Posted on 05/29/2021 4:28:12 AM PDT by MtnClimber
India has been suffering horrendously from COVID of late, and the complete death toll may never be known. But in the capital city of Delhi, mass distribution of ivermectin began and the results have been stunning.
India has been suffering horrendously from COVID of late, and the complete death toll may never be known. But in the capital city of Delhi, mass distribution of ivermectin began and the results have been stunning.
Stephen McIntyre of Climate Audit posted a Twitter thread that includes this remarkable graph:
This result is consistent with the results of mass distribution of ivermectin in Mexico City, as reported by James V. DeLong on these pages on May 21, 2021:
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Why the huge push for the experimental gene therapy (called a vaccine)?
B) The jab has long term consequences to human health that promote a certain depopulation agenda?
That is all you need to know.
So travel restrictions will soon be lifted and about a half million Indians will be on the way to the USA to steal American jobs that Biden promised them?
For the American worker, this is not a good thing.
I’m hearing less and less from the “pro-vax experts” here on FR. They fear being wrong more than anything else. And, I think a lot of them are secretly worried they made a rash stupid choice. Some will continue to deny there are other better options than the “vaccine”.
“There’s hardly any money to be make in Ivermectin/Zinc/D3.”
BINGO! Give that man a kewpie doll!
ALWAYS follow the money with D’rats, RINOs and Deep Staters.
In this case, it’s with the medical-pharma-insurance-university-government complex.
Then USA is doomed if you are right. Because 165,000,000 Americans have already chosen to get the jab. And 2,000,000 more every day.
Looks to me like you are in the peripheral minority. You need to do better.
Both those graphs cut off Feb 1. Delhi reported no COVID deaths Feb 10 :
HOWEVER: by April 24 :
Do we know what happened in between?
So much for the deadly “ Indian variant”
“I’m hearing less and less from the “pro-vax experts” here on FR. They fear being wrong more than anything else. And, I think a lot of them are secretly worried they made a rash stupid choice.”
Like many are from GWB, Romney, Sessions, Barr...
WHO came out against ivermectin and many parts of India dutifully stopped using it.
Pro vaxxers are busy with living life. They are not afraid anymore to meet with friends & relatives. While anti-vaxxer’s are paranoid and are petrified why 165,000,000 Americans chose to ignore them. And 2,000,000 more getting the jab every day! It must feel lonely to belong to inconsequential anti-vaxxer flat-earth minority position.
Thank you. The day I become one of FauXi's lemmings I will lose all respect for myself.
You need to do better.
I'm better than you, low bar that that is, and that suffices.
“Then USA is doomed if you are right. Because 165,000,000 Americans have already chosen to get the jab. And 2,000,000 more every day.”
All of them are test subjects.
We will not know for many years, after many births (or infertilities or fetus immune rejections) the real ‘side-effects’.
Pandora’s Box was opened among us.
The reality bell keeps ringing loudly every day that we are being subjected to the criminal acts of world-wide depopulation megalomaniacs, but there appears to be no earthly authority that can stop it. Keep praying to the Almighty to stop this demonic slaughter of his humanity.
Meanwhile in the US you need a prescription for ivermectin.
“Meanwhile in the US you need a prescription for ivermectin.”
No you don’t.
The big question is ...
If this is a bio weapon form china why would it not be used to their largest competitor/enemy? Bill gates said if you think this one was bad wait until the next one.
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