Posted on 03/20/2005 6:03:40 PM PST by FoxPro
This is an unprecedented session. The Congress is meeting to save one persons life (in real time).
The only reason the Democrats are agreeing to this is that they dont want to be known as the party that killed Terri.
This is American history happening before your eyes.
It is what makes us human. He feed and give drink to each other.
She said "angst" again.
I am at my daughter's house watching c-span and when Wexler started speaking I told my daughter that if he uttered the line "We stand in Terri's shoes", one more time I was gonna throw the remote into their 55" screen TV----
She came out and said Oh, heck no, then go get on the Freeper website and work out your anger---
So, here I am, but I can hear that wavy headed Florida witch yet again spew her crap---
Yeah, the DemonRats turn the "No Man Is An Island" sentiment on it's head. One life being SPARED diminishes them.
She's definitely lying now, the witch! Don't mess with Texas!
That baby was on a respirator and the parent, not parents, thought the child was the sun. That case has no relation to Terri at all! Lying fugly wench!
Im going to sound like an Idiot for saying this....
How did Terri get in this predicament?
She's saying it's not about "politics", but is making it all about that. Disgusting.
This is scary.
This is an insult to our intelligence. The GOP better have a good response for this.
Barney Frank gave her "as much time as she may consume," so she can use up all that side's time if she wants. I didn't notice how much total time they have.
didn't take this Schultz thing long to contradict herself and try to drag the President into the issue in typical negative democrat way. she politicizes the issue then pleads this issue should not be politiczed! Typical democrap ploy of bait and switch, misdirection.
And even when this murderer is finally executed, it won't be by the cruel means of starvation.
my grandparents were democrats
my parents were democrats
and democrats like these
helped me choose to become a Republican.
Can someone sum up why the Democrats are against intervention?
At this point, hearing what that the two Florida Reps. have said, I'm so glad I live in OHIO.
I thought I was going nuts thinking she had a NY accent but then there are way too many NYers in FL IMO. Why don't they stay in NY which is already a liberal state and leave FL alone?
Not necessarily. Show me a camera and I'll show you a whining democrat anxious to be heard, with Wexler leading the charge.
Just got here... Are we WINNING?
At this point, hearing what that the two Florida Reps. have said, I'm so glad I live in OHIO.
This woman is flat out lying. She make me sick with with all the phoney 'concern' for the 'gubmint' not getting involved in peoples lives.
I wonder if that's because there aren't many Democrats who want to speak on this issue. As Beckel said on Fox today, it's not a good issue for them
sensenbrennar is setting that woman's lies straight!
Food and water are not LIFE support akin to respirators!
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