To: Libloather
"... they announced one big regulation that could wipe out up to 1 million jobs," Timmons warned.It's not a bug it's a Biden policy feature.
20 million new illegal aliens and a million less jobs. The chaos will be unimaginable.
4 posted on
02/25/2024 10:35:37 PM PST by
(Our Republic is under seige by globalist Marxists. Hold fast!)
To: TigersEye
Global Warming/Climate Change was originally designed to collapse western technology, so population would plummet by 90%. See: Club of Rome, neoMalthusians, Maurice Strong. The book to read is The Deliberate Corruption of Climate Science by the late Dr. Tim Ball. He was a climate scientist before they started, and saw it all. is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson