Posted on 08/24/2005 6:23:31 PM PDT by jdm
Edited on 08/24/2005 7:47:08 PM PDT by Admin Moderator. [history]
Anti-war protestors besieged wounded and disabled soldiers at Walter Reed Hospital in Washington, D.C, a new web report will claim that! is planning to run an expose featuring interviews with both protestors and veterans, as well as shots of protest signs with slogans like Maimed for a Lie.
The conservative outlet will post video evidence of the wounded veterans being taunted by protesters, the DRUDGE REPORT has learned.
Developing late...
FReep of Code Pink's Quagmire at Walter Reed, Aug 19
Join us Aug 26!
For the twelfth week in a row, FReepers from the DC Chapter and beyond have outnumbered Code Pinkos at their weekly obscene anti-war blood dance outside Walter Reed Army Medical Center.
Code Pink is truly stuck in a quagmire as FReepers severely hinder the Pinkos' cynical attempts to manipulate wounded soldiers and relatives in hopes of finding those who will join the anti-war movement and break faith with the troops still fighting a ruthless enemy. Many of the most severely wounded troops from the war in Iraq and Afghanistan are taken to Walter Reed for continued treatment and rehabilitation. The Pinkos other goal is too demoralize those wounded troops, but wounded troops have repeatedly thanked us for our presence as an antidote to the morale-sapping leftist antics.
Incredibly, Code Pink cannot muster enough people to achieve their desired fraud and deceit at their Walter Reed protest in the liberal bastion of Washington, DC, a city filled with left wing activists and where about 90 percent of the people voted against George Bush.
Do you think that the Pinkos are sickos to have an anti-war demonstration at a hospital holding war-wounded? Then please help us by showing up next Friday night per details below. Stand up against the Pinkos who've endorsed the Iraqi resistance (see here and here), given money to the other side in Fallujah, and called our troops "killers." Then, the Pinkos demonstrate at the hospital and pretend that they support our troops.
This was Eighteenth Fabulous Fun FReep of the Code Pinkos as FReepers continue to frustrate the Pinkos' evil scheme.
As we have done on a number of these FReeps, we ate pizza on site at the FReep.
The honor roll of those in attendance: Albion Wilde, Justanobody, lurker Joan, Landry Fan, Jimmy Valentine's brother, Doctor Raoul, beandog, Nina0113, Fraxinus, BufordP, bmwcyle, Apple Blossom, Our Man in Washington, Chick-with-a-brain, HOCWAB (husband of Chick-with-a-brain) and their 2 daughters, lurker Bill, lurker Liz, and BillF. We tied our attendance record of 20 patriots, but set a new record of 21 if you count Vega, the canine-American who came with Bill and Liz.
Anybody who really wants to help the wounded go to to donate. Click fallen heroes on the contribution form. You can do it now, from wherever you are reading this and the money goes straight to the troops.
Man, I can't believe how many people are not aware of this travesty. Maybe this "breaking news" will help improve the "Support our Troops" side's rather paltry attendance.
I say this because we have already solved the problem of exposure - new media will not let this story pass.
These people have the moral authority of child and corpse molesters.
I know Tony Snow has been aware of this for at least a few weeks.
You're waking up. Good.
Guess this is the Democrat definition of " supporting the troops " and showing their patriotism.
Somebody's realllly gonna' get their ass kicked now.
check out Little Green Footballs caption pic of "Portrait of a Grieving Peace Mom". This is a MUST SEE!
It is a sad counter. But, thank God for those that do turn out.
Every Friday night for the past four plus months.
CODE PINK (Medea Benjamin - Full time protestor!)
Banner and Visual Ideas
"Mothers don't let your children grow up to be killers"
Caution/Danger Tape: Bring yellow caution tape or red danger tape and write in the space between the "Caution" words: "Lies inside" or "Death probable" or... and hold the tape from one end of the Recruitment center to the other. Also, make signs that say: WARNING: Joining the military is hazardous to your health/ your mental health/ your education/ women/ people of color/ our lives/ the environment/ your future...
Tape Yellow Ribbons to the windows of the recruiting center with names of deceased soldiers. Here's an account from DC: "Fifty of us marched up to the US Army Recruiting station on L between 13th and 14th Street. Several police guarded the door so we could not get in. But they did not stop us from taping signs and yellow ribbons with the names of dead US soldiers from Iraq. An excellent protest idea recommended to groups nation wide!"
Wear numbers: Send for your number today to represent one of the over 100,000 victims of the war on Iraq. If you have not heard about this project, check out
"We, the women of one country,
Will be too tender of those of another country
To allow our sons to be trained to injure theirs." Or another quote from Julia Ward Howe's Mother's Day Proclamation
Spoof on the adventure sports aspect of military recruiting: "Training, Education, Adventure?" Death?
"If you want adventure sports, go rock climbing. If you want to die, join the military?" (Something along the lines of adventure sports vs military service. This could also be a great idea for forming coalitions on high school campuses with sports clubs-skiing team, climbing club, hiking club, etc.)
Life-sized coffin with idea that potential recruits can "try out" their future/post-service home? "Real military benefits include this oak box?"
Vigil with medical apparatuses and wheel chairs, with the idea that these devices come with the uniform; talk about # of wounded soldiers returning from the war.
"Our children are not for sale to the war machine in ____(town name here)" or "War is not for sale in our town." "Recruiting Center closed." Make a "going out of business" sign that reads "Recruiting Center going out of business for lack of recruits." "All coffins (or flights to Iraq) 50% off." "Special Package Deal! Join the military and get a free body bag!"
Chalk: Bring sidewalk chalk to draw outlines of fallen soldiers at the entry way of the Center, or draw footprints with arrows and a message saying, "This way to death/war/lies/deception"
Banner with # of US troops dead from Iraq war and projected # of Iraqis killed and slogan such as, "Don't let one more of our sons and daughters die!" "Bring our troops home now!" "All I want for Mother's Day is for the troops to come home!"
Make sandwich-board style signs with chosen slogans
"You can't be all you can be if you're DEAD!"
"Defend Freedom: Protest Recruiters in your High Schools!"
This is their idea of supporting the troops? Go after the wounded.
EVERY Freeper who was at an ANSWER protest or a PROTEST WARRIOR event knows this is old news
So, WHY is Drudge all of a sudden acting like this is new news?
Must be a slow news day for Drudge to report what we here have been documenting:: the assaults on us for the last 3 1/2 years...
God Bless all of you guys for your bravery and commitment.
Im one civilian who is willing to do time in the slammer for kicking the $h!t out of somone if I saw this today. I was only 13 when the VN war ended and wasnt in the position to do anything at the time. That was then and Im sure as SHOOTIN not 13 anymore.
"check out Little Green Footballs caption pic of "Portrait of a Grieving Peace Mom""
she looks really distrought.....
Yah, seriously! The DC FReepers have been awesome.
I don't think they have that much. They are a disgusting group to target our wounded soldiers. I hate Code Pink.
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