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More copyright complaints
Free Republic
| April 8, 2004
| Jim Robinson
Posted on 04/08/2004 9:19:34 PM PDT by Jim Robinson
As most of you are aware, we've recently received several copyright complaints. In the last few weeks, we've received complaints from the SJ Mercury News, Independent (UK), SF Chronicle and The Boston Globe. Just a couple days ago the Post-Gazette send a cease and desist notice and yesterday I heard from the Tribune-Review.
Tonight, I got a call from Amy and there were two more registered letters at our PO Box. The McClatchy News (Sacramento Bee) and USAToday are now added to the list of publications that have complained about copyright violations.
Well, folks, the handwriting is on the wall. The complaints are now coming in faster than I can respond to them. John is currently in the process of writing programs to search out and automatically excerpt all existing threads from these sources.
I think we're gonna have to go to excerpt and link for all news sources very soon unless we have written permission on file.
TOPICS: Breaking News; News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: 1stammendment; 2004electionbias; adminlectureseries; bigmedia; bozos; ccrm; complaints; constitution; copyright; copyrightlaw; donotpostlist; excerpt; excerptingarticles; excerpts; fairuse; fr; freerepublic; freerepubliczotted; freespeech; frinthenews; lexicon; mediabias; silencingcritics; zot; zotfreerepublic
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To: DoughtyOne
If I ever come into some money, I'm going ot underwrite Jim's next foray into the courts regarding of free speech and fair use for an informed populace. Ditto - as soon as my songwriting career takes off, I'll use the royalties I collect from bars that feature bands covering my songs to help pay for that very thing...
posted on
04/08/2004 11:09:45 PM PDT
Chad Fairbanks
(I havn't seen my therapist in 5 years. Neither has anyone else ;0))
To: Chad Fairbanks
It's not like you, or anyone else, is being soaked... Except for the composers to whom ASCAP and BMI don't pay a dime, even when ASCAP and BMI collect money for the performance of their works.
That's not to say ASCAP/BMI don't pay money out to composers. But the apportionment of money to composers isn't based upon whose work is performed in ASCAP/BMI-licensed venues, but rather upon whose work receives radio airplay. While radio airplay may in some cases be a reasonable proxy for public performance numbers, there are some composers whose work is reasonably popular in live performance but seldom heard on the radio since they haven't coughed up the necessary payola"promotional fees" for that.
And of course, if a composer doesn't belong to ASCAP or BMI, those groups will take money from any venue where that composer's work is performed but he won't see a penny.
posted on
04/08/2004 11:09:57 PM PDT
(Why is it that the more "gun safety" laws are passed, the less safe my guns seem?)
To: Chad Fairbanks
that is 500/year to two copy rigth owners or 1000/year or an extra 80 per band. I have talked to them and the 500/year is the best offer. That covers the bar for 1 band a month with seating for less then 60 people. The problem I have and all the bars in my part of the world have is we are all just barely hanging on.
posted on
04/08/2004 11:10:41 PM PDT
(Nominated 1994 "Worst writer on the net")
To: Jim Robinson
This stinks! Okay, I'll be careful. Thanks, Jim.
One of your herded cats!
posted on
04/08/2004 11:11:27 PM PDT
("What if they find life on Mars and it's just more pissed off Muslims?"........Dennis Miller)
To: Chad Fairbanks
Ditto - as soon as my songwriting career takes off, I'll use the royalties I collect from bars that feature bands covering my songs to help pay for that very thing... Unless you break into radio playlists, your song could be performed every night in bars across the country and ASCAP/BMI wouldn't pay you a dime. Of course, if you do manage to break into radio playlists, you'll collect royalties on behalf of all the composers to didn't, even if nobody who has a choice performs your song anywhere.
posted on
04/08/2004 11:13:02 PM PDT
(Why is it that the more "gun safety" laws are passed, the less safe my guns seem?)
To: jpsb
Have you noticed, EVERYTHING is "just a legal shake down lawyer scam."
posted on
04/08/2004 11:13:11 PM PDT
("What if they find life on Mars and it's just more pissed off Muslims?"........Dennis Miller)
To: AuntB
posted on
04/08/2004 11:14:03 PM PDT
(Nominated 1994 "Worst writer on the net")
To: supercat
The apportioning of royalty payments IS a sore point with me. Which is why I agree with the keeping of playlists, such as they do with radio - those artists who's works are performed are the ones to recieve payment.
And, if you are not a member of BMI or ASCAP (or that other one, SEASAC or whatever) then no one is collecting royalties for you - it becomes your own task if you choose not to join. In all reality there is no reason to NOT join one - Writer Memberships are usually free, I believe (but the real bucks are in publishing)...
posted on
04/08/2004 11:14:39 PM PDT
Chad Fairbanks
(I havn't seen my therapist in 5 years. Neither has anyone else ;0))
To: jpsb
The problem I have and all the bars in my part of the world have is we are all just barely hanging on. That's not the fault of copyright laws, and performance fees.
posted on
04/08/2004 11:15:39 PM PDT
Chad Fairbanks
(I havn't seen my therapist in 5 years. Neither has anyone else ;0))
To: 4mycountry
:-) Don't excerpt your vanities. That was my point. If you wrote more than you needed, cut before you post!
To: supercat
Sure - as I said, that's a sticking point with me. I'd like to get that changed someday.
posted on
04/08/2004 11:16:48 PM PDT
Chad Fairbanks
(I havn't seen my therapist in 5 years. Neither has anyone else ;0))
To: supercat
...that the source being excerpted or paraphrased can complain that their words were distorted or taken out of context. Ugh. We'll find a way. Something will just evolve. I'm sure of it. Can't see a way yet, but this won't stop FR.
Well, as others have said, just the salient facts should be excerpted. That will be enough for us to run with it. Just a few quotes from the original.
Honestly, why not? That's plenty, and saves a heck of a lot of bandwidth. This will actually be an advantage in that regard.
To: supercat
If I try to tell others that e.g. the L.A. Times said something hateful and someone accuses me of taking their words of context, how can I show that I didn't take their words out of context but am not allowed to include the full context in which they appeared? Are you referring to legal action? I thought it was the plaintiff's job to prove something, not the defendent's.
I'm probably misunderstanding your point here.
To: Chad Fairbanks
Nope, but like I said the jukebox makes money and the bands don't. I was willing to lose a little on bands to treat my customers to good live music every now and then, but the cost of the copy right is the straw that broke the camels back. And since none of the local bars do bands any more and since I have the best jukebox I am not at a disadvantage.
posted on
04/08/2004 11:22:07 PM PDT
(Nominated 1994 "Worst writer on the net")
To: jpsb
Your choice :0)
posted on
04/08/2004 11:23:08 PM PDT
Chad Fairbanks
(I havn't seen my therapist in 5 years. Neither has anyone else ;0))
To: jpsb
that is 500/year to two copy rigth owners Actually, you may as well call them extortion firms, since that's what they are. The only reason ASCAP/BMI control any copyrights is that the government has given them a duopoly on that. ASCAP/BMI get to collect money for all the music played in their licensees' establishments, whether or not ASCAP/BMI actually have any legitimate copyright interest in most of the music.
From what I've read, Europe handles the performance copyrights rather better: performers fill out a set list, which indicates whose works were performed. Licensing fees then get allocated to composers based upon how often their works were actually performed. In the U.S., however, licencing fees instead get funneled to whoever has managed to become most popularpay the best bribes to get on the radio.
posted on
04/08/2004 11:23:40 PM PDT
(Why is it that the more "gun safety" laws are passed, the less safe my guns seem?)
To: Delta 21
This all seems a complete contradiction to the (at least my) concept of the internet. Actually, it is the "World-Wide-WEB"(ie. links) not the World-Wide-Cut-And-Paste".
posted on
04/08/2004 11:27:01 PM PDT
To: Jim Robinson
No worries. The majority get their news and info here anyways.
They can only slow your progress, they can't stop you.
Vigilent, valiant resolve.
posted on
04/08/2004 11:28:39 PM PDT
To: Chad Fairbanks
And, if you are not a member of BMI or ASCAP (or that other one, SEASAC or whatever) then no one is collecting royalties for you - it becomes your own task if you choose not to join... Actually, there's a substantial legal impediment to collecting royalties yourself since Congress has decreed that a bar that pays off ASCAP/SESAC has met all its copyright obligations, thus making royalties uncollectable for anyone else.
As for it being stupid not to join, I've not written much music and would be surprised to hear anyone playing any of it; even if some of it did catch on, though, I would see no reason to offer ASCAP/BMI any moral justification for taking money for my work. That isn't to say that ASCAP/BMI wouldn't take their payment anyway, but I'd see no reason to offer them moral justification to do so.
posted on
04/08/2004 11:30:03 PM PDT
(Why is it that the more "gun safety" laws are passed, the less safe my guns seem?)
To: supercat
I did the numbers a while back, 80 bucks for 4 hours of music or 20 bucks an hour. In an hour a band will play 10 of 15 songs so that's $1.50 to $2.00 a song. No freakin way am I going to pay a bunch of lawyer 2 bucks every time a band sings a song in my bar. The jukebox only costs 25 cents a song.
posted on
04/08/2004 11:30:30 PM PDT
(Nominated 1994 "Worst writer on the net")
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