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Terri's Fight - (Daily Thread/Updates) November 24-30
Various | November 23, 2003 | sweetliberty

Posted on 11/23/2003 7:28:36 PM PST by sweetliberty

(Thread 10 - November 24-30)
Link back to thread 9 (Nov. 19-23)


Contained in Thread 9:

Carla Iyers testimony, Terri's 1990 physical exam and treatment plan, contact information for Judges Demers, Greer and Baird, judicial misconduct and how to report it, address to send cards for Terri's birthday, contact information for Bernie McCabe, link to friend of the court brief filed on behalf of Florida legislature, police report following Terri's collapse and Michael Schiavo: Profile of a Sociopath.


Click on pic for Terri's website


This thread serves as a place for posting all new general information and references, along with links following Terri's case, plus information on cable news and talk radio shows dealing with the issue, court cases and press releases. This is also the place to post contact information, prayers and general discussion.

If you have something that qualifies as BREAKING NEWS or FRONT PAGE NEWS, please post it on a separate thread in that category in order to give it maximum exposure and then post a link to the article/thread here so that it will be included in the next update of links. Also, if you post links to articles from original sources and there is also a thread on FR, please link to the FR thread. Many original links become corrupt over time and we want to be able to access the information at will.

This thread will stay up through next Sunday. I will be in Kentucky for Thanksgiving, but I will still be able to check in with y'all, just not as often.

A reminder: please do not post personal information on the public forum. We have lots of folks on scene down in Florida and we don't want them having any problems with the death squad.



Latest threads on Terri's Case:

Appeals Court Overturns Stay, Lawsuit Against Terri's Law Proceeds

Michael: Block Bone Scan Showing Possible Abuse of Terri Schiavo

Court lifts stay in Schiavo - Bush battle

Governor Seeks New Trial Over Brain Damaged Woman's Wishes

Governor Jeb Bush Seeks Full, Fair Hearing to Defend Terri's Law

Where did word "vegetative" come from, anyway? That's a loaded term that devalues human life.

Update on Terri's Law

Judge in Terri's Law Case Refuses to Step Down Despite Possible Bias

It's Not Only About Terri Schiavo

Behind Scenes: How Terri Schiavo was saved ( ????? )

TOPICS: Activism/Chapters; Constitution/Conservatism; Government; News/Current Events; US: Florida
KEYWORDS: attorneyfromhell; cultureofdeath; daily; euthanasia; florida; forcesofevil; freep; georgefelos; guardianfromhell; hino; merchantsofdeath; michaelschiavo; reallifeghouls; righttolife; schiavo; schiavothread; schindler; terri; terrischiavo; terrischindler; terrisfight
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To: FL_engineer
There were so many cakes, we couldn't eat them all. Cheryl had a grand collage of photos, and many were from other countries. She had flags from the other countries. Russia, UK, Finland, and so many others. Cheryl was working on another picture board, and finally had to put it away, as there were too many people who wanted to talk.

We sang happy birthday by Terri's window. Her family went in to see her several times. We made more contacts. And gleaned more information.

The cops were sitting there watching us the entire time, and playing solitaire on their laptops. Anybody who came to visit a patient in hospice, had to give the patient's name to the cop before they were allowed in.

The Schindler family were all present and were excited that so many people came out to celebrate. There were prayer vigilers there as well.

A&E were there, and stayed for hours. They shot many shots of people, the set ups we had, and interviewed many others.

I had petitions for the law Senator Wise wants to discuss and vote on regarding disabled persons with feeding tubes, and how to file judicial misconduct. I gave them all away.

Cheryl has some photos she took, and she will send but I think she's sleeping currently.

It was good to talk to the Schindlers, the nurse, Carla, who took care of Terri, and the lawyers. And there was a radio station there who is very supportive of Terri's cause. He spoke with many folks, and we were allowed to say what we wanted. I handed him petitions as well.

They are moving Terri in 4 days, as they are renovating the hospice.

abc was there for a short time, but left without much fanfare. I don't even know if they shot anything with their cams.

They had a table with gifts, and a basket of cards, lots.
The Schindlers were just very grateful that people were there. They are very exhausted. I felt so bad for them.

I'm guessing 100 people were there. Maybe a few more. Most came and stayed the entire time. Many shot home videos. Some from out of state.
There were other visitors who came and left after talking some. It was their way of showing support, but they didn't stay for hours like we did.

We didn't see MS, and didn't really want to.
Pat Anderson was there. She mingled with everybody.

Everything was unwrapped and sitting on a table. The family went in to see her frequently while we were there.
She had CD's, lotions, and body rub stuff.

Terri's not allowed outside. Her brother and sister were there. The sister was very emotional.
For sitting in a strip of grass, it was decorated as best one can when using folding tables. There were flowers, balloons, cakes, cards, gifts, photos, petitions, and people talking about what they have encountered with elected and appointed officials since advocating for Terri.

I had petitions for the law Senator Wise wants to discuss and vote on regarding disabled persons with feeding tubes, but which King refuses to bring to the floor, and how to file judicial misconduct.

We tried to brain storm and set goals and devise a plan.
Currently, we all need to contact the entire Fl Senate on Wise's bill, and demand it be brought to the floor for discussion.
I'm going to sleep for a while. We were up very late, and stayed at the party until way after 11pm.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

441 posted on 12/04/2003 11:02:52 AM PST by KDubRN
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To: terrasol
Unbelievable! I posted an article written by Rus and had no idea she was a special ed teacher. She is entitled to support whatever groups or interests she believes in, in her free time, as long as they do not break the law. I am shocked at her illegal dismissal from the school where she teaches. Her activities in no way conflict with her job. In fact, by speaking out for the rights of disabled persons, she is exercising her First Amendment rights. How revolting that in Pinellas County her free speech is considered a crime for which she should be terminated. I think she can sue her employer for wrongful termination and any damages resulting from their negligent behavior by ignoring her requests for assistance in the course of doing her job. What the School Board did is wrong.
442 posted on 12/04/2003 11:04:02 AM PST by msmagoo
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To: KDubRN
Sounds like you had a great time! Glad there were many people talking and asking questions. The collage, the cards, gifts, balloons and cakes must have made an overwheming display of affection for Terri and the Schindlers. So glad the Schindlers saw and felt support for Terri and her fight. Glad A&E is filming a documentary, I can't wait to see it!

I am going to add this to Terri's Birthday thread.
443 posted on 12/04/2003 11:14:16 AM PST by msmagoo
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To: KDubRN
wow - thanks for the update.

I am convinced this whole thing is about the money. Terri Schiavo should not be in a hospice! She should be in a treatment facility!

Thanks for the email addresses. Am sending all a note.

444 posted on 12/04/2003 11:16:04 AM PST by a5478 (a5478)
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To: All
I urge everyone to send a note to the senators using the email addresses so thoughtfully provided. The following is mine. We need to get someone to publicly in a widespread forum inquire as to why Terri Schiavo has never received any benefit of the funds she was awarded.

Dear Sir:

I urge to consider the Wise bill as a measure which might prevent the abuses which have occurred in the Schiavo case.

I also urge to ask publicly the reason Terri Schiavo never received the treatment or therapy for which she was awarded a huge sum of money. Her condition could not have changed significantly in the few months between her award and her husband/guardian's sudden memory that she would wish to die. Why has she not, in the interim of the investigation, received any treatment or therapy and been relegated to living in a hospice which is for the dying? Your public inquiry is required.

Whether she wanted to live or die is moot. She has not received treatment or therapy for which she was awarded funds. This is a gross misuse of the judicial system!
445 posted on 12/04/2003 11:37:22 AM PST by a5478 (a5478)
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To: a5478
A woman at the party last night told of contacting Bernie McCabe for an investigation. She was told to find evidence and bring it in.
Bernie McCabe needs to feel the weight of snail mail and demand replies.
We need to know what protocol they follow in a situation where a young woman is unresponsive with anoxia, face down, and the only person with her is her husband.
I can tell you by law, suspicion has to be investigated.
He needs to be held accountable. He owes the citizens a reply.
Citizens file a complaint, they do not investigate it. That is Bernie's job.

State Attorney Bernie McCabe
14250 49th St. N.
Clearwater, FL. 33762-2800
Or if you prefer to call:
Phone # 727 - 464 - 6221
446 posted on 12/04/2003 12:14:47 PM PST by KDubRN
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To: KDubRN

Good read
447 posted on 12/04/2003 12:26:15 PM PST by KDubRN
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To: terrasol; sweetliberty; tutstar; amdgmary; msmagoo; Cayenne; PrepareToLeave; T'wit; ...
Thanks for posting that info here -- it's great to hear of personal contacts! I got one of Rus' "When I woke up" booklets at the vigil, then visited her website after amdgmary posted one of her articles here.

#441 -- KDub talks about the party!
448 posted on 12/04/2003 1:27:59 PM PST by cyn (
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To: cyn
Also, must credit Joanne from Orlando, RN, for doing lavender ribbons. She passed them out yesterday at the party.
When we stopped late last night for some food, the waitress asked about my ribbon and name tag, as I had my name, then....ask me about petitions.
She was very into what is happening up there with Terri, and was very sympathetic to her cause.
449 posted on 12/04/2003 1:40:24 PM PST by KDubRN
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To: Budge; Pegita; cyn; Ladysmith; Calpernia; Babalu; floriduh voter; dandelion; PleaseNoMore; ...
New Thread

450 posted on 12/04/2003 3:32:04 PM PST by sweetliberty (Better to keep silent and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt)
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To: terrasol
Just awesome, terra!!!! God Bless You for taking the time to do this and to set out so many salient and relevant points. You are skilled and passionate ... I hope you can keep these communications going with the powers that be.

God Bless Terri, her family and all her unflagging, indefatigable warriors and prayer teams.

451 posted on 12/04/2003 5:03:02 PM PST by STARWISE (PLEASE DO something to save Terri Schiavo: email, call, fax, vigil,pray, GOD SAVE TERRI)
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Thank you. I feel blessed beyond measure for being
allowed to contribute. And I am in such spectacular
company with you all. God bless all of Terri's Team.
452 posted on 12/04/2003 7:01:52 PM PST by terrasol (The fool is not who does not know, but who gives up a chance to grow)
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To: cyn
Thank you cyn for your support in this outrageous
injustice against another Pinellas County disabled
person, who is moreover a dedicated Terri supporter.
Here is some more info to add to my earlier posts:

If you want to write Rus a support note,
her is the email:

This is the info, if you want to get the booklet:

* NEW Occasional Paper - When I woke up. . .a personal
journey with Terri Schindler-Schiavo by Rus Cooper-Dowda

Terri Schindler-Schiavo is a woman whose life has been
the subject of court battles for over 10 years. At 26
years of age, she suffered a massive heart attack. The
event was followed by a malpractice suit, the guardianship
of her husband, and life for Terri in a hospice, being
fed through a tube. Eventually, Terri’s husband
pressed to have the tube removed. Her parents objected,
and another court case ensued. A judge ruled for the
removal of the tube, Terri’s parents appealed, and
the case made its way through various Florida courts.
In time, a Florida appellate court called for a new

In October, 2002, Rus Cooper-Dowda went to what was
then the latest hearing, to report on the proceedings.
The case that she describes and so profoundly identifies
with presents the reader with painful questions about
human achievement and human failing, about human
rights and professional judgments, and about how we
decide who speaks for those whose voices we may not
be able to hear.

In an age when some voices call for human genetic
engineering, this case draws our attention to the
limitations imposed on us by preconceived notions
of disability and meaningful life.

Single complimentary copies of When I woke up . . .
are available upon request.

 To make enquiries about complimentary copies,

The Edmonds Institute
20319-92nd Avenue West
Edmonds, Washington 98020 USA

The Edmonds Institute is a 501(c)(3) organization under
the rules of the Internal Revenue Service and is registered as a charitable organization with the State of Washington. Donations to the Institute, above the cost of materials ordered, are tax deductible, well-used and greatly appreciated.

Rus has several blogs which you are invited to visit.
Here are the URLs:

My blogs:

Rus Rustlings

Max' Mom

Ed's Daughter


Your support for Rus is urgently requested. She is
scheduled to be publicly and on camera humiliated
by the school in which she has been teaching disabled
children. They plan to fire her on December 9 for
"not fitting in". (After she has been a good teacher
for 26 years!) The school in Pinellas Country where
she works, not far from the hospice where Terri is,
decided to fire her one day after Rus spoke out about
Terri on a local TV station. She did it off school
grounds and on her own time, and did not mention
during the interview that she was a teacher.

She was simply interviewed because she herself is
disabled and had been diagnosed PVS in the 1980s. She
too had to experience the horror of other people deciding
that she should die. For sharing her concerns about Terri,
she is now being fired from her job as a teacher. It
is an outrage and calls for action.

Pertinent facts of what is happening to Rus. These
points can be used in crafting complaint letters:

An experienced exceptional education teacher is
being punitively fired at the Pinellas County,
Florida School Board meeting on December 9th.

Her terrible crime was to say on her own time
solely as a private citizen that as a Floridian
female with disabilities Terri Schindler-Schiavo
starving to death is very scary to her.

She is being fired for suddenly "not fitting in."

How can a veteran teacher with disabilities who
teaches students with disabilities suddenly
"not fit in?"

Because she would not quietly resign for speaking
out of her faith and experience --
her last work day was moved up far enough to deny
her a month of health insurance,
she lost two checks at Christmas time,
and her legally required exit interview was cancelled.

She was cruelly fired on The Great American Teach-In
Day while out recovering from a student attack that
the administration knew was coming and would not prevent.

Here is a letter Karen Kranz wrote to OReilly"

Dear Bill,
I'm afraid this may not be quite as "pithy" as you
wish, but then to explain someone's unjust situation
can't be conveyed in a quip or two.

I am pleading with you to use the same power and
influence you used with CBS and Pepsi - only now with
the Pinellas County, Florida school board.

Rus Cooper-Dowda, is being punitively fired by them
on December 9, 2003 simply for saying on her own time,
solely as a private citizen, that as a Floridian female
with disabilities Terri Schindler-Schiavo starving to
death is very scary to her. She was merely speaking out
of her own faith and experience.

Their label (excuse) for their action is "not fitting in".....after 26 years as a veteran teacher???
Excuse me....but that doesn't pass the giggle test!!
They have attempted to force her to resign, but she has
too much dignity to do so. As a consequence:

1. Her last work day was moved up far enough to deny
her a month of heath insurance
2. She lost two checks at Christmas time
3. Her legally required "exit interview" was canceled.
She was cruelly fired on the "The Great American Teach-In
Day while out recovering from a student's attack that
administration knew was coming and refused to take the
necessary precautions to prevent!

Please don't let this beautiful role model of courage,
of overcoming the adversity of a disability, moving
forward via a positive attitude, and so much more, be
trampled upon by this board.

You can read far more about her strengths and courage here:,0,3738951.story?coll=ny-health-headlines

I know you can help.

Please try Bill.
A fan.
Most sincerely,

Karen Kranz

Here is some generic information for actions:

Public School Teacher Fired on TV for Supporting Terri --

Rus Cooper-Dowda
exceptional education teacher

December 9th at 5 PM

Pinellas County, Florida School Board meeting
The School sysytem where Terri is struggling to live

Open to Public
Anyone can speak for 3 minutes by signing a speaker's
slip by 4:45 pm.
Signs without sticks are permitted.

Pinellas County School Administration Building
Conference Hall
301 4th Street SW
Largo, Florida 33770

Televised live with reruns on WPDS
GTE Americast channel 14
Time Warner Channel 14

If you want to protest:
Pinellas County School Board
301 4th St. SW
Largo, FL 33770

Members of the Pinellas County School Board:
Dr. J. Howard Hinesley
Jane Gallucci
Carol Cook
Board Member most likey to be unhappy about this:
Linda Lerner

Rest of Board:
Mary Russell
Nancy Bostock
Mary Brown
Lee Benjamin

My note:
If any of you web research wizards can come up with
email addresses for quick action, it would be very
much appreciated. If you post them on this thread,
everyone could use them to show our support for Rus
now. The links can also be forwarded to Rus via
her email above and to any willing supporters.

emails of the following would be helpful:

the individual schoolboar members,
Pinellas County Teachers Union,
any other person or agency you think might
be helpful in a situation like that.

(Teachers, do you have any ideas about specific
recourse availabe, especially where we could add
our voices of support?) wrote:

Thanks Dear.
Today I bought a brand new outfit to get fired in
on Tuesday. :-)

I have started getting copies of e-mail from around
the world that have gone to the board.

I don't feel quite as alone as I did before..

Thanks for your concern.


I got slacks with big pockets to care the TBI e-mails
in when I go to that meeting.

Rus is a very dedicated Terri supporter. She wrote us
this in an email:

Thank you so very much for your note.

I would love to keep folks up to date on Terri's
situation. it would be an honor. I live in the hospice
neighborhood and am the only writer with disabilities
covering the case locally.

I have a booklet out about mine and Terri's story
called "When I Woke Up..." that might be of use to you.
A non-profit institute puts it out. Let me know if you
are interested. No on emakes any money off it. It
appears in translation in Germany next month.

I also post Terri's status on my blogs. I would be
happy to give you those addresses.

I want to keep the focus on Terri while protecting
local right to speak out. That's my sole perspective
in this.

I am working on a book aboiut the TBI community
perspective on Terri. It is a collection of everything
I've written. When I find a publisher I will let you know.

There is also a CBS/A&E documentary in the works by
very pro-Terri folks in Miami who retained content
control. I'm in that demonstrating blink and
communication board conversation. I'll let you know
when that is scheduled to run.

You can contact Rus at

453 posted on 12/04/2003 8:08:51 PM PST by terrasol (The fool is not who does not know, but who gives up a chance to grow)
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To: All
...continued discussion of Rus Cooper-Dowda can be found on the NEXT DAILY THREAD here

Join the Terri Schindler Life Ribbon Campaign
      "Where there's life, there's hope."
      -Terri Schiavo ( arguing with her best friend Diane Meyer ) angrily PROMOTING LIFE FOR the comatose
-Kate Adamson ( former vegetative patient nearly starved to death ) "Its VERY painful... Its SHEER torture!"

-Michael Schiavo (teaching Terri she can NEVER DIVORCE him) minutes before her 'collapse'
-Michael's 1993 girlfriend ("he can be the most INCREDIBLY MEAN person!")
-link to latest TV coverage/interviews           Contact FoxNews

454 posted on 12/05/2003 12:55:54 AM PST by Future Useless Eater (Freedom_Loving_Engineer)
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To: terrasol
God bless you for all you're doing to help Terri and the disabled teacher who got in trouble for helping Terri. What a screwed up world in which we live! Thanks again.
455 posted on 12/05/2003 9:13:58 AM PST by Saundra Duffy (For victory & freedom!!!)
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To: terrasol
Thanks for your note -- I'll read it more closely w/an eye to what I can do when I'm fresher tomorrow. I'm glad to see her story getting wider play now on FR.
456 posted on 12/05/2003 9:47:37 PM PST by cyn (
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