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FROM FORMER POW, MIKE BENGE - John Kerry, Another Traitor
Mike Benge
Posted on 02/05/2004 4:52:07 AM PST by Happy2BMe
John Kerry, Another Traitor...
I keep hearing Vietnam Veteran everytime this joker makes a speech. Below adds some perspective.
As Sen. John Kerry, Massachusetts Democrat, considers a bid for the White House, Americans should know a few things about him that he might prefer go unmentioned - and I don't mean his $75 haircuts.
When Mr. Kerry pontificated at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial on Veterans Day, a group of veterans turned their backs on him and walked away. They remembered Mr. Kerry as the anti-war activist who testified before Congress during the war, accusing veterans of being war criminals. The dust jacket of Mr. Kerry's pro-Hanoi book, "The New Soldier," features a photograph of his ragged band of radicals mocking the U. S. Marine Corps Memorial, which depicts the flag-raising on Iwo Jima, with an upside-down American flag.
Retired Gen. George S. Patton III charged that Mr. Kerry's actions as an anti-war activist had "given aid and comfort to the enemy," as had the actions of Ramsey Clark and Jane Fonda. Also, Mr. Kerry lied when he threw what he claimed were his war medals over the White House fence; he later admitted they weren't his. Now they are displayed on his office wall.
Long after he changed sides in congressional hearings, Mr. Kerry lobbied for renewed trade relations with Hanoi. At the same time, his cousin C. Stewart Forbes, chief executive for Colliers International, assisted in brokering $905 million deal to develop a deep-sea port at Vung Tau, Vietnam ??? an odd coincidence.
As noted in the Inside Politics column of Nov. 14 (Nation), historian Douglas Brinkley is writing Mr. Kerry's biography. Hopefully, he'll include the senator's latest ignominious feat: preventing the Vietnam Human Rights Act (HR2833) from coming to a vote in the Senate, claiming human rights would deteriorate as a result. His actions sent a clear signal to Hanoi that Congress cares little about the human rights for which so many Americans fought and died.
The State Department ranked Vietnam among the 10 regimes worldwide least tolerant of religious freedom. Recently, 354 churches of the Montagnards, a Christian ethnic minority, were forcibly disbanded, and by mid-October, more than 50 Christian pastors and elders had been arrested in Dak Lak province alone. On Oct. 29, the secret police executed three Montagnards by lethal injection simply for protesting religious repression. The communists are conducting a program against the Montagnards, forcing Christians to drink a mixture of goat's blood and alcohol and renounce Christianity. Thousands have been killed or imprisoned or have just "disappeared." The Montagnards lost one-half of their adult male population fighting for the United States, and without them, there might be thousands more American names on that somber black granite wall at the Vietnam memorial.
As Mr. Kerry contemplates a run for the presidency, people must remember that he has fought harder for Hanoi as an anti-war activist and a senator than he did against the Vietnamese communists while serving in the Navy in Vietnam.
MICHAEL BENGE Foreign Service officer and former Vietnam POW (1968 to 1973) Washington
Ladies and Gents, I give you John Kerry, traitor, liar and cowardly bastard. And here I was, thinking that I already had ENOUGH reasons to despise him.
TOPICS: Your Opinion/Questions
KEYWORDS: 2004; kerry; prisonerofwar; traitor
Forwarded by a friend, posted under vanity due to no link.
Confirmations welcome.
posted on
02/05/2004 4:52:09 AM PST
To: Happy2BMe
This article needs to be e-mailed to Sean Hannity, Rush, Fox News, Neil Borst, and all the rest of the conservative talk shows. Why are we not surprised by this...prune 2-faced candidate.
posted on
02/05/2004 4:58:59 AM PST
To: Happy2BMe
posted on
02/05/2004 5:02:06 AM PST
glock rocks
(Out! out! I command you demons of stupidity to be gone!!)
To: Happy2BMe
Very Interesting perspective by a former Vietnam POW.
Here is another Vietnam Vet's view (mine) of Mr. Kerry:

posted on
02/05/2004 5:05:53 AM PST
(Bush2004 Grassroots Campaign visit for FREE STICKERS)
To: Happy2BMe
posted on
02/05/2004 5:07:22 AM PST
To: Happy2BMe
posted on
02/05/2004 5:10:19 AM PST
To: Happy2BMe
Ketchup Boy Revised Again
You say you served in Viet Nam,
My question is which side?
You pulled ahead in Iowa,
Hope you enjoy the ride.
Dean is toast and some dropped out,
But you dont have a chance.
Even if you get to run,
We will not let you dance.
The democrats might pick you,
To lead their commie band.
But we will fight to keep you out,
You must not lead this land.
Conspiracy Guy 1/21/04
posted on
02/05/2004 5:16:03 AM PST
Conspiracy Guy
(This tagline is made from 100% virtual material. Do not remove under penalty of law.)
To: smiley
posted on
02/05/2004 5:25:14 AM PST
(U.S. borders - Controlled by CORRUPT Politicians and Slave-Labor Employers)
To: Happy2BMe; All

Click on the graphic-
posted on
02/05/2004 5:27:21 AM PST
To: W04Man
Thanks for the link. I visited the site and signed up.
posted on
02/05/2004 5:32:36 AM PST
("Vivit Post Funera Virtus")
To: Jaxter
Thanks, you're now on the list: No. 123
posted on
02/05/2004 5:37:19 AM PST
(Bush2004 Grassroots Campaign visit for FREE STICKERS)
To: Happy2BMe
Some Products of the "gweat state of MA:Senator "Lurch" Kerry 
President,President Hopeful,and Senator U-boat Commander Kennedys 
Congwessman Barney Fwank 
And Judge Maragret ("Get it on, Gays) Marshall 
Couldn't we just give MA, VT, NH, and Maine back to the Brits???
posted on
02/05/2004 5:39:40 AM PST
("Tyranny is yielding to the lust of the governing." - Lord Moulton)
To: smiley
Kerry admitted committing atrocities in Vietnam, 2 of his purple hearts were for minor wounds {walking wounded}, and Kerry upon his third purple heart immediately requested to be separated from Vietnam, under an obscure navel rule. Kerry then became an anti war protester and testified before congress that the atrocities he witnessed in Vietnam were widespread "everyone did it" { a lie}. Today Kerry wants to puff out his chest over his service in Vietnam, but why would he be so proud of what he said was so vile? Are the remaining Nazi death camp guards proud of their "service" too? Kerry is a political whore of the first order!
To: backhoe; Prime Choice; MeekOneGOP; texson66
posted on
02/05/2004 5:46:29 AM PST
(U.S. borders - Controlled by CORRUPT Politicians and Slave-Labor Employers)
To: texson66
Did you intentially leave out Noam Chomsky?
posted on
02/05/2004 6:45:59 AM PST
To: Happy2BMe
To: Happy2BMe
Thank you for the post. As a Viet Nam era Marine (GTMO instead) I would never vote for any democrat let alone this phoney, plastic like clinton, socialist Kerry POS. He would clearly mean higher taxes, weak defense, abortion on demand(interesting for a catholic eh?), recession, more assinine judges like the 11th circuit, socialized medicine, secular erosion (not much left) of any vestige of common sense and morality in the public schools, an impowered aclu for their radical leftist agenda, higher taxes for mommy government spending programs (did I mention higher taxes???), the breakdown into chaos of our constitution even further than these socliaists have weakened her, and well, what else? An excerbation of every ill and liberal screwed up application of their wrong policies...until the country is no longer recognizable as anything close to a free place. And he'll do it all for you and me!
posted on
02/07/2004 6:22:17 AM PST
To: BamaAndy
Thank you for your personal sacrifices for the liberties we have in this nation.
Between the socialists and communists in the Democratic party and now the migrant invasion of our border with Mexico not be physically brought under control by the present gubmint, WE R N TRUBL.
posted on
02/07/2004 6:42:24 AM PST
(U.S. borders - Controlled by CORRUPT Politicians and Slave-Labor Employers)
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