 sets of hearings in them from destruction, knowing full well the historical and research value they represented. This goldmine of operations of Communist Party fronts was thus saved for posterity, and is of incalculable value today. Some of what has been found in recently opened the Soviet archives has validated what A9 was supposed to show the American public.

I had been able to located 16 existent sets of Appendix IX, and learned that one was destroyed in a fire. Who has or had the other seven sets, I don't know, but some are very safe in the hands of internal security experts and historians, hopefully in at least one major library, and the fact that they survived becomes important for several reasons.

As I write my columns on internal security, I rely heavily on congressional hearings, reports and studies for information, and unfortunately, many of those who lived during the '30s-'60s have passed away, often taking their unique knowledge and experiences with them. Thus it behooves those of us still in the field of study of communism in the U.S. to share our knowledge and collections with the public and with credible institutions of learning.

Our historians' group is known as Historians of American Communism, and one educational vehicle they publish is a fascinating journal known as American Communist History.

A lot of other information lies in boxes in basements, personal libraries and cellars of individual scholars and those who served in internal-security agencies or law-enforcement agencies in the past. Too much has been destroyed by the efforts of the CPUSA's legal fronts, the National Lawyers Guild and the Emergency Civil Liberties Committee, as well as the NLG offshoot, the Center For Constitutional Rights, and the parallel leftist American Civil Liberties Union, in lawsuits brought against police intelligence units and state law-enforcement agencies. Appendix IX is the one book that reveals what these groups wanted destroyed.

As I look at the names listed or exhibited in Appendix IX, I realize that other than some well-known writers, actors and a few newsmen, the American public today has no idea who the people in A9 were, and what role they played, knowingly or unknowingly, in supporting our Communist enemies through the CPUSA and its fronts/causes. Names like Albert Einstein, Thurgood Marshall, H. L. Mencken and Abe Fortas show up, and for varying reasons, and no, I do not suspect any of them of being CPUSA members or even hard-core sympathizers. They were often used by the CP through deception and third-party contacts, which will make for fascinating stories for historians to work on in the future. The late great actor Humphrey Bogart made a public statement before the SCUA to this effect, and he denounced the communists for sucking in the innocent for their causes.

Others listed in this book including the writer Langston Hughes, columnist Max Lerner, Soviet spy/reporter Whitaker Chambers, educator Max Yergin, writer Howard Fast and key Party leaders who defected (Louis Budenz, Jay Lovestone, Bella Dodd, et cetera), are well known for various reasons. Many became the leaders of the anti-communist movements in labor, literature, Hollywood and academia, writing famous books such as Witness, The Naked God, This Is My Story and Men Without Faces. I was fortunate enough to have met and/or corresponded with a few of them, including Chambers, Lovestone and Mandel, while I met other hard-core Party members listed in A9 at Communist Party front meetings when I was working undercover in the late 1960s.

Of importance to internal-security officials, and now, historians, is the fact that so many members of Congress appeared in A9. It was obvious from the statements by some of them that they were either CPUSA members or very sympathetic to them. In regards to the Soviet created/CPUSA-led legal front, the International Legal Defense and its July 8-9, 1939, conference, we find on page 838, apparently from the ILD's publication "Equal Justice," July 1939, the following statement about the success of the conference and its panel on "Legislation As It Affects Civil Rights" and "The Present Situation in Puerto Rico." "Congressman John M. Coffee of Washington and Congressman Lee Geyer of California spoke in this panel and praised the work of the ILD and its president Vito Marcantonio for the role they played in the legislative field.

Featured on a list of "Greetings and Messages Wishing the Conference Success" that it received were the following people - senators Claude "Red" Pepper (D-Fla.); Lewis B. Schwellenback (D-Wash.); Theodore Francis Green (D-R.I.); Elbert D. Thomas (D-Utah); and representatives Abe Murdock (D-Utah); Adolph J. Sabath (D-Ill.); Thomas F. Ford (D-Calif.); Michael J. Bradley (D-Pa.); and Sam Massingale (D-Okla.).

Even the attorney general of the United States, Frank Murphy, sent his greetings, as did other state political figures, the commissioner and deputy commissioner of corrections for New Yrok City, and lots of Communist Party labor leaders and supporters.

For another CPUSA front, the Jefferson School of Social Science, we find listed as one of their teachers in 1944 Vito Marcantonio, several people later identified as Soviet spies, Professor Ashley Montagu (whom I debated on Vietnam in 1970), and many other professors, lawyers, and clergy who were identified mem-bers of the CPUSA.

Another CPUSA front, the John Reed Clubs, in 1930, listed several very interesting names (some of whom probably were Communist dupes, enamored of the new Soviet Union before learning of the infamous slaughter of the White Russians, the genocide-like Ukrainian famine, and the show trials of the late 1930s. Among these members were socialist anthropologist Franz Boas, scholar Carl Van Doren, writer John Dos Passos (who officially broke with the CPUSA and later wrote about their treachery), Arthur Garfield Hays (a dedicated Marxist despite his family heritage), H. L. Mencken (the famous writer), the socialist writer Upton Sinclair (The Jungle), Carlo Tresca (later an anti-communist labor leader whom the Reds murdered. This murder might, someday, directly implicate the late leftist Sen. Alan Cranston (D-Calif.). His name also appears in SCUA hearings on the OWI (Office of War Information) and his role in hiring not only CPUSA members but also identified Soviet agents for it. This writer later met members of this front while undercover in another CPUSA front, the National Committee to Abolish HUAC, in 1969.

Another famous red front, the Joint Anti-Fascist Refugee Committee, managed to suck in a lot of genuinely concerned people who opposed the rise of fascism in Germany. Among them were the poet Carl Sandburg, conductor/composer Aaron Coplan, scientist Albert Einstein (who was badly used by the CPUSA and the Soviet MVD), actor/singer George Jessel, Mrs. Henry Luce (Life), actress Molly Picon (of the Yiddish theater, whom I saw perform in "Hello Dolly" in the 1960s); mystery writer Rex Stout, educator Carl Van Doren, actor/director Orson Welles ("Citizen Kane"), educator Dr. Max Yergin (who later defected from the CPUSA and actively opposed it for the rest of his life), and famed Chinese writer/poet/educator, Dr. Lin Yutang, who was my teacher in 1971 at Chengchi University, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC.

Most of the above were never communists and were embarrassed when they found out whose groups they had supported. However, among other supporters of the John Reed Club were infamous supporters of the CPUSA and the Soviet Union, including clergyman Dr. Guy Emery Shipler; members of the " Hollywood 10" - Lardner and Trumbo; actress and CPer Gale Sondergaard; CP member/author Lillian Hellman; CP labor organizer and eventually editor of the far-left The Nation; Carey McWilliams; New York Times Pulitzer Prize-winning writer Walter Duranty, who won the award by covering up Stalin's multimillion death famine in the Ukraine; labor leader Sidney Hillman; Rev. Adam Clayton Powell Jr.; and lastly, the future U.S. ambassador to the Soviet Union during World War II, the Hon. Joseph E. Davies.

Just one more front needs to be listed here, for fun, the Labor Defense Council, which was formed "for the primary purpose of aiding the Communist defendants in the Michigan criminal syndicalist cases." From the 1923 organizational letterhead came the following names of interest: Freda Kirchway, NCPAC and The Nation magazine; Robert N. Baldwin, a founder of the American Civil Liberties Union, who had a decades-long record of membership in CPUSA fronts; Norman Thomas, the leader of the Socialist Party who never seemed to break away from supporting CPUSA fronts/causes; and my old friend Benjamin Mandel, who later became the SCUA researcher on A9 and many other investigations.

There were so many CPUSA-supporting lawyers listed in the section on the National Lawyers Guild, just for 1940 alone, that there isn't enough space to tell you much about them. However, I was in CPUSA fronts with a number of them, including the late Louis Boudin, father of Weather Underground convicted killer Kathy Boudin (who now works at Northwestern University's Law School, but not as a teacher); Sacher; Popper; Hillary Clinton's law professor at Harvard, Thomas I. Emerson (also known affectionately by all as "Tommy the Commie", I kid you not); Soviet spy Lee Pressman; CP/Trotskyite legal beagle Stanley Faulkner, whom I suspect of Soviet ties through the KGB-CPSU front, the World Peace Council); Carey McWilliams, on old CP labor organizer and editor of The Nation; CPUSA frontsfinancial angel Ed Lamb; and UAW counsel Maurice Sugar, an old CP member who apparently brought later-to-be congressman George Crockett Jr. into the Communist movement.

In 1986, Professor Michael Waller and I exposed Crockett's Party background even as the Democratic Party appointed him chairman of the House International Relations Committee's crucial Subcommittee on the Western Hemisphere. If you think that the Democrats cared about Crockett's documented red history, you would be wrong. They could not have cared less, and The Washington Post did a good job of covering up the evidence we presented to the public in their puff piece on what we found about Crockett.

Just as a note of history, many members of the NLG quit upon learning from liberal Guild leaders how the CPUSA had taken over the organization. This included famed civil liberties attorney Morris Ernst, Justice Pecora, Attorney General Robert H. Jackson (of the Nuremberg Trials fame), and Assistant Secretary of State/FDR advisor A.A. Berle Jr, who wrote that:

"The National Lawyers Guild was formed in the hope that expression might be given to the liberal sentiment in the American bar."

"It is now obvious that the present management of the guild is not prepared to take any stand which conflicts with the Communist Party line. Under these circumstances, and in company, I think, with most progressive lawyers, I have no further interest in it." (Washington Times-Herald, June 5, 1940)

One lawyer who stayed in the NLG was New York City Councilmember/leader Paul O'Dwyer. Another NLG member was Rep. John Conyers (D-Mich.), who joined it in the 1950s or early 1960s and even listed it on his official biography for a while. Eventually he dropped it because some people began to investigate his background, and he tried to eliminate official traces of his communist front/labor past.

Also in the Guild was Rep. George Crockett, a hard-core red if there ever was one. The late Rep. Bella Abzug (D-N.Y.), was not only a NLG leader, but also participated in its parent body, the Soviet legal front, the International Association of Democratic Laywers. One day the world will know the full story about Bella and her connections to the CPUSA, and perhaps even the KGB. The records of members of Congress have been removed from public access to cover-up the communist past of some of them but effort might collapse in the near future.

In my pursuit of interests in Communism, both as an academic subject and for personal knowledge, I got a chance to study under the late, famed FBI undercover agent Herb "I Led Three Lives" Philbrick, whose story/book was made into a television show of the same name in the 1950s. Another Herb who has taught me much about Communism is Herbert Romerstein, once the youngest member of the CPUSA in the 1940s. He later became a senior government internal security investigator and analyst at both the state and federal level (HCUA/HISC). He eventually led the USIA's research effort to expose Soviet (KGB) "disinformation" programs, which often ended up in the newspapers of the free world, including those in U.S. His books on the "Venona" program (with the late Eric Brendell) and The KGB Against the 'Main Enemy' with former Soviet KGB Maj. Stanislav Levchenko, can be found in most major bookstores or on-line, and most certainly in the Spy Museum in Washington, D.C.

House Internal Security Committee minority-staff analyst Bill Pool taught me the kitchen-sink method of putting together a study so that the public would have a significant amount of documentation to understand how the CPUSA operated in the Hanoi Lobby protests during the Vietnam War. The kitchen-sink method comes from the old adage for being inclusive, as in "throwing in the kitchen sink" (i.e., putting everything you have in a study to make sure that you have the best information needed to prove your point).

In my library, I have more than 400 government publications on internal security, including a few rare volumes from the McCarthy-Army Hearings of the 1950s, which I found in a congressional committee's closet. During one of my Committee/Publications Office raids, I recovered from pending destruction wrapped studies on the German-American Bund and other fascist groups operating in America before WW2, hearings of great value to historians.

Book sales are my second home, and used book dealers have helped me to flesh out my 3,000-plus book collection on various topics from Communism, WW2, Vietnam to astronomy, archaeology and paleontology, from rock-n-roll to butterflies/moths, Judaica, black history, the Civil War and "Star Trek."

Thank God for the and Barnes & Noble Web sites. In seconds I am able to locate hard-to-find books that I need for research, something that was almost impossible to do only 10 years ago. I have even located authors whom I have wanted to talk to about their books and research. The Internet has also made it possible to contact/search university libraries and public/private libraries for needed materials that one did not know even existed, and would have taken years to learn of their existence.

Another research method I have used extensively has been to go to lectures by people whose experiences are of interest to me, such as my first one with confessed Soviet spy Whitaker Chambers. Other fascinating people I've met, and often interviewed for publications, have included former Soviet military officers and gulag prisoners, North Vietnamese and Viet Cong defectors and prisoners (in Vietnam and Cambodia), astronauts/moonwalkers, fighter pilots and bomber crews ranging from the Flying Tigers of WW2, the AAF, Chinese and Royal air forces to Robin Olds of Vietnam and the "Red River Rats," as well as Pulitzer Prize-winning writers including Clark Mollenhoff, Jim Lucas, Isaac Don Levine, Frank Kluckhon and more recently, David McCullough.

It was Isaac Don Levine who, in 1939, took admitted Soviet spy Whitaker Chambers to see assistant secretary of state and FDR advisor, A.A. Berle, in the White House, a meeting which eventually led, by a torturous route, to the exposure of high-ranking State Department office and FDR advisor Alger Hiss, as a Soviet agent.

Another writer who appeared in A9 in the early 1930s, the famous Chinese writer Lin Yutang, was a professor of mine at Chengchi University, Taipei, Taiwan, during a seminar program in 1971. During this stay in the Republic of China, I also met one of Mao's private secretaries from the 1930s, as well as one of his bodyguards (Wu Shu Ren) who was present at Mao's famous Yangsi River swim in the mid-1950s

Other sources I have called upon have been both U.S. and foreign spies, Holocaust heroes (including the late Stefan Korbonski, a leader of the Polish Underground Army during WW2), Bernie Yoh (SACO), the youngest Kuomintang general in China during WW2, my father-in-law who fought on Iwo Jima, my son who served/fought in Iraq during Operation Iraqi Freedom, police and FBI intelligence officers, and so many other fascinating and brave people who I meet nearly everyday at the National Archives, or even on the streets of D.C.

Oh, did I mention that I was invited to, and did, have lunch with the late Bill Sullivan, the number three man at Hoover's FBI (Soviet counter-intelligence) to brief him on communist penetration of the anti-Vietnam movement? I guess I just did. Another friend is Ray Wannell, former Assistant Director for Domestic Counter-Intelligence FBI. Ray was a member of our pretty elite monthly luncheon group of walking history makers, the McDowell Luncheon Group, also known as the Council Against Communist Aggression, from whence came Accuracy in Media.

The group included some of the above named people, as well as the late Reed Irvine (AIM founder); Captive Nations leaders,;former U.S. ambassador to Moscow and South Vietnam, Elbridge Durbrow; Alan Ryskind, Human Events editor and son of the late Hollywood legendary writer Morrie Ryskind; the late Freda Utley (from the British Marxist intellectual group that later opposed Stalin - her husband died in one of Uncle Joe's gulags); Ed Hunter, an old China Hand, journalist, OSS and CIA pioneer, whose work helped place the concept/term "brainwashing" into the annals of political warfare/psychology; and the late Bernie Yoh, SACO (Sino-American Combined Operations) from WW2 China as well as fighting with the Sea Swallows of Father Hoa in South Vietnam as an aide to the legendary Gen. Ed Landsdale. It was a marvel that anyone ever ate at our luncheons with such many stories sitting at the tables.

I might also add that I had wonderful teachers in graduate school at American University, including the late Ed Landon (whose wife wrote the book Anna and the King of Siam that became the movie "The King and I", and Professor Steven Chow, former OSS and CIA analyst to whom this country owes so much, yet who is so little known in history. These are among the people who helped to introduce me to history and the real world.

Also, I cannot thank the Communists enough for unknowingly providing me with some much of their propaganda publications, complete with photos, names, dates, and printing "bugs" (i.e. union printing labels) on them. This is where I have gotten some good information on present and past members of Congress who have supported both CPUSA fronts as well as those of the KGB.

Lest I forget, there were actual communists who I have asked questions of, talked to or debated, the two highest-ranking overt Reds being the late Herbert Aptheker, the theoretician of the CPUSA, and George Novack, private secretary to Leon Trotsky, and the theoretician of the Socialist Workers Party, a Trotskyite organization in the Fourth International.

What was great about being undercover and talking to both leaders and rank-and-file members of both the CPUSA and the SWP, was the fact that they hated each other so much that they would rat on each other whenever they could. This was how I found out that the leader of the Washington Mobilization Committee to End the War in Vietnam (and later a co-leader of the SWP's front, National Peace Action Coalition), had been a secret member of the CPUSA, a fact he had denied under oath before government security clearance agencies during WW2.

Finally, for some unknown reason, Abe Bloom finally admitted to a Washington Post reporter that he had indeed been a secret member of the CPUSA during his wartime years at the National Bureau of Standards, the implications of which, for historians, could be very important. Bloom later went on to become the leader of the Montgomery County Gray Panthers organization (best described as geriatric Marxists and leftists). The man could lie with the straightest face I ever saw, and he admitted it as much in the July 5, 1999, article "Pointing the Way in the Hunt for Communists."

When I testified about Bloom and the other Reds who controlled the anti-Vietnam movement known as the Mobes, I was not allowed to openly tell the Senate Internal Security Subcommittee things that I had been told by other communists, only things that I could document or tell of from firsthand experience. However, what I did provide SISS, as an adjunct to this executive-session hearing in 1969, was information about Bloom and others that would be verified years later.

What followed after that testimony before Sen. Strom Thurmond (R-S.C.), opened up a career in journalism that took me to Vietnam/Cambodia, covering Congress, street demonstrations and to give three more congressional testimonies on Vietnam. I also got to do a study for SISS on

"The Human Cost of Communism in Vietnam" (along with the late David Martin, the SISS analyst), to write another congressional testimony on communist lobbies and how they violated federal money laundering laws, and to write hundreds of articles and columns for newspapers and The Pink Sheet/American Sentinel newsletters for almost 20 years.

With time out to raise a family, going back to school to become a paralegal, and then becoming a contract historian for the Department of Justice (including a few side jobs on an Organized Crime Task Force and a terrorism trial preparatory team), I got back into the Vietnam scene in 2004 when I wrote a story about the Swift Boat Veterans for the Truth About John Kerry. There I got reunited with some of the greatest Americans I've ever met, not just the Swifties (whose leader, John O'Neill, I had known back in Vietnam Veterans for a Just Peace in 1972), but Marines, Special Forces, Army and Navy men such as Mike Benge (USMC/AID/POW), Admiral Jeremiah Denton (Navy/POW), Dolf Droge (AID/NSC), Bruce Kesler (USMC), Steve Sherman (5th SF); John Coviani (Army, Medal of Honor/POW), and so many others from the "Myths of Vietnam" Conference of July 2004.

I must also include author and scholar Jerry Corsi, with whom I worked on the national best-seller Unfit for Command: Swift Boat Veterans Speak Out Against John Kerry (Regnery, 2004). Jerry is now the author of The Atomic Mullahs, the story about Iran's secret atomic weapons programs, and a columnist for World Net Daily news service. And despite leftist rumors to the contrary, he has a great sense of humor and a bitting wit.

It was also an honor to meet and work with Scott Swett, one of the outside editors of Unfit for Command, a Web master and writer for the raucous conservative Web site, and son of a Vietnam veteran Air Force officer. And let me throw in the Bells, Mary and John, who have done so much to support our troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. John was a Swift Boat operations officer in Vietnam, and their son, Maj. John Bell, recently returned from a combat tour in Iraq. They are a great American family who never stop working to protect our country.

There you have it folks, a long, biographical history of how one book, the book that "never was", Appendix IX, provided me with a link to history covering people I have known since I was 15. This book has helped me to summarize a lot of my learning about world events, communism, internal security, and reality, just as have some of the people in it who I met throughout my life, information that I wanted to share with you, the reader, so that you know what lay behind the Feb. 20th column/rant "The Betrayal of America."

I've been privileged and lucky enough to be able to meet and talk with those who have not only lived history, from pre-war China, through WW2, Korea, Vietnam and now the Middle East, but who made history, plus the fact that I have been able to research the subjects in-depth because of

the tremendous resources in the Washington area and now on the internet.

And last, I cannot leave out my family. My grandparents came from Russia and Austro-Hungary, some fleeing from the pogroms of Russia, others looking for a better life. My grandfather on my father's side worked as a stock clerk at an Army arsenal (probably Edgewood Arsenal) during WW1, while my father served in the Army at Edgewood and other posts during WW2. My mother worked in war industries and then for the Army during WW2, while my father-in-law spent the war fighting across the Pacific Ocean with the famed 75th JASCO Army unit, finally ending up as the only Army unit to have landed and fought on Iwo Jima. He later went on to a distinguished career in counter-intelligence during the Cold War, a few tidbits of which are found in history books, and many of whose secrets he will take to the grave (but the family will keep his three Purple Hearts for the grandchildren).

Then there is my son Joshua, a kid who one day announced that he had joined the Army Reserve (long before 9/11) and ended up in a key unit that helped to bring about the defeat and downfall of Saddam Hussein and his brutal regime in Iraq. They earned their Presidential Unit Citation on April 3, 2003, and Josh has earned his family's respect for all time. I feel better knowing that he is still protecting America in his new field, especially since the flight that hit the Pentagon on 9/11 literally flew over our house, and the explosion shook our neighborhood. The war against American had hit home but Josh stands guard today, just as he did during sandstorms and blazing heat in Iraq "to serve and protect" his men and his country. Our world changed on 9/11, but the fight against our enemies, internal and foreign, still goes on, but it has to be fought with a deep knowledge of who they are, how they operate, and what they want. This is why I became a writer with a speciality in communist, terrorism, and internal security/subversion. Knowledge is my weapon; writing is my means of delivering it, and I hope that I have given you, my readers, some insight into the "rant" of Feb. 20th as well as how I spent decades learning about what led up to it.

My personal mottos are "know thy enemy," "eternal vigilance is the price of peace," and "outlive your enemies and keep better files."

And that, as Paul Harvey would say, "is the rest of the story."

TOPICS: Constitution/Conservatism; Crime/Corruption; Culture/Society; Editorial; Foreign Affairs; Government
KEYWORDS: americanleft; communistparty; drivebymedia; hillaryclinton; lawprofessorharvard; maxfriedman; research; thomasiemerson; tommythecommie; undercover
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To: Interesting Times
"Ding Dong, Communism is not dead"......sung to the tune of the Gorbasm dirge.


21 posted on 06/12/2006 11:37:01 AM PDT by MinuteGal (Mi casa es su casa. Mi pais es su pais. Mi dinero es su dinero. Mi..............)
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To: Interesting Times; Jim Robinson; Seeking the truth; diotima; Bob J; MinuteGal; DoughtyOne; zot
It was also an honor to meet and work with Scott Swett, one of the outside editors of Unfit for Command, a Web master and writer for the raucous conservative Web site, and son of a Vietnam veteran Air Force officer.

This was the best part!



22 posted on 06/12/2006 1:29:31 PM PDT by The Shrew ( & - The Truth Shall Set YOU Free!)
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To: Interesting Times

Thanks for posting this. Max Friedman has impressive credentials. I'm glad to see his compliment to you and your work.

23 posted on 06/12/2006 2:42:58 PM PDT by zot (GWB -- the most slandered man of this decade)
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To: Interesting Times

Thanks for the post and the ping. I'll check this out later.


24 posted on 06/12/2006 2:46:10 PM PDT by DoughtyOne (Hey Senators, what have you done with those Conservatives we sent to Congress? (CyberAnt Inspired))
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To: The Shrew

Thanks for the ping. I'll check this out later.


25 posted on 06/12/2006 2:46:55 PM PDT by DoughtyOne (Hey Senators, what have you done with those Conservatives we sent to Congress? (CyberAnt Inspired))
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To: zot

If I ever win the lottery I'm going to pay somebody to scan every piece of paper in Max's house, and set up a web site called the "Friedman Files."

26 posted on 06/12/2006 4:05:09 PM PDT by Interesting Times (ABCNNBCBS -- yesterday's news.)
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To: Interesting Times

Now THAT'S a good idea. Here's hoping you win the lottery.

27 posted on 06/12/2006 5:35:33 PM PDT by zot (GWB -- the most slandered man of this decade)
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To: Interesting Times

Thanks, I kept getting an error message the first time!

28 posted on 06/12/2006 7:18:41 PM PDT by Bob J ( conservative alternative to NPR!)
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To: Interesting Times

It's somewhat naive to think that Democrats today are more "extreme" than Democrats in the 1930s, 1940s, and 1950s. They are just extreme in different ways.

Notice that every politician mentioned in this survey is a Democrat.

FDR was surrounded by Communists. If he never belonged to the party himself, he certainly did a good job working for Stalin.

29 posted on 06/12/2006 8:05:39 PM PDT by Cicero (Marcus Tullius)
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To: Avoiding_Sulla
30 posted on 06/12/2006 8:09:19 PM PDT by Carry_Okie (There are people in power who are REALLY stupid.)
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To: Howlin; onyx; Clemenza; Petronski; GummyIII; SevenofNine; martin_fierro; veronica; EggsAckley; ...

Misc ping
SoCal ping

31 posted on 06/12/2006 8:45:47 PM PDT by EveningStar
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To: EveningStar

Good one.

Thanks for the ping!

32 posted on 06/12/2006 8:48:26 PM PDT by BenLurkin ("The entire remedy is with the people." - W. H. Harrison)
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To: Interesting Times

Great post IT. Thanks.

33 posted on 06/12/2006 9:06:19 PM PDT by PGalt
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To: Interesting Times

...and thanks for the link to The Betrayal of America in post # 1.

Outstanding. A must read BTTT! for both.

34 posted on 06/12/2006 9:20:43 PM PDT by PGalt
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To: Cicero
I agree with the general thrust of what you are saying in your post about the Democrats.

However, the percentage of Democrats in Congress back in the earlier eras who could be classified as "extreme" was significantly smaller than it is today. Don't forget that a good percentage of them back then were from the South, where communism never made many inroads and a politician who was linked with the front groups mentioned would likely see his career go down the tubes quickly.

Also, there is at least one exception I note to your statement that "every politician mentioned in this survey is a Democrat." That would be Mrs. Henry Luce who, after her name was mentioned in the survey above, became a Republican congresswoman from Connecticut known as Claire Booth Luce during the 40s and 50s. I believe she was appointed as an ambassador, though I don't recall where, by President Eisenhower.

35 posted on 06/12/2006 9:49:29 PM PDT by justiceseeker93
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To: Interesting Times

Thanks for this and the link to the earlier article, also. Let's many ways can the Left betray our country....?

36 posted on 06/13/2006 4:21:04 AM PDT by Molly Pitcher (We are Americans...the sons and daughters of liberty...*.from FReeper the Real fifi*))
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