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Dean 'Appalled' That Florida Lawmakers Saved Schiavo ^
| 11/07/03
| Jeff Johnson
Posted on 11/07/2003 2:31:27 AM PST by kattracks
Capitol Hill ( - Democratic presidential candidate Howard Dean, who begins his campaign website greeting with the phrase, "As a medical doctor...," claims Florida Republicans should be "embarrassed" for intervening to save the life of Terri Schindler Schiavo last month. Earlier in the year, Dean publicly expressed his support for physician-assisted suicide.
Dean accused Florida Gov. Jeb Bush and Republican state lawmakers of interfering in a "private matter" when they passed "Terri's Law," which allowed Bush to have the 39-year-old disabled woman's feeding tube reconnected after it was removed under court order at her husband's request. The former Vermont governor said he was "appalled" by Bush's intervention.
Terri suffered a brain injury in 1990 under questionable circumstances that left her severely disabled. Her husband, Michael Schiavo, his brother and another brother's wife claim Terri verbally expressed her desire not to be kept alive "artificially" should she ever require life support. Terri's parents and siblings, along with her former co-workers, friends, priests and fellow church members dispute that claim.
"I'm tired of people in the legislature thinking that they have an M.D. when what they really have is a B.S.," the Miami Herald quoted Dean as telling about 200 business and community leaders at the Capital Tiger Bay Club in Tallahassee Tuesday.
Bush spokesman Jacob DiPietre said the governor found Dean's remarks "shameful."
"Gov. Bush," DiPietre said, "doesn't think that it's appropriate for a presidential candidate to be so flip about a serious issue that involves not only protecting the rights of the disabled, but also the fundamental right to life that is guaranteed in the Florida Constitution."
Pamela Hennessy - spokeswoman for Terri's parents, Robert and Mary Schindler - called Dean's comments "a monumental display of bad taste in every way imaginable.
"Obviously, he doesn't know every aspect of the case," Hennessy said, "and I think he's using it as platform just to take a swing, verbally, at Gov. Bush."
Hennessy said she is not surprised, however, at Dean's lack of compassion for Terri.
"Mr. Dean is on record as being in favor of physician-assisted suicide," Hennessy explained.
During an Aug. 20 appearance on Oregon Public Radio, interviewer Colin Fogarty asked Dean, "In general, where do you stand on physician-assisted suicide and Oregon's vote on that issue?" Dean said the question posed "a very difficult moral problem," which he believes should be decided by the states.
"I as a physician would not be comfortable administering lethal drugs," Dean explained, "but I think this a very private, personal decision, and I think individual physicians and patients have the right to make that private decision."
By contrast, Hennessy praised Sen. Joseph Lieberman (D-Conn.), who is competing with Dean for the Democratic nomination and who also commented on Terri's case.
"He [Lieberman] was smart enough and man enough to see that not everything that happens in life is a question of politics," Hennessy said. "He recognized that, and he didn't turn it into a political fight."
Lieberman, who drew criticism during his 2000 vice presidential bid for waffling on pro-life issues, told the Associated Press in October that he supports Terri's Law.
"I feel very strongly that we ought to honor life, and we ought not to create a system where people are being deprived of nutrition or hydration in a way that ends their lives," Lieberman said.
Hennessy noted that, in advocating for, signing and implementing Terri's Law, Gov. Bush did something she is not accustomed to seeing politicians do.
"When [Jeb Bush] campaigned for governor the first time, he told the people of Florida that he wanted to be a champion for the disabled," Hennessy said. "I think he kept his promise."
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TOPICS: Culture/Society; News/Current Events; Politics/Elections; US: Florida
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posted on
11/07/2003 2:31:27 AM PST
To: kattracks
It should suprise no one that Dean believes that the courts are so dense as to not recognize the correct ruling in this case. After all, he as much as said recently that Southerners are too stupid to vote.
To: johniegrad
Interesting that now a Democrat suddenly gets concerned over government involvement in people's personal decisions.
To: kattracks
Oh, yeah!
This is really gonna get him a lot of fans!
Metrosexual Dean's just making more and more bad choices. I wonder what he'll say/do next week for our humor.
posted on
11/07/2003 2:43:04 AM PST
("There are worse things than crucifixion...There are teeth.")
To: kattracks
I didn't think much of Dean before, but now I hate the guy. First of all, I don't believe for a minute that if this case were in Vermont that he as well wouldn't have given in to the public pressure and done the same thing, whether he agrees or not. I would note that Jeb Bush showed quite a bit of restraint; he hardly jumped on it or got up on a soap box. Secondly, how dare he suggest that the legislature is not qualified to legislate on an issue because medicine is somehow involved. That comment about the MD's and BS's is a really arrogant insult to the legislators in every state. For him to say he's "tired" of them is really offensive. While he may be a doctor, he draws his pay as the Governor of Vermont. Or has he forgotten? Awfully convenient that he can slip on that doctors coat when it suits him politically and try to pull a rank over the legislators and even the Governor of another State. MD or not, just who does he think he is? Finally, it doesn't take an MD to see that this isn't a right to die case at all, it's a right to live, or more specifically a right not to be deprived of life case. At the absolute minimum, reasonable people widely disagree on the issues in this case. Many reasonable people think this may even be a murder case. With such an open and legitimate controversy surrounding the case, an overwhelming preference should be given to preserving the status quo while it can be thoroughly investigated. A quick death and cremation is extremely inappropriate. The Governor's stay and the legislation that permits it are perfectly appropriate to such an important case where so much remains unsettled. Terri has the rest of eternity to be dead, just like all the rest of us. To say that the Governor's stay represents an "interference" in her "right to die" is an absurd and shocking misunderstanding of what's going on here. As a politician, Howard Dean is an arrogant ass. And now that I think about it, I wouldn't want him as my doctor either. I'd rather have Jeb Bush for that too. Better chance of getting fed that way.
posted on
11/07/2003 2:45:49 AM PST
(Veritas Vincit)
Comment #6 Removed by Moderator
To: kattracks
Pamela Hennessy - spokeswoman for Terri's parents, Robert and Mary Schindler - called Dean's comments "a monumental display of bad taste in every way imaginable.I can understand why she feels this way, with a trained medical doctor speaking out for the murder of a young woman whose family has gone to such great lengths to save her.
But everyway imaginable? Not for Ditsy Dean. He has found a way to offend pick-up truck drivers, all Southerners, blacks, 2nd ammendment supporters, Greens, even anti-war types, and almost every other Dem vying for the nomination. As far as bad taste and offending groups of people goes, he's equal-opportunity.
posted on
11/07/2003 2:50:25 AM PST
("Won't get fooled again")
To: Johassen
To say that the Governor's stay represents an "interference" in her "right to die" is an absurd and shocking misunderstanding of what's going on here. As a politician, Howard Dean is an arrogant ass. And now that I think about it, I wouldn't want him as my doctor either. I'd rather have Jeb Bush for that too. Better chance of getting fed that way.Johassen, you nailed it!! Everybody should use this quote whenever a discussion of Dean comes up!
posted on
11/07/2003 2:56:02 AM PST
("Won't get fooled again")
To: kattracks
This is the guy who wants to reach out to Southern voters? Just how, exactly, does he plan to do that?
posted on
11/07/2003 3:03:14 AM PST
Says a lot for the quality of the democratic party.
posted on
11/07/2003 3:06:00 AM PST
(Democrats will crash and burn in 2004.)
To: kattracks
I agree with little Dean has to say about anything ... however, where this issue is concerned he's absolutely right on the money.
posted on
11/07/2003 3:11:20 AM PST
To: kattracks
Hey howie, when you don't make it as president you can always become an abortion doctor (?) performing PBA.
It seems that you have the right ideas along these perverted lines.
posted on
11/07/2003 3:15:13 AM PST
To: johniegrad
< Terri suffered a brain injury in 1990 under questionable circumstances...? >
The law was written for this specific case. The phrase "questionable circumstances" alone warranted it.
If Dean hadn't lost Florida before...he just did.
posted on
11/07/2003 3:40:46 AM PST
(Those who preach tolerance seem to have the least for my views.)
To: BluH2o
One really needs to walk in those shoes in order to be entitled to an opinion. Keeping someone -- or a pet, for matter -- alive is not always an act of mercy.
I do not equate taking someone off artificial life-support with abortion. One life is viable, the other is not.
To: BluH2o
I should have been more clear that I am agreeing with you. And with Dean.
To: kattracks
Boy, Ole Dean sure knows how to get those southern votes doesn't he? Lets see now, first it was the confederate flag and pickups, now giving his expertese on death and courts, wonder what will be next. We need to really ENCOURAGE him to keep it up.
posted on
11/07/2003 3:49:09 AM PST
(Prayers for President Bush please, lets help him out.)
To: Johassen
If Schavio had been a cop killing career criminal saved from the electric chair by the Florida legislature, Dean would be applauding.
To: kattracks
Metrosexual just fires another round from the loose cannon into his head.
To: kattracks
I agree with Joe Lieberman. So much for Nikita Dean's respect for state's rights and the right to life. The Left has devolved to the point where it embraces killing as state protected and naturally embraces sociopaths and murderous dictators as allies while scorning the unborn and promoting euthanasia for the helpless. That's the Left's idea of utopia. A safe world for the cruel and vicious amongst us while condemning the innocent to their fate. The famous Talmudic aphorism springs to mind and I'm sure Dr. Dean knows what it means. Its unbelievable a presidential candidate takes a moral dilemma and parleys it into a partisan broadside. Has Dr. Dean no shame? We should expect more from a man aspiring to hold the nation's highest office in the future.
posted on
11/07/2003 4:13:46 AM PST
(In Memory Of A Dearly Beloved Friend Who Lives On In My Heart Forever)
To: The Other Harry
One life is viable, the other is not.
Well, as far as arrogance is concerned, I can understand why you agree with Ol' Crazy Howard.
posted on
11/07/2003 4:15:07 AM PST
(All I wanted was a Pepsi...)
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