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To: Carl/NewsMax
This information is creepy.
I hope the show BOMBS!
2 posted on
09/27/2005 9:47:40 AM PDT by
To: Carl/NewsMax
This show should be declared a donation to the DNC. Where in hell is the FEC??????
3 posted on
09/27/2005 9:48:10 AM PDT by
(The Holocaust was perfectly legal.)
To: Carl/NewsMax
ABC's 'Commander-in-Chief' is a trial balloon for Hillary. Talk about soft-money!
4 posted on
09/27/2005 9:48:28 AM PDT by
(LIBERALISM - Being miserable for no good reason)
To: Carl/NewsMax
The show is too candy-ass to even allow that a woman could be the elected president. She's the veep and takes over when the president has a stroke.
To: Carl/NewsMax
In fact, Cohen is so tight with Hillary's top brass that he once shared an apartment with the top Democrat's chief fundraising coordinator, Patti Solis Doyle. Isn't that lovely.
6 posted on
09/27/2005 9:50:40 AM PDT by
(You are stuck on stupid!)
To: Carl/NewsMax
Oh no: I hope there won't be another West Wing Larry O'Donnell redux in '08...
7 posted on
09/27/2005 9:50:51 AM PDT by
(Truth itself is the one enemy against which liberalism cannot prevail. -Christopher Adamo)
To: Carl/NewsMax
But it turns out the show's lead writer is a longtime Clinton campaign insider who held a top job in Hillary's press office. I wondered why the first episode involves the death of the president which allows the female VP to ascend to the presidency. Does he die in Fort Marcy Park? It's deja vu all over again.
9 posted on
09/27/2005 9:51:41 AM PDT by
To: Carl/NewsMax
11 posted on
09/27/2005 9:52:09 AM PDT by
T. Buzzard Trueblood
("...there was a relationship between Iraq and al Qaeda." - Thomas Kean, chairman, 9/11 Commission)
To: Carl/NewsMax
ABC insiders deny there's any connection between real-life presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and their new TV show "Commander-in-Chief"...
It so smacks of the typical Clintonian arrogance and deception. No surprise at all. Hitlery has a major problem -- she is TOTALLY UNQUALIFIED to be President, let alone COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF. A military-hater from day one, and they hate her, it is doomed to fail. The thought of it is repulsive and scary.
14 posted on
09/27/2005 9:52:36 AM PDT by
To: Carl/NewsMax
I saw an advertisement for this show on the side of a bus a few days ago and it said ... "
On September 27th you will believe a woman can be President".
Can they get any more obvious that they are trying to soften America up to accept the fact that Hilda can run the country?
18 posted on
09/27/2005 9:54:22 AM PDT by
(Facts are to liberals as holy water is to vampires.)
To: Carl/NewsMax
Did anyone catch Geena Davis on Monday Night Football last night?? Dressed like a man and plugging her show? Sickening. I'll be happy to miss this one.
19 posted on
09/27/2005 9:54:34 AM PDT by
(As God as my witness, I thought turkeys could fly!!)
To: Carl/NewsMax
Hillary Insider Writes ABC's 'Commander-in-Chief'MSM: "What media bias?!?!"
21 posted on
09/27/2005 9:55:28 AM PDT by
(LIBERALISM - Being miserable for no good reason)
To: Carl/NewsMax
Surprise, Surprise, Surprise!! Of course HilaryCare knew nothing about this!
Pray for W and Our Freedom Fighters
23 posted on
09/27/2005 9:55:48 AM PDT by
(Pray for the Freedom of the Iraqis from Islam)
To: Carl/NewsMax
Gee, what a complete surprise - NOT!!!!
27 posted on
09/27/2005 9:57:24 AM PDT by
To: Carl/NewsMax
From what I've seen in the commericals, it starts off with an unlikely hypothesis anyway.
The pres-nominee selects an independent (G Davis) as his running mate.
What politician from either majority party would ever do such a thing? It would be political suicide.
It is TV. It isn't reality.
Of course, if it has any political intent, it is to pave the way for acceptance of female President. Now, just who might the most wanna-wannabe be?
31 posted on
09/27/2005 9:59:08 AM PDT by
To: Carl/NewsMax
The over/under on episodes run before the VRWC surfaces is 2.
To: Carl/NewsMax
35 posted on
09/27/2005 10:02:35 AM PDT by
To: Carl/NewsMax
Davis is a boring and uninspiring actress. I'll be watching something else. Anything else.
38 posted on
09/27/2005 10:04:23 AM PDT by
(My hero - my nephew! Sean is home! Thank you God!)
To: Carl/NewsMax
ABC insiders deny there's any connection between real-life presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and their new TV show "Commander-in-Chief" - where Geena Davis makes her debut tonight as America's first woman president. But it turns out the show's lead writer is a longtime Clinton campaign insider who held a top job in Hillary's press office.
"Writer Steve Cohen used to work for her in the 1990s, serving as the then-first lady's deputy communications director," reports the Village Voice.
Imagine that!
43 posted on
09/27/2005 10:07:11 AM PDT by
(Even if your mother says she loves you, check it out.)
To: Carl/NewsMax
And the Dims like to talk about a vast right wing conspiracy...
45 posted on
09/27/2005 10:07:42 AM PDT by
(Proud to be an infidel)
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