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Locked on 05/15/2018 5:03:31 PM PDT by Jim Robinson, reason:
911 conspiracy crap is unwelcome on FR at any time. If you “Q” posters try sneaking it in on “Q” threads, you’re going to lose the thread. Also, banned posters are banned. Do not continue posting their crap, ie, Quix and his craziness is unwelcome on FR! |
Posted on 05/08/2018 8:10:43 PM PDT by ransomnote
This thread is a friendly collaborative place for FReepers to analyze information and share opinons. FReepers have a wide variety of reasons for investigating Q Anon content; this is not the appropriate place to criticize or badger those who choose to use some of their time in this manner.
If you are new to Q Anon, the three links below provide overviews to help answer the questions, "Who is Q?" and "Why read Q drops?".
Q Anon: A Freeper's post re the "new Parallel Construct that Trump has created"
First post to Q ping list. Please read and let me know if you want off or on it
You can locate Q Anon threads by searching the key word "Qanon" using the search window in the upper right of Free Republic's forum page.
If you haven't seen it yet, President John F. Kennedy's excellent speech regarding secret societies, as well as comments about the press, is located at the following link:
A helpful FReeper passed along the following Youtube link to a good source for concise reviewes of Q drops, Praying Medic:
Praying Medic also has a a Twitter account:
Q "drops" (i.e., posts) can be read with their original formatting on various websites. Sometimes the Q drop websites come under cyber attack or stop updating. This week, I've been using the following link:
Q drops (i.e., posts) often use unfamiliar acronyms. Swordmaker maintains a list of acronymsto help FReepers understand Q drop text. The master list of acronyms is stored on Swordmaker's profile page. It's really great to have a convenient place to find definitions and explanations of terms used in the drops. Here is the link:
Within our threads, Swordmaker posts updates featuring the latest terms added to the lexicon - you can find his updates on threads by looking for this silver Q graphic:
SkyPilot has been collecting Q Anon information into one interesting, detailed, "story of Q" post which I'll place here:
Here's a handy link for those who would like to read what people on Twitter are Tweeting about Q Anon:
Click to read what Tweeters are saying about Q Anon
For those who want a little uplifting video which outlines the big picture that we are now striving for, here's a video from 2016 in which candidate Donald Trump outlines what he wants for Americans and America and his promises if elected.
This Video Will Get Donald Trump Elected
If you'd like to communicate your support for President Trump's efforts to "red-pill" Americans, you may want to use the link Hoosiermama posted which provides you with and email page - you can send the president an email. Here's the link:
Email support for President Trump
Q many times has reminded us to re-read his drops.
Read the October drops.
My iQ
Good point about the alibis.
As I was preparing for my early morning nap, I was thinking over your scenario of the return of the 3 hostages at the airport.
With your permission, I’d like to embroider on your picture a little bit.
What if activities in the plane with door open away from cameras [causing the military guy to have to knock on the door 3 times - and am wondering if that was some kind of signal that something had been accomplished] was not just the possibility of someone/something being taken OFF the plane.
What if someone/something was being put ON the plane?
In my whimsey after reading some of the commentary on the thread about RBG, what if she had been spirited away? Q showed her with KJU in NK..... did they take her back there? Unlikely, but fun to think about.
Of course the infinitude of guesses is overwhelming as to what it or who it could have been of someones or somethings being taken/placed on that plane. I just thought it might be fun to see what your chewing on that might spit out! ;-) And as you point out - there were other planes...
Other business:
Q did say to watch the EOs.
Darlin and I watched the gathering of military wives and families at the White House where Melania and he honored them and signed the exec order boosting the ability of military dependents to obtain federal government jobs.
I started giggling at the brilliance of that. Not just that on its face it would make the lives of these wonderful people better, but also look at what is happening:
The SWAMP is being drained, and there is great need to have certain jobs replaced with loyal people all over the nation, not just DC. How marvelous that that job pool will now be the most loyal of the loyal: our military families.
Have any links? The rumor echo chamber is not really a source. "Reports to this paper are fuzzy ..."No kidding!
It's bad enough we have Q with his irritating habit of revealing things almost only by using the Socratic method, but now we have the amplification of it. And we have flat out rumors being pawned off as having some basis in fact. Come on, Freepers used to pride themselves on high-quality original research, with lots of web links and data so that people could individually verify the claims made.
Now all you guys are just mimicking Q's irritating "all questions and Haiku" posting style. What a shame!
This reporter never did get the skinny on this one.
Sorry, maybe next time.
There was talk of from her being complicit in the 187 of Scalia, to nefarious nuclear skullduggery in North Korea, to her involvement in dirty FISA court goings on.
Talk from who? Or this is top-secret eyes-only stuff, we just have to trust the Bagster Alliance, like we trust Q, like we trust the anons, like we trust the plan, like we trust Sessions ...
Though unclear, what is clear is that something is up with the almost dead Ruth Buzzi.
Or, not.
He might have been hot-dogging, but he didn’t cause the fire. A Zuni started it on a deck loaded with armed aircraft and stacked ordnance.
Insurance policy.
The Lesser Oracle
The Lesser Oracle
Prayers up for Scott Mayer and all who are in a similar situation of need.
Thanks for telling us. WWG1WGA
Uh, GRASSLEY said so YESTERDAY, but thanks for the insult.
Before or after second breakfast, hobbit.
Let me attach an addendum to your speculative post. What if...Assange or Snowden were on the plane.
............BOOM...hahahahahaha. Two can play this game.
The Lesser Oracle
...The SWAMP is being drained, and there is great need to have certain jobs replaced with loyal people all over the nation, not just DC. How marvelous that that job pool will now be the most loyal of the loyal: our military families.
Loyalty was my first thought also.
Hence, the word rumor. Lots of FReeQs were discussing it and I reported that fact, troll.
Read carefully. And anything written on the internet could come with a caveat of "or not." Do you suppose you're revealing startling revelations?
Go be a troll somewhere else. We are discussing important issues, including Ruth Bader Ginsburg. It's above your pay grade.
The Lesser Oracle
If we are playing “what if” (a favorite Q-past time of all FReeQs), I will be the first to say, “Assange!”, given the Qdrop earlier (with the flag).
That was my guess, at least for Lurch’s visit to Iran. What is in New Zealand that Cankles wants to hide? Betcha trafficking stuff OR info regarding that night club attack.
Webb thinks the unnamed mole was Bannon.
And may those leaves actually be poison ivy.
So true! I will never forget what happened in Benghazi.
They can pull data anyway.
I do not use a cell phone. I do not pick up calls I don’t recognize. I do not open spam emails. I am using an old desktop PC.
I use a digital camera, not a cell or tablet camera. I rarely share pics by email. I will show someone in person, instead.
I only use my Kindle to download and read, not as a tablet.
My car is a 2006 model. Do not use toll roads. Visit 2nd tier cities maybe once a year and third tier every couple of months. Same routes/destinations every time...all innocuous shopping.
Use an MD who does not keep electronic records. $40/visit + free tests and cheap antibiotics or whatever. Worth it.
I do not use goog to search. As a writer, I do a lot of very odd, eclectic searches anyway, so good luck trying to sell me what I look at. Which is dumb, IMO. If I just bought something, why would I immediately buy it again? (That is all the ads I last purchase on Amazon)
I use ABP and only see ads on Drudge, which I now use about 1x/week, if that.
Weather site has ads and my *&^%$%$ email (ISP is on a Yahoo platform)is 90% business, and they have that info from other gov sources. I usually click the ad icon and mark it as irrelevant/don’t like. My ISP limits my bandwidth to the point that I lose connection often and when I am not online, computer is shut down or in sleep mode. Gives me an edge when (very infrequently) encountering malwear....the stuff has limited time/bandwidth available, too.
YT is 95% recipes and DIY videos. I can garner the basics from the log lines. I do watch some MSM clips.
I use/have NO loyalty cards/store cards. I do not take polls or surveys. I do not return the extra census forms and haven’t even received one for at least 5 years. No party registration in my state.
We live in the boonies and BING/GE never get our GPS correct nor do they ever return the same GPS twice.
No DNA genealogy info is limited, as most blood relatives are deceased. It matches most of a small subset of Americans. Big whoop.
Last time I checked what they have on me, my gender was correct, my age was generalized within 10 years and my location was off by 250 miles. Surviving family is similarly inclined. I do not show up in the “related to” databases I have checked.
Lots of FB info comes from your contacts and metadata on posted cellphone pics. Metadata on your posts tells them location/time.
Like all Americans, gov knows my income sources and can see my expenditures via bank account/cc cards. I don’t’s all basic necessities or fiction. They know my legal info, name variations. I accept that.
Point is: I have limited/eliminated my connections on social media and digital device use and I doubt not only how much FB might have on me, its accuracy would be questionable. There are no current pics of me online. Ones available are all 20 years old or so.
We aren’t chipped yet. You have to cooperate for them to get more than the basics. I live as I do out of pure stubbornness, not because it matters personally what they harvest. I resent the intrusions on general principle.
I like this one too. It's right up there with the "lesser Oracle" which was gifted to me by your brother troll, Enchante. I'm running out of places to store all my cool names.
Just know this. Nobody expects the Bagster Alliance. We are insidious and amongst our main weaponry is fear and surprise. And a ruthless efficience.
And be advised, troll. Along with trusting the Bagster Alliance, The Plan, and Sessions, know that the Bagster Quorum reports on rumors, discussions, and all manner of Q thread related goings-on. You are welcome to read my gazette, but you must come at it with that understanding. I expect you to become educated by osmosis if you should continue to be a loyal reader.
Like I said. Insidious.
The Lesser Oracle
p.s. This is my last piece of troll food for you, Jacky boy. Have an A-1 day.
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