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God has One Foot Out the Door [Part 6: Taboo Topics, Kookophobes, and Hope]

Posted on 11/27/2003 11:02:23 AM PST by Arthur Wildfire! March

There are three topics covered in this conclusion.

1. Message of Hope.

2. One Force of Taboo [and discussing Part 4, which was deleted]

3. The other force of Taboo. An infection preventing us from defeating much of the evil in our land.

Message of Hope [1]

[When I wrote Part 4, I stumbled into a message of hope. Fortunately, even though Part 4 was deleted, I had an intermediate draft with which to reconstruct it.]

The following I wrote is close to the Truth, but not quite there. The conclusion at the bottom is even more close.

"Some people think that God left our nation already. My friends, it's never too late. So long as one person tries to change this country, there is hope. Just about everyone in this forum cares deeply about God and Country.

"Will the Voter ever care? I believe so. I talk to strangers all the time. Generally speaking, they care overwhelmingly about God and Country. But there's some kind of wall between us and them. Find out what that wall is, because no one can tell you. Find that wall, and you will help break the chains of sin that bind our nation.

"We each have our own Holy Grail. We must each go on our own personal quest. Only then, will God head back in to find a chair and sit among us, as a nation."

One Force of Taboo [2]

I want us all to have a joyous holiday season. Unfortunately, the realm of liberal politics, particularly in the state of Massachusetts, is not something that evokes joy, and exposing liberal politics for what it is, that is one of the most vital functions of this forum.

Taboo Topics

This quest for truth can lead to a paradox at times, which is why Part 4 was removed. In hindsight, I believe that to be perfectly fitting. Saying it like it is about the state of Massachusetts should be forbidden-- after our King, the Voter, leads our nation wisely. Until then, the outrage must intensify exponentially.

I do not envy the task of an administration moderator during this joyous holiday season. People, such as myself, have available time right now and want to make it count. Other people want to be filled with joyous harmony. I understand how difficult it is to, on the one hand, allow the Quest for Truth to proceed, and on the other hand, keep it clean. The Truth of liberal politics, ladies and gentlemen, is ugly, filthy and vile, so much so that some Christians tell you that you are religiously forbidden from describing it, or saying it like it is.

Spare me the lectures, please, about 'not speaking evil'. This forum is what a Royal Advisor was back in the Middle Ages. The Voter is our earthly King, and we provide information, advise, and even organise dramatic presentations [FReeping], to persuade our King that our councel is what is best. We might dance politely around certain ugly topics at first. But if the King persists in his folly, then we must speak more bluntly. If the King ignores blunt talk and his actions are abominable, we must put nation first and even risk be-heading to get our point across, particularly when the King does things offensive to God.

That is why coming here, on the FR, can be risky during the holidays. One of my Thanksgivings was ruined when I came here, but I'm still glad I came. It was my decision. I cherish the freedom of the internet. This is a time when liberals get bold. They know good Christians don't want to hear about all the vile things they are up to until after New Years, and so liberals do some of their worst work right about now.

As mentioned earlier, Part 4 was removed. The reason was it's "a bit too explicit". Maybe so. With kids under 18 years entering this forum, I understand that line of reasoning. But school children were bussed over to Boston, from all over the state, to hear vileness vastly more explicit.

Here's a web site address to Part 4, but be warned, it's rough. If you are under 18, please don't go there. Don't spoil your innocence. After all, it's blunt talk about Massachusetts, an entire state not fit for children:

Once you've read it, I think you will understand the dilemna placed on the Administration Moderater when people complained. In fact, it was slightly worse. Since this is Thanksgiving Day, I removed a nickname I'd used for that infernal state. Other than that, it is as close to word-for-word as possible, with no significant modifications.

There is an infection preventing us from defeating much of the evil in our land.

Some of you are angry with me. I'm a tough guy. I can take it. And I can dish it back three times worse when my accusers are hypocrites with selective outrage. I was just being a messenger, actually toning down what was told to school kids in Boston. There's a report in Worldnetdaily that is even more explicit than I was. Don't go there if my watered-down version was too much for you, however:

I'm glad it was there. I was looking for the truth. And wouldn't you know it? There's a link, right there in our homepage to Worldnetdaily. Should the Taboo Police have that link yanked as well? Or is their outrage selective? And the hypocritical part of my accusers is, the only way a person could even understand what I said is if they know explicitly what a certain word means. I didn't know the word until a FReeper told me about it here on this same forum, someone living in Massachusetts who is outraged about his state. I was 36 or 37 years old and thought I'd heard it all. He proved me wrong. No one complained then, several months back. Perhaps outrage is selective with some folks, targeted against certain people. And perhaps we should ban any remarks by Rush when he talks about 's----ing the tax payers', in the name of consistency.

Don't worry, 'oh noble and high minded accusers' who know what a word like that means. If you want to spend your time picking motes out of my eye when I mention there's a Redwood tree stuck in a certain place in this country, go right ahead. I would love to hang around all day swapping verbal abuse with you guys, but I got other fish to fry. This is it for a while. So for the next few weeks or so, I'm outta here. Moving along....

The other force of Taboo. [3]


The Force of Taboo is an unwitting tool of the Left, a force of darkness that spreads ignorance. The Left's most powerful weapon is the Taboo Force of Kookophbia, an infection that spreads directly from the DC Beltway. For example, there is a coverup that is strictly taboo, a coverup that led to the dismissal of numerous forensics specialists: The Ron Brown Coverup. The reason it's not talked about widely in talk radio is the powerful force of kookophobia, radio hosts who cringe at the thought of going up against the Washington Post. They might be called kooks. [Oh my goodness! The terror! The increased heart rate. The tinfoil!] This allergic reaction to tinfoil rules their lives.

In the matter of Ron Brown: we have x-ray evididence, we have a private talk between then-President Clinton and a key military leader, we have violated proceedures, we have A DEAD CABINET MEMBER, we have 35 dead on that plane, we have an unusual flight, we have a deceitful description of the weather, we have high level forensics specialists backing up the persecuted whistle blowers who were drummed out over such weighty matters as 'parking tickets' and 'attitudes', we have the heart of Chinagate, and we have bizarre silence.

I've frequently said good things about Sean Hannity. He's normally a tough guy, willing to face up to the worst of the worst. But even Hannity, who I would otherwise respect, allowed the Force of Taboo to win out over Truth, regarding Ron Brown.

A few months back, I heard Sean Hannity have a panic attack when a caller snuck in to talk about Ron Brown. Hannity was hard on that man. Hannity said for a fact that Ron Brown was not shot. Hannity's retreat in the face of so much evidence goes to show just how powerful the Force of Taboo is. I've never seen him run from the truth before. I think a lot of Hannity. But kookophobia, ladies and gentlemen, has a stronger grip than truth. Once it sets in, kookophobia is to politics what crack is to the drug scene.

Nor is Hannity alone. But sadly, something as weighty as using the Commerse Department as a conduit for nuclear weapons tech transfers, and then the resulting death of Ron Brown and 34 others, followed by false quotes sent by the military to the Washington Post, followed by the discharge of Coswell, Hause, and Janoski for standing by their actual statements, the Chinagate/Brown Crash Connection, one of the most outrageous injustices in the History of the Free World, is swept under the rug, not only by Hannity, but also by many other men I deeply respect. I only picked Hannity because we all know how courageous he is outside the realm of kookophobia.

There's no rational or logical reason to return to worn out straw man counterpoints, as people do, when presented with the Brown Crash. Missing photos, missing x-rays, and even a confession on national television [Hause on BET].

But all I hear is the same old joke. "Did they shoot him while aboard the plane and then commit suicide by jumping out of the plane?"

First off, we don't know if Brown was shot or not shot until there's an autopsy. He was possibly shot. Secondly, there was an invention made back last century, a parachutte. Gee, I don't know. Perhaps that's too sci-fi to consider. Thirdly, who said he was shot while the plane was in the air? Croatian paramilitaries could have shot him, or he could have been shot by operatives sent to make sure he was dead, or he could even have been shot prior to takeoff. Who knows? Why do otherwise intelligent people persist with that lame question after years of debate? The answer is not found in the realm of logic, but in the realm of Taboo.

I am fed up with kookophobia because if it were not for that infection, the DNC would not be here today. Not only would the Brown Coverup be exposed, but also Tainted Blood, the four dead Arkansas state troopers at Waco, the strange death of Betty Currie's Brother, and so many other taboo outrages, I can't think of them all in one sitting.

Thank God some of us are immune to kookophobia. History must remember Truth, no matter how taboo the subject is. Seek the Truth, and the Truth will set you free. Truth hurts. The Truth can be ugly. And a strong dose of the Truth is exactly what it will take. The Voter, our earthly King, is wearing rose colored glasses. We must remove those glasses. Or our land will lose our Spiritual King.

God has one foot out the door, and people on this forum are trying to muzzle us at a time when Truth is so vital. They might issue complaints about our strong words with any excuse they can think of. They will try to publicly humiliate us for standing up against false quotes never retracted by the Washington Post.

Don't fall for it. Why believe the quote of a quote when the one quoted disputed that quote to the point of having an otherwise sterling career destroyed? Janoski, Hause, and Cogswell, heroes and patriots who stood for the Truth, who were never rewarded, only punished. I hope they have a particularly blessed Thanksgiving. Those who mock them for all they lost, I hope they stuff themselves silly today. They're full of it.



I talk to strangers all the time. I saw 'to' because they just listen, astounded, asking me to say more. Generally speaking, they care overwhelmingly about God and Country. Do they run away and hold their ears like children when I mention taboo subjects? Quite the opposite, those same topics make them more hungry for the truth than anything else I say. Taboo topics are one of the walls dividing us from the Voter. There are many walls between us and them. Find out what those walls are, because no one can tell you. Find those walls, and you will help break the chains of sin that bind our nation.

Yes, I realise that God is present in various churches, homes, and people. He makes His divine presence felt, but not as strongly as a nation that unites in combined humility before Him, a nation that has the 10 Commandments placed in every public building, a nation that says in one voice, "under God". Only then can we all feel just how warm the light of God's love can be to a nation. We will never have 100% unity, of course. But the super-majority is quite capable of uniting under the name of God and the 10 Commandments. Yes, I believe it can be done.

We each have our own Holy Grail. We must each go on our own personal quest. Only then, will God head back in to find a chair and comfortably sit among us, as a welcome guest of this nation.

Happy Thanksgiving and Regards....

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To: Arthur Wildfire! March
"...a nation that has the 10 Commandments placed in every public building,
a nation that says in one voice, "under God". Only then can we all feel just 
how warm the light of God's love can be to a nation

People have to love one another in the manner God would want
and not be discriminatory in thought, for there to be "One Nation
under God". You simply cannot legislate the "warmth of God",
nor instill the "light of our Lord" by broadcasting it by way of
plaques, monuments and material that is not conducive to other's
beliefs. You can't brainwash people into Godliness; it is taught 
through example.

You discredit the State of Massachusetts and the people in it
[Re: an entire state not fit for children]? Attempting to provide 
of the same rights for all as Massachusetts has, should be welcomed
as the only proper manner in which to live life. It is the providing of
the same human rights; the same Constitutional rights to all. Isn't
that really God's allow all beings the benefit of living
life in freedom of prejudice and hypocrisy?

Individuals that promote the "wrath of God" are only attempting to
control through fear. God does not control through fear; He is a
loving God that allows each of us to control ourselves through
our own God instilled conscience.

Instead of promoting bitterness as you do with statements
as "an entire state not fit for children", how much more effective
you would be, if you attempted to teach forgiveness and
compassion in the all-encompassing manner that God instills it into
each us at birth.



21 posted on 11/28/2003 4:52:33 AM PST by Deep_6
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To: WKB; Arthur Wildfire! March
Oh, come now, being educated is hardly akin to being lecherous. I have viewed much worse on the net after reading about one wacko group after another (NEA, PETA, ACLU, NARAL, ad nauseum) -- yes, it's difficult to read but we must know the enemy and it's wiles. And yes, I have felt the need (and followed through on same) to pray after reading some articles or visiting some lunatic site.

We at FR are 'free thinkers' -- are we to ignore what's going on in our culture? Are we to hear O'Reilly, Rush or whomever we listen to say 'NAMBLA is bad - really, really bad. They promote...whatever...on their website.' and then not see for ourselves? The sheeple do that - not me.

Yes, I've seen a lot of junk in the course of that - but I have also learned what my precious child could possibly encounter before it's too late. In time to address not only drinking and drugs and premarital sex -- but also the dangers of porn and other activities.

I've also seen outrageous opinions and values upheld by people/companies/organizations about which I gasped, 'I had no idea they endorsed that!!!' and I've been able to immediately take action.

That said -- of course I wouldn't want my child to read it -- but any young person intelligent and concerned enough to frequent FR has probably already seen much more than parents would want. Curiosity leads to quality learning every bit as often as it KOs the feline.

BTW, I'm only on cuppa-coffee #1, so please forgive any typos.
22 posted on 11/28/2003 8:39:28 AM PST by kimmie7 (PUSH = Pray Until Something Happens!)
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To: kimmie7
I agree with you, Kimmie. It's better to learn about these things for what they are (pragmatism), from their proponents, than to live in an idealistic, isolated world detached from reality.

It's no accident that "the preacher's daughter" too often becomes the most odious, the most rebellious, the most wicked girl in school. Having been shielded her whole life, she sees an opportunity to distinguish herself from her parents by embracing what is thought an intellecutally defensible and liberating life of licenteousness. In all her strict catechetical upbringing, she never learned where to place evil in her worldview.

23 posted on 11/28/2003 12:22:43 PM PST by Lexinom ("No society rises above its idea of God." -unknown)
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To: Elsie
Who do you want to 'trade' for him?
24 posted on 11/28/2003 4:48:27 PM PST by _Jim ( <--- Ann Coulter speaks on gutless Liberals (RealAudio files))
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To: _Jim
Just pointing out the world's mad cry........
25 posted on 11/29/2003 7:34:27 PM PST by Elsie (Don't believe every prophecy you hear: especially *** ones........)
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To: Deep_6
Individuals that promote the "wrath of God" are only attempting to control through fear. God does not control through fear; He is a loving God that allows each of us to control ourselves through our own God instilled conscience.
Ok, but what of THESE directions from Paul?

1 Timothy 5:20
  Those who sin are to be rebuked publicly, so that the others may take warning.
2 Timothy 3:16-17
 16.  All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness,
 17.  so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.

2 Timothy 4:2
   Preach the Word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage--with great patience and careful instruction.
Titus 1:13-14
 13.  This testimony is true. Therefore, rebuke them sharply, so that they will be sound in the faith
 14.  and will pay no attention to Jewish myths or to the commands of those who reject the truth.
Titus 2:15
  These, then, are the things you should teach. Encourage and rebuke with all authority. Do not let anyone despise you.
As well as the words of Jesus...
 Revelation 3:19
   Those whom I love I rebuke and discipline. So be earnest, and repent.
God does not control through fear....
Oh?  What would you call this??
Jonah 3
 1.  Then the word of the LORD came to Jonah a second time:
 2.  "Go to the great city of Nineveh and proclaim to it the message I give you."
 3.  Jonah obeyed the word of the LORD and went to Nineveh. Now Nineveh was a very important city--a visit required three days.
 4.  On the first day, Jonah started into the city. He proclaimed: "Forty more days and Nineveh will be overturned."
 5.  The Ninevites believed God. They declared a fast, and all of them, from the greatest to the least, put on sackcloth.
 6.  When the news reached the king of Nineveh, he rose from his throne, took off his royal robes, covered himself with sackcloth and sat down in the dust.
 7.  Then he issued a proclamation in Nineveh:   "By the decree of the king and his nobles:   Do not let any man or beast, herd or flock, taste anything; do not let them eat or drink.
 8.  But let man and beast be covered with sackcloth. Let everyone call urgently on God. Let them give up their evil ways and their violence.
 9.  Who knows? God may yet relent and with compassion turn from his fierce anger so that we will not perish."
 10.  When God saw what they did and how they turned from their evil ways, he had compassion and did not bring upon them the destruction he had threatened.
26 posted on 11/29/2003 7:46:04 PM PST by Elsie (Don't believe every prophecy you hear: especially *** ones........)
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To: Deep_6
I am wondering why you think that promoting evil to children should not be condemned, and that those who condemn promoting evil to children aren't being "compassionate and forgiving."

I just don't get your viewpoint.

Some things ARE evil and it is evil to tolerate them.

Promoting same sex practices to children IS EVIL.
27 posted on 11/29/2003 8:05:10 PM PST by little jeremiah
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To: little jeremiah
"...I am wondering why you think that promoting evil to children 
should not be condemned,

As far as "evil" in the context you are using it:

Condemnation through boycott is fine; condemnation through legislation
is a governmental banning of a free speech component and is unconstitutional.

"..Some things ARE evil and it is evil to tolerate them.....
.....Promoting same sex practices to children IS EVIL

As far as the "in public" context you suggest:

Teaching a child that it is not evil to be whoever they are, is more
important than serving your own Pseudo-Holy Righteousness needs and
telling them it is EVIL to be who they are.

Most gays know there is something different about them by age 5. 
It is my belief that some people are born with homosexual tendencies.
I am among millions of individuals with that belief, including the majority
of the medical profession. Those wishing to "convert" or "modify behavior"
do so with great risk and peril; the result usually resulting with an asexual
individual suffering from self-hatred, depression and suicidal tendencies.

Yes, it's been long documented, contrary to the opinion of the bigots.



28 posted on 11/30/2003 5:30:44 AM PST by Deep_6
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To: Elsie
Quoting from the Bible; a book written by mortal man, with faults,
and prejudices, means nothing to a person that is agnostic.

I believe Christ taught to love man for all ways;
That God is a loving God that should never bring fear to anyone's heart;
That God is an all-forgiving God that serves all man and beast;
That there is only one God, not many;
He is the same God for all, serving all man, regardless of religion;
That our God does not punish, but only shows the way;
Those that do not follow -ever- may never reach the end, perhaps
living life over and over, in all it's hell that it can become for them.

To teach to fear God, is to teach hatred. That is obvious to me;
I wish that was obvious to all.

God loves you as He does me, Have a great Sunday.


29 posted on 11/30/2003 5:44:37 AM PST by Deep_6
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To: Deep_6
...means nothing to a person that is agnostic.

Ah... but to ME, an agnostic is one who admits to not knowing, but is willing to learn.


I post, knowing that

Isaiah 55
10. As the rain and the snow come down from heaven, and do not return to it without watering the earth and making it bud and flourish, so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater,
11. so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.

30 posted on 11/30/2003 11:28:31 AM PST by Elsie (Don't believe every prophecy you hear: especially *** ones........)
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To: Deep_6
That our God does not punish, but only shows the way;

Then this God you believe in is not the One revealed in the Bible........

31 posted on 11/30/2003 11:30:20 AM PST by Elsie (Don't believe every prophecy you hear: especially *** ones........)
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To: Deep_6
...perhaps living life over and over, ...

But, is, perhaps, the one revealed to Hindus....

32 posted on 11/30/2003 11:33:07 AM PST by Elsie (Don't believe every prophecy you hear: especially *** ones........)
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To: Arthur Wildfire! March; All
God is still on the throne. Probably one of the things that comforts me more than anything else during a problem or crisis, is the fact that God is still on His throne. He didn't get off to take a nap, or go watch sports, or hit the refrigerator. He is there, in total control of all that is going on. That of course begs the question, why does He allow terrible things to happen if He is really on the throne.

Remember, God does not cause evil, or encourage it, but does allow it to happen as He did in the case of Job. It was only with God's permission that the devil was able to do what he did to Job. Why does God allow bad things to happen? Men much wiser than I can argue that one, but I do know one day God will wipe away all sin and evil from this world.

That leads me to the great verse that assures us God will not give us more than we can bear. He knows our breaking point. Those two truths, God in control at all times and He will never give me more than I can bear, get me through the difficult times in life.

33 posted on 11/30/2003 11:38:31 AM PST by Gone_Postal
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To: Arthur Wildfire! March
Another part of the problem for this once-free republic . . .

“A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves money from the public treasure. From that moment on the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most money from the public treasury, with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world’s great civilizations has been two hundred years. These nations have progressed through the following sequence: from bondage to spiritual faith, from spiritual faith to great courage, from courage to liberty, from liberty to abundance, from abundance to selfishness, from selfishness to complacency, from complacency, to apathy, from apathy to dependency, from dependency back to bondage.”
-- Alexander Tyler, on the Fall of the Athenian Republic


34 posted on 11/30/2003 12:11:55 PM PST by GeekDejure ( LOL = Liberals Obey Lucifer !!!)
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To: GeekDejure
"....A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government........"

Your quote's nice, but moot.

This Nation is founded upon a constitutional republican government.

Majority does not rule; our Constitution does.



35 posted on 11/30/2003 9:45:14 PM PST by Deep_6
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To: kimmie7
Thanks for the 'ping' kimmie7!
36 posted on 12/15/2003 5:36:29 AM PST by Robert Drobot (God, family, country. All else is meaningless.)
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