Jane Blonde bombed China! Is there a Karl Rove angle to this story?
This is too good if she was involved. James Bond she apparently ain't.
When did Valerie Plame start her career in the CIA and who appointed her? She looks like Clinton's type and you know how he loved to find jobs for his girlfriends.
Hmmmmmmm...what have you stumbled on to..!
Maybe she was the leak that told the Times this garbledy-gook. Maybe they really hit the Chinese on purpose. Maybe Wesley Clark did it.
What does Weasley Clark think about this I wonder?
" Lo and behold, the cause of the bombing of the Chinese Embassy during Clinton's Bosnia adventurism was the CIA's Counter-Proliferation Division (CPD), the home away from home for Valerie Plame."
There are more red flags swirling around Valerie Plame than one would see during a May Day parade in the old USSR.
I hope Porter Goss is scrutinizing her work record and contacts.
If Plame's married name was Ashcroft, Halliburton or Rove ,
the fossil media would be falling all over each other to dig into her background.
Just because a CIA operative /analyst / covert/ inert/ Vanity Fair model has a uterus, that should not give them an automatic bye from investigation.
I want to be just like you, when I grow up.
Former CIA agents tell RNC to shut up
Wasn't Val suffering from postpartum depression in at some point in 2000?
Very interesting find! Maybe this will blow that little Commie Plame and her rogue buddies right out of the water!
IF so, the 11 retires who stood up for her being covert(another article on FR today) may have been her co-workers.
Mary Madalin today on TV said something very interesting. The White House didn't even know who Joe Wilson was, why he went to Africa, who sent him, and why he was reporting an "investigation" when he got back.
See? This investigation is not about Rove. Rove is luring the press away from the investigation so Fitzgerald can do his job without the press butting in or leaking information.
CPD sounds more like the office of Central Plausible Deniability. The US has "accidentally" bombed embassies only a few times in history. This article reeks of disinformation.
I have my doubts that the stike on the embassy was an accident. At first, I thought it must be an accident. But that such a blunder could be made is just too unbelievable. Any taxi driver could have told them where the embassy was. A flag was flying on the building.
Either way, this was a very sad day when this happened. Up until this event, the average Chinese person very much liked Americans, China was one of the places in the world where Americans could go and feel very welcome.
After, sentiment towards Americans took an overnight turn for the worse.
What links Plame to this event other than CPD. Was she ever named in anything at the time ?
The New York Times
April 17, 2000
Chinese Embassy Bombing: A Wide Net of Blame