Posted on 04/23/2023 12:03:35 PM PDT by grundle
A LEADER of climate protesters Extinction Rebellion was last night exposed as a diesel-driving eco-hypocrite who buys imported food.
Gail Bradbrook was shopped by a member of the public who saw her stocking up on Waitrose goods that had travelled thousands of air miles.
Gail Bradbrook was exposed as a diesel-driving eco-hypocrite who buys imported food
The hypocrite was spotted by a member of the public who saw her stocking up on Waitrose goods that had travelled thousands of air miles
The shopper who spotted her told The Sun: 'She was doing everything Extinction Rebellion tells us not to do'
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
At least she isn’t stupid enough to believe all that crap.
Can someone define “Waitrose?” That word is not in my vocabulary.
Her worldview: rules for thee but not for me.
I’d bet big money she, and a few select leaders of her group, are paid state security/intel agents.
How do we know?
The hypocrisy is typical. That’s not proof, but it fits a pattern
Their model is that of a standard street-agitation organization, with clear statist, political goals. We’ve seen them with increasing regularity in the West. They are somebody’s Brownshirts.
Most importantly - they are untouchable. They regularly vandalize and destroy both private and public property, block roads, disrupt events and create chaos. The low-level dupes splashing paint around may receive some slap on the wrist (if anything at all) but the organization continues apace. In a country where a woman standing near an abortion clinic - engaged in SILENT prayer was arrested and prosecuted, this organization engaged in wanton destruction and chaos carries on without any intervention. Why? Because they are protected.
It is a grocery chain in the UK
As in Socialism, Communism and Whateverism when the elites take over they end up eating high on the hog and the plebes eat out of their garbage cans.
Just look at some of the stuff coming out of the WEF. They’ve basically said there will be a world for the elites and a controlled one for the rest of us.
We should extinct her first.
So she won’t mind if some enterprising individuals make her extinct.
And she owns a dog? Does she not realize that dogs fart and breath out Co2??? Shame on her. And she probably lives in an uninsulated house, like most people in the UK do... That’s why their castles are drafty... No insulation.
She wants you to do those things so she doesn’t have to
You surely dont expect elitist leftists to live by the same rules they foist on us peasants ....??
Why that would be inhuman to live like the rest of us - ie cold hungry ....
My son tells me that Euro diesels make an easy 70MPG. Very efficient
We are not permitted that technology in the US
It is well understood that EU mileage ratings are a joke. And Europe is abandoning its preference for non-commercial diesels.
ALL leftards are hypocrites.
It’s not a matter a minor contradictions.
Its huge gapping hypocrisyies.
Extinction sometimes seems like a good idea...
Adjust two lines on her little hourglass logo on her button there and it easily becomes a swastika.
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