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FReeper Canteen ~ Military Short Speak ~ Oct. 31, 2005
Casper the Friendly Ghost
Posted on 10/30/2005 6:58:55 PM PST by StarCMC
For the freedom you enjoyed yesterday... Thank the Veterans who served in The United States Armed Forces.
Looking forward to tomorrow's freedom? Support The United States Armed Forces Today! |
Acronyms, initialisms and abbreviations that aren't generally used in the "civilian world." What is an acronym? It is a word created from the first letter of a series of other words. It is spoken as one word. What is an initialism? It is a word created from the first letter of a series of other words, but each letter is spoken separately. What is an abbreviation? It is a shortened version of a word. What is Short Speak? It is any and all of the above. Want to know what they are talking about? Read on... |
R, part 3 RCS Take your pick:
1requirement control symbol, 2radar cross section, 3remote control system, 4reports control symbol, 5rearward communications system, 6regional control station, 7records communications switching system, 8reports control system, 9revision control system [UNIX], 10retention category summary |
RCSC requirement computation suppression code RCSP remote call service position RCSS Reconnaissance Cargo-135 Support Server
rctg recruiting
Washington resident Thomas Sutton Jr. (left) stands with his father and recruiter Sgt 1st Class Thomas Sutton (left), Recruiting and Retention, New Jersey Army National Guard, after Sutton Jr. had enlisted in the New Jersey Army National Guard at Fort Hamilton, N.Y. Read the rest of the story here!
Thank you to the Sutton family for your sacrifices ensuring our freedom!! |
RCTI Reserve Component training institution
RCTL resistor-capacitor-transistor logic
RCU remote control unit OR radio control unit
RCV reaction control valves
RCZ rear combat zone
rd road
RD Another confusing list!! You guys and gals must REALLY rely on context with some of these! LOL
1research and development (commonly R and D), 2radiation detection, 3readiness date, 4received data, 5register drive, 6requirements document, 7restricted data, 8root diameter, 9[AR 310-50] restricted data (Atomic Energy Act of 1954), 10receive data, 11data requirements document, 12remove directory, 13reference designation, 14[FM 101-5-1] radius of damage, 15[JP 1-02] ringdown, 16[AR 310-50] required date |
RD&A research, development and acquisition
RD&EC Research, Development and Engineering Center (Army)
RDCOMP round(s) complete
RDD requirements definition document
A rapid deployment force is usually configured as an elite body of troops that are designed to move greater distances and in shorter times than their counterparts in the rest of the armed forces. |
RDIDS Rapid Deployment Integrated Defense System
Today's Field Trip: FOB Ramadi (click the picture to visit)
Please remember: the Canteen is a place to honor and entertain our troops. As such we attempt to keep it MOSTLY apolitical. Thanks for playing and have a nice day! LOL!!! |
TOPICS: Culture/Society; Free Republic
KEYWORDS: airforce; army; canteen; coastguard; freepercanteen; happyhalloween; marines; nationalguard; navy; supportthetroops; tomkowisscary
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One should not even think about calories when consuming chok-lit. It's all about enjoying the sensation of the moment and nothing else. LOL!
posted on
10/30/2005 8:42:12 PM PST
(May God watch over our troops and keep them safe)
To: sneakers; Kathy in Alaska
Maybe we'll have to take a Field Trip there on a Short Speak thread!! :o)
posted on
10/30/2005 8:42:33 PM PST
(Old Sarge is my hero...doing it right in Iraq! Vaya con Dios, Sarge.)
To: bentfeather
Howdy feather. It's hard to keep this lil "vampire" down on Halloween. LOL!
posted on
10/30/2005 8:48:36 PM PST
(May God watch over our troops and keep them safe)
posted on
10/30/2005 8:49:26 PM PST
al baby
(Father of the beeber)
To: Jack Deth
Hey there, Jack.....looking mighty good there.
posted on
10/30/2005 8:49:43 PM PST
Kathy in Alaska
(~ ~ Operation Semper Fi ~a field hospital~)
To: radu
What is your opinion is scariest movie moment ever?
posted on
10/30/2005 8:49:52 PM PST
(Conservatives are from earth. Liberals are from Uranus.)
To: al baby
I have been stuned on many occasions and usually enjoy getting there.
posted on
10/30/2005 8:50:29 PM PST
(Conservatives are from earth. Liberals are from Uranus.)
To: radu
...well, you're right about that, of course!
posted on
10/30/2005 8:52:05 PM PST
( Democracy, when it grows, is not a fragile flower, it's a healthy, sturdy tree.GWBush 10-25-05)))
To: laurenmarlowe
hehehehe.....I figured there'd be plenty of candy-lovers so thought it best to bring plenty along.
posted on
10/30/2005 8:53:44 PM PST
(May God watch over our troops and keep them safe)
To: Jack Deth
posted on
10/30/2005 8:57:29 PM PST
Lady Jag
(Semper Paratus!)
Dang, that's a hard question! I've seen so many horror flicks that had moments that had me jumping outta my seat. LOL!
I'll have to think on that a bit and get back to you on it.
posted on
10/30/2005 8:58:17 PM PST
(May God watch over our troops and keep them safe)
LOL! You can always worry about burning off the candy-consumption at a later time.
posted on
10/30/2005 9:00:46 PM PST
(May God watch over our troops and keep them safe)
To: StarCMC
But you just did!
A White Lie Church Cake!
Have you ever told a white lie? You are going to love this -- especially all the ladies who bake for church events.
Alice was to bake a cake for the churchwomen’s group bake sale, but she forgot to do it until the last minute.
She baked an angel food cake and when she took it from the oven, the center had dropped flat.
She said, "Oh dear, there's no time to bake another cake."
So, she looked around the house for something to build up the center of the cake.
Alice found it in the bathroom ... a roll of toilet paper.
She plunked it in and covered it with icing.
The finished product looked beautiful, so she rushed it to the church.
Before she left the house, Alice had given her daughter some money and specific instructions to be at the bake sale the minute it opened, and to buy that cake and bring it home.
When the daughter arrived at the sale, the attractive cake had already been sold.
Alice was beside herself.
The next day, Alice was invited to a friend's home where two tables of bridge were to be played that afternoon.
After the game, a fancy lunch was served, and to top it off, the cake in question was presented for dessert.
Alice saw the cake, she started to get out of her chair to rush into the kitchen to tell her hostess all about it, but before she could get to her feet, one of the other ladies said, "What a beautiful cake!"
Alice sat back in her chair when she heard the hostess (who was a prominent church member) say .
"Thank you, I baked it myself."
posted on
10/30/2005 9:01:56 PM PST
Lady Jag
(Semper Paratus!)
To: EsmeraldaA
My introduction of Edward Woodward to The Wicker Man in "The Wicker Man".
Or the final fight and shoot out between William Peterson and Tom Noonan's Francis Dollarhyde ("The Tooth Fairy")in "Manhunter".
Any psychotic Monster that can take one hit from a .38 and six .357 Glaser Safety Slugs before diing is a very serious Monster.
posted on
10/30/2005 9:03:04 PM PST
Jack Deth
(Knight Errant and Disemboweler of the WFTD Thread)
To: Lady Jag
posted on
10/30/2005 9:03:10 PM PST
( Democracy, when it grows, is not a fragile flower, it's a healthy, sturdy tree.GWBush 10-25-05)))
To: 2LT Radix jr; 68-69TonkinGulfYachtClub; 80 Square Miles; A Ruckus of Dogs; acad1228; AirForceMom; ..
Psa 91:4 He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: his truth [shall be thy] shield and buckler.
posted on
10/30/2005 9:03:21 PM PST
(Duty, Honor, Country. What else needs to be said?)
To: Lady Jag
posted on
10/30/2005 9:03:45 PM PST
(Old Sarge is my hero...doing it right in Iraq! Vaya con Dios, Sarge.)
Where is the lightbulb. Nobody changed a lightbulb. This is a Halloween joke!
posted on
10/30/2005 9:05:34 PM PST
Lady Jag
(Semper Paratus!)
To: Lady Jag
It's slimming.Yes it is, Lady Jag.
Blue and Gold... "X-Men" colors!
Nice boots, too.
posted on
10/30/2005 9:07:01 PM PST
Jack Deth
(Knight Errant and Disemboweler of the WFTD Thread)
To: SandRat
posted on
10/30/2005 9:07:29 PM PST
Lady Jag
(Semper Paratus!)
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