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Gore to Dubya: Condemn Limbaugh (transcript of Rush Limbaugh's response) ^ | May 26, 2004 | Rush Limbaugh

Posted on 05/27/2004 2:44:49 AM PDT by weegee

Gore to Dubya: Condemn Limbaugh

May 26, 2004
Listen to Rush…
(...roll the ad, Algore demanding Bush renounce Rush and all his works)


RUSH: Just sitting here minding my own business. I'm not bothering anybody. Just doing my job here on the EIB Network, and the vice president, ex-vice president, of the Democratic Party, has demanded today that George W. Bush condemn and denounce me. (speech) We have the sound bite coming up. Greetings, my friends. Rush Limbaugh, the EIB Network and the Limbaugh Institute for Advanced Conservative Studies. You are listening to America's most listened to and most powerful radio talk show, a program which meets and surpasses all audience expectations on a daily basis. I heard this bite during the break, folks. (Laughing)

We all just listened to it together, and we just laughed. You've got to hear this. This is a event. It's here in New York at New York University. Gore and I in the same town. (Gasping.), this is the wacko bunch that is doing ads equating Bush with Hitler. Don't they have a new ad? Hang on, let me check. Move On has a new [staff interruption] Yeah. Yeah. Before we play the Gore bite, you've got to hear the audio track to the latest ad, which puts an Abu Ghraib hood over the Statute of Liberty.

VOICE: (Absurd doom-and-gloom music.) They said we went to Iraq to bring American values -- democracy, liberty. But something has gone terribly wrong. (Dramatic pause) Now it's been reported that (Secretary of Defense) Donald Rumsfeld initiated the plan that encouraged the physical coercion and sexual humiliation of prisoners. [Rush laughing] Rumsfeld has endangered our soldiers and America. [sic] Why hasn't (President of the United States) George (W.) Bush fired this man?

RUSH: (Laughing.) So that's their latest commercial, and I haven't seen it, but apparently during one of the darkest moments of that commercial is where a hood, an Abu Ghraib hood, is placed over (laughing) the Statue of Liberty. That's what I meant earlier about these people kind of going a little too far. They're really going to persuade people with this. So anyway at their big event, a big shindig out there here in New York at New York University, former vice president Al Gore -- I guess (EIB Chief of Staff) H.R. is right. I guess I've become the new Newt Gingrich of the Republican Party. A talk show host has become the new Newt Gingrich. He's the excerpt from the Gore speech.

ALGORE: "This president episodically poses as a uniter and healer. If he really has any desire to play that role, then I call upon him to condemn Rush Limbaugh, perhaps his strongest political supporter, who said publicly that the torture in Abu Grab [sic—Ghraib] was 'a brilliant maneuver' and that the photos were 'good old American pornography,' and that the actions portrayed were simply those of people 'having a good time' and 'needing to blow off steam.'"

RUSH: I guess those naked pyramids are just not in the national interest to Algore. (Laughing and laughing.) Okay. Well, you know, here's the thing, folks. Algore, this whole speech, he went nuts. He's flailing around wildly there. Not just me, he's attacking everybody who has led the nation through 9/11, the war on terrorism, and he's making statements that are flat out lies in this speech. For example, the Geneva Conventions. I don't know how many of you know this, the Geneva Conventions do not protect terrorists. (PTI: Interrogation of Ultras Not Regulated Under Geneva) They protect soldiers who serve under a nation who wear uniforms who carry their weapons openly, and with the kind of threat that we're facing today with terrorist cells in the U.S. plotting an even bigger attack than 9/11. I mean, it says a lot about Gore. It says he's perverse, that he would be argue to go confer greater rights on those who seek to murder millions of Americans and calling for even tougher actions to seek them out and destroy them before they destroy us, and this is what is truly puzzling to me about the left, and this is what's disarming about these prison photos.

What really troubles me about these photos, above and beyond what's in them, is how they're being used to undermine our war effort. Now we have the former vice president, a man who was thisclose to becoming president of the United States, speak out in this speech. We haven't played you the bites, but he was flailing around on the Geneva Convention. He starts talking about conferring more rights on the kind of people who want to murder tens of thousands more Americans than he does seem interested in dealing with the people who want to commit those murders. He has succeeded in giving our adversaries in Europe and our enemies in the caves of Afghanistan and the allies of Iraq a message that they'll take to heart, and that is that we are not a united nation, that we do not have the will to win this war, and that we are weak and indecisive. That's the message that Gore sends today, and it's the wrong message, because it's a lie, and beyond that it is an outrage.

I don't think anything of this kind has ever been done by a former vice president during a war, but our adversaries and our enemies would be badly mistaken if they actually believe that Gore speaks for this nation, because he doesn't. I speak for more of this nation than Algore does, and I will say it on this program. Otherwise, why is he bothering to mention my name? He speaks for the radical fringe in his party who have become more and more the mainstream of his party. They are the Hate-America First radical left, and I hope the American people get to hear all of this speech. I hope it's played over and over again, for this is how low Gore and his crowd are willing to go to undermine the war effort and our troops and this president to promote themselves and their own agenda and get themselves back into power. Lest we forget, Algore and his boss, Bill Clinton, stood by while the enemy was plotting and planning to murder thousands of Americans.

They did nothing serious to stop bin Laden. They did nothing serious to fight terrorism. They degraded or military. They slashed our troop levels, undermined our intelligence services. Today calls for civil rights for terrorists in his speech while opposing the Patriot Act which helps us find and stop terrorist cells right here in our country, and Gore has said nothing about how he would fight this evil because he's obsessed with hatred not for the enemy but for George W. Bush -- and that's what identifies That's what identifies most of the fringe, radical left in this country. They actually think Bush is a greater threat to the people of this world and this country than any thug dictator, Saddam Hussein, Kim Jong ll, anybody. They think Bush poses a greater threat, and as misguided as that is, this is what animates them. It is what motivates them and inspires them.

In this speech today he actually makes the case for civil rights for terrorist cells in these prisons under the Geneva Convention when the Geneva Convention does not even cover terrorists. But more importantly, the idea that this guy -- who didn't say anything about terrorism in his presidential campaign. For all you people that want to talk about how the Clinton administration was really tough on terrorism, go back to the 2000 campaign. Find for me where Gore said anything about it. He didn't. It wasn't a big deal. We know what Jamie Gorelick was doing. We know Gorelick built the wall with her famous 1995 memo that prevented intelligence that was gathered on terrorists from being conveyed to law enforcement agencies because of the way the Clinton administration was actually, according to a great piece at The purpose of the Gorelick memo, you know what it was? To actually protect the privacy of Clinton's fund-raising with the Chinese. (Story)

That's what the purpose of it was, and it had this ancillary effect of stymieing the war on terror. We've had Mansoor Ijaz as many times as he's got the breath to say it, talk about the bin Laden deal with Sudan that Clinton rejected. There is audiotape of Clinton admitting to an audience in New York City that he rejected bin Laden and rejected the offer of bin Laden by the Sudanese. So for this guy to come forth now and act like he is the great protector and the great defender of liberty and so forth when they didn't do diddlysquat during the eight years that Clinton-Gore sat in the White House is just a bit much to take. Here. Play that bite one more time in case you're just joining us and wonder what this little monologue was all about. Gore made a speech today at the New York University, and it's a big, big fund-raising event from and this is an excerpt.

ALGORE: "This president episodically poses as a uniter and healer. If he really has any desire to play that role, then I call upon him to condemn Rush Limbaugh, perhaps his strongest political supporter, who said publicly that the torture in Abu Grab [sic—Ghraib] was 'a brilliant maneuver' and that the photos were 'good old American pornography,' and that the actions portrayed were simply those of, of people 'having a good time' and 'needing to blow off steam.'"

Since this prison thing has come up here again, we have this from Rowan Scarborough in the Washington Times. "An Army investigation and congressional hearings have spotlighted a series of conflicting statement..." By the way, hold it. Hey, Koko? I want you to go back to the website last week or the week before. I guess it was the week-before last. I want you to grab Kate O'Beirne's column that she wrote on National Review Online placing in context my comments about Abu "Grab," as Gore called it. Didn't he say Abu "Grab"? What's on his mind? He calls it Abu Grab Prison. At any rate, find out in Gore lingo what "Abu" means and we could really be onto something. But go back and get that Kate O'Beirne piece, because she had called me. She sent me an e-mail. She wanted to know what is this? I just sent her the transcript for the whole show from which those comments that these guys are isolating and taking out of context were taken, and she wrote a great piece that puts it all in context and perspective and explains what it was that I was saying in her own words. I mean, it's one thing for me to say it.

So I want you to re-link to that, or just post it, whatever. Put it up there now, Koko. Don't waste any time. Just get it up there now. Get this, folks. There's something going on. I mean, every day now somebody is out there trashing me and mentioning my name from someplace, and it's all these comments. These comments are two weeks old. Now they've even got Gore mouthing these comments. Last week we got a call innocently enough from somebody at TIME magazine. I guess they've got a section -- I don't read TIME magazine so I had to be told about this -- "Ten Questions For" and they change the American every week. Last week they wanted to do ten questions for me, and I agreed to do it. "What the hell, it's ten questions. Yip yip yip yip yahoo," but they pulled out at the last minute. They went to the editors meeting at ten o'clock Friday morning and decided to move it to this week, which is tomorrow. They're going to do this, right here on the heels of all this.

TIME and Newsweek have both, in cover stories, mentioned these quotes that you heard Gore just say about me. It is an all-out concerted effort. I'm honored by it, but I am intrigued by it. I have never seen a media figure targeted much the same way the president of the United States is being targeted, and now the president of the United States, who's got really important things to do, has been told or challenged by Gore to condemn me. (Tapping desk.) So I'm wondering about this TIME magazine. I'm still going to do it, but I'm going to be loaded. I'm going to be ready. In fact, they want to take a picture. I ought to show up in prison guard garb, or maybe take the picture with a hood on and say, "Here, I'm the Statue of Liberty. I showed up today to do my show as the Statue of Liberty. Take a picture of me with this hood on. Send a copy over to" (Laughing.)

Anyway, where was I? I normally don't lose my place, and I haven't lost it. Get that thing posted up there, Koko, the Kate O'Beirne piece at Anyway, "Army investigations and congressional hearings have spotlighted a list of conflicting statements about Iraq prisoner abuse between the top brass and the general who once ran Abu (Grab)" and I'm going to start pronouncing it that way I want to make sure that I'm not (to staff). Play the Gore bite, I just want to hear how he says Abu "Grab." (Replaying of Gore sound bite.) Yeah, right there. Abu. It's "Abu Grab." All right. So from now on, just like we used to pronounce Mario Cuomo's name "Cooomo," because that's how the Reverend Jackson pronounced it -- didn't want to embarrass Reverend Jackson, so he thought it was Cooomo; it was Coomo -- so now it's "Abu Grab." So the general who once ran Abu Grab prison or once ran it and who was stripped this week of her brigade command, 'Some military advocates say that Brigadier General Janice Karpinski received light punishment because she is one of the Army's few females.'"

Special treatment because she's a woman? "That's the charge recommended for a..." (laughing) and the "seriousness of the charge" of course, matters more than the nature of the evidence, "...recommended for a reprimand. She instead received a minor letter of admonishment. However, Major General Antonio M. Taguba, who completed the first of several ongoing administrative investigations, lays some blame squarely at the feet of General Karpinski. His report says that she did not act on recommendations from a series of fault-finding inquiries before the ill treatment began in October. In fact, William Lindh, who directs the Center for Cultural Conservatism at the Free Congress Foundation writes in a column this week that the apparent breakdown in discipline from the MPs at Abu Grab may relate to the presence of women and especially to the fact that the commander was a woman. The climate of political correctness or to give it its true name, 'Cultural Marxism..."

(Laughing). Well, okay. (Laughing.) "...Cultural Marxism that has infested and overwhelmed the American armed forces makes it almost impossible to discipline a woman, and risky for a man to attempt to do so. Whatever the reason, one theme is clear: Abu Grab was a disaster waiting to happen. Rules on uniforms were not enforced, soldiers wrote poems and other sayings on their helmets..." Oh, really? Are you telling me that these brutes, these brutes who did all these horrible, insulting things to these people, wrote poetry? Come on, how does that happen? Poets are gentle little flowers wilting in the breeze. Well, it might have been limericks, but anyway, so they wrote poems and other sayings on their helmets, saluting of "orificers" was not forced. "Records on inmates and escapes were spotty, and regulations were not posted. No MP had been trained adequately in detainee operations." (sigh) Just fix this and move on. What are we beating ourselves over the head with this for? This is what's not productive, acting like this (abuse) is regular and commonplace, and now we've got to stop everything to take care of this all for our psyche, actually all for the advancement of John Kerry is just a bit much. It's putting people who wear the uniform at greater risk over there, which we've been through countless times and nobody hears, when I say it.


(NRO: Fraternity Rush - Kate O'Beirne)
(FrontPageMag: How Chinagate Led to 9/11)
(LA Times: Clinton Let Bin Laden Slip Away and Metastasize By Mansoor Ijaz)
(Washington Times: Generals at odds over abuse at prison)
(NY Daily News: Gore: Rummy, Condi, other Bushies should get canned)
( Remarks by Al Gore)

TOPICS: Constitution/Conservatism; Culture/Society; Foreign Affairs; Front Page News; Government; News/Current Events; Political Humor/Cartoons; Politics/Elections; US: New York; War on Terror
KEYWORDS: albertgorejunior; algore; algoreisnotmyprez; algorezeerah; antiwarmovement; clintonlegacy; georgewbush; gore; moveon; moveondotorg; presidentbush; rush; rushlimbaugh; w
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1 posted on 05/27/2004 2:44:50 AM PDT by weegee
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To: weegee
Al Gore has gone from marginally amusing to exceptionally tiresome.

Would someone please tell that rotten piece of..........wood...(whew!) that his time is done and to please go home and pour Tipsy another drinkie.


2 posted on 05/27/2004 2:53:09 AM PDT by Jimmy Valentine (DemocRATS - when they speak, they lie; when they are silent, they are stealing the American Dream)
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To: weegee

Hey, anybody out there think the Bush administration will finally take the gloves off and fight these pieces of crap?

3 posted on 05/27/2004 2:57:55 AM PDT by raybbr (My 1.4 cents - It used to be 2 cents, but after taxes - you get the idea.)
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To: weegee

"Wee...! I'm only VP and I can drain dams during droughts. Imagine what I will do as president! Wee...!"

4 posted on 05/27/2004 3:02:24 AM PDT by Arthur Wildfire! March (Backhoe's Gorelick links:
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To: weegee
Al Gore flew into the Cuckoo's nest.

Being a Democrat means never being off your medication. It's not just a disease, it's an adventure.

5 posted on 05/27/2004 3:02:35 AM PDT by G.Mason (A President is best judged by the enemies he makes when he has really hit his stride…Max Lerner)
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To: Jimmy Valentine

Gore is as entertaining as ever. Maybe he's been drinking too much iced tea again.

6 posted on 05/27/2004 3:04:45 AM PDT by Arthur Wildfire! March (Backhoe's Gorelick links:
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To: raybbr
I'm still waiting for Al Gore to condemn Michael Moore for saying the people we fight in Iraq (A) aren't "terrorists", (B) aren't "the enemy", (C) "will win". He also has essentially said that he wants to see the US get its butt kicked.

This sounds a whole lot like a known propagandist providing aid and comfort to the enemy during wartime (treason).

A lot of crickets chirping but no leftists denouncing Michael Moore's new found "friends".

7 posted on 05/27/2004 3:05:28 AM PDT by weegee (NO BLOOD FOR RATINGS. CNN ignored torture & murder in Saddam's Iraq to keep their Baghdad Bureau.)
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To: weegee

Algore can't even get the name of the prison right and he picks on Rush. Just like Howard Dean. I guess he'll be demanding the American Flag back the next time he speaks on the subject. <snicker

8 posted on 05/27/2004 3:08:53 AM PDT by goldstategop (In Memory Of A Dearly Beloved Friend Who Lives On In My Heart Forever)
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To: raybbr

Cutting through the confusion: Few actual tortures took place, apparently, and people who poo-poo the non-torture tortures of wartime prisoners are hard-line about fighting terror. People who make a big deal about all this porno [which most of it is] are softies. So the question is: who does America want to fight terrorists? Hardliners? Or softies? The answer, as week-after-week passes, is obvious. If Bush doesn't cave, this is going to be a mere blip on the radar screen by election day, just another example of who is taking this war seriously, and who is trying to turn us into a useless, pathetic nannystate.

9 posted on 05/27/2004 3:11:11 AM PDT by Arthur Wildfire! March (Backhoe's Gorelick links:
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To: raybbr
It won't happen. It was already difficult enough to prosecute someone for treason for speaking out (several propagandists like Axis Sally and Lord Haw Haw were convicted after WWII).

As with all things from the Clinton Legacy, the bar of civil discourse has been lowered (to somewhere in the gutter).

A host on Air America (Randi Rhodes?) made a death threat against the President ("someone should take him out and shoot him") and it doesn't even merit a blip from the national media (although the launching for the network sure did).

We WILL have a civil war in this country again, I just don't see a Republican president reigning in the anarchist-socialist element in this country (despite their seditious rhetoric). There would be too many claims of America becoming a "police state" and "denying people free speech".

You cannot threaten the life of the president, you cannot advocate the overthrow of our Constitutional form of government (sedition), you cannot promote the war effort of the enemy side (this is treason; if that is how you feel, LEAVE), just as you cannot yell "Fire" in a crowded movie theater in the absence of any emergency.

10 posted on 05/27/2004 3:13:18 AM PDT by weegee (NO BLOOD FOR RATINGS. CNN ignored torture & murder in Saddam's Iraq to keep their Baghdad Bureau.)
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To: weegee

I hope Al keeps opening his pompous pretentious mouth because the more radical these lib`s appear the more of a chance GW is gonna kick Kerrys butt come November, so keep it up guys, GW couldn`t come up with a better campaign.

11 posted on 05/27/2004 3:20:42 AM PDT by stillnoprotestsagainstmuslims (I`m still waiting for the protests against terrorism.)
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To: weegee

If not so dangerous and contagious, Gore and his delusional state would be worthy of pity.

12 posted on 05/27/2004 3:21:43 AM PDT by lainde (Heads up...We're coming and we've got tongue blades...And panties!)
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To: Arthur Wildfire! March
I would agree if times were different. Now, there is such a concerted effort to besmirch the Pres. and his admin. on so many fronts yet he doesn't defend himself. It's getting embarrassing and I am frustrated about it. I don't agree with Bush on most of his domestic policy but I am totally behind him on his foreign policy. I just want the "compassionate conservative" to at least look like he's fighting back.
13 posted on 05/27/2004 3:25:19 AM PDT by raybbr (My 1.4 cents - It used to be 2 cents, but after taxes - you get the idea.)
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To: weegee
"You cannot threaten the life of the president, you cannot advocate the overthrow of our Constitutional form of government (sedition), you cannot promote the war effort of the enemy side (this is treason ..."

Sure you can. Afterall, isn't that Bill Clintoons legacy?

We are no longer a nation of laws. We are a nation of scofflaws.

The undermining of our constitutional form of government is complete. (just look at the way the Congress has allowed the courts to make law)

And yes, the 2nd revolution is coming.

14 posted on 05/27/2004 3:25:27 AM PDT by G.Mason (A President is best judged by the enemies he makes when he has really hit his stride…Max Lerner)
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To: weegee
Don`t forget what Tubby also called them...

"The Iraqis who have risen up against the occupation are not "insurgents" or "terrorists" or "The Enemy." They are the REVOLUTION, the Minutemen, and their numbers will grow -- and they will win."

My God, I wish I had some knowledge or connections to film making, because I would make a flick that would absolutely destroy the `Rats come November, just absolutely destroy that entire party. Just lay it all out for the public what these `Rats have done and said since 911. (I actually have about a list about 20 pages long) Sen Patty Murray - "Osama is a good man" and that other `Rat Senator who also compared Al-Qaida to our own Revolutionary war minutemen like Tubby. I forget her name (probably because the press paid about 2 seconds attention to it), but I believe she even called them "Freedom Fighters", or Madonna the day after 911 getting on a stage in LA and asking the audience to let bygones be bygones. Real nice. Your family member dies falling out of the WTC probably after being burned horribly and these mutts are praising and supporting the animals who did it.

15 posted on 05/27/2004 3:35:36 AM PDT by stillnoprotestsagainstmuslims (I`m still waiting for the protests against terrorism.)
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To: stillnoprotestsagainstmuslims

Don't forget to document in such a film how the global Communist Party has funded the antiwar movement. People who paraded signs with Joseph Stalin's picture.

16 posted on 05/27/2004 3:38:27 AM PDT by weegee (NO BLOOD FOR RATINGS. CNN ignored torture & murder in Saddam's Iraq to keep their Baghdad Bureau.)
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Here are my thoughts on the subject.

This is the same bunch of people who are trying to drive World Net Daily into bankruptcy with a series of frivilous lawsuits because the internet publication blew the whistle on them and caused them to lose the 2000 election.

Gore and his croines are showing themselves to be very poor sports about having their unethical and illegal activities exposed.

It was his and Clinton's bunch that sat by and allowed terrorists to build up weapons in preparation for attacks. It was their policies which led to September 11th 2001. They know this for a fact. Rush is calling them on it and this is the best they can do is Call for Rush and his 20 million listeners like myself to be comdenned.

You DON'T reunite a nation by condemming those who blow the whistle on you. There's no way people are going to sing kumbya and hold hands or arm-in-arm with those who want christians and conservatives condemmed.

These people do not have the best interests of America in their hearts. They are only interested in the reacquisition of power and hold very malicious and harmful intentions towards christians and conservatives. These people give hope to all of the terrorist cells that are watching via sattlite and cheering their every words, including the words spoken by Al Gore yesterday at this rally.

Clearly without a doubt the Democratic party is a criminal enterpirse and I hope people will remember this come November.

17 posted on 05/27/2004 3:43:39 AM PDT by E.G.C.
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To: raybbr

That's my problem. How can you appear strong and resolute to terrorists when you won't lift a finger to defend yourself at home? We are sending the message to the terrorists that we are indeed "a paper tiger". I don't know who is advising Bush to do this (Karl Rove?), but whoever it is needs to go.

18 posted on 05/27/2004 3:50:20 AM PDT by anoldafvet (Another Vietnam Vet against John f'n Kerry)
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To: stillnoprotestsagainstmuslims; jmstein7
My God, I wish I had some knowledge or connections to film making, because I would make a flick that would absolutely destroy the `Rats come November, just absolutely destroy that entire party. Just lay it all out for the public what these `Rats have done and said since 911

jm, I thought I should call this to your attention-- I'll be dogged if I can recall offhand the name of that other FReeper who has the site with all those video clips. Anyway, FYI, FWIW.

19 posted on 05/27/2004 3:50:50 AM PDT by backhoe (--30--)
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To: weegee
The man is utterly insane. We really dodged the bullet last election. The truly terrifying thought is--what if he'd won? (shudder...)
20 posted on 05/27/2004 4:22:19 AM PDT by MizSterious (First, the journalists, THEN the lawyers.)
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