I thought I'd post it in here and see if anyone can rebut what she states. Her statements seem so imcomplete and she is unaware of the circumstances surrounding her accusations....
Don't waste time in newsgroups, and Panorama apologized for the casualty report.
I'm not sure about the others, but how can our FBI take down a server in GB without the tacit approval of their government? What does Oprah and beef have to do with anything, that was a private lawsuit. IIRC the people wearing the shirts were told to leave by a flashlight wielding security guard, not Bush and Co.
We in Europe remember how America has been involved in destabalising and usurping a democratically elected government - Chile on Sept 11 1972 - used Agent Orange in Viet Nam, demonised left wing people in the entertainment industry during McCarthyism, supporting death squad governments in Central/South America, just to mention a few things, and, most recently, your FBI came here and managed to get the servers for several Indymedia sites taken down (thank goodness they are up and running again) Oprah Winfrey was landed with a court case just for saying that she wouldn't eat a hamburger again and we are regularly reading about how people in the States are being arrested just for criticising the government - a few months back it was a couple wearing T shirts claiming Love America, Hate Bush.
From the area of the world that brought us the Holocaust.
.....and once we get out of the BAD BUSH COALITION it shall be MUSLIM....
Try googling for information from other than left wing envirowhacko sites.
How she "feels" and her ideas about America are of little consequence to me.
Europeans are just upset that America controls the "control-alt-delete" keys of the world. They can get over that, do something about it or post stuff on the Internet nobody should glance at twice.
It's like arguing with a parrot.
Welcome to FR.
Mark Steyn: The 'civil war' that wasn't
The Australian ^ | 1 February | Mark Steyn
Posted on 01/31/2005 8:11:24 AM CST by Eurotwit
Try reading Steyn instead of silly, biased, emails.
We, together with a coalition of the willing, helped liberate the continent of Europe twice in the last century.
Actually, we just don't sit around and whine and hand-wring about it.
GOTTA SEE THIS-WarEndur.Freedom 1/30/05-Alamara,Zubaya,Baghdad,Basra,Suleimaniya,Najaf
Yahoo, AP, Reuters, and the usual suspects | 1/30/05 | President Bush and the valiant Military of the United States of America
Yeah, we had a tough time during the invasion of Iraq going up against their M1 tanks and F16 fighters.
Oh wait ....
Does anyone have any idea what she is talking about with this ADDICT seed??
From your profile page, KATY.
What's a "Luker", by the way?
Is that similiar to a "Loogie"?
But I see you managed to get in all of what you left-wing dimwits from DUmmy land consider to be the key to getting on FR:
Voted for..., etc, support SS reform, tax reform, Homeland Security, etc.
Why, you even managed to get something in about immigration.
When you try again (and you shall, since I suspect a ZOT is forthcoming), be sure to get something in about Kerry, Kennedy and you simply MUST label Specter a RINO.
Begone, troll.
Sue is a bonehead.