From my little corner in my large hospital- nearly all administrative staff along with most non-clinical support staff are now working from home. Housekeeping, labs, cafeterias etc.are still on site. We are pared down to basics. Very little outpatient care- only urgent imaging tests being done.
No visitors allowed. Exceptions are one person can wait in waiting room if family member is having emergency surgery. Post op they must leave. Anyone entering hospital is asked a series of questions and temp is taken. Security at every door- most locked but still have security guard.
Our mask policy changes with availability. All clinical staff have enough for a week- obviously we’re hoping to have more by then.The rest are asked to use one and make it last for days.
Did you see that story of the idiot who snuck into the delivery room after having COVID symptoms after being exposed to someone who had it
Now the wife has symptoms.
You just cant trust people to do the right thing