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Mark Steyn: I still think Bush will win
The Spectator (U.K.) ^ | 07/17/04 | Mark Steyn

Posted on 07/15/2004 6:16:26 AM PDT by Pokey78

Mark Steyn says the President’s chances of victory improve every time John Kerry appears on television

New Hampshire

There was an interesting headline in the International Herald Tribune the other day: ‘Front-Runner Is Leading In Presidential Race.’

It turned out to be an analysis of the Indonesian election, but I think the general principle applies over here as well. It seems safe to say the front-runner is leading in the US presidential race and that, if the front-runner can maintain that lead up to and including election day, he’s likely to win

The only point of disagreement is over who’s the front-runner. The media, said Evan Thomas, assistant managing editor of Newsweek, in a unusual moment of candour the other day, ‘wants Kerry to win’ and so ‘they’re going to portray Kerry and Edwards as being young and dynamic and optimistic ...that’s going to be worth maybe 15 points’. In Fleet Street, if memory serves, an assistant managing editor is the bloke who orders the office furniture, but on Newsweek’s bulked-up masthead Mr Thomas is quite the bigshot and, just to prove his point, the magazine’s cover this week features a beaming John Kerry and a beaming John Edwards over the headline ‘The Sunshine Boys’.

The only thing Thomas got wrong was that 15-point bounce. There was no discernible Edwards bounce outside his hair. The reality of this race was summed up by the bumper sticker I saw on some smug Vermont granolamobile the other day: ‘Someone Else For President’. That’s what matters to Democrats — that Bush ceases to be President and Someone Else takes over the job. And, as long as they think of John Kerry as Someone Else, Dems are buoyant and confident. Unfortunately, every so often, they’ll linger by the TV a little too long, Senator Someone Else will start to talk, and his party will remember that he is, indeed, John Kerry, and it’s too late to get another Someone Else.

So the question is whether the base’s strong anti-Bush motivation can survive its non-existent pro-Kerry motivation. Key demographics — such as blacks and Hispanics — are reported to be antipathetic to the candidate and difficult to corral. Even the fawning press has a tough job talking him up. This is how Jodi Wilgoren began a recent puff piece in the New York Times:

‘Like a caged hamster, Senator John Kerry is restless on the road. He pokes at the perimeter of the campaign bubble that envelops him, constantly trying to break out for a walk around the block, a restaurant dinner....’

Why couldn’t he have been a caged tiger? Isn’t that what she’s getting at? A noble beast, restless and prowling? A caged hamster’s never struck me as being that interested in poking the perimeter. He’s happy on his little hamster wheel, going round and round and getting nowhere, occasionally pausing to chew his nuts. But he’s not constantly trying to break out, unless he happens to be at a Hollywood fundraiser and a certain male movie star asks him back to his pad for a nightcap. Perhaps Ms Wilgoren thought the tiger was too haughty and aristocratic, and that the rodent imagery would humanise Kerry. Or perhaps, like Sinatra, the Senator has his very own Hamster Pack of buddies for when he breaks out of the bubble and gets to that restaurant.

Bush, meanwhile, is like some indestructible lab rat. They keep tossing some lethal new poison in there every week and he digests it all and keeps on going. The economy’s a bust! Iraq’s a quagmire! There are no WMD! But Bush just ploughs through it all, and in the end the dynamic of the race seems barely affected.

Some readers think I’m being a little fainthearted this campaign season, noting that I predicted a Bush victory months ago but seem to have gone a little quiet on the subject. Well, I still think Bush will win. As I said before and after the 2000 election, the Democrats’ biggest problem is their lack of appeal to white rural males. That’s why Al Gore isn’t President. He lost hitherto Dem states like West Virginia, Bill Clinton’s Arkansas and his own Tennessee. Do you reckon a Botoxicated Brahmin from Massachusetts with some pretty-boy ambulance-chaser is going to reverse Gore’s fortunes? I don’t. The Michael Moorification of the Democratic party boosts their numbers where they don’t need any more support — Boston, New York, plus Berkeley and a few other crazy college towns. But it doesn’t do anything for them in states where they could use a bump.

So I’d say West Virginia, Arkansas and Tennessee are staying in the Bush column. The 2000 census brought about, yet again, a further draining of electoral muscle from the Democrat north-east to the Republican south and west. This means that even if Bush won only the states he won last time round, instead of a squeaker, he’d beat Kerry by 278 electoral college votes to 260. I think it will be a little bigger than that. With the exception of Florida, the Bush bloc of states is pretty much secure. The battlegrounds this year are all Gore states — Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, New Mexico, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Washington, Wisconsin. At the minimum I’d look to Bush to peel away a couple of those from Kerry — most likely some twosome out of Iowa, New Mexico and Wisconsin — and hold on to Florida. That would give Bush 290–295 electoral college votes over Kerry’s 243–248. If the Massachusetts senator is on TV too often and his insufferable pomposity becomes impossible to hide, the President may pick up three or four more states — plus, under the Pine Tree State’s goofy split-take rules, half of Maine’s electoral votes, too.

That’s my reading of the electoral college. But the other reason I’d bet on Bush is more basic: he tends not to lose. In 2002 Michael Moore gloated that the midterms would be the shot heard round the world — a massive repudiation of the moron warmonger — and instead the President had a great night of significant incremental gains in the Senate and House. If he’s a moron, he’s the luckiest moron who ever lived. A few months ago the Democrats were jeering about ‘the Bush recession’. Then the recession ended. So they started jeering about ‘the jobless recovery’. Then the jobs kicked in. So now they’re moaning that the jobs ‘don’t pay enough’. Get the feeling this whole economy thing just isn’t going anywhere for them?

It’s the same with Iraq. If you’d wanted to, you could have landed some serious blows on the administration. There are aspects of post-war reconstruction that were not handled well, and some military decisions that were questionable. But by insisting that Iraq was on the brink of civil war, and the Shiites were on the verge of a mass uprising, and Bush ‘lied’ over the uranium-from-Niger story, and one lousy jailhouse was entitled to 99 per cent of the Iraq coverage for weeks on end, the Democratic party and their chums in the mainstream media ruled themselves out of making any credible contribution to the debate.

There was an almost touchingly bewildered piece in the Boston Globe this week: ‘Media coverage of President Bush has been largely unflattering this campaign season, but there’s little indication the bad press has affected the country’s view of him, according to a survey being released today.... Despite months of tough coverage, the Pew poll found that “the strongest associations people have with President Bush are positive”. The Bush characteristics most frequently cited by the public are that he is tough and won’t back down (53 per cent) and that he is strong and decisive (48 per cent), although 44 per cent did describe him as stubborn. Conversely, only 18 per cent selected Kerry as the candidate who most epitomises strength and decisiveness, and only 15 per cent saw him as the one who is tougher and more tenacious....

‘The only theme that more of the public saw as best describing Kerry rather than Bush was that he was a flip-flopper.’

Why did ‘months of tough coverage’ have such little impact on Bush? Because of blowhards like bigshot Democrat John D. Rockefeller IV. Last week, in his additional remarks to the Senate intelligence committee report, Senator Rockefeller accused the administration of being ‘fundamentally misleading’ in basing its case against Iraq ‘on the argument that we knew with certainty that Iraq possessed large quantities of chemical and biological weapons, was aggressively pursuing nuclear weapons, and that an established relationship between Baghdad and al-Qa’eda would allow for the transfer of these weapons for use against the United States.’

That was all ‘fundamentally misleading’, says Rockefeller, today. Here’s what Senator Rockefeller said in October 2002:

‘There is unmistakable evidence that Saddam Hussein is working aggressively to develop nuclear weapons and will likely have nuclear weapons within the next five years.... Saddam’s existing biological and chemical weapons capabilities pose a very real threat to America, now.... And he could make those weapons available to many terrorist groups which have contact with his government, and those groups could bring those weapons into the US and unleash a devastating attack against our citizens....’

What a sad hack. Virtually every Democratic heavyweight from Al Gore down has the same kind of amnesia, accusing Bush of ‘lies’ and ‘deception’ for saying exactly the same things they were saying. My view of Iraq and the war on terror hasn’t changed since 2002. Nor has Bush’s, or Cheney’s or Condi’s. But Democrats have stood their own arguments on their heads so often that they now stand for nothing.

That’s Kerry’s and Edwards’s problem. Ask them about Iraq and they drone on about getting the UN back in there and bringing France and Germany on board by giving them ‘fair access to the multibillion-dollar reconstruction contracts’ plus ‘a leadership role’ in exchange for some troops. But all the UN’s done for Iraq is rip off its people in a $10 billion Oil-for-Food scam that’s bigger than Enron, Worldcom and every other corporate scandal combined. And bribing France and Germany with US tax dollars and Middle East meddling rights in exchange for vague promises of military resources they don’t have isn’t so smart, either. If the object is to cosy up to foreigners disenchanted with Bush, Patricia Hewitt is closer to the mark: Kerry-Edwards trade protectionism will offend far more allies than Bush ever did on Iraq.

The truth is that blathering about the UN and France is the equivalent of having no policy, no ideas. It’s the default position for sonorous phonies. And, as that survey suggests, that’s all anyone knows about Kerry. For example, the Senator recently flipped his position on abortion. He now says that he ‘personally’ believes life begins at conception. But he votes non-stop for abortion every chance he gets because he doesn’t believe in inflicting his deeply held personal beliefs on the country.

Huh? This is a first: a candidate who boasts that his conscience is at odds with his voting record. If you believe that abortion is the taking of a life, you vote against it. If you lose the vote, then you say, well, I personally believe life begins at conception, but I respect the will of the legislature, blah blah. But to say that you believe in voting against what you believe because you don’t believe in believing in your beliefs is as close as you can get to admitting that the flip-flop perception is true: you stand for nothing; there’s no there there.

Well, the Dems have a problem on this issue. The base is fanatically pro-abortion while the broader electorate isn’t. And, in fairness to Kerry, asked if he too believed that life begins at conception, John Edwards just froze and ducked the question, twice. The trouble is that the Senator is applying his meaningless abortion ‘conscience’ to the war. One pictures too easily a President Kerry in 2001 saying that while he ‘personally’ believes in removing the Taleban, he doesn’t believe he has the right to inflict his deeply held personal beliefs on Jacques Chirac, or Gerhard Schröder, or whoever the Belgian guy is.

This has been a strange election season, even before any al-Qa’eda October surprise. It’s like watching Sheffield Wednesday take on Middlesex. If the crowd decide this is really a cricket match, Wednesday look like a bunch of dummies. If they figure it’s footie, Middlesex are in trouble. Likewise, if the voters think this election is about the small print on your credit-card statement or ten-year-old girls without winter coats or any of John Edwards’s other bizarre obsessions, they’ll ditch Bush and Cheney. But if they think it’s about American resolve in dangerous times, Kerry and Edwards look way out of their league.

TOPICS: Editorial; Foreign Affairs; Government; News/Current Events; Politics/Elections
KEYWORDS: gwb2004; marksteyn; marksteynlist; predictions
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To: Pokey78
The only thing Thomas got wrong was that 15-point bounce. There was no discernible Edwards bounce outside his hair.

LOL! As I said before, democrats should be very concerned that there was no bounce, despite their best efforts.

61 posted on 07/15/2004 10:51:12 AM PDT by KC_Conspirator (This space outsourced to India)
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To: rushmom
Demand that John Kerry apologize for slandering the President

Chris Lehane, while working for John Kerry is responsible for shopping the "Bush lied in his STOU" story to the media. The Kerry campaign still supports the Joe Wilson web site. We can turn this election around if we get the word out, that IT WAS JOHN KERRY WHO LIED, by spreadind the Joe Wilson's story. Bush did not lie.

62 posted on 07/15/2004 10:54:44 AM PDT by Eva
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To: 91B; Pokey78

<< But to say that you believe in voting against what you believe because you don’t believe in believing in your beliefs is as close as you can get to admitting that the flip-flop perception is true: you stand for nothing; there’s no there there.

I almost pity the Dems-not having a Mark Steyn. >>

But the dims DO, of course, have Mark Steyn.

And it is not the absence of 'a Mark Steyn' that defines them -- but rather it is the inability to handle Mark Steyn's insistence of promulgating and disseminating only Truth.


They got them a Mark Steyn -- no problem -- just ain't got no Truth.

Blessings -- Brian

[Thanks for the ping, Pokes]

63 posted on 07/15/2004 11:03:47 AM PDT by Brian Allen (Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth? Galatians 4:16 -- So mote it be!)
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To: mrustow
If people all around you vilify you, and you say nothing, most observers will take that to be an admission of guilt. This election will be a referendum on the media, more than it will be one on John Kerry or even George Bush.

True, but do you remember August 2002? Bush was bashed continually on Iraq. (He had floated a trial balloon about invading Iraq). He took a vacation in Crawford. His ratings dropped. FReepers were having hysterics.

Come Sept: He got a UN resolution on Iraq. He got Congressional authorization on Iraq. His ratings soared. Republicans got a surprise election result in 2002.

I predict Pres. Bush to be more active in Aug 2004, but still to take a vacation. He will come out swinging in Sept 2004, pour it on in October with forceful speeches and stunning debate victories and then win by 5-10% in the national election. EV's will be 300-350.

Timing is everything. You must present your message when people are listening. They aren't listening in the summer. They will listen in October, before the election.

64 posted on 07/15/2004 11:21:08 AM PDT by Forgiven_Sinner (The Passion of the Christ--the top non-fiction movie of all time)
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To: BlueLancer
Naah. That's why he's got Edwards.

Okay, so I have a dirty mind too...

65 posted on 07/15/2004 11:42:45 AM PDT by Colonel_Flagg ("I speak Spanish to God, French to women, English to men, and Japanese to my horse."-Buckaroo Banzai)
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To: Sam the Sham

"But he’s not constantly trying to break out, unless he happens to be at a Hollywood fundraiser and a certain male movie star asks him back to his pad for a nightcap".

- My take on this is not that Kerry is AC/DC, but it does seem to hint that Kerry was invited to a Hollywood stars home, he accepted and, once there, he was subjected to an unexpected advance from which he tried to escape or "break out". For Stein to have heard of this incident means that it must be common Hollywood gossip and probably repeated about as a funny story.

66 posted on 07/15/2004 11:43:54 AM PDT by finnigan2
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To: Pokey78

67 posted on 07/15/2004 11:51:21 AM PDT by Paul Ross (Communism is a mental illness. Historical amnesia is its prerequisite.)
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To: BlueLancer

Of course, your image of him on the wheel includes him wearing spandex and a bike helmet....

68 posted on 07/15/2004 11:55:37 AM PDT by Watery Tart (John al-Q’erry: Consumptive Democrat Presidential Nominee)
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To: mrustow
Richard Gere.

Of course. That's where the hamster comes in.

69 posted on 07/15/2004 11:58:07 AM PDT by Watery Tart (John al-Q’erry: Consumptive Democrat Presidential Nominee)
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To: finnigan2; mrustow

Maybe it's the Peter Bogdanovich Syndrome.

A geek goes to Hollywood and finds himself in a world where very, very beautiful women are very available and goes crazy. The way Peter Bogdanovich went blonde-crazy over Cybill Shepherd and destroyed his directorial career. The way Gary Hart self-destructed over a minor starlet after his pal Warren Beatty introduced him to Hollywood.

70 posted on 07/15/2004 12:02:24 PM PDT by Sam the Sham
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To: scholar; Bullish; linear; yoda swings


71 posted on 07/15/2004 12:04:50 PM PDT by knighthawk (We will always remember We will always be proud We will always be prepared so we may always be free)
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To: Pokey78
A caged hamster’s never struck me as being that interested in poking the perimeter. He’s happy on his little hamster wheel, going round and round and getting nowhere, occasionally pausing to chew his nuts.

Oh -- My -- Gawd. If I can ever stop laughing I may get through the rest of this, what looks to be yet another classic from this unbelievably talented gentleman.

72 posted on 07/15/2004 12:14:10 PM PDT by workerbee
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To: Pokey78
Vermont granolamobile

I love it! I'm writing that one down.

73 posted on 07/15/2004 12:21:12 PM PDT by antiliberal (; Say buh-bye to Barney Frank!)
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To: bootyist-monk
Thanks for filling me in. I never paid much attention to his rhetoric. It seems so mind-numbingly obscene to me-- a "hypothetical" girl lacks a winter coat, and her family lacks the resources to provide her with one, there are no churches, no friends, no neighbors, no family, no thrift shops, no charities available to help her out. .... Spare Me!

I suppose the poor little girl could always sue her Senator for doing such a lousy job. After all, its government's job to provide everything, right?

74 posted on 07/15/2004 12:22:27 PM PDT by MrsEmmaPeel
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To: MrsEmmaPeel

From a previous Steyn piece.... part of Edwards stump speech concerned a 10-year-old girl, somewhere in America, praying it would be warmer tomorrow as she had no warm coat to wear. According to Steyn, you would have to have a heart of stone for that not to brings tears of laughter to your eyes!

75 posted on 07/15/2004 12:23:03 PM PDT by Rummyfan
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To: Huck
Best Steyn piece I've read in a while. And I am pretty sure I read em all.

Yep. I always admire Steyn's style, and I usually admire the substance of his columns, but this one is especially solid. He put his finger right on some important stuff this time.

76 posted on 07/15/2004 12:28:29 PM PDT by Yardstick
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To: Pokey78
The truth is that blathering about the UN and France is the equivalent of having no policy, no ideas. It’s the default position for sonorous phonies.

Outstanding! Someone in the media who tells the no-holds-barred truth. "Sonorous phonies" — exceptional characterization.


My tagline until the election:
A vote for Kerry-Edwards is a vote for Osama bin Laden, Saddam Hussein, Jacques Chirac, the UN, International Criminal Court, and Hollyweirdos.
Failure to vote, or a vote for a minority party, is a vote for Kerry-Edwards (unless you’re a liberal/Leftist who’ll vote Nader, a minority party, or stay home).

77 posted on 07/15/2004 12:29:59 PM PDT by Wolfstar (Get off your duffs and VOTE for Bush-Cheney in Nov. Your life may depend on it.)
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To: rushmom
Anybody have any substantively good news out there? Has this country moved very far to the left? It's so scary.

Stop listening to the so-called pundits and use common sense. Do you honestly bellieve that we will elect the most liberal senator from the most liberal state (Mass, where gay marriage is legal) as President? Has the country shifted to the left or right since Bush I beat Dukakis? The only reason Clinton won two terms, never with more than 50% of the vote, is because he tried to portray himself as a centrist Democrat. His policy of triangulation was used to make him the broker between the two parties. Gore tried the same tactics but didn't have the charm.

Kerry is now trying to cast himself as a moderate. He is a hunter, a military man, strong on defense, and believes life begins at conception. Despite being the richest man ever to run for the Presidency, he is a populist who identifies with the common man. Teresa will be the first foreign born First Lady since Louisa Adams in 1825 and the first ever to be born with non-American parents. Louisa's father was an American who married an Englishwoman in London.

If America elects John Kerry, then I must be living in a parallel universe or election fraud is so widespread that the country is headed for the ash heap of history. Unless something totally unexpected happens between now and election day, Bush will win in a landslide.

78 posted on 07/15/2004 12:49:49 PM PDT by kabar
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To: Pokey78; ohioWfan

Pokey, thank you for beating quidnun_ to it.

ohio, enjoy!

79 posted on 07/15/2004 12:58:55 PM PDT by GretchenM (A country is a terrible thing to waste. Vote Republican.)
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To: Pokey78
I went through the usual depressing read-a-Steyn routine again here.

1. Open article. Read first paragraph. Laugh. Highlight a sentence I want to comment on.
2. Read next paragraph. Laugh. Highlight a still better sentence.
3. Read next paragraph. Laugh. Open new browser window so I can copy multiple sentences I want to comment on.
4. Read next paragraph. Laugh. Realize that I'm copying the entire article, sentence by sentence. Close browser.
5. Read to end of piece. Laugh my butt off. Give up, and,
6. Just type in a "Brilliant. BTT."

Brilliant. BTT.

80 posted on 07/15/2004 1:00:46 PM PDT by Billthedrill
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