Posted on 10/20/2024 7:11:26 PM PDT by rlmorel
I saw this sign today in my neighborhood. I take particular exception to this one.
It isn't just the open usage of a libelous slander that bothers me, it is the open support for people who wish to destroy this country.
I saw this sign, and thought this of the person who put that sign out: "You may be a veteran, but if you support the Democrat Party, you are both a sucker and a loser.
I give default respect to anyone who has served. In the absence of any indication that the person might not be deserving of respect, they get it, no questions asked.
But supporting the Democrat Party invalidates that respect.
"I, _____, do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God."
I have always held that if I swear to something, if I take a formal oath with my hand held upright, it means something. It isn't just words. It has to mean something. This is how I was raised.
So, we take that oath when we enlist, and we never repudiate it.
So, when I see a veteran coming out in support of any Democrat, in the same way Benedict Arnold could not expect to retain any respect once he threw in with the British, I maintain patriots are wholly justified in withdrawing any semblance of respect for those who took this oath of enlistment.
It isn't that we withdraw respect because we simply disagree with these veterans. Disagreement is one thing, and if any person out there has earned the right to disagree, it is veterans, most especially those who have served in combat.
But this is NOT disagreement. This is about something more fundamental than a disagreement of policy, this is about people who openly subvert and seek to destroy the Constitution. Years ago, supporting a Democrat may have meant you were at best simply wrong, and at worst, a dumb ass. But there are wrong people and dumb asses everywhere who are not domestic enemies of the Constitution.
This Democrat Party, these Leftists, are speaking openly of eliminating the First and Second Amendment. Am I wrong here? I have heard them voice those sentiments. Am I mistaken? They want to eliminate the Electoral College.
They have weaponized government, and sided with our enemies. They openly accept that the Chairman of the Joint Chief of Staff (Milley) had unauthorized communications with a country that, for all intents and purposes, we are at war with, and those communications were deliberately meant to sabotage and undercut the Commander In Chief. And he retired with full honors and a pension, with full approval of the Democrat Party.
They are flaunting legally passed federal legislation on immigration, and choosing not to enforce it because they disagree with it.
Likewise with the recent threat of a Longshoremen's strike, where the President of The United States said he would not enforce the Taft-Hartley Act because "he didn't agree with it". Flat out said it.
If these people went through the legal process to change the Constitution, I would disagree with them, but it would be a...disagreement. People who want to change the Constitution are not Domestic Enemies of the Constitution, but Americans who think something should be changed and are going through the prescribed process to try to change it. I can accept that.
But they are not trying to change the Constitution by amending it. They are subverting the Constitution by openly ignoring it, basically saying as Andrew Jackson did when he ignored the Supreme Court ruling in Worcester v. Georgia (1832) that ruled States did not have the right to impose laws on Native American lands, Jackson allegedly said, “John Marshall has made his decision, now let him enforce it.”
It is that mindset we see today when the Supreme Court rules it is unconstitutional for the President to nullify Student Loans the way he tried to do it, and...he (and the Democrat Party) are simply ignoring it.
In that light, can there be any doubt that supporting the Democrat Party is supporting the deliberate destruction of the Constitution, and thus, a repudiation of their oath of enlistment?
I understand this is somewhat of a third rail, and many veterans may not wish to weigh in on this for personal reasons, but if someone can tell me I am wrong, I am open to argument here.
I knew a Vietnam vet(He’s passed away now) who used to vote democrat. I couldn’t figure it out. Hanoi Jane supports democrats, and despite what she did in Vietnam, he still supported the party.
Am I missing something??? What displayed on that sign leads one to assume it’s referring to Trump or any other Republican?
Well, even back then, there were still Democrats who weren’t intent on destroying the country...even though the was somewhat the beginning of the turning point that transformed the Democrat Party into what it is today.
It is puzzling to me.
They get their money from the government and will do what they’re told.
That will override any patriotic impulses out of the military sector.
The lie that Trump said that (when in the company of Generals) a leftist "journalist" invented that is now parroted by democrats constantly.
Are you unaware of the slander by Democrats and the media (an open lie) that Trump called military members killed in wars “suckers and losers”? (when he ended up not going to the Aisne-Marne American Cemetery, near Paris, in 2018 for a ceremony there.
It is most certainly referring to Trump.
Right, but I am referring to the “rank and file” people who have served in the military who may be getting or not getting money from the government.
The sign is from a Biden lie about Trump. DJT never called them “suckers and losers”. The story was for a smoke screen used to cover Biden’s slam of troops when he was in Dubai. Biden called the troops “stupid bastards”. He called it a joke but used the Trump story to divert attention.
When in fact it was a Democrat who said that military recruitment was going to be harder because “we already have the low hanging fruit”.
I vaguely remember something to that effect some years back but believed it had been thoroughly debunked. I never gave it a second thought.
And the lie that he called veterans suckers and losers, which is not true at all.
And the fact that so many believe that lie infuriates me to no end.
Repeat a lie often enough…you know the rest
One is either with us or against us. Not much else matters.
The suckers & losers want to believe it.
If you fail at life, you will end up in Iraq.
-loosely translated by John Kerry.
It makes no difference it is untrue. It serves the purpose of engaging veterans who have broken their oath of enlistment.
This sign was manufactured by a far Left non-profit organization called "Vote Vets". LINK: Vote Vets
That is what got me riled up. Their website "boasts" 1.5 million members, which I find disheartening.
There is patriots and there is traitors.
I give default respect to anyone who has served. In the absence of any indication that the person might not be deserving of respect, they get it, no questions asked.
That’s more than I give.
Most servicemen and women are doing a job no different than those in the private sector.
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