Posted on 12/14/2004 10:10:42 PM PST by SunkenCiv
Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has warned European Union leaders that violence from Islamic extremists could escalate if the EU rejects Turkey as a member... Turkey signed the association agreement for EU membership in 1963 and it is expected that a two-day EU summit this week will finally decide to begin formal membership talks, probably in the second half of next year... Taking Turkeys 69 million, mainly Muslim, population into the Union is widely disputed... In Germany, leader of the Christian Social Union Edmund Stoiber told the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung that his party in government would do what it takes to prevent Turkey from becoming a full member of the EU. There is also opposition in other countries. A majority of Danes would much rather see Ukraine as an EU member than Turkey... Turkey has rejected a request from the European Commission to recognise Cyprus ahead of this weeks decision on Turkeys EU application. The Greek Cypriots, for their part, have threatened to veto Turkish EU membership. The Turks claim Greek Cypriots do not deserve recognition after they rejected a United Nations plan for the unification of Cyprus, which Turkish Cypriots supported.
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Match, this is gasoline. Gasoline, match.
France calls on Turkey to recognise Armenia killings
EU Observer ^ | Dec 14 2004 | Honor Mahony
Posted on 12/14/2004 10:06:36 PM PST by SunkenCiv
Main Entry: in·tim·i·date
Pronunciation: in-'ti-m&-"dAt
Function: transitive verb
Inflected Form(s): -dat·ed; -dat·ing
Etymology: Medieval Latin intimidatus, past participle of intimidare, from Latin in- + timidus timid
: to make timid or fearful : FRIGHTEN; especially : to compel or deter by or as if by threats
- in·tim·i·dat·ing·ly /-"dA-ti[ng]-lE/ adverb
- in·tim·i·da·tion /-"ti-m&-'dA-sh&n/ noun - in·tim·i·da·tor /-'ti-m&-"dA-t&r/ noun
synonyms INTIMIDATE, COW, BULLDOZE, BULLY, BROWBEAT mean to frighten into submission. INTIMIDATE implies inducing fear or a sense of inferiority into another . COW implies reduction to a state where the spirit is broken or all courage is lost . BULLDOZE implies an intimidating or an overcoming of resistance usually by urgings, demands, or threats . BULLY implies intimidation through threats, insults, or aggressive behavior . BROWBEAT implies a cowing through arrogant, scornful or contemptuous treatment .
Isn't that a great way to demonstrate to Europe that you are fit to become part of the Union? Essentially threaten them with terrorism if they refuse.
Sounds like a reason to keep them out, not let them in. Why invite a long future of extortion by letting them in 'the family?'
True, but some European countries do have track records of appeasing terrorist nations...
I wholeheartedly agree.
I thought they were supposed to be modernized :(
I think we learned all we needed to know about the Turks in Feb 2003, when they refused the northern front.
When they needed our shelter from the Soviets, they were cooperative NATO allies. But when it is American v. Muslim, they are Muslims first and nothing else.
Oh YES thanks for refreshing my memory.
I'm happy to be refreshing. ;O)
Right now I'm working on changing my "Start" button on WinXP to say "Avast" like a pirate.
That would drive you crazy after a while. I had something like that and I deleted it.
In the eternal manner of Islam, Turkey has moved from entreaties to menaces.
Even if I change the little icon to an anchor?
Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has warned European Union leaders that violence from Islamic extremists could escalate if the EU rejects Turkey as a member.
muslim violence could escalate if Jews continue to breathe.
muslim violence could escalate if America remains Christian.
muslim violence could escalate if Israel continues to exist.
muslim violence could escalate if Bush is president.
muslim violence could escalate if the suns shines.
muslim violence could escalate if tomorrow is the day after today.
muslim violence could escalate if hydrogen exists in the universe.
But alas I thought Europe had not racial problems. I thought Europe invited everyone in! I thought that Europe said it was light years ahead of the USA regarding muslim problems!
Hmmm, Can I sell Germany A quit claim deed to the Brooklyn Bridge? What about a quit claim deed to the Statue of Liberty?
Everything I needed to know about islam I learned on 9/11 and on 9/12 watching the palestinians celebrate the death of Americans on 9/11!
If you ask me, that crap right there is grounds for instant disqualification.
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