Posted on 07/16/2021 6:12:26 AM PDT by Enlightened1
Eric Clapton, Ben Stein and countless others sound the alarm on the severe and deadly side effects of the Russian Roulette Covid "vaccine".
oh the humanity
Wouldn’t surprise me one bit
I WILL NOT get the vaccine that has killed THOUSANDS of healthy people.
2.) We're about to find out.
Why not post some information from real medical professionals?
Because it doesn’t fit your narrative?
Why do the anti-vaxxers resort to videos rather than actual medical reports published in credible medical journals?
Perhaps there are no medical journals that would publish this rubbish.
good gawd they could do without that background music
Clapton “had severe reactions which lasted ten days” after his first Covid vaccination jab.
He probably should not have gotten his second jab.
Donald Trump
Mass murderer according to some
You're referring, of course, to the same echo chamber which includes coverup of the source (WHO), admitted government censorship (US), criminal restriction of lifesaving therapies (WHO re India) and the wholly unjustified application of the 'vaccines' to children and infants?
Got it. /s
Have you not seen the MANY threads about the dangers of the vaccine, and yes, many of them are by medical doctors including epidemiologists?
Good to see you are back at vaccine campaigning. don’t you have anything better to do?
It’s not a vaccine. It’s a non-FDA approved experimental mRNA gene therapy.
Many people that are concerned have had vaccines. Just because people have concern does not automatically translate into anti vax.
Facts, logic and critical thinking skills is what drives this. Video shows real people that have died vs. just reading about it.
People dying is real. You can pretend all you want that it is not, but that will not make a lick of difference.
Why not post some information from real medical professionals?
Because it doesn’t fit your narrative?
Why do the anti-vaxxers resort to videos rather than actual medical reports published in credible medical journals?
Perhaps there are no medical journals that would publish this rubbish.
7 posted on 7/16/2021, 6:22:00 AM by DugwayDuke
More woof woof from a running dog of the CCP.
Whole pack of them around here /-).
Mass murderer according to some
Well, it wouldn't be the first instance where a well meaning Trump trusted and took advice from people who it later turned out actually wanted to hurt him.
My vaccinated daughter got pregnant a few weeks ago. Pfizer doses in March/April.
Due in March.
So I dunno………
The side effects of the mRNA can be substantial, most especially after the second shot, but are far less on average than an adult bout with Covid-19 infection.
I’m the only person I know personally that had a serious side effect, namely next day muscle weakness after my second jab, which I have overheard some other people say they had.
At the time of my second jab, I was told to drink lots of fluids, perhaps so any muscle damage would not cause kidney damage.
It’s better to be weak in bed for part of a day than in a hospital bed for many days or six feet under.
My neighbor Paul died of Covid. On a Wednesday, I saw Paul watching his dog. On the following Saturday, one of his daughters fetched the dog after Paul died.
Are these the same medical professionals that prescribe individuals with 15-20 prescriptions?
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