I'm not sure about the others, but how can our FBI take down a server in GB without the tacit approval of their government? What does Oprah and beef have to do with anything, that was a private lawsuit. IIRC the people wearing the shirts were told to leave by a flashlight wielding security guard, not Bush and Co.
We in Europe remember how America has been involved in destabalising and usurping a democratically elected government - Chile on Sept 11 1972 - used Agent Orange in Viet Nam, demonised left wing people in the entertainment industry during McCarthyism, supporting death squad governments in Central/South America, just to mention a few things, and, most recently, your FBI came here and managed to get the servers for several Indymedia sites taken down (thank goodness they are up and running again) Oprah Winfrey was landed with a court case just for saying that she wouldn't eat a hamburger again and we are regularly reading about how people in the States are being arrested just for criticising the government - a few months back it was a couple wearing T shirts claiming Love America, Hate Bush.
Thanks...good points...