Also interesting is the $2500 fine for not reporting potential cases of abuse. An investigative reporter should look into this and see if perhaps Mr. McManus caused the injuries to his child with the intention of attempting to sue the district. Mr. McManus should be happy that his son only received a spanking. In the future, he'll probably see the wisdom of that statement.
Dr. Corbi Milligan should see his/her practice boycotted immediately.
I'm surprised that any high school would be dishing out 'spankings in this day and age. They pretty much asked to be sued. Then to go and hit a kid on his tail bone....well there you have it, utter stupidity.
If the child doesn't want corporal punishment, then the child should comport himself in a manner that doesn't merit corporal punishment.
I've got a solution to this problem. The next time the kid screws up, the parent should take the swats. And if that's the case, get a longer heavier paddle!
School teachers can go overboard.
I remember back when I was in the sixth grade.
Teacher decided to "give licks" to every male in the class, whether you did anything bad or not. Simply because he had the power and the sadistic SOB decided to use it.
When my turn came I refused to take it.
The teacher grabbed me and I hit him in the jaw, knocking him on his ass.
Got kicked out of school.
When my dad found out what happened he met with the teacher and told him, "If you ever touch one of my kids again I will kill you"
Issue settled.
"... it's not an appropriate form of punishment at any age," the pediatrician said.."
Oh paleeeeeeez.
No. The appropriate form of punishment would have been WAY more!
When are people going to wake up and see that corporal punishment with a paddle is a GOOD thing? I'm a judge and I swear if more "children" were paddled, there would be fewer in prison where they REALLY get beat up and abused.
People need to get over themselves and get back to reality. Breaking bones is too much. Burning with cigaretts is too much. Bringing forth blood is too much. A paddling is NOT TOO MUCH. A few welts and bruises is NOT TOO MUCH.
When I was in the seventh grade I completely by accident embarrassed a teacher. About 15 minutes later he made up some excuse and gave me a severe paddling.
In those days the teacher was always right and I basically think that is a good idea but nothing should be zero tolerance. He basically used his position to assault and batter a student for pure meaness.
If this is private school, it's their rules. If it's public school, than that's not right.
If I was the kid, I would have either walked away and went home or attempt to knock him out if that going home wasn't an option. I might have won, or I might have lost, but I wasn't going to simply bend over and take one. I'm nobody's punching bag.
Sounds like a whole trouble-making family.
I didn't have time to read the article, but I would have no objection to a child's paddling provided that he wears a life jacket:
The kid is obviously a smartmouth, and he's used to his father backing him up. Boys need to be raised with a firm hand. But schools should not be paddling kids. If they're acting up, call the parents and tell them to come get them. If the behavior persists, dismiss the child from school, but don't hit him. Weed out the troublemakers so that the kids who want to learn can do so.
I have three sons, and I say the only times you ever have to "roughen" a kid up is when he's starting in on you first or endangering himself or another person. But I never used a paddle or really hurt them. The look on your face should say it all. And, when they smartmouthed me, I punished them in other ways. They're still all under 10, but I'm told they're very well-behaved (for boys, that is). ;-)
My wife's dad and his wife are in Unionville....she's from cattle folks.
The parents of the boy are very well known in the area as total wankers and folks loathe them.
Why? Did they lie or did they just report the facts. Please be specific. If the kid was hit on the tail-bone, that is NOT a spanking, that is abuse.
Those damn Shelbyville kids deserve a whoopin!
Boycotted for what? Documenting swelling and localized trauma? You think a better doctor would have lied?
Corporal punishment doesn't have to be physically painful to be effective. The act itself, without excessive force, is demeaning to the child -- as it should be if the kid was way out of line.
Child's Family Upsets Paddler
When I was in school the parents signed a permission slip stating the school could spank their child if there was a need to. I would assume this school would have the same policy. The bruising on the back bone is the part that bothers me.