“I guess it is unfair to nitpick at this point, but one reason this is also important is to lower the viral load (even if the PPE fails). That gives the immune system a better chance to fight the virus with generally better outcomes, including lowering the rate of hospitalization.”
It’s not nitpicking. I’m just pissed as hell that they wouldn’t level with us. Maybe if they said at the outset that we need masks and we don’t have any (because they were too busy trying to figure out how guns work), some American companies would have already certified effective masks, at least for non-medical environments.
On this thread we have people forced into using fabric and vacuum cleaner bags. They are doing the right thing, if they have nothing else, but the country as a whole could have done far more, if we hadn’t been LIED TO about the effectiveness of masks. We lost nearly 3 months.
Agreed—this mask fiasco (which _still_ is far from over) is totally inexcusable—and almost every Western country blew it big time.
China created the problem—but we made it hundreds of times worse than it had to be.
I’ve got six vac bags that I’m going to try to make into masks, so I can go to the store without losing my mind.