Posted on 04/02/2020 9:56:02 AM PDT by Mariner
Yesterday is here:;page=1
“The full force of the federal government combined with the full capacity of private enterprise”
From my little corner in my large hospital- nearly all administrative staff along with most non-clinical support staff are now working from home. Housekeeping, labs, cafeterias etc.are still on site. We are pared down to basics. Very little outpatient care- only urgent imaging tests being done.
No visitors allowed. Exceptions are one person can wait in waiting room if family member is having emergency surgery. Post op they must leave. Anyone entering hospital is asked a series of questions and temp is taken. Security at every door- most locked but still have security guard.
Our mask policy changes with availability. All clinical staff have enough for a week- obviously we’re hoping to have more by then.The rest are asked to use one and make it last for days.
“Inability to arouse”?
Did you see that story of the idiot who snuck into the delivery room after having COVID symptoms after being exposed to someone who had it
Now the wife has symptoms.
You just cant trust people to do the right thing
“I guess it is unfair to nitpick at this point, but one reason this is also important is to lower the viral load (even if the PPE fails). That gives the immune system a better chance to fight the virus with generally better outcomes, including lowering the rate of hospitalization.”
It’s not nitpicking. I’m just pissed as hell that they wouldn’t level with us. Maybe if they said at the outset that we need masks and we don’t have any (because they were too busy trying to figure out how guns work), some American companies would have already certified effective masks, at least for non-medical environments.
On this thread we have people forced into using fabric and vacuum cleaner bags. They are doing the right thing, if they have nothing else, but the country as a whole could have done far more, if we hadn’t been LIED TO about the effectiveness of masks. We lost nearly 3 months.
“Navy removes captain of aircraft carrier who sounded alarm about coronavirus”
- see
I see it as a continuation of the “curve” he started on about a week ago.
It’s Trump.
It’s not some sinister outside force.
""I could reach no other conclusion that Capt. Crozier had allowed the complexity of his challenge with the COVID breakout on the ship to overwhelm his ability to act professionally, when acting professionally was what was needed most at the time."
I have no information nor am I trying to suggest he leaked the letter. ... What I will say. He sent it out pretty broadly and in sending it out pretty broadly he did not take care to ensure it couldnt be leaked. "
Good move by the USN.
That Captain compromised the security of the Seventh Fleet.
Beauty Walking
Too early
To be in the field
Covered in dew
Walking the mowed lane.
Veering left
Now bending
Then step right
Clover for tea
Dandelions for salad
Purple violets
On toast
Smeared with honey.
She calls it foraging
Wild things
That are good to eat.
I call them weeds.
I dont really know what you mean.
Some stuff was going on that was shady and had to put a stop to it.
Now he is talking about giving a cash payment to some people. I guess people who are not on Obamacare.
Agreed. Could not deal with the pressure.
Agreed—this mask fiasco (which _still_ is far from over) is totally inexcusable—and almost every Western country blew it big time.
China created the problem—but we made it hundreds of times worse than it had to be.
“Some stuff was going on that was shady and had to put a stop to it.”
As you are well aware, I totally missed your point.
David Joseph, U.S. Attorney for the Western District of Louisiana, announced Tuesday the formation of a task force designed to investigate and prosecute fraud and hoarding related to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Through the formation of this Task Force, federal prosecutors from my office will collaborate on a daily basis with investigators to identify, investigate, and aggressively prosecute those attempting to profit from this emergency, Joseph said in a press release.
The press release included examples of scams that may arise from the pandemic: [examples at link]
Saw that- unbelievable yet I see this mentality every day at my hospital!
But! I also see a great many wanting to help, bring boxes of pizzas and cookies for the docs and’s pretty heartwarming to see.
Uninsured people will get their covid treatment paid Obamacare is not waving copays and deductibles for Wuhan Flu.
So I guess I will be in a donut hole and have to pay for it while everyone else gets a govt bailout.
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