To: Doctor Raoul
IF so, the 11 retires who stood up for her being covert(another article on FR today) may have been her co-workers.
32 posted on
07/20/2005 8:30:17 PM PDT by
To: Spirited
IF so, the 11 retires who stood up for her being covert(another article on FR today) may have been her co-workers.They were spewing left wing talking points through their whole letter to the Washington Democrats. To them, Wilson was an honest man!!! They had no idea what was going on with Wilson. They're Kerry supporters !!!
39 posted on
07/20/2005 8:43:52 PM PDT by
concerned about politics
("A people without a heritage are easily persuaded (deceived)" - Karl Marx)
To: Spirited
IF so, the 11 retires who stood up for her being covert(another article on FR today) may have been her co-workers. I'd bet $10 that one of the 11 is Larry Johnson.
Don't see him much on TV anymore, not even MSNBC.
40 posted on
07/20/2005 8:44:58 PM PDT by
Doctor Raoul
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