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ARE we in a World War? You be the judge...
US State Dept; wikipedia; UCal; multiple others ^ | 7/24/05

Posted on 07/24/2005 10:05:56 AM PDT by Wolfstar

An incredible number of attacks by Islamic jihadists have been planned over the last 35 years. Although many have been averted, far too many plots have succeeded:

Since 1970, jihadists carried out attacks in over 60 cities, in at least 41 countries, on five continents and Pacific islands. Jihadists have assassinated heads of state, ambassadors and military personnel, and killed thousands of men, women, and children of many ages, ethnicities and religions (including Muslims). They have sometimes deliberately targeted children and babies.

The 78 incidents listed below should not be taken as a complete list, merely a representative one. The listed attacks resulted in at least 7478 deaths (rate of over two attacks/death toll over 210 annually). They began 33 years before our invasion of Iraq.

Had just one of the biggest known aborted attacks been successful (e.g., Operation Bojinka), the death toll would have been in the tens of thousands, resulting in an annual rate of many hundreds killed. Luck, as much as intelligence and investigative skill, has prevented some massive attacks. Operation Bojinka was only discovered due to an apartment fire. However, the frequency and complexity of such attacks have continued to escalate since the 1970's.

We easily could have lost well over 10,000 on 9/11/01. Yet that was not the biggest known planned attack on New York City. The same cell which carried out the 1993 WTC attack intended to bomb the Lincoln and Holland Tunnels, the UN building, and other NYC landmarks on one day. Had they succeeded, the death toll could have been beyond unthinkable. Similarly, had the plot to bomb Los Angeles International Airport succeeded during New Year's, 2000, the death toll could have been horrendous. Sooner or later, we may run out of luck.

We know the jihadists train and carry out small test runs for much larger planned attacks. Was the 2001 anthrax bioweapons attack such a test run? We may never know — that is, we may never know until the day we're hit with a much larger bioweapons attack. We also know from captured terrorist documents, computers and equipment that the jihadist network wants to make or obtain chemical and nuclear weapons. They are already way too close to such weapons in Pakistan and Iran. Most importantly, we know they take a very long view of history. Their plots can and often do take years to execute.

If this list doesn't make clear that we are in a bona fide World War, what will? Yes, it's an unconventional war or, to use the current faddish term, an asymmetrical war. We are facing what amounts to a shadowy guerrilla army that operates worldwide, rather than massed armies openly fielded by nations. Nevertheless, for our own survival we need to come to grips with the fact that we are, indeed, in a World War such as has never been seen before. The enemy has been escalating the frequency and ferocity of his attacks over the past 35 years while we have been oblivious to the growing danger.





Zurich, Switzerland

SwissAir 330 bombed by Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), a member group of Yasser Arafat’s Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO). All aboard were killed.





Europe: Amsterdam, Brussels, Frankfurt, Zurich First multiple aircraft hijackings: Five planes were hijacked. (Two landed at a desert airstrip in Jordan called Dawson's Field, giving the incident it’s name.) The PFLP was responsible.





Tel Aviv, Israel First known joint operation between jihadists and a terroristic Communist group. PFLP dispatches members of the Japanese Red Army to attack Lod Airport in Tel Aviv.





Munich, Germany Israeli athletes murdered at Munich Olympics by a group calling themselves "Black September," an arm of Fatah operating under Yasser Arafat's direct command. (The PLO was kicked out of Jordan and fled to Lebanon in September, hence the term "black.").





Rome, Italy Phosphorus bombs thrown aboard Pan Am 110. The terrorists were all members of Fatah, and Abu Nidal masterminded the attack.





Khartoum, Sudan Palestinian terrorists take over Saudi embassy. A Belgian and two Americans, were killed, including Cleo Noel, U.S. Amb. to Sudan.





Ma'alot, Israel One of the earliest known incidents when jihadists deliberately targeted children. PFLP broke into a high school where 14 to 16-year-olds were resting after an outing. They killed a security guard, detonated grenades and shot the children.





Athens, Greece TWA 841 explodes after takeoff killing all aboard. A youth group in Beirut claimed responsibility. Abu Nidal was the suspected mastermind.





Entebbe, Uganda Hijacking of Air France 139 and subsequent Operation Entebbe: Six terrorists and three hostages died. Ugandan forces opened fire on Israeli troops killing Col. Jonathan "Yoni" Netanyahu, the operation’s commander; 45 Ugandan soldiers were killed and Ugandan fighter planes sitting on the ramp were "put into non-flying condition."





Tehran, Iran A militant Islamic mob took over the U.S. embassy and held 52 Americans hostage for the next 444 days. A U.S. rescue attempt in April 1980 failed. The hostages were released Jan. 20, 1981.





Cairo, Egypt Egyptian President Anwar Sadat was assassinated by the Egyptian branch of Islamic Jihad (a code name for Hezobllah).





Lebanon Lebanese Prime Minister Bashir Gemayel and 25 others were killed in a car bomb attack. Gemayel was seen by many Muslims as too "pro" Israel.





Beirut, Lebanon A van drove up to the U.S. embassy, parked under the portico and exploded. The front section of the embassy collapsed. Islamic Jihad was responsible.





Kuwait City, Kuwait A truck loaded with explosives crashed into the U.S. Embassy annex. Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility.





Beirut, Lebanon A truck drove to HQ, U.S. Marines. The driver gunned his engine, crashed through a barbed-wire fence, passed between two sentry posts, crashed through a gate, and barreled into the lobby. The Marine sentries did not have loaded weapons and were unable to shoot the driver. (According to one Marine, the driver was smiling as he sped past him.) The suicide bomber detonated his truck. The force collapsed the four-story cinder-block building.About 20 seconds later, an identical attack occurred on the French paratroop barracks.It was the deadliest single-day death toll for the American military since World War II. Hezbollah, backed by Iran and Syria, were responsible.





Abu Dhabi, UAE Gulf Air 771 enroute from Abu Dhabi to Karachi exploded and crashed in the desert near Mina Jebel Ali, UAE, killing all aboard.





Madrid, Spain A bomb exploded in a restaurant where U.S. soldiers liked to eat.





Rome, Italy &
Vienna, Austria
Four terrorists walked to the ticket counter of El Al airlines at Leonardo Da Vinci International Airport and opened fire with assault rifles and grenades. Minutes later, an identical attack occurred at the Vienna International Airport. The Abu Nidal group was responsible.





Valeta, Malta EgyptAir 648 hijacked by Abu Nidal group. The plane was flown to Malta where Egyptian commandos stormed it.





Port Said, Egypt Italian cruise ship Achille Lauro hijacked by Palestinian terrorists. Wheelchair-bound elderly man, Leon Klinghoffer, was shot and thrown overboard. Instructions for the attack originated from Yasser Arafat's headquarters in Tunis.





Athens, Greece A bomb exploded aboard TWA 840, sucking four American passengers, including a nine-month-old baby, to their deaths below. The "Arab Revolutionary Cells" claimed responsibility. The group was later connected to Yasser Arafat.





Berlin, West Germany The La Belle discotheque was bombed in an attack on U.S. servicemen. Libya was responsible.





Karachi, Pakista Pan Am 7 hijacked by four armed men (Abu Nidal). The leader ordered flight attendants to collect passports. Rajesh Kumar, a 29-year-old California resident who had recently become a naturalized U.S. citizen, was shot in the head, then heaved onto the tarmac. The terrorists positioned themselves in front and behind the crowd of passengers/crew. After reciting a martyrdom prayer in Arabic, they opened fire, throwing hand grenades into the crowd and spraying the trapped people with automatic weapons fire. A 2nd U.S. citizen was killed; the father of two young children who were next to their dad when he was shot. Scores of other passengers were injured.





Lockerbie, Scotland Pan Am 103 exploded over Lockerbie killing 270, including 11 people on the ground; 189 were Americans. The terrorists were traced to Libya.





Sahara Desert UTA 772, a French DC-10, exploded killing all aboard. The brother-in-law of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi and five other Libyans were put on trial in absentia for the bombing. In 2003, Libya admitted responsibility and agreed to pay the families of the victims.





Buenos Aires, Argentina A car bomb exploded in front of the Israeli Embassy. Most victims were Argentine civilians, including children. Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility. In 1998, a telephone call intercepted from the Iranian embassy in Argentina proved Iran had been involved in the attack.





New York First World Trade Center bombing, which was planned by Ramzi Youssef.





Langley, Virginia Mir Aimal Kansi, a Pakistani, fired an AK-47 assault rifle into cars waiting at a stoplight in front of CIA HQ. He was captured in Pakistan and executed in the United States Nov 14, 2002.





Near Okinawa, Japan Small bomb on Philippines Airlines plane kills one, injures six. Authorities learned that Ramzi Yousef planted the bomb as a test run for "Operation Bojinka."





Algiers, Algeria Air France 8969 was hijacked by GIA (Armed Islamic Group). The terrorists planned to crash the plane into the Eiffel Tower in Paris.





Buenos Aires, Argentina A powerful bomb made of ammonium nitrate was driven through the front gates of the seven-story Argentina-Israeli Mutual Association, leveling the building. The suicide bomber, Ibrahim Hussein Berro, a 29-year-old Shiite Muslim, has been honored with a plaque in southern Lebanon.





Panama A Panamanian commuter plane exploded killing all aboard. A group based in Lebanon claimed the attack, but it is believe Hezbollah was responsible, with backing from Iran.





Manila, Philippines Plans for "Operation Bojinka" were discovered on a laptop computer in Manila after an apartment fire. It was to be a large-scale attack on airliners in 1995, and was a precursor to the Sept 11 attacks. The plot was developed by Ramzi Yousef and Khalid Shaikh Mohammed while they were in Manila in 1994 and early 1995. Bombs were to be planted on 11 U.S.-bound airliners that had stopovers all around East Asia and Southeast Asia. The aircraft would have blown up over the Pacific and South China Sea almost simultaneously. If this plan worked, as many as 4000 would have perished and air travel would have been shut down worldwide.





Riyadh, Saudi Arabia A car bomb exploded outside a joint HQ for U.S. and Saudi military. Three Islamic terror organizations claimed responsibility.





Islamabad, Pakistan Egyptian Embassy was bombed.





Paris, France A bomb exploded aboard a subway train killing four and injuring 86, including a U.S. citizen. No one claimed responsibility, but Algerian extremists were suspected.





Dhahran, Saudi Arabia Fuel truck carrying a bomb exploded outside the U.S. military's Khobar Towers housing facility. The Saudi branch of Hezbollah was responsible.





Luxor, Egypt Six gunmen emerged from desert cliffs into the Temple of Hatshepsut and opened fire with automatic weapons at dozens of tourists. The dead included Japanese, German, Swiss and Egyptian citizens.





Cairo, Egypt Three men calmly walked up to a tourist bus outside the Egyptian Museum, pulled weapons from a plastic bag, and unleashed an attack that killed 10, at least seven of them German tourists. One gunman, Saber Mohammed Farhat Abu el-Ulla, had carried out a similar attack four years earlier, killing two Americans and a French citizen.





Nairobi, Kenya & Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania Twin truck bomb attacks against U.S. embassies. At least 225 dead and more than 4000 wounded.





Islamabad, Pakistan Gunmen opened fire on Shi'a Muslims worshipping in a mosque.





Kathmandu, Nepal Indian Airlines 814 was hijacked by Taliban agents.





Moscow, Russia Multiple Russian apartment bombings by Chechen terrorists, killing at least 300.





Aden, Yemen Boat bomb attack on the USS Cole.





New Delhi, India

Terrorists attack Indian Parliament building. Laskhar-e-Taiba, a radical Islamic group (affiliated with Al Qaeda), was thought responsible. A terrorist arrested in connection with the attack told investigators Al Qaeda had plans to attack the British and Australian Embassies, and Parliament.





New York, Virginia, Pennsylvania Hijacked planes crashed into the World Trade Center and Pentagon. A fourth crashed into a field in Pennsylvania. Nearly 3000 dead, including 265 on the planes; 343 firemen; 60 New York City and Port Authority police officers; 125 at the Pentagon.





Zamboanga & Manila, Philippines

Two bombs exploded in the main shopping district of the mostly Christian city of Zamboanga. A day later, a bus was bombed in Manila. Jemaah Islamiyah, an Islamic extremist group affiliated with Al Qaeda, was responsible.





Djerba, Tunisia Car bomb attack against a synagogue on the resort island of Djerba. At least 21 dead.





Karachi, Pakistan Truck bomb attack against U.S. Consulate.





Kaspiisk, Dagestan

A bomb explosion in kills at least 42 people and injures 130 or more during Victory Day festivities.





Mombasa, Kenya Attack on an Israeli-owned hotel. Surface-to-air missile launched at Israeli airliner the same day.





Bali, Indonesia Attacks against U.S. Consulate, Sari Club and Paddy's Bar. Most of the dead were Australian tourists.





Moscow, Russia

Moscow theater hostage crisis begins; 120 hostages and 40 terrorists killed in rescue 3 days later.






Chechen Islamists carry out 10 deadly suicide bombings across Russia and nearby provinces between Apr and Dec.





Baghdad, Iraq

Canal Hotel Bombing (UN HQ) in Baghdad, Iraq kills 22 people including the top UN representative, Sergio Vieira de Mello.





Indonesia Car bomb attack against Marriott Hotel. At least 12 dead.





Mozdok, Russia

The Russian hospital in Mozdok, North Ossetia, was bombed.





Riyadh, Saudi Arabia Attacks at three compounds housing non-Saudi workers. At least 30 dead. Al Qaeda was responsible.





Casablanca, Morocco Multiple suicide bombings against Spanish and Jewish facilities, and involved 12 bombers and 5 targets. The Attack was attributed to a Moroccan Al Qaeda-linked group.





Znamenskoye, Chechnya

Truck bomb attack on a government building.





Riyadh, Saudi Arabia Car bomb attack against residential compound housing mainly workers from other Arab countries.





Istanbul, Turkey Two car bomb attacks at Jewish synagogues, plus car bomb attacks at HSBC Bank and the British Consulate.





Arbil, Iraq

Two suicide bombings kill 109 Kurds.






Known as the Ashoura Massacre, Al Qaeda carries out suicide bombings at Shia holy sites killing 181 and wounding over 500.






Multiple, nearly simultaneous Russian airplane bombings.





Moscow, Russia

Suicide bombing near a subway station entrance in northern Moscow.





Gen. Santos, Philippines

Bombing at Christmas market in General Santos, Philippines.





Moscow, Russia

Bomb on Moscow subway.






Superferry 14 was bombed by Abu Sayyaf group.





Madrid, Spain Bomb attacks against four trains. Terrorists blew themselves up when confronted by police.





Yanbu, Saudi Arabia Attack on non-Saudi oil workers.





Al-Khobar, Saudi Arabia

Islamic terrorists kill 22 people at an oil compound in Saudi Arabia.





Taba, Egypt Large explosions at Hilton Hotel in Taba and at two campsites in the Sinai area.





Sinai, Egypt

Three car bombs explode in the Sinai Peninsula, killing at least 32 and wounding 114, most of them Israeli tourists.





Jakarta, Indonesia Car bomb outside Australian Embassy.





Beslan, North Ossetia, Russia

Beslan school hostage crisis in North Ossetia, Russia results in a massacre of children.





Jakarta, Indonesia

The Australian embassy in Jakarta, Indonesia was bombed.





London, England Four suicide bomb attacks in three tube trains and a bus. At least 56 dead.


TOPICS: Foreign Affairs; Government; News/Current Events; War on Terror
KEYWORDS: 21stcenturycrusades; attacks; dos; historyofterrorism; islam; islamofascism; islamonazism; listof; londonattacked; mdm; muslimsupremists; terror; terrorism; terrorist; waronterror; waronterrorism; whywefight; worldwar4; worldwarfour; worldwariv; worldwide; wot; wwiv; youjobiniraq
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To: SJackson

yerch... politics.

161 posted on 07/24/2005 2:09:04 PM PDT by King Prout (and the Clinton Legacy continues: like Herpes, it is a gift that keeps on giving.)
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To: Peach
She remained anonymous until the despicable MSM outted her when some reporters attended the trial and wrote her real name in their papers. She has since received death threats and has been put under protection, along with her family,.....

Soooo, the MSM and the liberals are after Rove for "supposedly breaking the law". Why doesn't this judge sue the culprits to smithereens?

162 posted on 07/24/2005 2:12:50 PM PDT by melancholy (Quiz: Name ONE country, other than the USA, that doesn’t control its borders.)
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To: melancholy

I have no idea and it's a good question. I'm surprised she permitted her real name and picture to be shown for the interview/article that I've posted here.

163 posted on 07/24/2005 2:14:43 PM PDT by Peach
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To: cwb; Wolfstar
Islam is a religion, that within its first 100 years, conquered more land and people than the Romans did in their storied history. Amazingly, liberals seem to only have a short historical memory when it comes aggression and retribution. Even today...far away from the Mid-East, Muslims are at war (and have been) with other indigenous people (and Christians) in regions such as Indonesia, Sudan, Philippines, Somalia, Chechnya, the Balkans...and now London, etc. The question isn't what "our" policies have done to incite such hatred and anger; it's what has Islam done to inspire this hatred and anger...a belief that the World is theirs for the taking. What's worse, is the liberal attitude that looks to jusitfy this ideology by searching for "root-causes"...while ignoring this history.

I appreciated your piece and the original posting,
but I'd like to point out the hidden agenda of the
liberal attitude. At some point the leftist intends
to swoop in on his white horse and restore socialist
order to the chaos they have surreptitiously perpetuated
by regulating or outlawing all religion thereby bringing
about their communist unity to the world.

164 posted on 07/24/2005 2:24:28 PM PDT by higgmeister (In the shadow of The Big Chicken)
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To: Dont_Tread_On_Me_888
America deserves to suffer whatever terrorism fate awaits her...

Your entire post #80 is not unacceptable. Your statement above is, however. If you are incapable of stating a reasoned case regarding illegal immigration without resorting to such ugly hyperbole, then YOU are part of the problem.

165 posted on 07/24/2005 2:34:40 PM PDT by Wolfstar (Western Leftists have made common cause with the Islamofreaks.)
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To: Peach

Conservatives should learn how to treat liberals by taking a page from the liberals’ book. Pointing out what the liberals are doing doesn't suffice or make a point anymore.

The reason is very simple; the MSM will not mention it. The only way to force them to mention it is when they are prosecuted and they will have to defend a person or an organization.

Same thing with terrorists; deal with them like they deal with us. Kill them wherever they hide and never mind the MSM screaming about collateral damage.

Case in point: watch Mubarak dealing with terrorism in Egypt. The Sinai nomads and terrorists will pay with their lives.

166 posted on 07/24/2005 2:36:21 PM PDT by melancholy (Quiz: Name ONE country, other than the USA, that doesn’t control its borders.)
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To: Wolfstar
If this list doesn't make clear that we are in a bona fide World War, what will? Yes, it's an unconventional war or, to use the current faddish term, an asymmetrical war. We are facing what amounts to a shadowy guerrilla army that operates worldwide, rather than massed armies openly fielded by nations.

Another mealy-mouthed tap-dancing definition, studiously avoiding the obvious.

There is nothing "faddish" about the term "Asymmetric war". It has a precise meaning that you choose to avoid, but which is the essence of the dilemma we're in.

We are facing what amounts to a shadowy guerrilla army that operates worldwide, rather than massed armies openly fielded by nations.
A convenient and self-serving partial understanding. What is left unsaid is the most important part:

The shadowy guerilla army is fielded by nations which can be clearly identified, and who continue to live the fiction that we in the West can not and will not respond effectively, since our institutions prevent it.


You are simply aiding and abetting the enemy by perpetuating the fiction.

The most certain way to make sure that it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy is to continue listening to the enemy, or to their useful idiots.

The US has been for a long time now, the epitome of inventiveness, innovation, resourcefulness and commitment. All that seems to have been cancelled out by a phantom menace called "PC". The solution to our immediate problem is simple, would cost no lives and would save our country trillions. But it is definitely NOT PC. We are paralyzed.

Of course we are in a world war! And we're losing it.

167 posted on 07/24/2005 2:42:38 PM PDT by Publius6961 (Liberal level playing field: If the Islamics win we are their slaves..if we win they are our equals.)
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To: Wolfstar
they are doing a disservice to the public by treating us as children who need to be patted on the head and sent into the other room so we don't hear the adults' worried conversation

You have nailed it. I will even take it a step further and say they are 'insulting' the public by treating us as children. Most of us are better equipped to deal with reality than the career lawyer/politicians are. You have nailed it.

168 posted on 07/24/2005 2:43:29 PM PDT by layman (Card Carrying Infidel)
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To: higgmeister

I have no doubt about that. The entire concept of multiculturalism is to dilute our unique culture, creating an aversion to it by destroying any allegiance that might exist. In doing this, socialists hope to replace our culture with their utopia. I can't remember the quote, but even Marx espoused how important it was to destroy this natural allegiance.

Were liberals expose their hypocrisy is in their defense of Islam...which in all areas, is an anethema to everything liberals supposedly believe. Whether its woman rights, homophobia, theocracy, etc...Islam represents the very things liberals hate. And yet, they still look for any reason to defend it. This is nothing new as they have always sided with the enemies of this country (ala..USSR) in the hope that others would do their dirty work.

169 posted on 07/24/2005 2:43:55 PM PDT by cwb (Liberal guilt is digging our graves.)
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To: rang1995
It shouldn't matter if they are allies or not, so long as they are western victims...
For example, I would want to see every atrocity listed. Even those against other muslims. Yes, even Germany.
170 posted on 07/24/2005 2:44:51 PM PDT by Publius6961 (Liberal level playing field: If the Islamics win we are their slaves..if we win they are our equals.)
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To: melancholy

***Case in point: watch Mubarak dealing with terrorism in Egypt.***

Oh if only we could! I'd pay a handsome fee to watch a good newsreel type documentary of his troops lining these scum up against a wall. Maybe some impromtu beheadings. Some family members burried along with their corpses. Boy ... it'd be a blockbuster.

171 posted on 07/24/2005 2:46:27 PM PDT by mercy (never again a patsy for Bill Gates - spyware and viri free for over a year now)
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To: Wolfstar

I believe that we are in WWIV. WWIII was the not so cold war with the USSR from the end of WWII until Ronald Reagan drove a wooden spike into the evil heart of the USSS.

Below is a list that I "borrowed" from Chad Gore last week. I am posting it for you to make additions to your list if some need to be posted.

Great job. Please freepmail me a link to use it.

Long list of Jihadist acts of terrorism, murder, mass murders and other un civilized actions:

Assassination of Robert Kennedy by a Pali gunman, 1968

1970s :

Attack on the Munich Airport, February 10, 1970: 1 killed,11 were injured.

Munich Olympic Massacre, September 5, 1972: 14 killed when Eight Palestinian "Black September"

Ambassador to Sudan Assassinated, March 2, 1973: 2 dead. U.S. Ambassador to Sudan Cleo A. Noel and George Moore, our charge d'affaires in Khartoum. Ironically they were abducted by Arafat’s operatives at a going home party for Moore.

Attack and Hijacking at the Rome Airport, December 17, 1973: 31 Dead, body thrown out onto the tarmac in Lebanon

Entebbe Hostage Crisis, June 27, 1976: Air France airliner and its 258 passengers. Liberated by the IDF

*Oct 1977 lufthansa/mogadishu

*Mar 9, 1977 About a dozen armed Hanafi Muslims invaded three buildings in Washington DC, killing one person and taking more than 130 hostages. The siege ended two days later.

US Ambassador to Afghanistan Assassinated, February 14, 1979: Four Afghans kidnapped U.S. Ambassador Adolph Dubs killed in Kabul.

Iran Hostage Crisis, November 4, 1979: After President Carter agreed to admit the Shah of Iran into the US, Iranian radicals seized the U.S. Embassy in Tehran and took 66 American diplomats hostage for 444 days. Thirteen hostages were soon released, but the remaining 53 were held until their release on January 20, 1981.

Grand Mosque Seizure, November 20, 1979: 200 Islamic terrorists seized the Grand Mosque in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, taking hundreds of pilgrims hostage. Saudi and French security forces retook the shrine after an intense battle in which some 250 people were killed and 600 wounded.


Assassination of Egyptian President, October 6, 1981: Soldiers who were secretly members of the Takfir Wal-Hajira sect attacked and killed Egyptian President Anwar Sadat during a troop review.

Bombing of U.S. Embassy in Beirut, April 18, 1983: Sixty-three people, including the CIA’s Middle East director, were killed and 120 were injured in a 400-pound suicide truck-bomb attack on the U.S. Embassy in Beirut, Lebanon. The Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility.

Bombing of Marine Barracks, Beirut, October 23, 1983: Simultaneous suicide truck-bomb attacks were made on American and French compounds in Beirut, Lebanon. A 12,000-pound bomb destroyed the U.S. compound, killing 242 Americans, while 58 French troops were killed when a 400-pound device destroyed a French base. Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility.

Kidnapping of Embassy Official, March 16, 1984: The Islamic Jihad kidnapped and later murdered Political Officer William Buckley in Beirut, Lebanon. Other U.S. citizens not connected to the U.S. government were seized over a succeeding two-year period.

Restaurant Bombing in Spain, April 12, 1984: 18 U.S. servicemen were killed and 83 people were injured in a bomb attack on a restaurant near a U.S. Air Force Base in Torrejon, Spain.

TWA Hijacking, June 14, 1985: A Trans-World Airlines flight was hijacked en route to Rome from Athens by two Lebanese Hizballah terrorists and forced to fly to Beirut. The eight crew members and 145 passengers were held for seventeen days, during which one American hostage, a U.S. Navy sailor, was murdered. After being flown twice to Algiers, the aircraft was returned to Beirut after Israel released 435 Lebanese and Palestinian prisoners.

Soviet Diplomats Kidnapped, September 30, 1985: In Beirut, Lebanon, Sunni terrorists kidnapped four Soviet diplomats. One was killed but three were later released.

Achille Lauro Hijacking, October 7, 1985: Four Palestinian Liberation Front terrorists seized the Italian cruise liner in the eastern Mediterranean Sea, taking more than 700 hostages. One U.S. passenger was murdered before the Egyptian government offered the terrorists safe haven in return for the hostages’ freedom.

Egyptian Airliner Hijacking, November 23, 1985: An EgyptAir airplane bound from Athens to Malta and carrying several U.S. citizens was hijacked by the Abu Nidal Group.

Airport Attacks in Rome and Vienna, December 27, 1985: Four gunmen belonging to the Abu Nidal Organization attacked the El Al and Trans World Airlines ticket counters at Rome’s Leonardo da Vinci Airport with grenades and automatic rifles. Thirteen persons were killed and 75 were wounded before Italian police and Israeli security guards killed three of the gunmen and captured the fourth. Three more Abu Nidal gunmen attacked the El Al ticket counter at Vienna’s Schwechat Airport, killing three persons and wounding 30. Austrian police killed one of the gunmen and captured the others.

Aircraft Bombing in Greece, March 30, 1986: A Palestinian splinter group detonated a bomb as TWA Flight 840 approached Athens airport, killing four U.S. citizens.

Berlin Discothèque Bombing, April 5, 1986: Two U.S. soldiers were killed and 79 American servicemen were injured in a Libyan bomb attack on a nightclub in West Berlin, West Germany. In retaliation U.S. military jets bombed targets in and around Tripoli and Benghazi.

Kidnapping of William Higgins, February 17, 1988: U.S. Marine Corps Lieutenant Colonel W. Higgins was kidnapped and murdered by the Iranian-backed Hizballah group while serving with the United Nations Truce Supervisory Organization (UNTSO) in southern Lebanon.

Naples USO Attack, April 14, 1988: The Organization of Jihad Brigades exploded a car-bomb outside a USO Club in Naples, Italy, killing one U.S. sailor.

Pan Am 103 Bombing, December 21, 1988: Pan American Airlines Flight 103 was blown up over Lockerbie, Scotland, by a bomb believed to have been placed on the aircraft by Libyan terrorists in Frankfurt, West Germany. All 259 people on board were killed.

Bombing of UTA Flight 772, September 19, 1989: A bomb explosion destroyed UTA Flight 772 over the Sahara Desert in southern Niger during a flight from Brazzaville to Paris. All 170 persons aboard were killed. Six Libyans were later found guilty in absentia and sentenced to life imprisonment.


Attempted Iraqi Attacks on U.S. Posts, January 18-19, 1991: Iraqi agents planted bombs at the U.S. Ambassador to Indonesia’s home residence and at the USIS library in Manila.

Bombing of the Israeli Embassy in Argentina, March 17, 1992: Hizballah claimed responsibility for a blast that leveled the Israeli Embassy in Buenos Aires, Argentina, causing the deaths of 29 and wounding 242.

World Trade Center Bombing, February 26, 1993: The World Trade Center in New York City was badly damaged when a car bomb planted by Islamic terrorists exploded in an underground garage. The bomb left 6 people dead and 1,000 injured. The men carrying out the attack were followers of Umar Abd al-Rahman, an Egyptian cleric who preached in the New York City area.

Attempted Assassination of President Bush by Iraqi Agents, April 14, 1993: The Iraqi intelligence service attempted to assassinate former U.S. President George Bush during a visit to Kuwait. In retaliation, the U.S. launched a cruise missile attack 2 months later on the Iraqi capital Baghdad.

Air France Hijacking, December 24, 1994: Members of the Armed Islamic Group seized an Air France Flight to Algeria. The four terrorists were killed during a rescue effort.

Attack on U.S. Diplomats in Pakistan, March 8, 1995: Two unidentified gunmen killed two U.S. diplomats and wounded a third in Karachi, Pakistan.

Kashmiri Hostage-taking, July 4, 1995: In India six foreigners, including two U.S. citizens, were taken hostage by Al-Faran, a Kashmiri separatist group. One non-U.S. hostage was later found beheaded.

Jerusalem Bus Attack, August 21, 1995: HAMAS claimed responsibility for the detonation of a bomb that killed 6 and injured over 100 persons, including several U.S. citizens.

Saudi Military Installation Attack, November 13, 1995: The Islamic Movement of Change planted a bomb in a Riyadh military compound that killed one U.S. citizen, several foreign national employees of the U.S. government, and over 40 others.

Egyptian Embassy Attack, November 19, 1995: A suicide bomber drove a vehicle into the Egyptian Embassy compound in Islamabad, Pakistan, killing at least 16 and injuring 60 persons. Three militant Islamic groups claimed responsibility.

HAMAS Bus Attack, February 26, 1996: In Jerusalem, a suicide bomber blew up a bus, killing 26 persons, including three U.S. citizens, and injuring some 80 persons, including three other US citizens.

Dizengoff Center Bombing, March 4, 1996: HAMAS and the Palestine Islamic Jihad (PIJ) both claimed responsibility for a bombing outside of Tel Aviv's largest shopping mall that killed 20 persons and injured 75 others, including 2 U.S. citizens.

West Bank Attack, May 13, 1996: Arab gunmen opened fire on a bus and a group of Yeshiva students near the Bet El settlement, killing a dual U.S./Israeli citizen and wounding three Israelis. No one claimed responsibility for the attack, but HAMAS was suspected.

Khobar Towers Bombing, June 25, 1996: A fuel truck carrying a bomb exploded outside the US military's Khobar Towers housing facility in Dhahran, killing 19 U.S. military personnel and wounding 515 persons, including 240 U.S. personnel. Several groups claimed responsibility for the attack.

Egyptian Letter Bombs, January 2-13, 1997: A series of letter bombs with Alexandria, Egypt, postmarks were discovered at Al-Hayat newspaper bureaus in Washington, New York City, London, and Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Three similar devices, also postmarked in Egypt, were found at a prison facility in Leavenworth, Kansas. Bomb disposal experts defused all the devices, but one detonated at the Al-Hayat office in London, injuring two security guards and causing minor damage.

Empire State Building Sniper Attack, February 23, 1997: A Palestinian gunman opened fire on tourists at an observation deck atop the Empire State Building in New York City, killing a Danish national and wounding visitors from the United States, Argentina, Switzerland, and France before turning the gun on himself. A handwritten note carried by the gunman claimed this was a punishment attack against the "enemies of Palestine."

Israeli Shopping Mall Bombing, September 4, 1997: Three suicide bombers of HAMAS detonated bombs in the Ben Yehuda shopping mall in Jerusalem, killing eight persons, including the bombers, and wounding nearly 200 others. A dual U.S./Israeli citizen was among the dead, and 7 U.S. citizens were wounded.

Murder of U.S. Businessmen in Pakistan, November 12, 1997: Two unidentified gunmen shot to death four U.S. auditors from Union Texas Petroleum Corporation and their Pakistani driver after they drove away from the Sheraton Hotel in Karachi. The Islami Inqilabi Council, or Islamic Revolutionary Council, claimed responsibility in a call to the U.S. Consulate in Karachi. In a letter to Pakistani newspapers, the Aimal Khufia Action Committee also claimed responsibility.

Tourist Killings in Egypt, November 17, 1997: Al-Gama'at al-Islamiyya (IG) gunmen shot and killed 58 tourists and four Egyptians and wounded 26 others at the Hatshepsut Temple in the Valley of the Kings near Luxor. Thirty-four Swiss, eight Japanese, five Germans, four Britons, one French, one Colombian, a dual Bulgarian/British citizen, and four unidentified persons were among the dead. Twelve Swiss, two Japanese, two Germans, one French, and nine Egyptians were among the wounded.

Somali Hostage-takings, April 15, 1998: Somali militiamen abducted nine Red Cross and Red Crescent workers at an airstrip north of Mogadishu. The hostages included a U.S. citizen, a German, a Belgian, a French, a Norwegian, two Swiss, and one Somali. The gunmen were members of a sub-clan loyal to Ali Mahdi Mohammed, who controlled the northern section of the capital.

U.S. Embassy Bombings in East Africa, August 7, 1998: A bomb exploded at the rear entrance of the U.S. Embassy in Nairobi, Kenya, killing 12 U.S. citizens, 32 Foreign Service Nationals (FSNs), and 247 Kenyan citizens. Approximately 5,000 Kenyans, 6 U.S. citizens, and 13 FSNs were injured. The U.S. Embassy building sustained extensive structural damage. Almost simultaneously, a bomb detonated outside the U.S. Embassy in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, killing 7 FSNs and 3 Tanzanian citizens, and injuring 1 U.S. citizen and 76 Tanzanians. The explosion caused major structural damage to the U.S. Embassy facility. The U.S. Government held Usama Bin Laden responsible.

Indian Airlines Airbus Hijacking, December 24, 1999: Five militants hijacked a flight bound from Katmandu to New Delhi carrying 189 people. The plane and its passengers were released unharmed on December 31.

2000 and beyond

Kidnappings in Kyrgyzstan, August 12, 2000: In the Kara-Su Valley, the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan took four U.S. citizens hostage. The Americans escaped on August 12.

Church Bombing in Tajikistan, October 1, 2000: Unidentified militants detonated two bombs in a Christian church in Dushanbe, killing seven persons and injuring 70 others. The church was founded by a Korean-born U.S. citizen, and most of those killed and wounded were Korean. No one claimed responsibility.

Attack on U.S.S. Cole, October 12, 2000: In Aden, Yemen, a small dingy carrying explosives rammed the destroyer U.S.S. Cole, killing 17 sailors and injuring 39 others. Supporters of Usama Bin Laden were suspected.

Manila Bombing, December 30, 2000: A bomb exploded in a plaza across the street from the U.S. Embassy in Manila, injuring nine persons. The Moro Islamic Liberation Front was likely responsible.

Suicide Bombing in Israel, March 4, 2001: A suicide bomb attack in Netanya killed 3 persons and wounded 65. HAMAS later claimed responsibility.

Airliner Hijacking in Istanbul, March 15, 2001: Three Chechens hijacked a Russian airliner during a flight from Istanbul to Moscow and forced it to fly to Medina, Saudi Arabia. The plane carried 162 passengers and a crew of 12. After a 22-hour siege during which more than 40 passengers were released, Saudi security forces stormed the plane, killing a hijacker, a passenger, and a flight attendant.

Bus Stop Bombing, April 22, 2001: A member of HAMAS detonated a bomb he was carrying near a bus stop in Kfar Siva, Israel, killing one person and injuring 60.

Philippines Hostage Incident, May 27, 2001: Muslim Abu Sayyaf guerrillas seized 13 tourists and 3 staff members at a resort on Palawan Island and took their captives to Basilan Island. The captives included three U.S. citizens: Guellermo Sobero and missionaries Martin and Gracia Burnham. Philippine troops fought a series of battles with the guerrillas between June 1 and June 3 during which 9 hostages escaped and two were found dead. The guerrillas took additional hostages when they seized the hospital in the town of Lamitan. On June 12, Abu Sayyaf spokesman Abu Sabaya claimed that Sobero had been killed and beheaded; his body was found in October. The Burnhams remained in captivity until June 2002.

Tel-Aviv Nightclub Bombing, June 1, 2001: HAMAS claimed responsibility for the suicide bombing of a popular Israeli nightclub that caused over 140 casualties.

HAMAS Restaurant Bombing, August 9, 2001: A HAMAS-planted bomb detonated in a Jerusalem pizza restaurant, killing 15 people and wounding more than 90. The Israeli response included occupation of Orient House, the Palestine Liberation Organization’s political headquarters in East Jerusalem.

Suicide Bombing in Israel, September 9, 2001: The first suicide bombing carried out by an Israeli Arab killed 3 persons in Nahariya. HAMAS claimed responsibility.

Death of "the Lion of the Panjshir", September 9, 2001: Two suicide bombers fatally wounded Ahmed Shah Massoud, a leader of Afghanistan’s Northern Alliance, which had opposed both the Soviet occupation and the post-Soviet Taliban government. The bombers posed as journalists and were apparently linked to al-Qaida. The Northern Alliance did not confirm Massoud’s death until September 15.

Terrorist Attacks on U.S. Homeland, September 11, 2001: Two hijacked airliners crashed into the twin towers of the World Trade Center. Soon thereafter, the Pentagon was struck by a third hijacked plane. A fourth hijacked plane, suspected to be bound for a high-profile target in Washington, crashed into a field in southern Pennsylvania. The attacks killed 3,025 U.S. citizens and other nationals. President Bush and Cabinet officials indicated that Usama Bin Laden was the prime suspect and that they considered the United States in a state of war with international terrorism. In the aftermath of the attacks, the United States formed the Global Coalition Against Terrorism.

Attack on the Jammu and Kashmir Legislature, October 1, 2001: After a suicide car bomber forced the gate of the state legislature in Srinagar, two gunmen entered the building and held off police for seven hours before being killed. Forty persons died in the incident. Jaish-e-Muhammad claimed responsibility.

Anthrax Attacks, October-November 2001: On October 7 the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported that investigators had detected evidence that the deadly anthrax bacterium was present in the building where a Florida man who died of anthrax on October 5 had worked. Discovery of a second anthrax case triggered a major investigation by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). The two anthrax cases were the first to appear in the United States in 25 years. Anthrax subsequently appeared in mail received by television networks in New York and by the offices in Washington of Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle and other members of Congress. Attorney General John Ashcroft said in a briefing on October 16, "When people send anthrax through the mail to hurt people and invoke terror, it’s a terrorist act."

Assassination of an Israeli Cabinet Minister, October 17, 2001: A Palestinian gunman assassinated Israeli Minister of Tourism Rehavam Zeevi in the Jerusalem hotel where he was staying. The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) claimed to have avenged the death of PFLP Mustafa Zubari.

Attack on a Church in Pakistan, October 28, 2001: Six masked gunmen shot up a church in Bahawalpur, Pakistan, killing 15 Pakistani Christians. No group claimed responsibility, although various militant Muslim groups were suspected.

Suicide Bombings in Jerusalem, December 1, 2001: Two suicide bombers attacked a Jerusalem shopping mall, killing 10 persons and wounding 170.

Suicide Bombing in Haifa, December 2, 2001: A suicide bomb attack aboard a bus in Haifa, Israel, killed 15 persons and wounded 40. HAMAS claimed responsibility for both this attack and those on December 1 to avenge the death of a HAMAS member at the hands of Israeli forces a week earlier.

Attack on the Indian Parliament, December 13, 2001: Five gunmen attacked the Indian Parliament in New Delhi shortly after it had adjourned. Before security forces killed them, the attackers killed 6 security personnel and a gardener. Indian officials blamed Lashkar-e-Tayyiba and demanded that Pakistan crack down on it and on other Muslim separatist groups in Kashmir.

Ambush on the West Bank, January 15, 2002: Palestinian militants fired on a vehicle in Beit Sahur, killing one passenger and wounding the other. The dead passenger claimed U.S. and Israeli citizenship. The al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Battalion claimed responsibility.

Kidnapping of Daniel Pearl, January 23, 2002: Armed militants kidnapped Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl in Karachi, Pakistan. Pakistani authorities received a videotape on February 20 depicting Pearl’s murder. His grave was found near Karachi on May 16. Pakistani authorities arrested four suspects. Ringleader Ahmad Omar Saeed Sheikh claimed to have organized Pearl’s kidnapping to protest Pakistan’s subservience to the United States, and had belonged to Jaish-e-Muhammad, an Islamic separatist group in Kashmir. All four suspects were convicted on July 15. Saeed Sheikh was sentenced to death, the others to life imprisonment.

Suicide Bombing in Jerusalem, January 27, 2002: A suicide bomb attack in Jerusalem killed one other person and wounded 100. The incident was the first suicide bombing made by a Palestinian woman.

Suicide Bombing in the West Bank, February 16, 2002: A suicide bombing in an outdoor food court in Karmei Shomron killed 4 persons and wounded 27. Two of the dead and two of the wounded were U.S. citizens. The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) claimed responsibility.

Suicide Bombing in the West Bank, March 7, 2002: A suicide bombing in a supermarket in the settlement of Ariel wounded 10 persons, one of whom was a U.S. citizen. The PFLP claimed responsibility.

Suicide Bombing in Jerusalem, March 21, 2002: A suicide bombing in Jerusalem killed 3 persons and wounded 86 more, including 2 U.S. citizens. The Palestinian Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility.

Suicide Bombing in Israel, March 27, 2002: A suicide bombing in a noted restaurant in Netanya, Israel, killed 22 persons and wounded 140. One of the dead was a U.S. citizen. The Islamic Resistance Movement (HAMAS) claimed responsibility.

Temple Bombing in Kashmir, March 30, 2002: A bomb explosion at a Hindu temple in Jammu, Kashmir, killed 10 persons. The Islamic Front claimed responsibility.

Synagogue Bombing in Tunisia, April 11, 2002: A suicide bomber detonated a truck loaded with propane gas outside a historic synagogue in Djerba, Tunisia. The 16 dead included 11 Germans, one French citizen, and three Tunisians. Twenty-six German tourists were injured. The Islamic Army for the Liberation of the Holy Sites claimed responsibility.

Suicide Bombing in Jerusalem, April 12, 2002: A female suicide bomber killed 6 persons in Jerusalem and wounded 90 others. The al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades claimed responsibility.

Car Bombing in Pakistan, May 8, 2002: A car bomb exploded near a Pakistani navy shuttle bus in Karachi, killing 12 persons and wounding 19. Eleven of the dead and 11 of the wounded were French nationals. Al-Qaida was suspected of the attack.

Parade Bombing in Russia, May 9, 2002: A remotely-controlled bomb exploded near a May Day parade in Kaspiisk, Dagestan, killing 42 persons and wounding 150. Fourteen of the dead and 50 of the wounded were soldiers. Islamists linked to al-Qaida were suspected.

Attack on a Bus in India, May 14, 2002: Militants fired on a passenger bus in Kaluchak, Jammu, killing 7 persons. They then entered a military housing complex and killed 3 soldiers and 7 military dependents before they were killed. The al-Mansooran and Jamiat ul-Mujahedin claimed responsibility.

Bomb Attacks in Kashmir, May 17, 2002: A bomb explosion near a civil secretariat area in Srinagar, Kashmir, wounded 6 persons. In Jammu, a bomb exploded at a fire services headquarters, killing two and wounding 16. No group claimed responsibility for either attack.

Hostage Rescue Attempt in the Philippines, June 7, 2002: Philippine Army troops attacked Abu Sayyaf terrorists on Mindanao Island in an attempt to rescue U.S. citizen Martin Burnham and his wife Gracia, who had been kidnapped more than a year ago. Burnham was killed but his wife, though wounded, was freed. A Filipino hostage was killed, as were four of the guerrillas. Seven soldiers were wounded.

Car Bombing in Pakistan, June 14, 2002: A car bomb exploded near the U.S. Consulate and the Marriott Hotel in Karachi, Pakistan. Eleven persons were killed and 51 were sounded, including one U.S. and one Japanese citizen. Al Qaida and al-Qanin were suspected.

Suicide Bombing in Jerusalem, June 19, 2002: A suicide bombing at a bus stop in Jerusalem killed 6 persons and wounded 43, including 2 U.S. citizens. The al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades claimed responsibility.

Suicide Bombing in Tel Aviv, July 17, 2002: Two suicide bombers attacked the old bus station in Tel Aviv, Israel, killing 5 persons and wounding 38. The dead included one Romanian and two Chinese; another Romanian was wounded. The Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility.

Bombing at the Hebrew University, July 31, 2002: A bomb hidden in a bag in the Frank Sinatra International Student Center of Jerusalem’s Hebrew University killed 9 persons and wounded 87. The dead included 5 U.S. citizens and 4 Israelis. The wounded included 4 U.S. citizens, 2 Japanese, and 3 South Koreans. The Islamic Resistance Movement (HAMAS) claimed responsibility.

Suicide Bombing in Israel, August 4, 2002: A suicide bomb attack on a bus in Safed, Israel, killed 9 persons and wounded 50. Two of the dead were Philippine citizens; many of the wounded were soldiers returning from leave. HAMAS claimed responsibility.

Attack on a School in Pakistan, August 5, 2002: Gunmen attacked a Christian school attended by children of missionaries from around the world. Six persons (two security guards, a cook, a carpenter, a receptionist, and a private citizen) were killed and a Philippine citizen was wounded. A group called al-Intigami al-Pakistani claimed responsibility.

Attack on Pilgrims in Kashmir, August 6, 2002: Armed militants attacked a group of Hindu pilgrims with guns and grenades in Pahalgam, Kashmir. Nine persons were killed and 32 were wounded. The Lashkar-e-Tayyiba claimed responsibility.

Assassination in Kashmir, September 11, 2002: Gunmen killed Kashmir’s Law Minister Mushtaq Ahmed Lone and six security guards in Tikipora. Lashkar-e-Tayyiga, Jamiat ul-Mujahedin, and Hizb ul-Mujahedin all claimed responsibility. Other militants attacked the residence of the Minister of Tourism with grenades, injuring four persons. No group claimed responsibility.

Ambush on the West Bank, September 18, 2002: Gunmen ambushed a vehicle on a road near Yahad, killing an Israeli and wounding a Romanian worker. The al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades claimed responsibility.

Suicide Bomb Attack in Israel, September 19, 2002: A suicide bomb attack on a bus in Tel Aviv killed 6 persons and wounded 52. One of the dead was a British subject. HAMAS claimed responsibility.

Attack on a French Tanker, October 6, 2002: An explosive-laden boat rammed the French oil tanker Limburg, which was anchored about 5 miles off al-Dhabbah, Yemen. One person was killed and 4 were wounded. Al-Qaida was suspected.

Car Bomb Explosion in Bali, October 12, 2002: A car bomb exploded outside the Sari Club Discotheque in Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia, killing 202 persons and wounding 300 more. Most of the casualties, including 88 of the dead, were Australian tourists. Seven Americans were among the dead. Al-Qaida claimed responsibility. Two suspects were later arrested and convicted. Iman Samudra, who had trained in Afghanistan with al-Qaeda and was suspected of belonging to Jemaah Islamiya, was sentenced to death on September 10, 2003.

Chechen Rebels Seize a Moscow Theater, October 23-26, 2002: Fifty Chechen rebels led by Movsar Barayev seized the Palace of Culture Theater in Moscow, Russia, to demand an end to the war in Chechnya. They seized more than 800 hostages from 13 countries and threatened to blow up the theater. During a three-day siege, they killed a Russian policeman and five Russian hostages. On October 26, Russian Special Forces pumped an anesthetic gas through the ventilation system and then stormed the theater. All of the rebels were killed, but 94 hostages (including one American) also died, many from the effects of the gas. A group led by Chechen warlord Shamil Basayev claimed responsibility.

Suicide Bombing in Jerusalem, November 21, 2002: A suicide bomb attack on a bus on Mexico Street in Jerusalem killed 11 persons and wounded 50 more. One of the dead was a Romanian. HAMAS claimed responsibility.

Attack on Temples in Kashmir, November 24, 2002: Armed militants attacked the Reghunath and Shiv temples in Jammu, Kashmir, killing 13 persons and wounding 50. The Lashkare-e-Tayyiba claimed responsibility.

Attacks on Israeli Tourists in Kenya, November 28, 2002: A three-person suicide car bomb attack on the Paradise Hotel in Mombasa, Kenya, killed 15 persons and wounded 40. Three of the dead and 18 of the wounded were Israeli tourists; the others were Kenyans. Near Mombasa’s airport, two SA-7 shoulder-fired missiles were fired as an Arkia Airlines Boeing 757 that was carrying 261 passengers back to Israel. Both missiles missed. Al-Qaida, the Government of Universal Palestine in Exile, and the Army of Palestine claimed responsibility for both attacks. Al-Ittihad al-Islami was also suspected of involvement.

Attack on a Bus in the Philippines, December 26, 2002: Armed militants ambushed a bus carrying Filipino workers employed by the Canadian Toronto Ventures Inc. Pacific mining company in Zamboanga del Norte. Thirteen persons were killed and 10 wounded. Philippine authorities suspected the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF), which had been extorting money from Toronto Ventures. The Catholic charity Caritas-Philippines said that Toronto Ventures had harassed tribesmen who opposed mining on their ancestral lands.

Bombing of a Government Building in Chechnya, December 27, 2002: A suicide bomb attack involving two explosives-laden trucks destroyed the offices of the pro-Russian Chechen government in Grozny. The attack killed over 80 people and wounded 210. According to a Chechen website run by the Kavkaz Center, Chechen warlord Shamil Basayev claimed responsibility.

Suicide Bombings in Tel Aviv, January 5, 2003: Two suicide bomb attacks killed 22 and wounded at least 100 persons in Tel Aviv, Israel. Six of the victims were foreign workers. The Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades claimed responsibility.

Assasination of a Kurdish Leader, February 8, 2003: Members of Ansar al-Islam assassinated Kurdish legislator Shawkat Haji Mushir and captured two other Kurdish officials in Qamash Tapa in northern Iraq.

Suicide Bombing in Netanya, March 30, 2003: A suicide bombing in a cafe in Netanya, Israel, wounded 38 persons. Only the bomber was killed. Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility and called the attack a "gift" to the people of Iraq.

Truck Bomb Attacks in Saudi Arabia, May 12, 2003: Suicide bombers attacked three residential compounds for foreign workers in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. The 34 dead included 9 attackers, 7 other Saudis, 9 U.S. citizens, and one citizen each from the United Kingdom, Ireland, and the Philippines. Another American died on June 1. It was the first major attack on U.S. targets in Saudi Arabia since the end of the war in Iraq. Saudi authorities arrested 11 al-Qaida suspects on May 28.

Truck Bombing in Chechnya, May 12, 2003: A truck bomb explosion demolished a government compound in Znamenskoye, Chechnya, killing 54 persons. Russian authorities blamed followers of a Saudi-born Islamist named Abu Walid. President Vladimir Putin said that he suspected that there was an al-Qaida connection.

Attempted Assassination in Chechnya, May 12, 2003: Two female suicide bombers attacked Chechen Administrator Mufti Akhmed Kadyrov during a religious festival in Iliskhan Yurt. Kadyrov escaped injury, but 14 other persons were killed and 43 were wounded. Chechen rebel leader Shamil Basayev claimed responsibility.

Suicide Bomb Attacks in Morocco, May 16, 2003: A team of 12 suicide bombers attacked five targets in Casablanca, Morocco, killing 43 persons and wounding 100. The targets were a Spanish restaurant, a Jewish community, a Jewish cemetery, a hotel, and the Belgian Consulate. The Moroccan Government blamed the Islamist al-Assirat al-Moustaquim (The Righteous Path), but foreign commentators suspected an al-Qaida connection.

Suicide Bomb Attack in Jerusalem, May 18, 2003: A suicide bomb attack on a bus in Jerusalem’s French Hill district killed 7 persons and wounded 20. The bomber was disguised as a religious Jew. HAMAS claimed responsibility

Suicide Bombing in Jerusalem, June 11, 2003: A suicide bombing aboard a bus in Jerusalem killed 16 persons and wounded at least 70, one of whom died later. HAMAS claimed responsibility, calling it revenge for an Israeli helicopter attack on HAMAS leader Abdelaziz al-Rantisi in Gaza City the day before.

Truck Bombing in Northern Ossetia, August 1, 2003: A suicide truck bomb attack destroyed a Russian military hospital in Mozdok, North Ossetia and killed 50 persons. Russian authorities attributed the attack to followers of Chechen rebel leader Shamil Basayev.

Hotel Bombing in Indonesia, August 5, 2003: A car bomb exploded outside the Marriott Hotel in Jakarta, Indonesia, killing 10 persons and wounding 150. One of the dead was a Dutch citizen. The wounded included an American, a Canadian, an Australian, and two Chinese. Indonesian authorities suspected the Jemaah Islamiah, which had carried out the October 12, 2002 bombing in Bali.

Bombing of the Jordanian Embassy in Baghdad, August 7, 2003: A car bomb exploded outside the Jordanian Embassy in Baghdad, Iraq, killing 19 persons and wounding 65. Most of the victims were apparently Iraqis, including 5 police officers. No group claimed responsibility.

Suicide Bombings in Israel and the West Bank, August 12, 2003: The first suicide bombings since the June 29 Israeli-Palestinian truce took place. The first, in a supermarket at Rosh Haayin, Israel, killed one person and wounded 14. The second, at a bus stop near the Ariel settlement in the West Bank, killed one person and wounded 3. The al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades claimed responsibility for the first; HAMAS claimed responsibility for the second.

Bombing of the UN Headquarters in Baghdad, August 19, 2003: A truck loaded with surplus Iraqi ordnance exploded outside the United Nations Headquarters in Baghdad’s Canal Hotel. A hospital across the street was also heavily damaged. The 23 dead included UN Special Representative Sergio Viera de Mello. More than 100 persons were wounded. It was not clear whether the bomber was a Baath Party loyalist or a foreign Islamic militant. An al-Qaeda branch called the Brigades of the Martyr Abu Hafz al-Masri later claimed responsibility.

Suicide Bombing in Jerusalem, August 19, 2003: A suicide bombing aboard a bus in Jerusalem killed 20 persons and injured at least 100, one of whom died later. Five of the dead were American citizens. HAMAS and Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility, although HAMAS leader al-Rantisi said that his organization remained committed to the truce while reserving the right to respond to Israeli military actions.

Car Bomb Kills Shi’ite Leader in Najaf, August 29, 2003: A car bomb explosion outside the Shrine of the Imam Ali in Najaf, Iraq killed at least 81 persons and wounded at least 140. The dead included the Ayatollah Mohammed Bakir al-Hakim, one of four leading Shi’ite clerics in Iraq. Al-Hakim had been the leader of the Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq (SCIRI) since its establishment in 1982, and SCIRI had recently agreed to work with the U.S.-sponsored Iraqi Governing Council. It was not known whether the perpetrators were Baath Party loyalists, rival Shi’ites, or foreign Islamists.

Suicide Bombings in Israel, September 9, 2003: Two suicide bombings took place in Israel. The first, at a bus stop near the Tsrifin army base southeast of Tel Aviv, killed 7 soldiers and wounded 14 soldiers and a civilian. The second, at a café in Jerusalem’s German Colony neighborhood, killed 6 persons and wounded 40. HAMAS did not claim responsibility until the next day, although a spokesman called the first attack" a response to Israeli aggression."

Assassination of an Iraqi Governing Council Member, September 20, 2003: Gunmen shot and seriously wounded Akila Hashimi, one of three female members of the Iraqi Governing Council, near her home in Baghdad. She died September 25.

A Second Attack on the UN Headquarters in Baghdad, September 22, 2003: A suicide car bomb attack on the UN Headquarters in Baghdad killed a security guard and wounded 19 other persons.

Suicide Bombing in Israel, October 4, 2003: A Palestinian woman made a suicide bomb attack on a restaurant in Haifa, killing 19 persons and wounding at least 55. Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility for the attack. The next day, Israel bombed a terrorist training camp in Syria.

Attacks in Iraq, October 9, 2003: Gunmen assassinated a Spanish military attaché in Baghdad. A suicide car bomb attack on an Iraqi police station killed 8 persons and wounded 40.

Car Bombings in Baghdad, October 12, 2003: Two suicide car bombs exploded outside the Baghdad Hotel, which housed U.S. officials. Six persons were killed and 32 wounded. Iraqi and U.S. security personnel apparently kept the cars from actually reaching the hotel.

Bomb Attack on U.S. Diplomats in the Gaza Strip, October 15, 2003: A remote-controlled bomb exploded under a car in a U.S. diplomatic convoy passing through the northern Gaza Strip. Three security guards, all employees of DynCorp, were killed. A fourth was wounded. The diplomats were on their way to interview Palestinian candidates for Fulbright scholarships to study in the United States. Palestinian President Arafat and Prime Minister Qurei condemned the attack, while the major Palestinian militant groups denied responsibility. The next day, Palestinian security forces arrested several suspects, some of whom belonged to the Popular Resistance Committees.

Rocket Attack on the al-Rashid Hotel in Baghdad, October 26, 2003: Iraqis using an improvised rocket launcher bombarded the al-Rashid Hotel in Baghdad, killing one U.S. Army officer and wounding 17 persons. The wounded included 4 U.S. military personnel and seven American civilians. Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul D. Wolfowitz, who was staying at the hotel, was not injured. After visiting the wounded, he said, "They’re not going to scare us away; we’re not giving up on this job."

Assassination of a Deputy Mayor in Baghdad, October 26, 2003: Two gunmen believed to be Baath Party loyalists assassinated Faris Abdul Razaq al-Assam, one of three deputy mayors of Baghdad. U.S. officials did not announce al-Assam’s death until October 28.

Wave of Car Bombings in Baghdad, October 27, 2003: A series of suicide car bombings in Baghdad killed at least 35 persons and wounded at least 230. Four attacks were directed at Iraqi police stations, the fifth and most destructive was directed at the International Committee of the Red Cross headquarters, where at least 12 persons were killed. A sixth attack failed when a car bomb failed to explode and the bomber was wounded and captured by Iraqi police. U.S. and Iraqi officials suspected that foreign terrorists were involved; the unsuccessful bomber said he was a Syrian national and carried a Syrian passport. After a meeting with Administrator L. Paul Bremer, President Bush said, "The more successful we are on the ground, the more these killers will react."

Suicide Bombing in Riyadh, November 8, 2003: In Riyadh, a suicide car bombing took place in the Muhaya residential compound, which was occupied mainly by nationals of other Arab countries. Seventeen persons were killed and 122 were wounded. The latter included 4 Americans. The next day, Deputy Secretary of State Armitage said al-Qaeda was probably responsible.

Truck Bombing in Nasiriyah, November 12, 2003: A suicide truck bomb destroyed the headquarters of the Italian military police in Nasiriyah, Iraq, killing 18 Italians and 11 Iraqis and wounding at least 100 persons.

Synagogue Bombings in Istanbul, November 15, 2003: Two suicide truck bombs exploded outside the Neve Shalom and Beth Israel synagogues in Istanbul, killing 25 persons and wounding at least 300 more. The initial claim of responsibility came from a Turkish militant group, the Great Eastern Islamic Raiders’ Front, but Turkish authorities suspected an al-Qaeda connection. The next day, the London-based newspaper al-Quds al-Arabi received an e-mail in which an al-Qaeda branch called the Brigades of the Martyr Abu Hafz al-Masri claimed responsibility for the Istanbul synagogue bombings.

More Suicide Truck Bombings in Istanbul, November 20, 2003: Two more suicide truck bombings devastated the British HSBC Bank and the British Consulate General in Istanbul, killing 27 persons and wounding at least 450. The dead included Consul General Roger Short. U.S., British, and Turkish officials suspected that al-Qaeda had struck again. The U.S. Consulate in Istanbul was closed, and the Embassy in Ankara advised American citizens in Istanbul to stay home.

Car Bombing in Kirkuk, November 20, 2003: A suicide car bombing in Kirkuk killed 5 persons. The target appeared to be the headquarters of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan. PUK officials suspected the Ansar al-Islam group, which was said to have sheltered fugitive Taliban and al-Qaeda members after the U.S. campaign in Afghanistan.

Attacks on Other Coalition Personnel in Iraq, November 29-30, 2003: Iraqi insurgents stepped up attacks on nationals of other members of the Coalition. On November 29, an ambush in Mahmudiyah killed 7 out of a party of 8 Spanish intelligence officers. Iraqi insurgents also killed two Japanese diplomats near Tikrit. On November 30, another ambush near Tikrit killed two South Korean electrical workers and wounded two more. A Colombian employee of Kellogg Brown & Root was killed and two were wounded in an ambush near Balad.

Train Bombing in Southern Russia, December 5, 2003: A suicide bomb attack killed 42 persons and wounded 150 aboard a Russian commuter train in the south Russian town of Yessentuki. Russian officials suspected Chechen rebels; President Putin said the attack was meant to disrupt legislative elections. Chechen rebel leader Aslan Maskhadov denied any involvement.

Suicide Car Bombings in Iraq, December 15, 2003: Two days after the capture of Saddam Hussein, there were two suicide car bomb attacks on Iraqi police stations. One at Husainiyah killed 8 persons and wounded 20. The other, at Ameriyah, wounded 7 Iraqi police. Guards repelled a second vehicle.

Office Bombing in Baghdad, December 19, 2003: A bomb destroyed the Baghdad office of the Supreme Council of the Islamic Revolution in Iraq, killing a woman and wounding at least 7 other persons.

Suicide Car Bombing in Irbil, December 24, 2003: A suicide car bomb attack on the Kurdish Interior Ministry in Irbil, Iraq, killed 5 persons and wounded 101.

Attempted Assassination in Rawalpindi, December 25, 2003: Two suicide truck bombers killed 14 persons as President Musharraf’s motorcade passed through Rawalpindi, Pakistan. An earlier attempt on December 14 caused no casualties. Pakistani officials suspected Afghan and Kashmiri militants. On January 6, 2004, Pakistani authorities announced the arrest of 6 suspects who were said to be members of Jaish-e-Muhammad.

Suicide Bombing in Israel, December 25, 2003: A Palestinian suicide bomber killed 4 persons at a bus stop near Petah Tikva, Israel. The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine claimed responsibility for the attack in retaliation for Israeli military operations in Nablus that had begun two days earlier.

Restaurant Bombing in Baghdad, December 31, 2003: A car bomb explosion outside Baghdad’s Nabil Restaurant killed 8 persons and wounded 35. The wounded included 3 Los Angeles Times reporters and 3 local employees.

*London: 7/7 attacks 50 dead, 700 injured

*Egypt: Red Sea Resort bombed 7/22 over 80 tourists killed. Multiple car bombs hit Egyptian resort of Sharm el-Sheik, killing at least 83. A group, calling itself the Al-Qaeda Organisation in the Levant and Egypt, claimed in an Internet statement the bombings in the Red Sea resort of Sharm el-Sheikh that killed at least 83 people, including foreigners.

*= Updates/Additions to original list.

172 posted on 07/24/2005 2:48:20 PM PDT by Grampa Dave (The civilized world must win WW IV/the Final Crusade and destroy Jihadism!)
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To: Wolfstar
2. It is impossible to list every Islamofreak terrorist attack that's ever occurred. The list would be extremely lengthy.

So what?

Isn't the purpose of the list to demonstrate beyond debate that we are in a war and people are dying?
And that the enemy is everywhere, not particularly selective and must be dealt with?

Would you not fumigate your house of cockroaches because there are too many? Is that a rational statement in your universe?

173 posted on 07/24/2005 2:49:53 PM PDT by Publius6961 (Liberal level playing field: If the Islamics win we are their slaves..if we win they are our equals.)
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To: Wolfstar


I saved te link. This is good stuff which puts things in perspective well.


174 posted on 07/24/2005 2:49:54 PM PDT by Red6
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To: Petruchio
Good afternoon.
"WW IV = The current conflict between The West vs. Radical Islam"

I think of it as the southern hemisphere against the northern hemisphere, with China thrown in as a wild card. China is both a military and an economic threat. The southern hemisphere's force is represented by Islam and dirt poor third world nations.

The northern force is the Europeans and Americans and we are all under attack. Any Muslim state in the northern hemishere must be assumed to be Muslim first and European second and the invasion from the third world must be viewed as an attack.

Michael Frazier
175 posted on 07/24/2005 2:53:42 PM PDT by brazzaville (No surrender,no retreat. Well, maybe retreat's ok)
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To: mercy
Oh if only we could! I'd pay a handsome fee to watch a good newsreel type documentary of his troops lining these scum up against a wall. Maybe some impromtu beheadings. Some family members burried along with their corpses. Boy ... it'd be a blockbuster.

I suspect it'll be worse. You'll only hear rumors that will be mostly true.

Mubarak "allowed or organized" the first demonstration that voiced anger against terrorism. He's already preparing the PR for a justification of what he's about to do.

176 posted on 07/24/2005 2:56:26 PM PDT by melancholy (Quiz: Name ONE country, other than the USA, that doesn’t control its borders.)
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To: Wolfstar; Mo1; Howlin; Peach; BeforeISleep; kimmie7; 4integrity; BigSkyFreeper; RandallFlagg; ...

Good post!

177 posted on 07/24/2005 2:57:13 PM PDT by OXENinFLA
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To: mad_as_he$$

Shows how much I keep up with that garbage.

178 posted on 07/24/2005 2:58:38 PM PDT by frankiep
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To: cwb
Excellent summary.
You may want to clean it up a bit with a grammar and spell check, though.
Saved and archived.
179 posted on 07/24/2005 3:00:03 PM PDT by Publius6961 (Liberal level playing field: If the Islamics win we are their slaves..if we win they are our equals.)
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To: Eagle Eye
Does the name of your doppelganger rhyme with Pain? (*Squawk!*)
180 posted on 07/24/2005 3:02:28 PM PDT by Publius6961 (Liberal level playing field: If the Islamics win we are their slaves..if we win they are our equals.)
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