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Bob's red-letter day: Redford to take his Guevara pic to Che's widow (well, isn't that special?)
NY Daily News ^
| January 20, 2004
| Rush & Malloy
Posted on 01/20/2004 2:03:09 PM PST by presidio9
When Robert Redford went to Cuba in 1988, he was interrogated by U.S. Treasury Dept. agents upon his return. After all, he was said to have gone scuba-diving with Fidel Castro. Now the actor is set to fly to Havana on Friday, after his Sundance Film Festival ends, to show his new movie, "The Motorcycle Diaries," to Che Guevara's widow, Aleida March.
Redford is an executive producer of Walter Salles' film about Che's consciousness-raising nine-month motorcycle trip through South America as a 23-year-old medical student. The pic got a standing ovation Saturday at a fest screening in Park City, Utah.
It's understandable if Redford wants to get out of town for a while: Dolly's, Park City's main bookstore, was sold out of Peter Biskind's critical book "Down and Dirty Pictures: Miramax, Sundance and the Rise of Independent Film."
But other celebs were happy to maintain a high-profile during the festival. Courteney Cox Arquette was at the screening of her very dark movie, "November." If she seemed spacy during the Q&A, she has an excuse: "Ever since I became pregnant," Cox confessed, "I can't remember a thing."
Hillary Swank didn't make it to Utah, so she missed the standing ovation received by HBO Films' "Iron-Jawed Angels", a true story of the young women who fought for the right to vote. Director Katja von Garnier set it to a pop score, and MTV will use it as part of their Rock the Vote campaign.
Throughout the festival, screening tickets have been difficult to come by - even Sen. Jon Corzine (D-N.J.), there to ski with new union-organizer gal pal Carla Katz, ironically had trouble getting in to see "Garden State," starring Natalie Portman. Al Gore managed to score a seat at a documentary on his must-see list: "Born Into Brothels," about girls forced into prostitution in India.
TOPICS: Cuba; Culture/Society; Extended News; Foreign Affairs; Government; Miscellaneous; News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: activistactors; bewaretheredmenace; boycott; boycotthollywood; castro; che; cheguevara; communism; communists; corporatefilms; cuba; fidelcastro; hollywoodcommies; hollywoodleft; mccarthywasright; reddupe; redmenace; robertredford; shutupandsing; stalinsusefulidiots; sundance; sundancefestival; theredmenace; usefulidiot
posted on
01/20/2004 2:03:15 PM PST
To: presidio9
When we were on vacation in Mexico a couple of years ago, a friend--also a fellow conservative Republican--got very very very drunk on tequila one day. While he was passed out, we purchased and applied to his arm a temporary tattoo of Che Guevera. Hilarious.
To: presidio9
Che ran a guerilla camp. One day they caught a 12 year old, who had been stealing bread because he was starving. Che shot the kid, claiming he was an enemy of the Revolution.
If that is the action of someone who had his consciousness raised, no thanks...
posted on
01/20/2004 2:18:32 PM PST
To: presidio9
Does Mr. Redford have any idea of what Che Guevera thought of decadent, land owning, obscenely rich Americans? In Che's world, Redford would get the courtesy of a bullet in the back of the head. The idiocy is mind boggling.
posted on
01/20/2004 2:23:58 PM PST
To: ikka
I always had a difficult time thinking of communist butchers as heroes. I suppose it's a matter of personal taste....
posted on
01/20/2004 2:25:02 PM PST
(In 1959 Castro promised free elections in Cuba within the year......................................)
To: presidio9
Redford's a loon, a Commie-loving loon, a worshipper of butchers and murderers.
Just goes to show, you can take the trash out of Hollywood, but can't take the Hollywood out of the trash.
Bunch o'narcisstic hippie crap.
posted on
01/20/2004 2:33:32 PM PST
To: Spok
Suicidal, guilt motivated white men.
posted on
01/20/2004 2:35:17 PM PST
To: Spok
I'm embarrassed to say he is a fellow Kappa Sigma. I like to call him "ol' leatherface". His skin has gotten too much sun.
posted on
01/20/2004 3:03:51 PM PST
("Don't shoot Mongo, you'll only make him mad.")
To: riri
You got that right. GUILT is the key to the Hollywood celebs embrace of people like Che and Fidel. With all the money they have, it gives them the appearance of concern to support the leaders of the people's revolution. The irony is that these people would be the first ones murdered as the "people" confiscated all their accumualted wealth. Of course, if they were raised in those countries, they wouldn't even have that wealth since their decadent, perversive art wouldn't be allowed. Oh, may get free healthcare and education--you just don't get to be free people. These are some sick people.
posted on
01/20/2004 3:07:34 PM PST
(Dean = Dr. Jeckyll exposing his Hyde)
To: presidio9
posted on
01/20/2004 3:08:40 PM PST
To: presidio9
Al Gore managed to score a seat at a documentary on his must-see list: "Born Into Brothels,"
Too easy....
posted on
01/20/2004 3:08:43 PM PST
(Some days you're the windshield; some days you're the bug)
To: presidio9
I knew he was a whacko nutball, I didn't know he was that much of a whacko nutball.
To: presidio9
Senator McCarthy was right. Hollywood is a cesspool of communists.
posted on
01/20/2004 3:11:01 PM PST
Dog Gone
To: presidio9
Hillary Swank didn't make it to Utah, so she missed the standing ovation received by HBO Films' "Iron-Jawed Angels", a true story of the young women who fought for the right to vote. Director Katja von Garnier set it to a pop score, and MTV will use it as part of their Rock the Vote campaign.
I saw a promo for this film, and it looked absolutely idiotic. Imagine if the characters from Sex & The City suddenly plopped themselves into the 1890s and got all politically active all of a sudden.
Like men suck, but at least we get to have sex with them and we should be allowed to vote and stuff.
Seriously, I am not exaggerating the inanity of the dialog in the preview.
posted on
01/20/2004 3:12:50 PM PST
(I've got my eye out for Mullah Omar.)
To: presidio9
What is wrong with Redford?
To: presidio9
No one start a thread on the CSA film, okay? It would result in a flamewar on a global scale.
To: ikka
Did you get that information about Che shooting the 12 year old from THE BLACK BOOK OF COMMUNISM? (That's the only reference I could find for it)> Just curious
To: willyboyishere
Did you get that information about Che shooting the 12 year old from THE BLACK BOOK OF COMMUNISM?Yes, I did. Interesting how that little fact of Che's compassio for the poor never makes it onto NPR?
posted on
01/20/2004 9:33:52 PM PST
To: presidio9
There's a reason Redford's films have never grossed well in Miami.
posted on
01/21/2004 3:05:06 PM PST
(East side, West side, all around the town. Tripping the light fantastic on the sidewalks of New York)
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