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Live 9/11 Commission Thread [testifying today Freeh, Reno, Ashcroft]
April 13, 2004
| Vanity
Posted on 04/13/2004 6:04:07 AM PDT by Peach
9/11 Commission. Now on C-Span.
Chairman Thomas Kean has asked the audience to refrain from clapping.
Louie Freeh, former FBI director, up at 9:30.
Business matters being taken care of now by the Commission.
TOPICS: Breaking News; Foreign Affairs; Government; Miscellaneous; News/Current Events; Politics/Elections; War on Terror
KEYWORDS: 911; 911commission; aschcrofttestimony; ashroft; commission; freeh; janetreno; kerreylies; renotime
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To: soozla
Suggest you do a vanity post on your email to alert more Freepers to email Kean.
posted on
04/13/2004 7:53:38 AM PDT
(One good term deserves another! Take W-04....Across America!)
To: OldFriend
Good morning.
Ditto your post about the unlovely widows.
posted on
04/13/2004 7:53:40 AM PDT
To: jackbill
Thanks for the update on Kerry's potential ad. Shoot, I wish he'd run it!
posted on
04/13/2004 7:53:41 AM PDT
To: nuconvert
This freaking mess with the FBI is Reno's Fault.!
(had to get that out)
posted on
04/13/2004 7:53:41 AM PDT
("America will never be intimidated by thugs and assassins." ( President Bush 3-20-04))
To: Mo1
Bottom line is that Congress and DOJ/Reno & Gorelick stymied the FBI from doing the job. Remember the Gore-directed rush to get more Dem votes for the 1994 election by ignoring rules concerning admitting immigrants?
To: Peach
ping me for Reno time..
To: jwalsh07
Lehman mentions Jayna Davis' new book on the OKC AQ connection. Freeh did a Sgt. Schultz.
To: Howlin
Why doesn't anyone ask him why there weren't any computers updated in teh FBI????
To: Republican Red
Music to my ears.
To: jwalsh07
No one one wants to touch that.......
posted on
04/13/2004 7:55:38 AM PDT
("America will never be intimidated by thugs and assassins." ( President Bush 3-20-04))
To: soozla
The Clintonites are afraid of Mansoor's testimony. Mansoor almost called Clarke a liar and challenged him on FoxNews.
Mansoor said he was personally involved in the Sudan request to give up Bin Laden to Clinton.
posted on
04/13/2004 7:55:47 AM PDT
(Clintonites have such good hind-sight because they had their heads up their hind-ends 8 years.)
To: ride the whirlwind
We need to cover Mr. Ashcroft in prayer and claim the promises of God in his behalf!!
Isaiah 11:2 - And the Spirit of the LORD shall rest upon him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and the fear of the LORD.
To: mewzilla
Lehman mentions Jayna Davis' new book on the OKC AQ connection. Freeh did a Sgt. Schultz.That he did, LOL.
Anybody here think that the Commisssioners will be quite so convivial with General Ashcroft?
To: Republican Red
I did write a nasty little letter to the commission though about the whole thingHave you got a reply back yet and what was it?
posted on
04/13/2004 7:56:20 AM PDT
To: Carolinamom
Gorelick helped Gore with that "reinventing government" scheme to enroll 1.2 million fast track immigrants into the dem voter rolls.
posted on
04/13/2004 7:56:27 AM PDT
To: mewzilla
here for info from on Jayna Davis' new book. Read it and you'll know more than Freeh.
To: Republican Red
I called the phone number listed and got a live person. Asked when Gorelick was going to be testifying since recent news reports show her to have been derelict in her duty.
The woman said Gorelick would NOT be testifying.
Also commented on the fact that the clapping was to stop.
The comments were noted..........let's do the right thing and take the time to call......1-202-331-4060
posted on
04/13/2004 7:56:41 AM PDT
(Always understand, even if you remain among the few)
To: Peach
Thanks. Its hard for me to keep up with everything.
posted on
04/13/2004 7:56:59 AM PDT
(This little tag just keeps following me where ever I go.)
To: threat matrix
Sure thing.
posted on
04/13/2004 7:57:12 AM PDT
To: TomGuy
Mansoor also said that the Bush admin called him in to talk to Condi at least about what happened and what went wrong, he said that he was working with the Bush admin within weeks of Bush taking the oath.
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