Posted on 07/11/2024 1:50:54 PM PDT by xoxox
Military officials under the Biden administration continue to teach that their peaceful political opponents are violent extremists, according to a report about a terrorism presentation given to U.S. Army members at Fort Liberty (the renamed Fort Bragg).
Sam Shoemate, an independent journalist and self-described “advocate for service members seeking justice,” posted to X/Twitter Wednesday evening a photograph of a slide he said was shown during an anti-terrorism briefing at Fort Bragg, right after one about the Islamist terror group ISIS.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Then they came for the anti-death advocates.
Kudos to the brave soul who actually snapped a picture of this to share the lunacy.
Has anyone asked why killing innocent babies is so dang important?
Yet at the same time the “reason” we have to import hoards of illegals here is because we are not reproducing like we used to we are told.
Go figure.
The military implements.
Someone needs a Snickers bar.
(Your propagandistic when you’re hungry, staff sergeant!)
Aside from the slide, federal troops have ZERO charter in this realm. It is solely the militia and law enforcement.
Make the phones ring off the hook and find out who is responsible for this within the “Directorate of Emergency Services” at Fort Liberty.
Terrorism is a counterintelligence mission that works with LEO and state militia.
Call your local Army recruiter and tell him Fort Bragg is training soldiers that National Right to Life is a Terrorist organization.
Have every preacher put out a sermon that serving in the Army is unpatriotic.
Weird. I thought the awarded the Silver Star for Valor in Combat. Not “leadership” behind a desk.
Some low level SGT or Petty Officer that just went thru 2 weeks of DEI training put together that slide - still, it would nice to see some admirals and generals get involved called to Capital Hill to testify about it’s origin.
These “military leaders” should be required to report to their commanding officer for their mandatory late term abortion.
Obama purged the military brass, retaining the most loyal and compliant and those who have no qualms about ordering troops to fire on Americans on American soil.
He placed in positions of power and influence the woke, the self-absorbed and the sociopaths. They now make policy and indoctrinate recruits in their sick ideology.
The turning of the military has been steady and relentless since his reign. In a few years time the purpose of the US military will no longer be to protect our nation from foreign enemies, but to intimidate and persecute Americans who think differently than their DEI overloads.
this is why so many flimsy,wussy, yellow bellied cowards stay in the military....they go along to stay along...
and since the military is notorious for promoting their favorites, despite merit, these wimps can go up the ladder rapidly....
get rid of all govt pensions, have only 401ks and stop making their fat pensions the carrot stick that keeps them obeying satanic orders.....
its the pension....and the promise of goodies after these guys get out as well..."consultants" "advisors" etc...
I seem to recall a video purported to be “undercover” of FIB agents doing training and shooting up paper targets of pregnant women. “Right to Life terrorists hide bombs pretending to be pregnant. It may have been a fake video, but...
For posterity make no mistake the government and specifically the U. S. Army will shoot unarmed citizens.
I dont know about that, but I do recall the “domestic terrorist” thing being used to describe pro-lifers and Traditional Catholics over the years...maybe even homeschoolers back in the day. Under Clinton and obama, of course. Seems like the usual suspects using the usual plays.
I believe you.
Okay then, abortionists and their supporters are genocidal murderers, they’re killing both Americans and perhaps illegals as well.
A lot of upper brass need drumed out
Trump needs to bring back the upper brass drummed out by Obama and Biden.
I read a book called “The Other Guys” about German special police battalions during the 30’s and 40’s.
They’d pretty much do whatever.
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