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Putin: Ally or Terrorist? (Russian FSB/KGB Real Culprits Behind "Chechen Terrorism")
The New American ^ | February 2002 | William Jasper

Posted on 09/21/2004 8:24:29 PM PDT by GIJoel

Putin: Ally or Terrorist? by William F. Jasper

Counting Vladimir Putin as an ally against terrorism ignores his career in the murderous KGB/FSB and his ongoing support for terrorist regimes and organizations.

‘‘Lena Goncharuk, aged 38, said that she was the only one to survive out of a group of six who were ordered out of the cellar where they had been hiding and shot at point blank range. Resting in her hospital bed, her voice barely rising above a whisper, she said she had survived only by pretending to be dead." So reported Paul Wood from the Chechen border for The Independent of London on February 6, 2000, as "triumphant" Russian troops occupied Grozny, the capital of Chechnya. Wood’s article, entitled "Chechnya’s civilians put to the sword," continued with Mrs. Goncharuk’s story:

"They [the Russian soldiers] were asking for cigarettes, then they asked, ‘Do you have a radio,’ and they said, ‘Give it to us,’" she said, explaining that the four women and two men were sent back down into the cellar after handing over their valuables.

"We hadn’t even sat down," she went on, "then they began throwing grenades into the cellar and shooting. We all were crying and suffocating, the smell was unbearable. We were crying out, we could not see anything but they continued to shoot.

"We said, ‘Guys what are you doing? We are civilians.’ They stopped shooting and they said to come out of the cellar. Our legs and heads were wounded and we could hardly move but we got up, supporting each other.

"The first out were two Russian women, Luda and Natasha. We were standing inside the garage over the cellar and they started shooting at point blank range. The others were twisting in pain.... Natasha was lying dead already....

"There was one old man with us. His head was covered in blood.... Then they started firing again.

"If I had looked up I would have been shot. I opened my eye just a little bit, all I saw was the muzzles of their guns and their boots."

Putin’s "Liberation"

Two hospital beds down from Lena Goncharuk was another victim of the Russian "liberation." Unlike Goncharuk, Hedi Makhauri, a 40-year-old Chechen mother, had not been trapped inside besieged Grozny; along with tens of thousands of other refugees, she had fled to neighboring Ingushetia.

With Russian troops establishing themselves in the capital, and the Russian bombing and shelling apparently over, she had thought it safe to go back and check on her house. Paul Wood’s report briefly recounts her ordeal:

"They said it was a liberated area," she said, frail and thin, clutching her hospital sheet to her chin, telling us that when she got to her street, she and two other Chechen women saw Russian soldiers loading stolen goods from the houses into one of their armoured vehicles.

"They took us to the armoured vehicle and they said to go inside. We were afraid as they put blindfolds on us. We said, ‘Why, we are not criminals, we have just come to see our houses.’ They said it was orders.

"They said they would take us to the police headquarters, but they just took us around the corner. It was just ruins all around. Me and my neighbour were clutching each other’s hand. We said: ‘Why are you taking us here, there are no police here.’ They said: ‘Just wait, they will come.’

"The other woman said, ‘Take whatever you want, we have children, just don’t kill us.’ They made us go into one little room. They just shot her in the head. She didn’t even have time to say, ‘Let me go.’ They just shot her. Hedi said that the Russian soldiers were tugging at the gold ring on her finger.

"It slipped off just as they decided to get a knife to sever her finger and the ring along with it. They also took her ear-rings and her money, 400 roubles, about £8.

"Then they put an old mattress over her body, poured petrol on, and lit it. The mattress was wet and did not catch light, only smouldered as they walked away. If I cried they would have killed me," she said.

"They said it was a liberated area"? Where did Hedi Makhauri and many others less fortunate than her get such calamitous disinformation? Why, from no less an authority than Vladimir Putin, then the acting president of Russia. Mr. Putin appeared on Russian national television on Sunday, February 6, 2000, to announce that the last stronghold of the Chechen "terrorists" in Grozny had been taken and the Russian flag had been hoisted over the smoldering ruins of the capital. "Thus, we can say that the operation to liberate Grozny is over," declared Putin.

The seven-year campaign of genocide against Chechnya has been largely invisible to the outside world. The Russian armed forces and security services have successfully kept most of the Western media and humanitarian-aid organizations out, while, at the same time, preventing refugees from escaping with eye-witness details of the brutal subjugation. "Let us call it by its real name," wrote Boston Globe columnist Jeff Jacoby on October 28, 1999. "What Russia is committing in Chechnya is the mass murder of civilians.... And not only is the West failing to rise up against his [Putin’s] bloodbath, it is actively helping to finance it," directly through U.S. foreign aid to the Russian government, as well as indirectly via the U.S. taxpayer-funded International Monetary Fund.

Convergence Choir

Tragically, far too few of Mr. Jacoby’s colleagues in the Western media have shared his outrage over the ongoing slaughter in Chechnya; the coverage of Putin’s campaign of terror against Chechen civilians has been sporadic and the condemnations tepid. Since the September 11th terrorist attacks, criticism of the Chechen pogrom has all but evaporated, as the Bush administration has rushed to embrace Russia as our valued "ally" in the war on terrorism.

New York Times correspondent Bill Keller typified this response in an October 6th article, in which he stated: "We need the Russians now, as we needed Stalin once, and if that means our president pulls a punch on the subject of the indiscriminate civil carnage in Chechnya, I can live with that; the punch had no muscle behind it anyway." Mr. Keller and other pragmatists of his ilk can apparently "live with" patently immoral policies like genocide, turning a blind eye to the unpleasant bloodletting as long as the perpetrator advances the globalist agenda of East-West convergence.

On November 23rd, the Times offered an even more startling re-evaluation of Russia as NATO’s new partner in the war on terrorism. Aleksandr Rahr, a scholar at the German Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) in Berlin, told the Times: "What changed radically on September 11th was the complete disappearance of Russia as a threat to Europe. It’s completely gone." The German CFR is a sister to the American CFR, this country’s "ruling establishment," and Mr. Rahr was trilling the same convergence theme as his U.S. counterparts. Mr. Rahr, along with other European and American CFR one-worlders, advocates a full, lusty embrace of Russia against our new common enemy.

One of the most enthusiastic advocates of this policy of NATO-Russia embrace is none other than Lord Robertson, the current NATO chief. "We sense very strong indications from President Putin in recent weeks that he wants to change the way that Russia does business," the November 23rd New York Times quoted Robertson as saying. "We take that at face value and we will work on that basis," he continued. "The Russian response to the terrible attacks on the United States," he said, "has … been the reaction of a real and genuine friend." "In the past," said Robertson, "we were divided by walls and fences and by ideology and by armies. Today the threats to the Russian people are very similar, if not exactly the same as, the threats to the people in the NATO countries and the West."

Does Lord Robertson, the head of the West’s military alliance, truly buy the Kremlin line that the pounding of Chechen cities and villages into rubble, the rampant slaughter of civilians, and the driving of hundreds of thousands of refugees into camps, neighboring provinces, and foreign exile are the same as fighting terrorists who carry out acts like the 9-11 Black Tuesday attack? Whether or not he truly believes it, Robertson is definitely retailing that line with a passion. "To utter such nonsense, a top Western official has to be either a closet Communist or one of Lenin’s ‘useful idiots,’" says Christopher Story, editor and publisher of the authoritative London-based Soviet Analyst.

One of the most reliable analysts of Russian affairs and a keen observer of British power politics, Mr. Story clearly believes Robertson to be of the former category. "Look, Robertson was well known in Britain as a former Communist trade union agitator when Tony Blair picked him to be secretary of state for defense," Story told The New American. "Blair is to the left of Clinton and has been clear over in the Kremlin camp all along. The September 11th attacks have given him the opportunity to advance his pro-Moscow agenda while appearing to be pro-military, pro-American, and anti-terrorist." Story points out that when a member of parliament queried the British Fabian Socialist Society concerning charges that certain members of the Blair cabinet were members of the socialist group, the secretary of the Fabian Society publicly confirmed that 20 of Blair’s 23 cabinet officials were indeed members in good standing with the organization. For over a century, notes Story, the Fabians have played a crucial role in implementing Marxist-Leninist policies in the British Commonwealth.

"Lord Robertson the former Communist is quite obviously a continuing covert Communist who is enthusiastically implementing the continuing Soviet strategy against the West — from the highest office in NATO, no less," warns Story. "What makes this even more troubling is that Robertson was appointed NATO secretary-general following Javier Solana, a ‘former’ Spanish Communist, who shared the same love affair with Moscow. Solana has now been transferred to a key position within the European Commission of the EU [European Union], where he and his fellow radicals are working in concert with Robertson, Blair, Germany’s Joschka Fischer, Italy’s Romano Prodi, and other subversives to convert NATO and the EU completely into an oppressive Soviet collective."

The Russians have always been master chess players, reminds Story, and they have been playing the terrorist gambit very successfully. "If the people of the West do not wake up soon to this fact, we will soon be in checkmate," he warns.

Covert Strategy, Deadly Deception

The Russian war against Chechnya is, of course, central to the current U.S.-Russian embrace as allies in the war against terrorism. For the Russians and their CFR apologists in the U.S., it provides an important test of the American public’s gullibility: Can the slaughter in Chechnya credibly be equated to our current war against Osama bin Laden? After all, as the CFR’s Mr. Rahr claims, the Russian threat is "completely gone," and we’re both fighting against Islamic extremists, right? Or as Lord Robertson put it, we both face "very similar, if not exactly the same" threats.

The chess pieces were being positioned to produce American acceptance of this preposterous notion long before the suicide attacks of September 11, 2001. In December 1994, Boris Yeltsin ordered Russian troops, tanks, and air power into Chechnya to fight what he claimed were "terrorists" and "bandits." Soon the term "Islamic extremist" was also being applied to the Chechen opponents. For months the Russian army appeared pathetically inept, demoralized, barbaric, and incapable of subduing the Chechens. However, after grinding much of Chechnya under its tank tracks and killing 100,000 civilians, the Yeltsin regime negotiated an accord to withdraw Russian forces, while negotiations would continue toward a settlement of Chechnya’s status by the end of 2001.

The most penetrating (and what has also proven the most prophetic) analysis of the 1994-96 Russian-Chechnyan War was written in February 1995 as a memo from Soviet defector Anatoliy Golitsyn to CIA Acting Director William O. Studeman. Published in the 1995 edition of Golitsyn’s book The Perestroika Deception, the memo marshaled important evidence and observations supporting the contention that the Chechnyan War was being "deliberately staged largely for Western consumption by the Kremlin strategists in the pursuit of their objectives."

What hidden objectives could the Kremlin strategists advance by a controlled operation that showed the Russian military performing so poorly and the Russian military leaders quarreling amongst themselves? Mr. Golitsyn, himself a former elite KGB operative amongst the Kremlin strategists, listed many important objectives, including:

• The Russian military bungling was intended to "demonstrate that it can be discounted as a serious military adversary for the foreseeable future."

• This message was "intended to influence US Congressional debate on the subject of Russia’s military potential and the size of US forces required to maintain a balance with it."

• The message could "also be used as a pretext for deepening the partnership between the US and Russian armed forces by seeking American advice and help in ‘reforming,’ reorganizing and retraining the Russian army in order to enable it to serve a ‘democratic’ system."

• The Chechnyan events also "enabled the Russians to play especially on European fears of destabilization in Russia" and "injected a further boost to the European desire for partnership with the ‘democratic forces’ in Russia."

• This partnership would lead to "entry into European institutions" and then "East European and eventually Russian involvement in NATO."

As usual, Mr. Golitsyn’s cogent analysis has proven prescient as well; all of the above objectives, and others he mentioned, have been advanced on the Russian chessboard — to a frightful degree. And, as usual, Golitsyn’s warnings and analyses have been ignored and supressed by the CFR insiders dominating U.S. policy-making positions, Establishment think tanks, and the press. (See the sidebar.)

Russia’s New Front Man

Mr. Golitsyn suggested that the Chechnyan "crisis" might be "a possible planned prelude to a change of government," replacing the spent Yeltsin team with a new set of rotating faces. "Since an outright military or nationalist government [in Russia] might prejudice the flow of Western aid and the continued ‘cooperation’ with the West which furthers the strategists’ interests," he said, it is likely that the Kremlin strategists wielding the real power behind the scenes would replace Yeltsin with a team comprised of a tough new president and a "reformist" prime minister. "The President would be presented as a guarantee of Russian stability while the Prime Minister’s task would be to ensure the continued flow of Western aid and the continuation of cooperative operations."

Enter Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, the Russian "hero" of the Chechnyan pogrom. President Putin, the current player sitting in the Kremlin’s big chair, may seem in charge of moving the Russian pieces around the board, says Christopher Story, but he is merely the current front man for the covert Communist leadership collective that has continued to rule Russia since the Soviet Union’s supposed collapse. Mr. Story is perhaps the world’s leading proponent of Golitsyn’s thesis that the "Soviet collapse" was a controlled deception, planned many years in advance, for long-range strategic purposes.

Mr. Story, whose publications have closely tracked developments in Chechnya as well as the rise of Putin’s star, derides the government and media experts for falling all over themselves to come up with explanations for Putin’s meteoric rise. "Vladimir Putin has been a lifelong Communist and asset of Soviet intelligence," first of the KGB, and then of the GRU, Soviet military intelligence, he told The New American. "And the Chechnyan ‘crisis’ that raised him to the national and world stages has been completely an operation of the successor Russian intelligence services. If you follow the Russian-Chechnyan events and Putin’s career it’s very clear that he was hand-picked by the Kremlin strategists for his current role."

Shooting Putin to prominence was a spectacular string of 1999 apartment bombings in Moscow and other Russian cities that left hundreds dead. Yeltsin had appointed Putin prime minister, after serving a stint as head of the FSB, the current acronym for the KGB. Putin then strode on the scene vowing to bring the terrorists to justice. He quickly identified the perpetrators as Islamic extremists from Chechnya and soon launched a new massive invasion reducing Grozny to ashes and corpses. Heralded by the KGB/FSB-directed government organs and media as the strong man who had redeemed Russia’s honor from the ignominy of the 1994-1996 Chechnyan War and ended the terror bombings, Putin was elected "president" in March 2000.

USA Today reported on March 27, 2000 that Putin’s win "capped an incredible rise to power by a man who had never before stood for election." The Los Angeles Times reported that prior to his victory over the Chechens, "few thought the mousy, soft-spoken former spy could convince a majority of voters to elect him president."

Christopher Story has pointed out that Putin was able to solve the terrorist bombings "because they were very simply provocations perpetrated by covert Soviet intelligence operatives to provide Moscow with a pretext for an official re-entry into Chechnya. I say ‘official’ because Russia never really relinquished control when it supposedly left in 1996." Other analysts, investigators, and reporters around the world have reached some of the same conclusions. Many major mainstream media organs have acknowledged that the Putin regime has produced no evidence substantiating that Chechens were behind the Moscow bombings. Moreover, it has been fairly widely reported that strong evidence indicates that the FSB actually perpetrated the bombings. Many news groups have reported that after the fourth major bombing in September 1999, local police foiled a fifth bombing when they arrested terrorists planting explosives in another apartment complex. The terrorists turned out to be FSB agents.

According to Soviet Analyst, the Russians did not merely seize an opportunity (the 9-11 attacks) that happened to coincide with their long-range objectives; Putin and associates actually planned and carried out the terrorist deed using assets connected to bin Laden in Chechnya. The publication, which, like Anatoliy Golitsyn, can boast an uncanny accuracy on major Russian developments unmatched by the media-anointed Russian experts, has pointed out a number of important facts that support this theory. Among them:

• Land-locked Chechnya has long been one of the most completely controlled areas of the former Soviet Union, surrounded by Russia and Georgia, run by the faithful Communist Edward Shevardnadze. It is thus one of the safest venues to carry out a false Islamic revolt.

• The huge Soviet strategic military base and air base at Mozdok near Ingushetia has been using Chechnya as a "live warfare" laboratory and training ground, preparing for further strategic warfare in the region.

• The Chechen opposition has been completely controlled and compromised with false leadership, notably, with the likes of Djokhar Dudayev, a former Soviet air force general, accepted by Moscow as the representative voice of Chechen independence.

• The Russian armed forces and security services repeatedly released their controlled Chechen opposition, or allowed them to escape, to carry out repeated provocations.

• During the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan, an estimated 50,000 young Afghan males were removed from Afghanistan and transferred to terrorist training camps in Chechnya, Tajikistan, and elsewhere — to be filtered back in subsequent years as fighters in the ranks of the Taliban, al-Qaeda, and the Northern Alliance.

• Utilizing its client regimes in Iran, Sudan, Iraq, and elsewhere in the Middle East, Russia has supported the "Islamic" terror network while making it appear that it is itself under assault from "Muslim extremists."

As usual, says Christopher Story, the Communist strategists in Moscow have used the "principle of reversal," lying audaciously about the true situation in Chechnya. "Putin’s claims that Russia is under attack from bin Laden’s forces, just like the U.S., is a complete reversal of the truth," he says. In reality, he notes, "the evidence is far more persuasive that his al-Qaeda contacts in Chechnya and neighboring areas have been used to coordinate provocations that will provide the image of a common enemy." If this analysis is correct, and it appears to be, then the United States and the West have embraced as allies in the war on terrorism the engineers and perpetrators of the global terror offensive.


Predictions of an Ex-KGB Agent by William F. Jasper

Soviet defector Anatoliy Golitsyn predicted the rise of a false Soviet reformer like Gorbachev, the removal of the Berlin Wall, the unification of Germany, and the restructuring of NATO.

In 1961, in a dramatic escape under cover of a blinding snow storm, a major in the Soviet KGB defected to the United States. He was no ordinary KGB agent; he was an elite officer working within the "inner KGB" — a super-secret strategic planning department that plotted long-term Soviet strategy against the West. He is probably the most important Soviet defector ever to have reached the West. His name is Anatoliy Golitsyn.

Golitsyn warned that KGB moles had penetrated the CIA and virtually all other Western intelligence services and that many defectors were actually double agents feeding strategic disinformation to the West. For more than four decades, Golitsyn has been providing methodical analysis of developments in the Soviet Union and of Russian initiatives and operations throughout the world that has proven uniquely accurate. He has been explaining patiently that the Communist strategists who ran the Soviet Union continue to run Russia today. Following Leninist strategic principles, they are engaged in a deadly long-term war against the West. Foremost among their objectives is to convince Western leaders that Soviet Communism has collapsed and represents no further threat to the world.

Golitsyn’s amazingly prophetic book, New Lies for Old, was published in 1984. His main predictions included details of the forthcoming false liberalization of the whole of Eastern Europe, followed by similar developments in the Soviet Union. He predicted the rise of a false Soviet reformer like Gorbachev, the removal of the Berlin Wall, the unification of Germany, and the restructuring (if not abolition) of NATO. He even went so far as to specify that a "Break with the Past" process would start in East Germany, with the opening of its borders — as it turned out, to neighboring Communist countries. That was very remarkable: Golitsyn knew that the process would start in East Germany, and it did.

Author Mark Riebling, in his important 1994 book entitled Wedge: The Secret War between the FBI and CIA, conducted a careful analysis of Golitsyn’s predictions in New Lies for Old. He found that out of a total of 148 predictions, 139 had been verified by 1993 — "an accuracy rating of 94%." No other Soviet expert even comes close. Golitsyn’s 1995 book, The Perestroika Deception, continuing in the same tradition, offers unparalleled information and insight. Our leaders continue ignoring his proven wisdom to our own great peril.

TOPICS: Foreign Affairs; Russia
KEYWORDS: aazotfromheretozot; abuseofpower; addled; afacthurtsaliberal; ally; appeasers; ayazotola; azot; azotforkitty; azotforkittykitty; azotfortrolls; azotter; backward; banal; barnyard; barren; batty; besotted; beyondhelp; birchers; birdbrained; bizarre; blamevictims; blindto; bonkers; boorish; brainless; canspiracy; cantspellconspiracy; caucasus; caucasuslist; centralasia; chechen; chechensupporters; chechnya; commiezot; communism; communist; conspiracy; counterfactual; cracked; crackers; crackpot; crank; crazed; crazy; cretinous; crock; cuckoo; daffy; daft; deceitful; deceptive; delusive; demented; dense; derailed; deranged; deviant; dim; dimwitted; dingaling; dissembling; distorted; doltish; dull; dumb; dumbeddown; erroneous; evil; facts; factshurt; fallacious; false; fascism; fatheaded; featherbrained; feebleminded; fictitious; flake; freak; frenzied; fruitcake; fsb; garbage; garbageinandout; geopolitics; globaljihad; gone; goof; green; guttertripe; halfbaked; halfcocked; halfwitted; harebrain; herekittykitty; hollow; idiots; illiterate; imbecilic; imperceptive; imprecise; inaccurate; inane; inattentive; inbred; inconstant; incorrect; ineffective; inexact; iran; iraq; islam; islamoapologists; islamocommie; islamofascist; islamofascists; israel; jbs; johnbirchsociety; kerry; kgb; kitty; kook; lamebrain; lefties; liars; liberals; loon; loony; lowbrainvoltage; lowbred; lunatic; lying; mad; maniacal; massacre; medicationhelps; mental; meretricious; mindless; miscreant; misinformed; misleading; missingbrains; mistaken; moonstruck; moronic; muhammadan; neanderthal; neurotic; ninny; notbright; notsharpknife; numskulled; nut; nutcase; nutjobs; oblivious; obtuse; off; oneworldgovenment; paranoid; perfidious; pitiful; planetofapes; poland; prehistoric; preposterous; prevaricating; primitive; publicschoolproducts; putin; raving; recreant; russia; sadlyunintelligent; sappy; scatterbrain; screwball; screwy; senseless; shallow; sham; sickos; simpleminded; simplistic; slowwitted; sluggish; sovietunion; specious; spurious; stolid; struwwelpeterwashere; stupid; taliban; terrorism; terroristapologists; thick; throwbacks; torpid; trailerparkeducation; troll; truthhurts; unaware; uncivilized; uncouth; uncultivated; uncultured; uneducated; unenlightened; unglued; unhinged; uninformed; unintellectual; unknowledgeable; unlearned; unlettered; unpolished; unsettled; unsophisticated; unsound; untaught; untrained; untrue; untrustworthy; untruthful; unzipped; vicious; vulgar; wastedmind; whacko; williamjasper; witless; wrong; zapped; zot; zotforgreatjustice; zotforkitty; zotful; zotmeister; zotola; zotrichenvironment; zotsrus; zotster; zottatola; zotted; zottorama
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To: struwwelpeter


Thanks for the post. I haven't read it yet, but I will read it right now. But how do you post italics, large fonts and pictures like you do. I'm still green when it comes to posting on message boards. Thanks.

401 posted on 09/23/2004 12:30:20 AM PDT by GIJoel
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To: Robert_Paulson2
how many are still in the hostpitals MM?

Not to me, but I just read this from the Beslan site. The list shows - as of September 20th - 22 in a special hospital in Moscow, and another 125 in various hospitals throughout Russia and Osetiya.

402 posted on 09/23/2004 12:31:55 AM PDT by struwwelpeter
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To: GIJoel


If you would like more info. on how the Russians (read: Soviets) use terrorism to further their unrelenting drive towards world government, check out "Terrorists in Muslim Disguise" and "We Are The Next Target" threads below.

403 posted on 09/23/2004 12:32:47 AM PDT by GIJoel
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To: GIJoel; Askel5

I agree with both your assessments.

I ask, because at the New World Order level, you can't comprehend, almost, the "con" jobs that are incrementally perpetrated over decades and generations...until you see evidence.

But then the 'other' side makes a 'big lie' contradictory claim and brings out it's own testimonials and you realize - "Hey, the bottom line satan has found a way to get us to slaughter each other again".

But that's a life of free will - follow Human Secularism (the Soviet/Marxist Communism that has murdered 100 million and counting), follow the spawn of satan, his Death Cult proprietor Muhammad and have a 'religion of peace' 'cover' for blood lust satan worship OR what I guess I am.

Bottom line, I'm a Christian who wants to share freedom in Christ, and know I can't be as effective under Sharia Law or a World Communist New Worlder. We don't have to be subjected to 'Egypt' all freaking over again, and we don't have to watch our women and children raped and slaughtered like pigs.

Right now, God calls me to serve America however I'm called according to His will, in Christ, because both these forces of evil satanic veiled Islamofascism and Communism are converging on us simultaneously and - well, I know if we have to kill to survive, where justified and not as a vigilante, I know we will all witness blood in our streets like we've only horribly imagined, by seeing it before, here and everywhere we are in the world.

So I guess I'm a Crusader that's vigilant and prepared, ready to respond and advocate my representations to get more proactive in our defense. These are times when our RKBA is so precious. And those 'ugly guns' that they wanted to continue an un-Constitutionall ban on have historically, in many cases, been life-savers. I'm all for protecting innocent life. We are called to lay our lives down, by Him. In lots of ways.

Anyway, I got suspended by an MS and had 30 hours to think, so you got the brunt of it! lol

I'm convinced America has been set up, clinched by kerry's 'cut and run' announcement and date setting, so we are invariably ready to see the showdown of which of the next roughly 40 days we're going to see a massive 'tet'-like offensive in America by the bombing holy warriors of Allahu Fubar the moon blood sacrifice howlers...

404 posted on 09/23/2004 12:33:43 AM PDT by ApesForEvolution (DemocRATS are communists and want to destroy America only to replace it with the USSA)
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To: Fatalis

=== What in the history of the moslems leads you to believe that they are above it?

Well, for starters, I would look at RECENT history. The FSB has a nearly century-long unbroken record of using terror, enabling the slaughtering of innocent populations and committing some of the most heinous means of torture this planet's ever known.

That's one reason we entertained ideas from them when trying to decide whether to deploy on the Branch Davidians various techniques they'd perfected. We have long recognized their expertise in the realms of individual torture, human experimentaion and mass biological warfare. It's the primary basis on which we excused the "Paperclipping" of scientists from Nazi Germany (who became esteemed members of our national boards overseeing biology texts) and Japanese such as Ishii, Naito and Kitano from Mukden and Unit 731 in China where they'd spent the war performing live vivisections on POW's they'd frozen alive or infected with various agents.

Had to keep up with the Soviets!

Islam's history of atrocity--which I separate from that of Stalinists like Saddam (who we helped into power, btw), Leninists like the Ayatollahs or the radicalized Islamicists recruited by those in service of the Soviet-funded and designed Terror Internationale invoked at Havana's 1966 Tri-Continental Conference--is stale at best.

In fact, if you pay attention, you find that one of the primary non-terror complaints lodged against Islam is that -- unlike the abortifacient birth controlled and aborting West -- they still are having a more natural number of children.

"Christian" Westerners who purposely exclude their Creator from the marriage union somehow feeling entitled to complain when non-Christians don't rationalize likewise the use of amoral and Godless technology to subvert God's will.

And much to the chagrin of the US who strongarms as they can with "US-AIDS" our depopulation and pop-control policies abroad in concert with the UN, it's the Muslim nations of this world who have consistently resisted efforts to off or prevent their own progeny.

That's for starters, I guess.

405 posted on 09/23/2004 12:33:51 AM PDT by Askel5 († Cooperatio voluntaria ad suicidium est legi morali contraria. †)
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To: GIJoel

the pictures of those terrorist's eyes, are the very vision of dead men walking.

How your post relates to that... I don't get.

406 posted on 09/23/2004 12:35:27 AM PDT by Robert_Paulson2 (the madridification of our election is now officially underway.)
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To: GIJoel

I'm rather impressed by the Keywords you've managed to rack up on this thread. Appears you've really yanked the chains of the Usual Suspects who -- having nothing of substance with which to rebut anything posted here -- can only sputter and spitwad you instead.

407 posted on 09/23/2004 12:36:12 AM PDT by Askel5 († Cooperatio voluntaria ad suicidium est legi morali contraria. †)
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To: struwwelpeter

Isn't that fascinating? They created a bureacratic religion of tradional evilness...I see why so many, unfortunately, embrace the evil concept in their selfish hedonism. You can see the meticulousness of the minds was freakish and ghoulish. To cover their iniquities and rule through terror and false hope.

408 posted on 09/23/2004 12:36:21 AM PDT by ApesForEvolution (DemocRATS are communists and want to destroy America only to replace it with the USSA)
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To: struwwelpeter

I appreciate that data.

409 posted on 09/23/2004 12:37:16 AM PDT by Robert_Paulson2 (the madridification of our election is now officially underway.)
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To: GIJoel
No prob. The hypertext commands are i and /i (surrounded by '<' and '>') for italics, which you already know since you use 'br'. For large fonts the commands are 'font size=' (and a number from 1=tiny to 7=gynormous). Graphics you've got to upload somewhere and link to via 'img src=http://location.of.your.graphic'

The easiest is just to use the 'view' 'source' commands on your browser and cut and paste.

Have fun!

410 posted on 09/23/2004 12:39:49 AM PDT by struwwelpeter
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To: ApesForEvolution

BTW, Sharia Law is not even remotely the same as Islam. Islam and Sharia law developed seperately. One covered the religious sphere, the other the legal sphere. They are not the same thing. Just like our laws are not the same as Christianity. There was definately a major Christian influence, but they are definately not the same thing, as has become so painfully obvious over the course of the last 20-30 years.

411 posted on 09/23/2004 12:40:52 AM PDT by GIJoel
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To: Askel5
Ask15 wrote: "I'm rather impressed by the Keywords you've managed to rack up on this thread. Appears you've really yanked the chains of the Usual Suspects who -- having nothing of substance with which to rebut anything posted here -- can only sputter and spitwad you instead."

I'm learning alot about heavily trafficked message boards. I had no idea how those dispicable keywords got there until just now. Thanks.
412 posted on 09/23/2004 12:43:37 AM PDT by GIJoel
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To: Askel5

You're correct, as usual, in your strident yet didactic way ;-)

The Soviets murdered a bunch. The 'kwechen', as Rush would say, is - are they still Soviets?

President Bush took President Putin out to his ranch and looked deep into his eyes and decided that Vladimir Vladimirovich could be his friend. Not good enough?

How about... Mr. Putin claims to adore Vysotskiy. Can a man really be all that bad if he jams to the bard?

413 posted on 09/23/2004 12:47:29 AM PDT by struwwelpeter
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To: Askel5

"=== What in the history of the moslems leads you to believe that they are above it?

Well, for starters, I would look at RECENT history. The FSB... that's for starters, I guess."

For non-starters really. You dodged the question. In the recent history of the moslems, since, say, 1948, there are plenty of examples of moslems who aren't above killing children. There are more examples if you don't want to be tangled up in the recent.

414 posted on 09/23/2004 12:47:34 AM PDT by Fatalis
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To: struwwelpeter

Back to the main point: FSB planned the tragedy? 100% crap

I agree with that assessment.

415 posted on 09/23/2004 12:50:18 AM PDT by Robert_Paulson2 (the madridification of our election is now officially underway.)
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To: Robert_Paulson2
Thanks. It's just an opinion, and this is but a blog :-)

And see, not all Russians are evil:

416 posted on 09/23/2004 12:55:43 AM PDT by struwwelpeter
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To: Fatalis

It's interesting you should mention "since 1948." When you read the following moral polution that was interjected into the Arab world (just as it was interjected into Russia, China, Central and South America, South Africa, etc.), suddenly Middle East terrorism post 1948 comes as no surprise:

Excerpt from "We Are The Next Target," 1994

When Karl Marx wrote his book, A World Without Jews, he permanently set the tone for Communist anti-Semitism. He called for "the emancipation of mankind from Judaism" and for the end of all religious faith.[59] V. I. Lenin applied this principle against the Jewish longing for Israel in 1903, declaring that "this Zionist idea is absolutely false and essentially reactionary."[60]

The Communist drive to abolish Judaism took on a special urgency after World War I, when Jewish settlement in Palestine began interfering with Communist plans for a socialist, pan-Arab government. Over the next few decades, the Communists instigated Arab riots against Jews and organized anti-Zionist movements.[61] These tactics failed, and the nation of Israel was reborn in 1948.

But in 1964 the Soviet KGB made a decision to escalate wars of national liberation around the world. Its spending on terrorism grew ten-fold, and training centers were set up throughout the Communist Bloc. In less than two years, Cuba hosted the Tricontinental Conference--a meeting of 513 representatives from 83 terrorist groups. The Cuban Communist regime thus became a coordinating center for this growing international terrorist network.[62]

Israel was vaulted to the top of the list of target countries. The pro-Soviet dictator of Egypt, Gamel Abdel Nasser, launched a new revolutionary group in 1964--the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO).[63] Declaring the palestinian Arabs an "oppressed class" who needed to be "liberated" from Israeli rule, the PLO announced that it would destroy the nation of Israel altogether and replace it with a socialist government of Palestine.

417 posted on 09/23/2004 12:56:30 AM PDT by GIJoel
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To: Fatalis

I found that a convenient omission as well...

418 posted on 09/23/2004 12:58:24 AM PDT by ApesForEvolution (DemocRATS are communists and want to destroy America only to replace it with the USSA)
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To: GIJoel

Great snippet. Each footnote checks out. We've been had.

419 posted on 09/23/2004 1:00:51 AM PDT by ApesForEvolution (DemocRATS are communists and want to destroy America only to replace it with the USSA)
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To: GIJoel

Interesting theory but..., I give it as much credence as "George Bush knew the planes were going to hit the twin towers and did nothing so he could be a war-time President"...

420 posted on 09/23/2004 1:01:06 AM PDT by ExSES
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