Posted on 10/13/2004 5:19:44 PM PDT by Joe Hadenuf
45 minutes to go. If there is already a live debate thread go ahead and delete this.
I understand posting a live thread has become a somewhat of a political ordeal here, when it shouldn't be. So to take the pressure off, I'm posting this anyway. Do I dare? LOL!
Always a market for that and computers.
If I'd lived my life differently.....:)
Doesn't every American think that Eye-scanning can solve all of our immigration and terrorism problems... or is it an insidious conspiracy on law-abiding Americans...??!
Thankyou so much, spotbust. And God Bless you too.
Thanks too all for this great thread. I didn't get to watch the debate live as I was asleep. (working tonight)
Cant wait to watch the tape in the morning. :0P
Funny... I noticed that too, could it be that he doesn't support it??! After all, when you spend your time crawling on your belly with a shotgun trying to kill deer, your lack of success may turn you off the value of guns...?!
I must say I was horribly disappointed to hear Bush say he supported renewing the bill-- very depressingly un-American moment... although that isn't as Stupid as Kerry's comment about AKs (which were still legal under the bill...!!!! He is truly an IDIOT!!!!)
News flash... the 9/11 terrorists used Box Cutters-- not gunshow purchased guns... be on the watch for the box cutter ban coming to an office supply near you...
P.S. Walmart is running a blue-light special on C-4 and other terrorist-friendly suicide explosives on aisle 10, buy the bulk box and save $$$!!!!
Wow,8,247 and I'm the last one to post a reply...Go Bush!
My reaction: Stunned, mouth open... eyes shocked... heart stopped... then thawing, breathing, incredulous... sudden ironic laughter overtaking me which drowned out the remainder of Kerry's comment...
On the heels of Bush's heart-rending, uplifting remarks, which melted the souls of every woman and mother in hearing range, Kerry looked like a 1st Class (or is that Private Jet Class?) Grade B JERK.
This was an amazing blunder on his part!! Shame the liberal media will ignore it-- can't wait to hear what Hannity has to say on this one...!!
Flagg's reaction?
Everything went as I had expected. Rush said over a year ago that President Bush seems to not be satisfied with simply winning, but with destroying the modern democrat party.
Strategically, President Bush let Kerry have the first debate to get him confident enough to make some statements that could be used against him ("Global Test," etc.). This is why I had no doubt that it was the sound thing to do. Almost every FReeper was screaming at their TVs, "NO!! TELL KERRY (fill in the blank)!!!" As soon as I saw this, I knew something was up.
President Bush used the left's idea of him being a moron against them.
Now, what WE need to do from here on out is watch every media spin and catalog it here for all to read. Every point of bias. Every misquote. Every blatantly intentional hatchet job. Shine the light on it. Expose it. Contact our side (Rush, Hannity, etc.) and blare it from the tops of mountains.
Post those bumper stickers on your cars. Jam those yard signs deep in the Earth. It makes the left nervous; and nervous folks tend to make mistakes.
Our President needs us. I'll be there. Will you?
W Broke out the big Can-O-Whoop-Ass tonight!
Early voting in person begins Monday, October 18 in Texas.....
Check your local County Registrars office for poll locations.....I plan on voting the 18th, too!
Spread the word....everyone vote the Fox POLL.....I Freeped it. Looks like the DU-ers found it now, too:
Who won Wednesday night's presidential debate? a. President Bush
144,099 b. Senator Kerry
184,719 c. I did not watch
2,748 d. None of the above
652 332,218 total votes
You have, in classic freeper fashion, taken an unoriginal idea by me and transformed it, made it my quest, to be the last reply on the longest thread I have ever seen....
Thank you.
Good night, and good morning..
YES, it is a good morning. In review of the debate last night in "morning-after-glow", just before my eyes opened, I got the visual of John Kerry's performance last night: rain pattering against a galvanized roof (Pres Bush). President Bush was serene last night. Yes, it was a good night, and even better morning. CARPE DIEM!
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