Would someone please tell that rotten piece of..........wood...(whew!) that his time is done and to please go home and pour Tipsy another drinkie.
Hey, anybody out there think the Bush administration will finally take the gloves off and fight these pieces of crap?
"Wee...! I'm only VP and I can drain dams during droughts. Imagine what I will do as president! Wee...!"
Being a Democrat means never being off your medication. It's not just a disease, it's an adventure.
Algore can't even get the name of the prison right and he picks on Rush. Just like Howard Dean. I guess he'll be demanding the American Flag back the next time he speaks on the subject. <snicker
I hope Al keeps opening his pompous pretentious mouth because the more radical these lib`s appear the more of a chance GW is gonna kick Kerrys butt come November, so keep it up guys, GW couldn`t come up with a better campaign.
If not so dangerous and contagious, Gore and his delusional state would be worthy of pity.
This is the same bunch of people who are trying to drive World Net Daily into bankruptcy with a series of frivilous lawsuits because the internet publication blew the whistle on them and caused them to lose the 2000 election.
Gore and his croines are showing themselves to be very poor sports about having their unethical and illegal activities exposed.
It was his and Clinton's bunch that sat by and allowed terrorists to build up weapons in preparation for attacks. It was their policies which led to September 11th 2001. They know this for a fact. Rush is calling them on it and this is the best they can do is Call for Rush and his 20 million listeners like myself to be comdenned.
You DON'T reunite a nation by condemming those who blow the whistle on you. There's no way people are going to sing kumbya and hold hands or arm-in-arm with those who want christians and conservatives condemmed.
These people do not have the best interests of America in their hearts. They are only interested in the reacquisition of power and hold very malicious and harmful intentions towards christians and conservatives. These people give hope to all of the terrorist cells that are watching via sattlite and cheering their every words, including the words spoken by Al Gore yesterday at this rally.
Clearly without a doubt the Democratic party is a criminal enterpirse and I hope people will remember this come November.
"I speak for more of this nation than Algore does, and I will say it on this program."
And that is absolutely true.
I hope the soldiers "subjected" to Rush's program (because Rumsfeld hasn't taken Rush off the air, thank goodness) ttake this to heart.
Al Gore was the man in charge of improving airline security systems in 1996. Why did he not reccommend locking cockpits and or arming pilots at that time? Was he dragged before the 9/11 commission for his lack of oversight?
I can't believe this guy was almost president.
Does anyone know the procedure in NY for serving commitment papers to this lunatic?
Gore and his fellow-travelers are exactly the same people who refused to condemn the arch-criminal of the world, the man who turned the White House into a whorehouse, the man who lied to anyone he ever spoke to or testified to, the man who, with Gore's help, convinced the A-rabs that it was safe to attack America. These people have no room to talk.
Al Gore is calling Limbaugh 'devisive' at a MoveOn.org rally that pictured President Bush as Hitler.
...we won't hold our breath waiting for Charles Rangle or Al Sharpton to come to Condi Rice's defense to Al Gore demanding she step down....once again, the socialist rats prove they are not an inclusive party.
Al Gore is insane! End of story! The entire Democrat Party needs to be totally destroyed at the ballot box this November. Less that, and it is goodby to the USA!
hanoi john looks positively sane and moderate next to the insane raving madman prince al the bore. Could this be part of their ploy to make hanoi john in to seeming moderate????????
Is Gore for real?