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Sorry this will seem like a marathon post as I’m almost a week behind. Tried to post a couple of times and kept accidently deleting my work due to inadvertent keyboard contact. I finally put it together offline. I’ve attempted to add a couple of codes as follows: (I) International activities, (T) Trump & Republicans , (Q) possible Q connection, (D) Democrat & Media junk, (DS) Possible Deep State involvement, (O) Other. I’m not saying my coding is correct and will be happy to adjust with recommendations. Anyway I hope I’m 95% caught up now. Going forward I’ll link back for past day information and only post new info. This is #notacountdown through Monday 3/12. Last Wed & Thur were really busy news days.

[-21] Tues 2/26
Q: Q posts 2899-2908
I don’t recall anything other than the notable Q posts 2899-the test posts ending with Q post 2911. Post 2903 initiated the #notacountdown and 2904 was about putting on the whole armor of god
Oh, I think this was the day of the Military GPS testing

[-20] Wed 2/27
Q: Q posts 2909-2911
I: NK Summit in Vietnam starts
I: Canada: Trudeau involved in SNC-Lavalin mess
T: Boeing Vietnam plane deal
I: India-Pakistan skirmishes
T: Trump judge confirmed for 9th circuit

[-19] Thur 2/28
I: NK Summit finishes, no deal
DS: Cohen congress circus public
Q: Huber (US Atty Utah) announces big drug trafficking bust Project Veritas drops insider Facebook info
DS: Playboy Model Who Had ‘Evidence of Elite Pedophile Ring’ Found Dead in Buenos Aries;
I: Netanyahu to be charged with Bribery
T: Gallup party affiliation poll results
T: Wheeler confirmed at EPA
D: Dems infighting escalates AOC threatens list
Q: Court announces Steele deposition to be unsealed 3/14
T: CPAC starts

[-18] Fri 3/1
Q: Q Post 2912
O: Complaints about the military GPS testing
DS: Cohen congress circus private
D: Bernie hires illegal
I: Sanctions/expulsions on Venezuela’s strongmen
D: NYT electoral college ‘article’
T: TPS amnesty extended
O: Nanopartlcle infravison in mice
D: $850MM missing in NYC DeBlasio wife to blame?
I: $1MM reward for Bin Laden son announced
D: Washington Post releases weak editorial mea culpa on MAGA kids encounter
T: CPAC conference
I: Canada: Calls for Trudeau to resign
T: UCPD Berkley makes arrest on MAGA assault
O: 7 yr anniversary of Brietbart’s death
T: Q4 GDP better than expected
I: 7.1 earthquake Peru
T: Trump tweets Bye Hillary
Q: Q posts 2912 (a correction too me obviously)says tactical nukes are better
D: Media poll - public knows they are fake unless they like their opinion
Q: Hillary - old NBC report on peso coverup gains traction again:
I: Canada oks moving ahead with Huawei CFO extradition
D: Washington Post releases article on Socialism “myths”
DS: Facebook&Instagram file suit over false accounts

[-17] Sat 3/2
Q: Q posts 2913-2918
T: CPAC w/Potus for 2 hrs- EO for free speech on campus + more
T: NYT article on Mexico assisting at border
I: Russia: kicking out Syrian asylum seekers
Q: Chelsea Manning subpoenaed in Assange grand jury investigation
I: France: yellow vest protests week 16
I: India: pilot returns safe to India
I: UK: Muslim peer Lord Nazir Ahmed charged with attempted child rape
T: Anti-CNN billboard next to CNN Hollywood office
I: Syria: ISIS Fighters surrender to US backed forces
I: Turkey: Erdogan threatens to reverse election results (again)
O: Iditirod starts
T: Trade talks with UK -US ambassador slams “chlorinated chicken” claims
O: Tesla pays off bond in cash
D: Michelle Obama rules out running for POTUS
DS: Guardian article on Facebook lobbying against data privacy laws
O:“The Irishman” announced - DeNiro/Pacino
D: ABC30 article on California DMV audit on voter registration

[-16] Sun 3/3
Q: Q posts 2919-2954 (ooof)
D: Greenpeace founder rips AOC
I: North Korea:Threats from Kim’s brothers protectors (who failed)
I: UK: Palace says Prince/Markel gender fluid story is false
O: MyPillow CEO welfare check in Minnesota
O: SpaceX capsule aces space station dock
DS: Roundup found in beer and wine
T: more CPAC
D: Former ICE director “explodes” on AOC drugging children and rape allegations on Sunday talk show
I: New Cuba sanctions for Maduro support
O: Nathanial Taylor (sanford &Son) dead at 80
O: California sisters found ok in woods
I: China blinks on IP?
T: 180 arrested on NM border
D: SEIU VP Dave Regan accused of Sexual misconduct
O: Alabama & Georgia tornados (prayers up)
I: US official closes Jerusalem consulate (replaced with embassy) and downgrades Palestinian mission
DS: Kenya: Helicopter crash kills 4 Americans and pilot
I: Estonia elections
I: Mexico: 2 migrants dead, 8 wounded after refusing bribes to Mexican highwaymen

[-15] Mon 3/4
Q: Q posts 2954-2969
I: France: Calais ferry stormed by ~100 migrants
DS: Kraft + 150 official charges
D: Omar repeats anti-Semitic tropes
D: AOC attempts to scold Payne on black staff - gets lambasted
I: Huawei CFO countersues
DS: Driver of New Orleans car striking pedestrians during Mardi Gras season arrested
D: Trevor Noah slammed for indi-paki jokes
T: Rand Paul doesn’t support EO on immigration
I: Brazil: Rio carnival begins
I: Candada: Trudeau on the ropes
D: AOC and the minivan
D: HRC continues to moan about loss
I: Chinese farmers say they will need subsidies
DS: Soros demands EU action on Poland
D: Dems begin probe on Trump Family
D: Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) violated FEC rules on salary
DS: CBC News: Scare vaccine skeptic parents
Q: Whitaker “out” at Justice (Q drops relevant)
O: Casimir Pulaski Day in Chicago
O: Luke Perry (90210) dead
T: McConnell : senate has votes to block EO
T: ISIS bride lawsuit not fast tracked
I: Vatican: Pope Pius XII archives to be opened early
T: Trump approval ratings continue up
D: NYT: google finds out underpaying MEN
D: AOC Chief of staff funneled money to his own companies from campaign
D: Cali Dem Says confiscation is the goal on guns
T: Barr won’t recuse from Mueller probe
I: Venezuela: Guaido returns to country
Q: Navy says Carrier to Gitmo mid-March for “17” days
T: Sara Carter publishes Loretta Lynch testimony story
D: ACLU blasts dems on election bill
D: HRC says no 2020 run
D: Women’s March Co-Chair to Pelosi: Your white
DS: FL man attempts to fly from PA airport with grenade launcher including grenade in checked bag
O: Gorka leaves Fox News

[-14] Tue 3/5
Q: Q Posts 2970-2979
DS: UK: London bombs x3 (Heathrow, City Airport, & Waterloo), NYC tightens security
T: Townhall article: Obama admin determined ISIS bride not citizen
T: Daily Caller: Fusion GPS founder in touch with State Dept during campaign
I: Australia: Cardinal Pell ‘s barrister too angry with guilty verdict to continue
T: NYT: NSA phone program shut down months ago
I: Huawei states wouldn’t give China gov network data (riiiiiight)
O: Firefly aerospace announces rocket manufacturing to open in FL
D: Former FEC Commish: AOC could be facing jail for violations
O: King Kong Bundy (wrestler) passes
DS: Townhall article: mandatory vax okay
O: Forbes publishes riches list - Francoise Bettencourt Meyers (L’Oréal heiress) leads ladies, Kylie Jenner youngest billionaire
D: Rep. Omar continues to get heat and keeps on twitting anti-semitic stuff - Trump says Dark Day for Israel
I: China suspends custom clearance for Tesla Model 3
O: Purdue Pharma Oxycontin maker thinking on bankruptcy
T: Gallup trump approval rating on economy new high
I: Japan: ex-Nissan boss granted bail
O: New Orleans Fat Tuesday
DS: BRG: Facebook not protecting phone numbers very well (ya’think?)
D: Fox: New nepotism claims against Clintons from Democratic foreign policy adviser
I: Canada: Trudeau continues to spin as another minister resigns over scandal
T: 2nd patient announced as effectively cured of HIV - Trump tweets on same
D: NY Post: AOCs mom moved to FL to escape taxes
O: Mark Cuban teases possible POTUS run
D: The Federalist: Weissmann misconduct in Enron Case
I: Russia: Ford discusses closing 2 factories
O: Queen guitarist Brian May hated media vitriol during Oscars
T: National Association of Manufacturers says 90% of companies enthusiastic 4.4% growth target
I: Russia: suspends participation in INF treaty
DS: Annals of Internal Medicine: Denmark study shows no connection between autism and Measles vaccine
T: NBC/WSJ Poll: Trump doing better than expected (HA!)
D: Schiff taps Daniel Goldman for his “investigation”
T: Fisher Sand & Gravel offers 234 miles of wall for $1.4B - says Govt overpaying
T: Trump to sign EO on veterans mental health
T: NYT: border near breaking, 76k cross in a month (wha??? NYT????)
O: Air Force halts tanker deliveries from Boeing - planes full of trash, pilots refuse to fly for safety
O: Bugatti - unveils most expense new car yet
D: AOC - US should not have authorized us of force for 9/11 (the crazy it burns!)
I: UK: govt will slash trade tariffs up to 90% if no deal for Brexit
T: Trump signals may not comply with Dem probes
O: The Merchant Royal shipwreck possibly located: 1B lbs of treasure
T: Rand Paul: Govts should not force vaccines
T: WH tells senate republicans “keep your powder dry” re border EO vote
O: Navratilova excommunicated from “LGBT church”
D: Toomey bill to limit tariffs gaining speed
T: Covington Atty to WAPO - too little too late
I: China: arrests chief sub researcher after gaining Canadian citizenship
T: Colorado drops transgender cake case
D: 22 states sue to stop defund of Planned parenthood
D: NY State suponeas Trump org insurer
DS: James Clapper to CNN - I didn’t lie to congress, just didn’t understand the question
O: Rider university dean resigns after Chick-fil-a ban
O: budget deficit “leaps” 77% in 2019
T: Allison Jones Rushing (37) confirmed as 4th circuit judge
D: Bloomberg out for 2020

D: NV: Dem Senate Majority Leader Kelvin Atkinson resigns
T: Rs Jim Jordan & Mark Meadows request Obama Docs & Coms related to “attempted election interference in the” 2016 election from DHS Sec Nielsen
O: CA: nearly 1500 pulses of lightning recorded off coast in 5 min stretch
O: Maine: United Express jet slid off runway 4 passengers and pilot injured
O: Mysterious cloud of chaff lights up radar over dozens of miles of NM airspace (Q?)

[-13] Wed 3/6 Ash Wednesday
Q: Q posts 2980-2989
I: UN says NK food production lowest in decade
I: Phillipines: China “fishing militia” makes move on Thitu Island
I: France: Muslim prisoner stabs 2 guards with knife brought by wife
I: Italy: Plans to join China’s Belt & Road initiative
I: NK: restoration of rocket test site, Bolton threatens more sanctions
DS: AP: Felix Sater Russian bizman and felon “tied to Trump” denies hacking Mariah Carey
T: Trump calls dying man to fulfill wish
D: Dershowitz says House Dems ‘going to far’
O: Judge dismisses defamation lawsuit from Bill O’Reilly accuser
D: AOC supports Rep Omar blasts ‘racist tropes’
I: Russia: grand mufti predicts Russia 1/3 muslim in 15 years
T: US Sanctions extended against Russia over Crimea
DS: largest teacher union president & LGBT advocate push LGBTQ on Kindergartners
D: Maine senators want bump in work visas
DS: Puerto Rico calls up National Guard to supply food/gas to Vieques & Culebra after 2 ships break down
I: Iran: Supreme leader says “don’t be afraid” 3 times in Feb
O: FL: bill to ban plastic straw bans submitted
D: Adding anti-muslim bias to anti-semitic resolution
D: Axelrod: Dems making investigations look like witch-hunts
O: Indiana: Delaware county sheriff says Punxsutawney Phil is wanted groundhog for crimes and acts against nature after lying about early spring
D: Omarosa tells Chris Matthews that Rhona Graff is who Trump fears most testifying
D: VA: Former state delegate Ron Villanueva plans to plead guilty to fed charges of improperly helping companies secure special govt contracts
T: KY: Constitutional carry passes state House
D: Dems say Clinton-Sanders feud needs to stop
DS: McCabe investigated Sessions not just Trump at Dems rquest
O: PA billboard “whites have rights” raises controversy
DS: Google says app allowing Saudi men to control movement of Saudi women not against Terms & conditions – will not be removed.
I: Japan: Former Nissan CEO Carlos Ghosn picked up from prison by French embassy car
I: Turkey: planning a joint anti-terrorism operation with Iran
I: US warns Turkey against obtaining Russian S-400 air defense system
I: US tells Turkey & India it is ending special trade relationships with both countries
O: SC: pain management clinics sued by feds for fraudulent claims
O: PA: judge imposes 2 life terms on man convicted of killing girlfriend and unborn child
D: Hillary waffles on running – tells NYT wait for Mueller report
I: Cook Islands: considering name change
I: Turkey: launches new heavy attach helo
I: Israel: ELTA systems awarded contract to supply world’s most advanced radar systems for new warships
O: MN: Somali gangs battle in Minneapolis, demand cops do something
T: Berkley conservative will press charges
DS: International human rights lawyer calls Air India crew from Mumbai to London very naughty words
D: CNN panel of Dems say AOC “candidate of the future”
D: Raham Emmanuel anti-Trump ad: “In 2020, we will make him pay”(maybe a DS warning)
T: Roseanne Barr says Christine Blasey Ford should be in Prison for Kavanaugh lies
D: Women’s march leader Linda Sarsour rips Pelosi over anti-semitism resolution
I: Pakistan: says it stopped Indian submarine from entering its waters
T: NPR: Illegal border crossings reach 10 year high
I: Vatican: Cardinal Burke/Bishop Schneider: Proposals to change Eucharist to allow Yuca instead of wheaten bread would create new religion.
D: Dems delay anti-semitic resolution vote
D: Chicago’s new ID created with illegals in mind deemed acceptable by IL for voter registration
T: NY: ICE arrests 20 illegals released by NYC due to sanctuary policies
T: CO: complete victory for cake shop owner for religious beliefs
D: CNN accused by National association of black journalists of lacking diversity
T: Melania slams media coverage of “idle gossip or trivial stories”
T: Micael Caputo, former Trump aide, +4 others will not cooperate with House Judiciary committee
D: AOC not invited to Bernie kickoff
D: AOC retweets posts from terrorist supporter
T: DHS Secretary Nielsen tell Congress Emergency Order is appropriate
O: Cable/Pay TV Cord cutting doubled in 2018 to 2.9M
D: Trump in trouble in FL, Biden frontrunner among Dems
D: AK: constitutional amendment debate scheduled on $293M tax hike
D: Quinnipiac Poll: 2/3 think Trump committed crimes before taking office
O: FDA approves ketamine-like nasal spray for depression
DS: Amazon bans Tommy Robinson’s & Peter McLoughlin book “Mohammed’s Koran: Why Muslims kill for Islam”
D: WI: Dems push bill to give Driver’s licenses and ID Cards to illegals
O: GA: 200+ HS Students called in to get tested for Tuberculosis
T: NY Post: Trump still not ready to release docs on Dems
T: Utah approves Convention of States resolution
DS: dead crypto CEO laptop finally cracked, but $137M thought only he had access to already gone
D: Sen McSally says superior officer raped her in Air Force
I: Russia: new law – 15 days in jail for “disrespecting the government”
O: Billionaire diamond trader dies during penis enhancement procedure
D: Rep. Pressley (Mass) introduced amendment to lower voting age to 16 in Fed elections
DS: Youtube bans Navy Seal who helped expose Nathan Phillips Military record
O: Samsung filed patent for TV without powercord
O: Jeopardy host Alex Trebek announces stage 4 pancreatic cancer
D: Daily Caller & Washington Examiner: Pelois walked out of meeting with Dems about anti-semitism, Dems in turmoil
I: Venezuela: US Journalist Cody Weddle and assistant detained by VZ counterintelligence forces
O: CA: serial killer Juan Corona dead
T: Trump admin proposes stripping gray wolves of endangered species protections
O: CA: Santa Anita cancels racing indefinitely after 21 horse deaths in 10 weeks
D: former Congressman Schock cuts deal to avoid prosecution for misuse of campaign funds
O: Dollar Tree to close 390 stores this year
T: CO: Weld county becomes 3rd in state to be a 2nd amendment sanctuary
T: Trump threatens to boycott debates after DNC excludes Fox News; CNN claims laying groundwork to delegitimize 2020 election
O: Utah: Teacher forces student to remove ash Wednesday cross from forehead
I: France: Cardinal Barbarin convicted of failing to report abuse
I: Vietnam: Chinese ship sinks Viet fishing boat in disputed South China Sea – 370KM off Da Nang near discovery reef in Paracel Islands
O: Former Miss Teen Universe (Dutch) Lotte van der Zee dies from heart attack (DS?)

[-12] Thur 3/7 Kansas meet IG?
Q: Q posts 2990-3003
D: AP: Trump admin targets Spanish speakers in asylum programs
O: Researcher releases facial recognition software to ID civil war soldiers
D: AOC US Shouldn’t have used forces against 9/11 jihadis
O: New Einstein manuscripts unveiled
DS: Toledo gives human rights to Lake Erie
DS: The Chive: Something is Rotten in Denver airport - perverse paintings
I: Israel: “far right” candidates cleared by election board for next month’s election. Arabs blocked
D: KY: bluegrass institute calls for censure of Rep. Kelly Ford (D) for disparaging comments
D: D Potus candidates Sanders, Harris, & Warrend defend Rep. Omar
T: Former Trump COS Kelly says would have worked for Clinton if asked
O: PA: Philly radio host Chris Stigall out at 1210AM
DS: Google executives discussed steering conservative movement in leaded audio
D: Obama: ‘hope if we can train a million Baracks and Michelles’
D: AOC: hysteria Is getting out of control
Q: Court weighs unsealing records that could reveal new details of Epstein Se abuse
D: Ohio dropped from Super PAcs list of 2020 target states
DS: Girl Scouts highest award to girl who organized pro-abortion campaign
D: Washington Post: 4 pinocchios to Hillary on voter suppression claims in GA & WI
DS: Sen Wyden (D-OR) former NI director Clapper lying when asked about NSA mass ssurveillance in 2013
T: Judge blocks census citizenship question
O: CA: Video of Tesla driver asleep at 75mph
D: AOC hit with ethics complaints
D: Senator Sherrod Brown (OH) not running for POTUS in 2020
I: Huawei sues US claiming equipment ban unconstitutional
DS: SC: Megachurch had 4 alleged child predators
DS: Cohen files suit for millions in fees against Trump
I: UK: will have retrial of Tommy Robinson
D: Dems upset at McConnel for refusing to vote on House election reform bill
D: Washington Post whines about Fox
O: CA: Fake DEA agent uncovered after stop of real fed agent
O: Former Rep Raph Hall (TX) dies at 95
D: David Duke praises Omar on twitter
DS: Michelle Malkin: Capitol Hill and Silicon Valley look to squelch speech of vaccine skeptics
I: Belgium: French-Algerians guilty of Jewish museum terror attack
D: Ole Miss students vote to remove confederate statues from campus center
O: Hawaii: many Honolulu store shelves empty due to bad weather and ship problems (see PR above/???)
D: Hickenlooper (CO) raises $1M in 1st 48 hours of 2020 POTUS campaign
DS: Washington Free Beacon: Feds pay millions in end of year spending binge (but we never reported during Obama admin)
T: Apple CEO adds apple emoji to twitter account after Trump calls him Tim Apple
T: Fed Judge lifts last injunction against military transgender ban
O: Bruce Williams, 40 year radio voice dies at86
O: FL: fired police officer found guilty of manslaughter and attempted murder for shooting stranded black motorist
D: Rep Rashida Tlaib video from CAIR conference saying that picturing her enemies dead brings her joy & inspiration
T: AP: Hiring pace in 2018 most robust in 3 years – people deciding to look for work off the sidelines
O: AL: man sues abortion clinic for terminating his unborn child against his wishes
I: UK: May to request EU concessions to get MPs to back brexit deal
T: AP finally covers ISIS surrendering in droves
D: Bloomberg launches alternative to green deal
I: VZ: power out in 18 of 23 regions + airport
O: Hall of fame pitcher Tom Seaver announced with dementia
DS: Hawaii: backers request Congress consider 2nd amendment repeal
I: NK: State TV airs film glorifying summit with Trump
D: AOC: says pro-israel groups targeting her, Omar, & Tlaib in fundraiser email
DS: Manafort sentenced to just under 4 years for fraud scheme, judge rebukes Mueller for harsh recommendations
D: Winthrop restaurant cancels MA 4 Trump event
I: Canada: Trudeau delivers “erosion of trust” statement to press
T: Judge tosses stormy daniels lawsuit against trump over hush money
T: Judicial Watch: DOJ records uncovered showing numerous Bruce Ohr communications with Fusion GPS Steele after Steele terminated by FBI
O: Intel Core processors new ‘spoiler’ vulnerability exposed by researchers
I: China: trade data much weaker than expected, exports down 20%+
O: NY: NYPD cop guilty of running drug op out of her apartment
O: Last day of Chevy Cruz production at GM Lordstown, OH plant
O: OH: 90 car pile up on state route 8 near Hudson (local)

[-11] Fri 3/8 Kansas with Jim Donovan?
O: Space X capsule undocks from ISS splashes in Atlantic
O: Asteroid 1019 DN passes earth at 13 lunar distances
O: CA: passenger with contagious measles virus spreads disease on flight to San Francisco, 2 sick (happened 3+ weeks ago) (DS?)
O: NY: Want to split state into 3 autonomous regions with separate governors and legislatures
D: Emanuel slams Omar in opinion piece
I: Russia: million signatures against China involvement in Lake Baikal
I: UK: Daily Mail: knife crime epidemic grips Britain
T: Washington Post issues correction after Nixon op-ed attacking VP Pence
DS: Court says immigrants can challenge quick deportations
I: NK: mine explosion produces 2.1 mag earthquake
I: Spain: high support for princess Leonor to follow King Felipe
D: conservative review: video of CAIR thugs blocking reporting from Rep. Tlaibs office
I: Qatar: Talks with Taliban slow over “what is terrorism” “who is terrorist”
T: SK: South Korea and US sign deal for SK to pay more for US military
I: France: week 17 of yellow vest protests start
O: Bump stock case expedited by court of appeals in DC
DS: Cohen met with Schiff staff for over 10 hours prior to oversight committee meeting
DS: Facebook young people leaving in droves while 55+ are signing up down 15M since 2017 in US
O: Lost gave of “jaguar god’ rediscovered in Yucatan brimming with ‘treasure’
DS: Facebook tracking people without account through other apps: Yelp, Duolingo, Indeed+
D: Holder says Dems should pack courts if win in 2020
D: Judge rules Trump admin must enforce special ed policy of Obama admin
T: Rep Doug Collins releases unredacted Bruce Ohr testimony on website (Q?)
O: MN: evangelical University of Northwestern-St Paul blocks pro-life Star Parker lecture
T: Unemployment 3.8% in Feb down from 4.0 in Jan, adds 20K jobs vs expected 175k
D: Warren wants to break up Google, Facebook, and Amazon
I: France: Macron pushes for European Renaissance in support of EU in leadup to May EU elections
T: Trump says Dem resolution shows they are anti-jewish party
DS: Google wants Chrome users to update immediately after 0-day exploit shown to give direct OS access
I: Russia: Stalin protestors detained during 66th death anniversary
DS: Chelsea Manning jailed for refusing to testify at Wikileaks grand jury
I: Germany: Anti-semitic attacks up 60%
O: Airwolf’s Jan-Michael Vincent dead at 74 after heart attack
O: CA: coffee shop license revoked after council deems outfits too revealing
O: Destroyer Dick Beyer dies at 88 – another wrestler dead
T: Lou Dobbs pushes back on Trump after 4th pitch for increase in legal immigration in a month
D: House votes in favor of local illegal immigrant voting
O: US Women’s national team files discrimination suit agains US Soccer over pay equity
T: Bill Shine resigns as WH Deputy Chief of Staff (9 months)
D: House passes HR 1 “anti-corruption and pro-democracy reform bill”
D: Omar says Obama’s hope and change was a mirage. A ‘pretty face’that ‘got away with murder’
T: Trump extends South Sudanese immigration protection
O: Airforce Boeing XQ-58A Valkyrie experimental combat drone announced as making first flight
O: Carmine Persico, Colombo crime family boss, dead at 85
D: Napolitano says Trump can’t survive another bad week like this
DS: UK Daily: US approves experiement to create a bird flu which could infect humans.
T: FL: School bus aide demands kid take off MAGA hat
D: Chicago: Grand Jury returns 15 counts against Jussie Smollett for false hate crime report
I: Finland: entire govt resigns after breakdown on welfare state reform
I: NK: NPR says commercial satellite photos indicate NK 2nd missle site preps (DS?)
D: Dems want to give Venezualeans asylum
O: CA man learns he’s dying from doctor via robot video conference
Q: Huber says committed to holding offenders accountable. Enjoyed time with AG Barr this week.
I: Pakistan: Imran Khan inducts US designated terrorist into party after promising crack down
T: Trump visits Alabama Tornado victims
O: Security Expert says won’t fly on 6th of April due to GPS security flaw
D: Sen Murray (WA) will fight FDA policy that no longer blocks import of genetically engineered salmon
O: Windows 7 0-day unpatched being exploited in wild
NOTE: Several articles throughout the week that seem to be anti-recycling – not sure where that is being driven from

[-10] Sat 3/9 Kansas call Lavrov?
Q: Q posts 3004-3017
T: EU: ‘far right’ parties poised to double seats in EU parliament
I: Germany: will not list Hezbollah as terrorist
T: CA: Feds reject orville dam $306M request. FEMA has agreed to cover another $333M
D: AFP: US DHS tracked journalists and activists liked to Central American caravans (Q?)
I: Saudi Arabia: rumors grow of rift between crown prince and king (IMHO likely bogus DS started rumors)
D: Reuters: Trumps budget to land with thud on Monday
T: 3 judges confirmed this week
I: Canada: Roy brothers arrested at NB/Maine crossing last fall sentenced to time served after pleading guilty to obstruction. Judge called incident more stupid than criminal.
O: Ohio: delays 3 executions after judge compares process to waterboarding
I: Australians add Spartan lifter as first ADF gunship
D: Omar attempts to backtrack on Obama quotes then posts audio confirming same, then deletes tweet
D: AOC says she doesn’t recycle because it’s too tough (a couple more anti-recycling articles today)
DS: Snopes gets AOC financial scandal facts wrong
O: Tesla launches V3 250kw supercharger. “1000mph charger”…but not really
I: UK: British retailer ADSA announces ban on single kitchen knives in response to knife crimes
T: Ann Coulter ‘wacky nut job’
Q: DOJ finds letter ordering scrutiny of Uranium 1, CF, & Hillary delivered by Whitaker to Huber from Sessions
D: AOC company founded in 2012 still owes 1870 in back taxes
T: Trump will propose $34B in additional defense spending, and 8.5B additional wall funding, slashes foreign aid, cuts $4B in programs, eliminates legal services corp, welfare work requirements.
O: NY: NYPD arrests woman in string of possible hate crimes. Black on white.
O: NYC: Queens center mall erupts in fights during rapper even
D: NYC: Bronx DA Clark supports drivers licenses for illegals
D: CNN head Zucker: Fox News is a propaganda outfit
I: Russia: Foreign Ministry says an subject similar to an unarmed mortar shell was confiscated from US embassy employee baggage4 at Moscow airport
I: Somalia: 29 dead after suicide bomb explodes and govt troops shoot dead 3 militants in Mogadishu
I: Syria: Russian airstrikes late night agains snorthern Idlib province Al-Qaeda jihadists

[-9] Sun 3/10 Kansas w/Mexico Ambassador?
Q: Q posts 3018-3019
T: 6 people including Trump have seen proposed mid-east peace plan (Amir with Steve Berger)
DS: Disobedient Media: Media is lying about construction at NK facility
I: South Africa: Cato institute says SA on the Zimbabwean road to hell
DS: Ethiopian Airlines flight to Nairobi crashes killing 157 including # of UN and International Org personnel
D: AOC says on Facebook America is “10% better than garbage”
D: Dems already conceding OH to Trump for 2020
D: Daily Mail: NYC could go bankrupt for first time in 40 years
I: Sweden: Bus explodes in Stockholm. Believed to have hit roof of tunnel and gas tank exploded on impact. Driver injured no passengers
D: Julian Castro hits Sanders over reparations stance
I: China: Tesla crashes in river, owner claims accelerated on its own. (DS?)
D: Frontpage: Majority of millenials consider leaving CA
T: Cost + 50 proposal for American support in foreign countries
O: WI: 35 K-9 units vist Hartland girl who loves dogs
DS: Schiff says Mueller making mistake if Trump not brought in to testify
I: Germany: damning new report says Merkel let in thousands of war criminal migrants
I: Dubai: USA Today: Princess Shikha Latifa tries to flee Dubai leaves video. Vanished (DS?)
I: Hungary: PM Orban no place for multi-culturalism
DS: Top house Dem – Cohen likely to face DOJ perjury investigation
I: Japan: economist uses Sweden to warn against mass migration
I: Sweden: conservative leader Ebba Thor – mass migration has led to insecurity for women
I: China: central bank governor affirms pledge to avoid currency manipulation to boost exports
D: NM: Gov Grisham(D) signs legislation Friday to criminalize private gun sales, 25 of 33 counties declare 2nd amendment sanctuary status as of Sunday
D: Cheney rips dems for lack of Omar action
DS: Washington Examiner: Glenn Greenwald mystified how dem lobbyist Tony Podesta has vanished after Manafort relationship
D: Pelosi/Schumer warn of another govt shutdown over 8.6B trump wall request
O: Capt Marvel does over $153M opening weekend
T: Cruz to introduce Senate anti-semitism resolution
T: Sen Kenneday (R-LA) McCabe lucky he wan’t prosecuted for leaking information and then lying
D: NOW Washington post is worries about deficits
D: ABC: Dems and media face reckoning if Mueller says no collusion
I: VZ: internet collapses – 80% offline. Twitter, youtube, soundcloud blocked
I: NK: Korea Times: ex-UK ambassador to NK says Kim worried about uprising (DS threat?)
O: Greenpeace founder: global warming hoax pushed by corrupt sceintists hooked on govt grants
D: BPR Business and Politics: FBI Data show Omar district is US terrorist recruitment capital
D: AOC capitalism irredeemable, those without jobs in US are ‘left to die’
I: Germany: Merkel ally, CDU, predicts muslim chancellor by 2030
D: Warren says wrong to call her a socialist
I: China orders airlines to suspend Boeing 737Max flights after Ethiopean Airlines crash
I: Algeria: President flown home from Geneva, Switzerland today (not sure what’s up here)

[-8] Mon 3/11 Kansas w/?
Q: Q posts 3020-3033
O: Brazil Roman Catholics begin 5 day carnival to mark beginning of Lent
I: UK: American Thinker article says ex-PM Tony Blair works with France’s Macron to undercut Brexit
I: Italy govt will not take bids on transnational railroad project between Italy and France
I: Turkey: 3 german reporters being expelled
I: Indonesian woman held in connection with NK Kim’s ½ brother is released
I: India: PM Modi sets dates for general election
O: Microsoft issues warning on Windows 10 upgrade, cripples game performance
I: France: 800 year old basilica of St. Denis heavily vandalized
O: Fox condemns Pirro’s remarks on Omar
I: VZ: blackout day 5, looters enter street, 15 kidney patients die, now nationwide
I: UK: vegans storm farm in protest, crush piglets underfoot
DS: Fed chair Powell says Trump can’t fire him
I: China: American Thinker article – China inflates GDP 12%, downturn threatens world with recession
I: Israel: President Rivlin rejects PM Netanyahu comments about arab citizens
D: Ben Rhodes – history has not delivered its verdict on Obama yet
DS: New dark money revealed in plot to get Trump. Devin Nunces (CA-R) tweets darmk money group out of CA contributed $2M to democracy integrity project
D: Starbuck CEO Schultz to AOC: let’s propose things that are true
D: Gilibrand (D-NY) aide resigned over handling of sex harrassement claim
D: DNC 2020 convention in Milwaukee
D: Hillary’s AK law license reinstated after 17 years
T: Trump tweets permanent DST ok with me
O: MN police shame snow covered drivers in tweet
DS: New evidence reveals Comey exonerated Clintion without obtaining key evidence
O: New global warming report shows polar bears thriving contrary to predictions
I: Russia: US treasury sanctions Moscow based bank boosting VZ’s Maduro
T: Maga Covington boys lawyers to hit CNN with $250M lawsuit this week
T: Atlanta Fed US GDP estimate for Q1-2019 is 0.2% down from 0.5% after retail sales report
T: Pentagon investigating 2 star general for retaliation against green berets
O: FAA to issue notice Boeing 737 Max still airworthy
DS: EPA staffers destroyed files under IG audit from Obama years
O: Pillsbury flour recalled for possible salmonella
D: Pelosi claims against impeachment but actions say otherwise
O: OH: emergency shockwave fix bill corrects gun legislation quickly
O: New American: over 1000 scientists dissent evolutionary theory
D: NYC mayor De Blasio announces public school meatless Mondays to save the Earth
DS: Jeb Bush superpac hit with massive FEC fine for Chinese corp donations
I: Vatican: Yuca Eucharist off table at Amazon Synod
T: 3.3B FBI HQ on hold
I: Nigeria: 2 die after Boko Haram launches bomb in Adamawa
I: Germany: German teen doxed by leftists faces 5 years in prison for burning Koran
I: Syria: last Islamic State enclave poiunded by US backed assault
I: VZ: US to withdrawl all US personnel from Embassy this week

[-7] Tue 3/12
DS: Mueller funded until September (Daily Mail article)

Still to come:
[-6] Wed 3/13
[-5] Thur 3/14 Steele depositions to be unsealed (Schiff schedules something else irrelevant) (corrected had at -14 by mistake)
[-4] Fri 3/15 (17th day in the #notacountdown) Kansas list missing 15-19 (Q 2979)
[-3] Sat 3/16
[-2] Sun 3/17
[-1] Mon 3/18
[0] Tue 3/19

928 posted on 03/12/2019 6:32:18 PM PDT by reed13k (For evil to triumph it is only necessary that good men do nothing)
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To: reed13k

Herculean work! The code letters are excellent.

936 posted on 03/12/2019 6:38:26 PM PDT by little jeremiah (When we do not punish evildoers we are ripping the foundations of justice from future generations)
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To: reed13k

Thank you again for the summary! Always interesting to see what is happening and what I have missed.

946 posted on 03/12/2019 6:43:44 PM PDT by TXBubba ( Democrats: If they don't abort you then they will tax you to death.)
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To: reed13k
ThankQ for the countdown!

948 posted on 03/12/2019 6:44:32 PM PDT by Steven W.
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To: reed13k

Amazing work, Reed! Thank you so much!

962 posted on 03/12/2019 6:55:50 PM PDT by Melian (Check yourself before you KeK yourself. ~ Melian)
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To: reed13k

Thanks Reed! Week to go! (A lot of news since you started to keep track!)

973 posted on 03/12/2019 7:00:23 PM PDT by Pete from Shawnee Mission
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To: reed13k

Great Job Reid!!!


980 posted on 03/12/2019 7:02:57 PM PDT by bagster ("Even bad men love their mamas".)
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To: reed13k; ransomnote

reed, you’ve done it!

Can we compile your ‘dailies’ and put them in the top tier, Ransomnote? We might want to see them someday!!!!

The Final Countdown

(that’s a man, baby!)

1,007 posted on 03/12/2019 7:22:46 PM PDT by bitt (Is the PAIN coming???)
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To: reed13k

Outstanding, Reed. Thank you!

1,014 posted on 03/12/2019 7:26:28 PM PDT by John4.11 (WWG1WGA! You can vote your way into socialism, but you have to shoot your way out of it)
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To: reed13k

I applaud your dedication, sir!

1,145 posted on 03/12/2019 9:12:20 PM PDT by Defiant (I may be deplorable, but I'm not getting in that basket.)
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To: reed13k

Reed, you are the ROCK!!! Thanks for this. I appreciate ALL the all the all the ALL THE WORK!

1,163 posted on 03/12/2019 9:34:42 PM PDT by blu (WWG1WGA)
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To: reed13k

Herculean effort there. Who knew there would be so much every day? Thanks for the effort.

1,181 posted on 03/12/2019 10:01:47 PM PDT by greeneyes
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To: reed13k
I’ve attempted to add a couple of codes as follows: (I) International activities, (T) Trump & Republicans , (Q) possible Q connection, (D) Democrat & Media junk, (DS) Possible Deep State involvement, (O) Other.

Nice work reed!

1,225 posted on 03/13/2019 1:46:57 AM PDT by eldoradude
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To: reed13k


1,246 posted on 03/13/2019 5:09:41 AM PDT by WildHighlander57 ((WildHighlander57 returning after lurking since 2000)
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To: reed13k; ransomnote; Cats Pajamas; greeneyes; bagster; generally; Wneighbor; mairdie; Swordmaker; ..

RE: Your Countdown News Compilation:

Thank you so much for gathering up all these details and classifying them, reed13k! So many of the stories I just had not seen at all!

It is definitely an important record for current, and dare I say, future researchers. Just knowing the date of a topic gives a big boost to being able to find more information - and context! PLEASE, if you continue updating - and I devoutly hope you do, please alert me again!

I read someone’s suggestion that this Countdown News Compilation needs to go into the Headliner grid. I concur, if it seems appropriate to ransomnote.

[Pinging the List because if you haven’t seen this, you probably want to! For those who like to collect and stash bits of information here and there, this is definitely on the stashable list!]

1,429 posted on 03/13/2019 10:43:11 AM PDT by TEXOKIE
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To: reed13k


1,571 posted on 03/13/2019 2:03:31 PM PDT by musicnart
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