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One Biden manufacturing regulation could wipe out up to 1 million jobs, business leader says
Fox Business ^
| 2/22/24
| Eric Revell
Posted on 02/25/2024 10:17:40 PM PST by Libloather
resident Biden's Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently finalized an air quality rule that the manufacturing industry is warning could wipe out one million jobs and undermine efforts to build new manufacturing facilities in America.
Jay Timmons, president and CEO of the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM), is set to sound the alarm about the regulation in his annual state of manufacturing address on Thursday in Roseville, Michigan, according to an advance copy of his remarks provided to FOX Business.
"In his State of the Union Address next month, President Biden will probably take credit for what manufacturers have achieved. That's fair. I know he cares deeply about manufacturing," Timmons explained. "As he often says on the road, 'This nation used to lead the world in manufacturing, and we're going to do it again.'"
"But what he won't tell you is that his federal agencies are, at this very moment, working to undermine his manufacturing legacy — those agencies are undermining your success. In fact, just two weeks ago, they announced one big regulation that could wipe out up to 1 million jobs," Timmons warned. "It's referred to as National Ambient Air Quality Standards or PM2.5."
"It's not the name that matters. It's the consequences. It's stricter than rules they have even in Europe. And in vast portions of the country, we will barely be able to build new manufacturing facilities as a result," Timmons added.
The EPA initially proposed the regulation in January 2023 and issued a final version of the rule this year on Feb. 7. The rule tightens the NAAQS (National Ambient Air Quality Standards) for fine particle pollution or PM2.5, which refers to particulate matter two and a half micrometers or less in diameter, by lowering the air quality standard from 12 micrograms per cubic meter to...
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TOPICS: Business/Economy; Conspiracy; Outdoors; Science
KEYWORDS: business; ecoterrorism; ecoterrorists; globalwarminghoax; greennewdeal; jaytimmons; jobs; manufacturing; michigan; regulation; roseville
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81 million ballots. Let's go Brandon.
To: Libloather is, at best, completely progressive. At worst, and at the highest levels - they are straight up marxist/fascist ideologues.
posted on
02/25/2024 10:23:38 PM PST
To: PGR88
Big Government on your back:- no phosphates in your dish soap, so your dishes don't get clean.
- no phosphates in your laundry soap, so your clothes don't get clean.
- biodiesel in your diesel and kerosene, so your diesel equipment has trouble running, and your portable kerosene heaters clog the wicks faster.
- no coal plants, so the price of electricity goes up.
- no coal plants, so your concrete doesn't have concrete-strengthening fly ash.
- allowing Big Cheese to drive up the price of your cheese.
- emissions computers in chainsaws, so you can't use your chainsaw in the woods.
- emissions controls on wood stoves, so you can't heat your house with wood.
- gas cans with no vents, so you spill gasoline all over the place. >>> Fuel cans from hell
- ethanol in your gasoline, so that it eats the seals in your small engines.
- ethanol in your gasoline, so that you can't keep it for very long.
- biodiesel in your diesel, so that you can't keep it for very long.
- ethanol in your gasoline, so that the farmers use the winter heating propane supply to dry wet & immature corn, so that YOU pay for the scarce left-over propane.
- In 2005, the federal government (EPA) completed its phase out of a chemical known as methyl bromide, used to control pests in peach trees and other plants.
- The FDA has decided to regulate fecal transplants as "an experimental drug".
- Water restrictors the size of pinheads so no water in your shower.
- Restrict your shower water with a smaller diameter feed pipe.
posted on
02/25/2024 10:30:13 PM PST
To: Libloather
"... they announced one big regulation that could wipe out up to 1 million jobs," Timmons warned.It's not a bug it's a Biden policy feature.
20 million new illegal aliens and a million less jobs. The chaos will be unimaginable.
posted on
02/25/2024 10:35:37 PM PST
(Our Republic is under seige by globalist Marxists. Hold fast!)
To: kiryandil
posted on
02/25/2024 10:48:57 PM PST
To: Libloather
The president is not supposed to make law. The EPA is not supposed to make law. Only Congress has that authority.
But somehow we have transitioned from a constitutional republic to an imperial presidency. And no one seems to care.
posted on
02/25/2024 10:50:28 PM PST
Leaning Right
(The steal is real.)
To: Leaning Right
The president is not supposed to make law.
The EPA is not supposed to make law.
Only Congress has that authority.
posted on
02/25/2024 10:58:43 PM PST
To: linMcHlp; Leaning Right; All
” The president is not supposed to make law.
The EPA is not supposed to make law.
Only Congress has that authority. “
Yeah and the Congress delegated that authority in the 1990 Clear Air Act, signed by none other than Globalist Bush 1.0 himself.
posted on
02/25/2024 11:05:16 PM PST
Reverend Wright
( Everything touched by progressives, dies !)
To: Libloather
All according to plan when your goal is to destroy the USA.
posted on
02/25/2024 11:24:19 PM PST
(He who testifies to these things says, “Surely I am coming soon.” Amen. Come, Lord Jesus…)
To: Libloather
posted on
02/25/2024 11:30:22 PM PST
(My 2024 prediction: Biden will be 'eliminated' -- not Trump --and Deep State will suspend elections.)
To: metmom
“And to what end? You cannot solve the world’s environmental challenges by driving manufacturing investment away from the United States to countries with lower standards,” he added.
I have said for over 20 years now that if the greenies really wanted a better environment they would RELAX a few of our most stringent requirements which would help bring more mining and drilling and manufacturing to the USA. Where we would still have much tougher environmental laws, and worker safety laws, than most of the rest of the world.
posted on
02/25/2024 11:43:23 PM PST
(Ever Vigilant. Never Fearful.)
To: metmom
That PM 2.5 that they want to reduce from the current 12 micrograms per cubic meter to 9? In Shanghai today that number was 93. Last year in China the average PM 2.5 for 339 cities was 29.
As admitted by the UN climate folks, these rules to “prevent” climate change will allow some countries to produce more pollution so they can “catch up” economically with the richer nations. They said it will entirely change the world economic system.
posted on
02/25/2024 11:54:46 PM PST
(Ever Vigilant. Never Fearful.)
To: Libloather
However, Timmons warned that burdensome regulations like PM2.5, failing to make legal immigration easier, trade barriers, looming tax hikes and rising geopolitical risks to U.S. national security could dim those prospects.
And that's where they lost me.
posted on
02/26/2024 12:43:16 AM PST
(What comes after America?)
To: Libloather
Things going nicely to plan...
posted on
02/26/2024 12:45:55 AM PST
(Where is the next Sam Adams when we so desperately need him)
To: 4Liberty
posted on
02/26/2024 12:48:43 AM PST
(Luke 17:28 ... as it was in the Days of Lot; They did Eat, They Drank, They Bought, They Sold ......)
To: metmom
(All according to plan when your goal is to destroy the USA.)
Exactly. Not an accident at all.
All according to plan 

posted on
02/26/2024 12:52:21 AM PST
(Luke 17:28 ... as it was in the Days of Lot; They did Eat, They Drank, They Bought, They Sold ......)
To: 4Liberty
Those chairs in circles were the stupidest thing ever
posted on
02/26/2024 12:54:30 AM PST
(Luke 17:28 ... as it was in the Days of Lot; They did Eat, They Drank, They Bought, They Sold ......)
To: TigersEye
Global Warming/Climate Change was originally designed to collapse western technology, so population would plummet by 90%. See: Club of Rome, neoMalthusians, Maurice Strong. The book to read is The Deliberate Corruption of Climate Science by the late Dr. Tim Ball. He was a climate scientist before they started, and saw it all.
To: Libloather
How many of those 1 million jobs are democrats?
posted on
02/26/2024 3:54:30 AM PST
(invictus maneo)
To: 21twelve
If they wanted a better environment, they’d go after places like China and India.
But their goal isn’t really a better environment, otherwise, they wouldn’t be focusing on the cleanest environment on the planet.
Their goal is the destruction of the USA and environmental *concerns* are their excuse.
posted on
02/26/2024 4:03:24 AM PST
(He who testifies to these things says, “Surely I am coming soon.” Amen. Come, Lord Jesus…)
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