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Per FoxNews: Pentagon questioning PO Box Number
| 10 SEP 2004
| me
Posted on 09/10/2004 11:09:40 AM PDT by aft_lizard
James Rosen just reported that the Pentagon questions the use of a PO Box on a memo, and that the PO Box may never have been used by that unit saying it seems highly unlikely that they would have PO Box containing sequential numbers. Standard military practice has always been to place the actual physical address on the letter head.
TOPICS: Breaking News
KEYWORDS: 60minutes; bush; cbs; communistparty; danrather; forgerie; forgery; fraud; liar; napalminthemorning; nationalguard; pobox34567; rathergate; selectricgate
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To: Arrowhead1952
posted on
09/10/2004 2:03:46 PM PDT
(There is only one GOOD 'RAT: one that has been voted OUT of POWER !! Straight ticket GOP!)
To: aft_lizard
the PO box was 76543 before it was 34567
Comment #263 Removed by Moderator
To: rdl6989
I'm sure you know how easy it would be to pick up an old typewriter at a flea market, garage sale or estate sale. How could they be so dense? Or did they think no-one would notice?
posted on
09/10/2004 2:20:22 PM PDT
(Win one against the Flipper)
To: rit
In 1991, Ashland Chemical Company, A Division of Ashland Oil, Incorporated, P. O. Box 34567, HoustonDoes anyone here realize that Ashland Chemical Company and HALLIBURTON share the same Lawyers?!
posted on
09/10/2004 2:21:02 PM PDT
(Sorry Kerry, you're 3 decimal places adrift: 3,000,000 not 3,000 "displaced"/murdered SE Asians)
To: VRWCTexan
You gave me a good idea and I followed it. I spent six years in the Guard and almost four in the USAF. None of my records from Texas, Mississippi and Tennessee use a post office box and I had a bunch of records. I also have my dad's records (he spent 28 years on active duty in the USAF). All USAF Military records require a physical address when an address is given if my memory serves me correctly. I could not have a route or post office box on my DD214 and had to have the name of the road I was ultimately going to after discharge. A post office box for mail to military installations reeks of falsehoods.
posted on
09/10/2004 2:38:01 PM PDT
(In memory of T/Sgt. Secundino "Dean" Baldonado, Jarales, NM-KIA Bien Hoa AFB, RVN 1965)
To: oolatec
I had the same suspicion. I would think that an Air National Guard unit might have had an address at... Oh... I dunno... Perhaps an air base? I would have also thought that someone at SeeBS might have asked the same question; obviously not.
posted on
09/10/2004 3:25:43 PM PDT
(This is my most clever tag line ever!)
To: rawhide
What's even funnier .. the P.O. Box # is a real number, and IIRC is for some big chemical company in Houston.
How's that for stupidity ..??
posted on
09/10/2004 4:36:04 PM PDT
(Sen.Miller said, "Bush is a God-fearing man with a good heart and a spine of tempered steel")
To: TexKat
Well, I know Alabama was Ala. now AL, etc...
Thanks, 10-4
To: TexKat
To: Barney59
The two letter state abbreviations were initiated BEFORE 1966. The gentleman responsible was named Dan Boone. He also designed and implemented the 5-digit ZIP Code.
He vaguely resembled Mr. ZIP.
To: ASA Vet
Box numbers these days typically include the 4-digit "add on".
What that means is you can have a gazillion Post Office Box numbers in any particular 5-digit ZIP Code area.
The 5-digit ZIP Codes were changed throughout the Houston area more than 10 years ago.
Folks are digging a dry hole with this one.
To: kpp_kpp
I have a feeling that there is a very quiet investigation going on inside the DOD and possibly the FBI over these documents. There are several laws against forging government documents.
posted on
09/10/2004 5:07:51 PM PDT
To: ConservativeDude
You are absolutely correct. The bogus address went in as a placeholder while she crafted the rest of the letter, and got the right spacing.
That's exactly what I'd do. Still, while on the job I wouldn't have been snorting coke or blowing weed like this lady did.
To: aft_lizard
I thought the most telling sign was that it was signed by "Santa Claus, North Pole."
How could they not see that?
posted on
09/10/2004 5:09:32 PM PDT
(You can curse the darkness, or you can light a candle. Me, I like cursing the darkness.)
To: PhiKapMom
Actually, Air Force and all other government agencies began paying for any PO Boxes they used in 1975, even if they hadn't before.
An interesting problem arose that precipitated writing a special rule for PO Box rental periods ~ just about every intelligence gathering agency on Earth rented boxes all over the US.
We are the only people spies trust.
However, such activities are always "black funds", but there are budgets, and they are controlled by former field operatives (think of a KGB assassin in charge of your budget).
They all needed flexibility concerning when the rent would be due. Everybody went away happy with the solution.
To: aft_lizard
I think Kerry just got schwartzed.
posted on
09/10/2004 6:18:53 PM PDT
To: IamConservative
You can tell that man is a professional. He goes the extra mile.
To: rolling_stone
To: aft_lizard
posted on
09/10/2004 6:39:42 PM PDT
(Right Wing Infidel since 1954)
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