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JFK Files: J. Edgar Hoover Said Public Must Believe Lee Harvey Oswald Acted Alone
NBC News ^ | 10/27/2017 | by Alex Johnson

Posted on 10/27/2017 6:13:08 AM PDT by Red Badger

"There is nothing further on the Oswald case except that he is dead."

J. Edgar Hoover, the director of the FBI, dictated that line in a memo he issued on Nov. 24, 1963, the day Jack Ruby killed Lee Harvey Oswald as Oswald was being transported to the Dallas County Jail after the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.

The memo is one of at least 52 records never previously made public that were included in the release Thursday of about 2,800 unredacted government documents related to Kennedy's murder in Dallas two days earlier. President Donald Trump approved withholding an undisclosed number of other documents pending a 180-day national security review.

Scholars and other experts have repeatedly said it's unlikely that there's anything groundbreaking in the documents. But as journalists and historians pored through the enormous database of material Thursday night and Friday morning, some interesting nuggets were turning up, among them Hoover's Nov. 24 memo.

Hoover appeared to be particularly concerned that the public would have to be compelled to believe that Oswald was a lone actor — not part of a larger conspiracy.

In the 1964 Warren Report on Kennedy's assassination, Hoover was firm in stating that he hadn't seen "any scintilla of evidence" suggesting a conspiracy — a sentiment he expressed in other public forums, as well, but not in words as blunt as those he used the day Oswald was killed.

Referring to Nicholas Katzenbach, the deputy attorney general at the time, Hoover dictated: "The thing I am concerned about, and so is Mr. Katzenbach, is having something issued so we can convince the public that Oswald is the real assassin."

It's not clear from the memo whether Hoover thought there might have been a conspiracy but didn't want it to be known or whether he sincerely believed Oswald acted alone and hoped to head off public fear and confusion.

Hoover also indicated that his concern may have been influenced, in part, by diplomacy, dictating that there could be serious international complications if the public thought Oswald might have been part of a larger plot.

Katzenbach is known from previously released documents to have shared Hoover's concern, writing in a memo the next day, on Nov. 25, 1963, that "the public must be satisfied that Oswald was the assassin; that he did not have confederates who are still at large; and that evidence was such that he would have been convicted at trial."

In the memo, Hoover excoriated the Dallas Police Department for not having prevented Oswald's killing by Ruby, a Dallas nightclub owner. The FBI had warned the police that Oswald's life was in danger, but nothing was done, he complained.

"Oswald having been killed today after our warnings to the Dallas Police Department was inexcusable," Hoover dictated. "It will allow, I am afraid, a lot of civil rights people to raise a lot of hell because he was handcuffed and had no weapon. There are bound to be some elements of our society who will holler their heads off that his civil rights were violated — which they were."

Hoover argued against appointing an independent commission to review the evidence, contending that the matter should be left to the Justice Department, the FBI's parent agency. Lyndon Johnson, the new president, announced the creation of the Warren Commission a few days later.

KEYWORDS: 19631122; jfk; lbj; leeharveyoswald; oswald; tx
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To: Red Badger

All theories and documentaries/movies over the years indicate that something was/is amiss with the “official story”....

21 posted on 10/27/2017 6:33:42 AM PDT by trebb (Where in the the hell has my country gone?)
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To: Da Coyote

I was raised in The South.

I was 8 years old at the time, in 3rd grade.

All the adults around were convinced LBJ did it.............

22 posted on 10/27/2017 6:34:17 AM PDT by Red Badger (Road Rage lasts 5 minutes. Road Rash lasts 5 months!.....................)
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To: Red Badger

Hoover also indicated that his concern may have been influenced, in part, by diplomacy, dictating that there could be serious international complications if the public thought Oswald might have been part of a larger plot.

Seems the FBI has a long history of predetermining investigation outcomes to suite political agendas. They are a propaganda tool masquerading up as an investigative agency.

23 posted on 10/27/2017 6:34:38 AM PDT by Flick Lives
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To: Red Badger
Hoover appeared to be particularly concerned that the public would have to be compelled to believe that Oswald was a lone actor — not part of a larger conspiracy.


And the fact LHO was in Mexico City with a KGB hit man just 2 months prior had nothing to do with nothing?


24 posted on 10/27/2017 6:35:36 AM PDT by Responsibility2nd
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To: Obadiah

One item not mentioned: Why did the Secret Service and/or FBI not track Oswald while the President was in Dallas? They knew who he was, what he was and that he had recently been spotted at the Cuban and Russian embassies in Mexico. Yet they did nothing?

25 posted on 10/27/2017 6:35:46 AM PDT by Michael.SF. (Women who are 25 pounds overweight tend to live longer than the men who mention it.)
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To: trebb

Hell, we’re still debating Lincoln’s Assassination!......................

26 posted on 10/27/2017 6:35:54 AM PDT by Red Badger (Road Rage lasts 5 minutes. Road Rash lasts 5 months!.....................)
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To: patriotspride

The scientific evidence proves that Oswald shot Kennedy from the 6th floor window of the TSBD. Case closed.

1st bullet hit the traffic signal arm and then hit a curb with pieces of the curb and/or bullet injuring a bystander in the cheek, second hit Kennedy in the upper back/neck area and then hit Connelly and the third bullet was the fatal head shot.

Easy case.

27 posted on 10/27/2017 6:37:04 AM PDT by Az Joe (Gloria in excelsis Deo)
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To: Responsibility2nd

I saw an interview with the KGB agent LHO spoke with in Mexico.

They thought he was either a lunatic or a CIA plant.

They dismissed him and his offer of ‘help’.

They had him pegged from the beginning...............

28 posted on 10/27/2017 6:38:02 AM PDT by Red Badger (Road Rage lasts 5 minutes. Road Rash lasts 5 months!.....................)
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To: Red Badger

You are wrong.

The scientific evidence proves that Oswald shot Kennedy from the 6th floor window of the TSBD. Case closed.

1st bullet hit the traffic signal arm and then hit a curb with pieces of the curb and/or bullet injuring a bystander in the cheek, second hit Kennedy in the upper back/neck area and then hit Connelly and the third bullet was the fatal head shot.

Easy case.

29 posted on 10/27/2017 6:39:10 AM PDT by Az Joe (Gloria in excelsis Deo)
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To: Red Badger

Hoover never wanted the FBI to do something unless he already knew what the outcome was. He was afraid of looking bad. This is why he refused to acknowledge that the Mafia existed; all while making lots of money at a Mafia run horse race track where he always seemed to win.

30 posted on 10/27/2017 6:39:22 AM PDT by Gen.Blather
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To: Red Badger

Comey and Mueller are in no way like J. Edgar Hoover. If they had been FBI Agents in his time they would have been fired, IMO. Hoover developed the greatest investigative agency of all time, he kept politics out and was at the forefront of the battle against Communist worldwide aggression.

31 posted on 10/27/2017 6:39:24 AM PDT by elpadre (AfganistaMr Obama said theoal was to "disrupt, dismantle and defeat al-hereQaeda" and its allies.)
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To: MichaelCorleone
Wasn’t JEH a flamer?

I have read that the "Hoover in a dress" stuff was a KGB propaganda fabrication. I noticed at the time it was eagerly lapped up by the Left (not very trans-sensitive, were they?), which would have been the first point of contact with KGB, from their agents to unpaid American "agents of influence" in the US press--Village Voice, certain reporters at the NYT, and lesser sheets.

Some of the Leftist press were actually paid to spread Soviet propaganda, such as I.F. Stone, who ironically promoted himself to American donors to his foundation as one of the few "independent journalists." In light of the Venona revelations, that was an ironic claim. Maybe the KGB had suggested it.

32 posted on 10/27/2017 6:39:28 AM PDT by SamuraiScot
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To: Red Badger

Yeah. Remember how quickly the FBI man came out, only hours after Paddock murdered those people, and stated that he had no ties to international terrorists organizations? They claim now that they know nothing of his motives after all this time, so how did they know what were NOT his motives a mere few hours after the shooting.

33 posted on 10/27/2017 6:39:58 AM PDT by odawg
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To: Az Joe

You said it Joe...
Thanks for clearing This up.

34 posted on 10/27/2017 6:41:06 AM PDT by Big Red Badger (UNSCANABLE in an IDIOCRACY!)
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To: Red Badger; Jane Long; BlackFemaleArmyCaptain; Black Agnes; djstex; RoosterRedux; DoughtyOne; ...

I haven’t read through all of them yet, but the hand writing is terrible...if this is how the leaks are made then I think I understand why the media gets everything so wrong...holy cow the handwriting is bad!!!

Nothing to surprising yet, still figure LBJ, CIA and Bush had a lot to do with this...

LBJ wanted nothing more than to be POTUS as did GHWB and would do anything to get there, which they both did and not for the good of our Country either...

It took years to make this country as corrupt as it is and it is going to take more than that many years to clean it up...Our President is doing a very fine job of starting but he only has 8 years and it’s going to take a lot longer than that...

35 posted on 10/27/2017 6:41:45 AM PDT by HarleyLady27 ( "The Force Awakens!!!"...Trump and Pence: MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!!)
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To: txrefugee

“We, the people, must be kept in the dark, so we can trudge to work in order to pay our taxes and finance those in government. “

It is so important that this is repeated to everyone and everywhere we go. Even progressives who work may rebel against the idea that they go to work so that they have to surrender their hard-earned money to fund a corrupt government!

36 posted on 10/27/2017 6:42:11 AM PDT by Antipolitico
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To: Red Badger

You had very smart adults around you.

37 posted on 10/27/2017 6:42:12 AM PDT by Midnitethecat
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To: Gen.Blather

your statement is utter nonsense

38 posted on 10/27/2017 6:42:41 AM PDT by elpadre (AfganistaMr Obama said theoal was to "disrupt, dismantle and defeat al-hereQaeda" and its allies.)
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To: Red Badger

Reads a little to pat, with a whiff of contrivance.

39 posted on 10/27/2017 6:44:34 AM PDT by semaj (Audentes fortuna juvat: Fortune favors the bold. Be Bold FRiends.)
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To: patriotspride

Interestingly, many of us country galoots never believed in any of the crap we were fed. I bet we don’t live long enough to ever hear or see the “truth”.

40 posted on 10/27/2017 6:45:36 AM PDT by Bodega (we are developing less and less common wide)
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