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Live 9/11 Commission Thread [testifying today Freeh, Reno, Ashcroft]
April 13, 2004
| Vanity
Posted on 04/13/2004 6:04:07 AM PDT by Peach
9/11 Commission. Now on C-Span.
Chairman Thomas Kean has asked the audience to refrain from clapping.
Louie Freeh, former FBI director, up at 9:30.
Business matters being taken care of now by the Commission.
TOPICS: Breaking News; Foreign Affairs; Government; Miscellaneous; News/Current Events; Politics/Elections; War on Terror
KEYWORDS: 911; 911commission; aschcrofttestimony; ashroft; commission; freeh; janetreno; kerreylies; renotime
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To: Diogenesis
Freeh mentioned something about amendments to the 1996 antiterrorism bill in the House that got rid of its most important components
Does anyone know what was changed or dropped from the bill?
To: Peach
Doesn't know about Ramzi Yousef and ?? He has to know about Ramzi. A lot came out during the trial. There was a counterrorist czar who warned about AQ back in the 90s who played just as big a role as Clark. I forget his name. He later went to work as head of security at the WTC and died on 9/11. It's frustrating that this commission will not go back much further than '98.
To: maica
someone called roemer just made my
sh@t list as well.
posted on
04/13/2004 8:03:10 AM PDT
Liberty Valance
(Keep a simple manner for a happy life :o)
To: jackbill; Republican Red; Cboldt
Thanks all for your responses.
posted on
04/13/2004 8:03:23 AM PDT
(This little tag just keeps following me where ever I go.)
To: Peach
Four are from NJ, the Breitweiser person in from NY.....and truly out of her mind.
She had some comments that were clearly unscripted that showed her to be with no intellect at all. Probably why she allowed herself to be exploited.
posted on
04/13/2004 8:03:32 AM PDT
(Always understand, even if you remain among the few)
To: OldFriend
I was one of those who blasted Kean for the clapping. He has to realize everyone in NJ is not sympatico with the vicious widows! Ditto!
To: maica; Peach
It's infuriating, but let it play out. More and more people are seeing how partisan they are. Is it just me, or does Roemer remind anybod else of the first "Jeff" on All My Children?
posted on
04/13/2004 8:03:48 AM PDT
To: OldFriend
Just called 1-202-331-4060. I asked since Freeh mentioned working with Commissioner Jamie Gorelick when she was Deputy Att. Gen. under Reno; why is she not also being asked to testify?
He said he didn't know the answer but that I should ask that question in an email to: He said I would get an answer.
posted on
04/13/2004 8:03:52 AM PDT
(One good term deserves another! Take W-04....Across America!)
To: maica
Help! I'm cubicle bound. Did he say 'someone called Dr. Rice" like on the telephone or 'someone called Dr. Rice' implying disrespect and lack of knowledge?
posted on
04/13/2004 8:04:01 AM PDT
To: nuconvert
Someone one CALLED Dr. Rice???????? I couldn't believe he said that!! What a smart aleck SOB!
posted on
04/13/2004 8:04:03 AM PDT
(Loose Change Club -- 5 quarters/5 dimes/1 nickle 11 pennies=$1.91 for last week.)
To: nuconvert
Is Mansoor going to testify? If so, know when?Someone said May 7, closed door.
To: freeperfromnj
There is no way that Freeh doesn't know more about the OKC bombing and the at least suggested links to Middle Eastern terrorists. No way.
posted on
04/13/2004 8:04:17 AM PDT
To: nuconvert
May 7th; in private, of course. Don't want any conflicting facts coming out, you know.
posted on
04/13/2004 8:04:18 AM PDT
To: OldFriend
I saw such instances during my teaching years. However, yesterday I spoke w/a former black student who DID DO his homework....he now has a degree in economics, has a well-paying job, a wife, and a darling little 2yo boy who animately told me his name and age. Also learned that my student's other brother was sent by his company to Atlanta and is doing well. Still another black female student, whose mother was actively involved in schooling, has become a lawyer. So there are some who "get it". I have hope that more will do so.
To: Howlin
LOL. I used to do my ironing to that show and yes, now that you mention it...
posted on
04/13/2004 8:05:14 AM PDT
To: Quilla
He said it as a slap......"and someone called Dr. Rice."
posted on
04/13/2004 8:05:28 AM PDT
To: mewzilla
Met with Berger/NSC regularly the last 14 or 15 months of Freeh's tenure?! How often did they meet before that?
To: Quilla
"someone called Dr. Rice" period. To show disrespect.
Roemer said to Freeh (paraphrase): You've probably watched the 9/11 Commission and seen the testimony of Mr. Clarke and someone called Dr. Rice.
posted on
04/13/2004 8:06:21 AM PDT
To: Republican Red; jackbill
Thanks! Beautiful. Just beautiful. I hope the RATS are stupid enough to run with the ad.
posted on
04/13/2004 8:06:26 AM PDT
(America recognizes those responsible for the killing of our troops. It's the Demon-cRATS.)
To: Carolinamom
Wow........Freeh just said that Richard Clarke was WRONG.
Then he went on to say "Richard Clarke was never at those meetings. Why Sandy Berger didn't want him there, I do not know."
posted on
04/13/2004 8:06:27 AM PDT
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