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FReep 35 of Code Pink at Walter Reed, Dec 16 (Heavy graphics, Join us Dec 23!)
DC Chapter ^ | Dec. 21, 2005 | BillF with PleaDeal's photos and Landry Fan's help

Posted on 12/20/2005 9:54:46 PM PST by BillF

Edited on 12/20/2005 10:25:41 PM PST by Admin Moderator. [history]

On Dec 16, we had a great turnout of FReepers from the DC Chapter and beyond. We were happy to have warmer temperatures than the last few weeks, but patches of snow and ice remained on the ground. This was FReep #35 as FReepers have countered the anti-troop hate group Code Pink at their weekly obscene anti-war blood dance outside Walter Reed Army Medical Center for 9 months now. As happened last week, Santa Claus attended, as did many of his helpers, and a couple of his reindeer.  Police were out in force, apparently called in by one or more of the Pinkos, despairing of the verbal thrashing that we had given them last week.

Code Pink is truly stuck in a quagmire as FReepers severely hinder the Pinkos' cruel attempts to manipulate severely wounded soldiers and their relatives in hopes of finding those who will join the anti-war movement and break faith with the troops still fighting a ruthless enemy. (Indeed, Code Pink seems to be phasing out most of their participation in the protest and turning it over to other groups.)

Please join us this Friday, Dec. 23, at 6:30 pm per details below. Please also bump this thread to keep it on top. Stand up against the Pinkos who've endorsed "the Iraqi resistance" (as they call our enemy, see here and here), given money to the other side in Fallujah, and called our troops "killers" (search for the word "mothers" to get to the right location).  Then, the Pinkos demonstrate at the hospital and pretend that they support our troops.

Sean Hannity and Oliver North are supposed to go to Walter Reed on Dec. 23, but it is unclear if they will be there at the same time as the FReep. Some reports, as yet unverified by me, have the two of them being at Walter Reed at the same time as the FReep.

Although many of the troops will have gone home to their families this weekend, some will still be at Walter Reed. We will be there for the remaining wounded heroes who cannot travel or choose not to travel.

It was too cold for pizza eating on the corner this night, but through tgslTakoma’s generosity, Freepers enjoyed hot chocolate and coffee. The hot beverages were delicious, but would have failed to warm a Pinko’s icy heart.

The honor roll of those in attendance (lurkers are marked with an asterisk*):

Albion Wilde, Alex1 , Allison*, ALlRightAllTheTime, Christopher Lincoln, Cindy*, Coop, Dustin10thMountain, FonzMan357, Fraxinus, Hoodlum91, Iraqikurd, Jack Deth, Jim*, Joan of MD*, John*, Justanobody, Landry Fan, Lauren*,  Oscar*, PleaDeal, Sisku Hanne, tgslTakoma, Tina*, trooprally [Mr., Mrs. trooprally did not attend], and BillF. [1. Alex is a FReeper, but I wrote his FReeper name as Lord Khamd and there is no such FReeper.]

The event was so large that I can only present that part of the story that I saw. If you were there, please describe your own experiences at the FReep. Also, let me know if I publish your photo without your name or, worse, I mislabel you in a photo.

[CLICK ON A PHOTO TO OPEN A LARGER VERSION IN A NEW WINDOW if it has a border around it. If a photo doesn't have a border, it is not hyperlinked to a larger version.  Click on another hyperlinked photo and its larger version should open in the same window that the first enlarged photo did. Or you can simply close the window with the enlarged photo and click on another photo in the report to open a new window with an enlarged photo. Note that some of the wider photos may open in a window wider than your screen and you can use a horizontal scroll bar to see parts. Photos will be interspersed in the report.

Photos were taken by PleaDeal (click here for her report and full outstanding collection of photos) and me.  The photographer can be determined from the name of the photo. You can see that on hyperlinked photos (i.e., borders at edge) by running your mouse over them. On other photos, right click on the photo and click properties. The key is this: photos of PleaDeal begin with "Dpleal," and photos of mine begin with "DSCN."

See also the great blogs of some of our regulars:  Landry Fan (click here and go to the December 17 entry) has a report on the FReep with some photos;  tgslTakoma (click here) and Tom the Redhunter (click here); although neither of the last two have published an account of Friday's fun FReep.]

Opposed to our 26 patriots, the Pinkos managed to get at most 24 America-hating traitors and their well-meaning, but incredibly-misguided, dupes. The dupes do not realize that their Pinko organizers, who claim to support our troops,  call our troops "killers,"  endorse "the Iraqi resistance" (those killing and wounding our troops, see here and here), and  have given money to "the other side" in Fallujah.

An early view of the MOAB (Mother-of-All-Banners) before most FReepers had arrived. Santa on right.

Hoodlum91, Albion Wilde, and ALlRightAllTheTime.

Alex, Lauren, and FonzMan357 added their great enthusiasm

Joan as Santa Claus, Alex just behind, Lauren to the right, and Mr. trooprally at the right end of the MOAB


Photo combo made by PleaDeal to illustrate the police presence.
tgslTakoma is talking to one of the officers in middle left.

The big story tonight was the heavy police presence (photo left). There were at least two police cars parted nearby for almost the entire time. There was a third police car parked for much of the time. Several police cars occasionally patrolled around the area and two officers walked down the Code Pink side of the street.

Since this police activity all occurred after a certain Weasel (or some such rodent) of a Pinko blogger, complained on his blog that the FReepers should "be quiet" and act like we are standing next to a hospital, it's a pretty safe bet that one of the Pinkos called in some egregiously false police report about the FReepers during our weekly dueling protests. Absent that, there is no way that such a heavy police presence would appear. (However, we welcome the police presence to keep the Pinkos from repeating various illegal acts that they have committed in the past.)

The irony of this Pinko complaint cannot be overstated. Code Pink made itself famous by shouting to disrupt a speech of the President, a speech of the Vice President, hearings run by FCC Chairman Michael Powell, and Senate confirmation hearings for John Bolten, just to name a few instances where they have disrupted the activities of elected officials.

Yet the Pinkos, an unelected anti-troop hate group (they called our troops "killers" {search for the word "mothers" to get to the right location}and a few weeks back the Pinko Arse Wipe Guy referred to our troops as murderers), complain that we are disrupting their "vigil" by shouting from across the street. The laughable complaint was made by Gael Murphy in the Washington Post (click here for the story and click here for the related FR thread) a few months back. Now, they have apparently brought in the police to try to stifle our peaceful and lawful dissent from their treasonous activities.

Adding to the irony, Code Pink sent three disruptors with "Kill the Poor" signs into our midst during our first Walter Reed counter-protest to them. One of them ranted on about how he liked to kill people and claimed to have a gun in his pocket. See here: LIVE ACTION REPORT: Code Pink's Gail Murphy sends thugs into peaceful DC Chapter counterprotest

In a development related to the Pinkos' complaint against us, the DC serial arsonist, who set 45 fires including one that killed a person, has complained that another prisoner is smoking cigarettes in a cell near him.

Patriotic snowman with police car at right.


At any rate, the police were professional and courteous, as almost all DC officers are.

A non-uniformed officer in a marked car called me over to talk to him. He questioned me about who the two groups were. I explained the background of the protests.

I asked why the police were there, was there a complaint? The officer said that he was part of the division that grants permits and that it was just a routine review or monitoring of the situation. It may be that his superiors just told him to check out the situation, without telling him of a complaint lodged at a higher level. Alternately, he may just have been withholding the info as they investigate the dueling protests.

Unfortunately, a short time later, a different uniformed officer told Tom the Redhunter, outside of my hearing, that he should not shout at the Pinkos or go to their side. Tom told the officer that he had no intention of going to their side and he stopped shouting for a time.

The Pinkos had Perry Guitar Guy strumming his instrument as they sang, despite the Pinkos' "QUIET ZONE" sign a few feet away. PleaDeal suggested to me that, if we couldn't yell at them because it annoyed them, they shouldn't be allowed to sing because it annoyed us.

I returned to the non-uniformed officer, who apparently was the immediate supervisor on the scene. I told him that one of our members had been told by the other officer not to shout at the Pinkos because it annoyed them. Therefore, I suggested that fairness would dictate they should be told to halt their singing because it annoyed us. He said that they (i.e., the Pinkos) had free speech and so do the FReepers. I said that my understanding was that free speech also allowed us to shout at them, as long as we don't try to incite a physical confrontation such as by yelling "Come on over here and I'll kick your ass," He seemed to agree that we could chant and shout at them.


Sisku Hanne and Hoodlum91

Camera-shy Justanobody and Iraqikurd

The upshot of this was that, a short time later, tgslTakoma got us singing "God Bless America" very loudly.

A short time later, we unleashed full verbal fury on the traitors and their dupes, shouting probably more than we have on any other night.

We repeatedly used Doctor Raoul's great chant: SHAME ON CODE PINK. LEAVE THE WOUNDED ALONE. We chided them about the cancelled Cuban trip, but suggested that they could SWIM TO CUBA. I shouted "Don't worry. The sharks don't eat leftists because the leftists are too bitter." We also noted the Chief DC Pinko Gael Murphy was absent again. I asked if she was still on the European tour with Cindy SeeMeSeeMe or if Murphy had returned to her Florida condo.

We chided them about the cancelled Cuban trip, but suggested that they could SWIM TO CUBA. We also noted the Chief DC Pinko Gael Murphy was absent again. I asked if she was still on the European tour with Cindy SeeMeSeeMe or had Murphy returned to her Florida condo.

Hoodlum91 shouted across at the Weasel "Hey Mr. Sensitive, did we hurt your feelings?"

Sisku Hanne, doing her great impression of Goldmember from Austin Powers shouted at the Weasel, "If you have a FReeper issue, here's a FReeper tissue."

This same Weasel writes in his blog that he fell asleep on the bus to the Pinko blood dance with a cup of coffee on his lap.

He woke up with the coffee spilled across his lap, but apparently has not yet brought in Jackie Chiles per Kramer's spilled coffee suit in Seinfeld.  (BTW, Halliburton and Diebold fixed the Weasel's coffee to spill.)

The Weasel laughably challenges us to be quiet during their psych-op against our war-wounded heroes. Hey, Code Pink, how about  completely renouncing your unlawful disruptions that violated the free speech rights of the President, the Vice President, their audiences, and countless others and apologizing to those elected leaders?

If the Pinkos won't let elected leaders and political candidates give speeches and hold hearings without disruption, why should we defer to the unelected Pinkos, who proudly endorse the "Iraqi resistance," as they call the terrorists killing our noble troops, blowing up innocent Iraqi civilians, and loping off the heads of non-Iraqi civilians? Then they run a psych-op against war-wounded patients. You can't get much lower than Pinkos, but they want us to keep quiet.

Of course, unlike the Pinkos, we don't try to infiltrate them or interfere with their freedom of speech. We are committed to keeping our actions peaceful and lawful, but we will maintain our dissent from their treason.

We do try to get between the evil Pinkos and the war-wounded troops that are their intended targets. Now that the Weasel has complained about our noise, we know exactly what to do. When you're getting flak, it means that you are on target. FReepers are on target.


Photo of Weasel from Nov.11, as taken by

Cindy and Tom the Redhunter


Meanwhile, and just in time for Christmas, Code Pink is campaigning against GI Joe and other war toys. Not content with campaigning against war-wounded heroes as they get treatment, Pinkos want to stigmatize war toys in an attempt to block children from ever dreaming of fighting America's enemies. (Of course, those enemies are the allies of Code Pink.)  Pinkos are putting  "violent toys=violent boys" and similar stickers on war toys, defacing store merchandise in the process.

It won't work.

GI Joe could kick Pinko tail with one hand tied behind his back.

Mamas, don't let your children grow up to be troop-hating Pinkos.

GI Joe can kick Pinko tail  

On a more pleasant note than the Pinkos' attempt to keep children from getting the toys that they want, the "Cindy" that the Walter Reed patients refer to as "the good Cindy"  joined us. (You can guess who the troops refer to as "the bad Cindy.") Although clad in pink, good Cindy is really for the troops. Cindy runs Operation Second Chance, an outstanding charity that helps wounded troops.

Tina, wife of a Walter Reed patient, joined us for a time. Her husband had wanted her to thank us for being there. We asked her to thank her husband for his service on behalf of us.

A couple soldiers also stopped by to thank us for supporting them and we thanked them for defending the country.

We were honored, as we often are, to have Dustin10thMountain and Oscar, both veterans of the Iraq war, join us.

Snowman is waay too easy on the Pinkos, police car at left

Coop, Landry Fan, and Tom the Redhunter

Early on in the FReep, Fraxinus points to the Pinkos

Photos of the leftists are all from my camera, meaning that they are software enhanced for brightness and contrast. It causes the Pinkos to look like cartoon characters, which is somehow appropriate.

Pink Hat Lady at right. Note QUIET ZONE sign, which somehow did not deter Perry Pinko Guitar Guy from playing.

A wider view of the leftists.

Note how the Pinkos have again taken to illegally putting their signs on the fence, which is federal property. I don't recall their
their signs on the top of the fence before. 

QUIET ZONE sign on left (with Arse Wipe Guy just below), but Perry Pinko strums his guitar on right, above the three candles.
Arse Wipe, still stuck on stupid, continues using his illegible sign

After the Pinkos had vacated the Northwest corner, Santa and other patriots reclaimed it for America

Bus of wounded heroes returns from Fran O'Brien's

The highlight of evening occurs after the Pinkos are mostly gone. Some Pinkos were huddled with their backs to the street when the bus of wounded heroes returns from a free meal at Fran O'Brien's, a fancy DC restaurant.

The FReepers chanted USA, USA and the troops responded with waves and thumbs up signals of gratitude.

Let's help our wounded heroes maintain a positive attitude.  We absolutely must keep the pressure on Code Pink and keep showing the wounded troops at Walter Reed that Code Pink doesn't speak for the nation. If you live in the DC area and haven't yet come out for one of these FReeps, please do so this next Friday. Injured Walter Reed patients, including amputees, have repeatedly told us how important it is for us to be there to counter Code Pink.

If we can sufficiently outnumber the leftists often enough, embarrassment may cause the leftists to stop these outrageous morale-damaging ("Maimed for a lie" was one of their commonly-used signs) demonstrations at the hospital. At the very least, we can hinder their psychological warfare operation against the wounded troops. What about you? Can you spare a few hours on a Friday night?  

Can you give up next Friday night at the movies to support troops who've given up limbs for your freedoms? Will you?

This FReep is rewarding, fun, and important for our troops and our nation.

Special thanks to Landry Fan, who helped with proofreading the report and suggested content changes. Any remaining errors were probably added by me, after her review.

TOPICS: Activism/Chapters; Foreign Affairs
KEYWORDS: aar; antiwar; codepink; codepinkdc; dcchapter; freepcodepink; infinitefreep; rally; supportourtroops; walterreed
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To: freema


101 posted on 12/22/2005 9:12:09 AM PST by Coop (FR = a lotta talk, but little action)
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To: bmwcyle

Pinkos and their eunuchs go to their bikes, trikes, and skateboards.

102 posted on 12/22/2005 9:13:23 AM PST by BillF (Fight terrorists in Iraq & elsewhere, instead of waiting for them to come to America!)
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To: freema

And let's hope your 15-year old finds someone a bit closer to her age! :-)

103 posted on 12/22/2005 9:13:55 AM PST by Coop (FR = a lotta talk, but little action)
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To: BufordP

Hey Buford, is your wife gonna turn loose the leash tonight so you can join us in some leftist taunting?

104 posted on 12/22/2005 9:23:55 AM PST by Coop (FR = a lotta talk, but little action)
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To: BufordP; BillF

Err, of course "tonight" is Halliburton code for "Friday evening"

105 posted on 12/22/2005 9:33:38 AM PST by Coop (FR = a lotta talk, but little action)
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To: Coop; tgslTakoma; Landry Fan
Coop said, of course "tonight" is Halliburton code for "Friday evening"

I'm still using last week's Halliburton code book.

I don't understand who Sheila and Miss Molly are and the meanings of the Magic Mirror and the fight over Sheila. I suspect that the Magic Mirror has something to do with lasers to vaporize the Pinkos' candles.

This week's Halliburton code book had the highest classification: "BBR" - "burn before reading."

106 posted on 12/22/2005 10:04:10 AM PST by BillF (Fight terrorists in Iraq & elsewhere, instead of waiting for them to come to America!)
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To: BillF; bmwcyle; tgslTakoma

Since you were kind enough to bring me a lovely hat, I'll let you borrow Sheila sometime. Once you get past the awkward silence, she's a lot of fun!

107 posted on 12/22/2005 10:24:57 AM PST by Coop (FR = a lotta talk, but little action)
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To: Coop

Reset your decoder ring.

108 posted on 12/22/2005 10:31:10 AM PST by bmwcyle (Evolution is a myth -- Libertarians just won't evolve into Conservatives.)
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To: Coop

We keep her locked up, just to be safe. Boys her age are like dogs in heat. She's got awhile to go, anyway...I'm not finished with her yet : )

109 posted on 12/22/2005 10:46:32 AM PST by freema (Proud Marine Mom-What fools they are who doubt the ability of liberty to triumph over despotism)
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To: Old Sarge

YOU are the reason we face off with these wackos every week. We LOVE YOU!!! Merry Christmas to you and all the Troops!

Semper Gratus!

110 posted on 12/22/2005 11:50:16 AM PST by PleaDeal (Bill Whittle for Pres. in '08)
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To: Coop
No one will tell me who this Sheila is so I went out on the internet to find one.

The woman below is named Sheila. Please, please tell me that Sheila is from Connecticut and that this is the Sheila you are discussing.

If so, I can see why you were fighting over her.

Coop, can you let me stay at your house? I think that the locks on my house might be changed if I did "borrow Sheila." Also, remind me that I owe you a whole lot more than a hat.

I'll bet that Sheila would look great FReeping with us wearing thermal underwear with 5 layers on top.

Maybe if the lovely Miss Connecticut would show up at the FReep, we could pry some male FReepers away from their keyboards?

111 posted on 12/22/2005 12:06:45 PM PST by BillF (Fight terrorists in Iraq & elsewhere, instead of waiting for them to come to America!)
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To: Coop

Don't know how to capitalize on that...will just return it tonight...

NO ONE ON HERE SAID SHIP IT TO ME! Wal-Mart price must be ok...just no time to play it they said. 8 year old too young to appreciate it.

112 posted on 12/22/2005 12:39:15 PM PST by 3D-JOY
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To: 3D-JOY

You could always turn around and sell it on eBay for 150% of what you just paid for it. Something about bidding brings out the feeding frenzy in people.

113 posted on 12/22/2005 6:21:24 PM PST by HKMk23 (-- speechless --)
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To: All
Troops rock
Code Pink stinks!
114 posted on 12/22/2005 6:47:18 PM PST by BillF (Fight terrorists in Iraq & elsewhere, instead of waiting for them to come to America!)
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To: BillF


115 posted on 12/22/2005 8:24:11 PM PST by El Gato
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To: BillF


116 posted on 12/22/2005 9:08:22 PM PST by 3D-JOY
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To: HKMk23

Never have done that...why would anyone trust me to send it?

I've started asking people and maybe a friend has been trying to get profit in this season for sure!

117 posted on 12/22/2005 9:11:42 PM PST by 3D-JOY
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To: BillF; kristinn

I heard Kristinn chatting with Kirby Wilbur (talk show host - WA State) about this today. Great work everyone!

118 posted on 12/22/2005 9:57:50 PM PST by Libertina
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To: Libertina

Was that on Kirby Wilbur's local show or when he filled for Hannity Thursday?

Wilbur did fill in for Hannity didn't he, or was he filling in for Laura Ingraham?

119 posted on 12/22/2005 10:37:37 PM PST by BillF (Fight terrorists in Iraq & elsewhere, instead of waiting for them to come to America!)
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To: 3D-JOY
Never have done that...why would anyone trust me to send it?

First of all, they'll have read your entry. If you type better than the trolls who stop by FR once in awhile, that right there will engender a basic level of trust. Then, you typically get contacted by people who want to ask questions about what you're offering for bids. Folks get alot more than just answers to their questions when you reply. How you respond -- the words you use, your grammar and overall tone -- gives them a sense of who you are; it can go a long way toward building the trust required to seal a deal. Finally, if the item is more than the cost to file suit in Small Claims court, you'd darn well better send it or your gypped buyer will come after you and eBay will do everything they can to help them find you and nail your hide to the barn door. After which, you'll be blacklisted and never able to use eBay again. Ever. Actually, the biggest "failed to deliver" problem involves items costing less than $20. It's not enough money that someone will employ legal means to trace them down and recover it. Although, if an angered buyer were to find out that the jerk lived nearby, all bets are off.

120 posted on 12/22/2005 10:55:48 PM PST by HKMk23 (-- speechless --)
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