I know many here don't think Trump's taped comments from 11 years ago are a "big deal". That's fine; however, there are many "undecideds", especially women, that will be repulsed by his comments. Also, he is going to have many, many GOP leaders jumping ship. It will be an avalanche of voters, politicians and even campaign officials abandoning Trump unless he takes this head on. Now. As in tomorrow has to be "damage control Saturday".
If you think his "apology" is going to suffice, you aren't living in the real world. That statement won't be enough to hold the wavering women, and it won't be enough to stop the revolt and mutiny that will ensue.
He has to do more. Immediately.
A contrite Trump needs to announce that he will deliver a live statement on Saturday to address this issue. He needs to be accompanied by his wife and daughters, along with the rest of his family. He needs to sincerely apologize to all women, including those in his family. He needs to make the case that those comments do not reflect who he is today.
Once he has given his prior statements the seriousness they deserve, then he can pivot. He can then point out that the statements he made 11 years ago, as crass as they were, show a man who can take "no" as an answer from a woman. He didn't assault her, nor did he seek to destroy her life, and he has never done that to any woman. Then, he can point out that Bill and Hillary Clinton are a tag-team of rape and reprisal. Bill Clinton could not take "no" for an answer, and Hillary Clinton helped him cover up his crimes by intimidating the women into silence.
Trump could go NUCLEAR, which he should, and have one or more of the women that the Clintons have assaulted by his side. Imagine with the entire world watching his statement, he introduces Juanita Broderick so she can tell her story. Willey, Jones, Flowers, etc., could follow. Make the Clintons rue the day they pulled this "October surprise".
Trump MUST show he takes this serious and is repentant. Putting the Clintons on defense will be a bonus. Then he can say he will have nothing else to say on the matter. This gets it out of the way before the debate on Sunday. And if someone wants to bring it up on Sunday, then up comes the Clintons dirty laundry, blue dress and all.
I truly believe that if he just tries to pass it off as "guy talk", he will either be forced off the ticket or get off voluntarily once he sees his support plummeting.
1 posted on
10/07/2016 9:28:52 PM PDT by
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Get ready for the onslaught...
2 posted on
10/07/2016 9:30:49 PM PDT by
(Please ss)
You’re too slow. Trump already issued his apokogy.
3 posted on
10/07/2016 9:30:49 PM PDT by
Vision Thing
(You know the depths of my heart, and You love me the same...)
His video statement on Facebook was VERY good and that’s all he needs to say.
That and keep attacking hillary for destroying raped women’s lives.
4 posted on
10/07/2016 9:31:14 PM PDT by
(IThe only thing an upper crust conservative hates more than a liberal is a middle class conservative)
I agree with you.
Good post.
6 posted on
10/07/2016 9:32:46 PM PDT by
( Toi la nguoi My. Toi bay gio o Viet Nam.)
He already fixed the problem. Did you not see it?
7 posted on
10/07/2016 9:33:23 PM PDT by
("...because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved." (2 Thessalonians))
As opposed to ‘fag talk’ which you bedwetting hillary supporters try to pass off.
8 posted on
10/07/2016 9:33:25 PM PDT by
Electric Graffiti
(Obama voters killed America. Treat them accordingly.)
It’s all over.
Trump has put the issue to bed.
By the time you wake up in the morning, the Trump/Billy Bush video will be out of the media spotlight and forgotten.
Funny, I’ve never seen you post before?
10 posted on
10/07/2016 9:34:39 PM PDT by
Ignore my reply 3, which I wrote after only scanning the title and 1st two paragraphs of your post.
I like how you finished it. Very supportive of Trump and what he should do.
11 posted on
10/07/2016 9:34:42 PM PDT by
Vision Thing
(You know the depths of my heart, and You love me the same...)
Oh look, another concern NonCobntribtor.
13 posted on
10/07/2016 9:35:25 PM PDT by
This is NOTHING! Stop the hysterics!
Trump will not flame out from old “guy talk.”
14 posted on
10/07/2016 9:35:34 PM PDT by
("Humane" = "Don't pen up pets or eat meat, but allow infanticides, abortion, and euthanasia.")
Let Trump be Trump. For better or worse, he got here by being a certain way. How can it be beneficial to change now. If anything, he should double down.
“He will either be forced off the ticket or get off voluntarily once he sees his support plummeting.”
I appreciate your concern and love for our country. I think this is a “false alternatives” situation. Either Trump is forced off the ticket, or his supports plummets, or Americans immediately think of Bill Clinton and his crimes. Option 3 is probably the most popular right now.
18 posted on
10/07/2016 9:36:42 PM PDT by
("Keep your fears to yourself, but share your courage with others." Robert Louis Stevenson (1850-94))
I think Trump’s apology on Facebook was sincere and mostly sufficient. If Hillary decides to pursue it further, she will do so at her own peril. It would be best for all parties to let this slide. They probably won’t, so we may be looking forward to a bloodbath. At the very least it’s entertaining. At the very worst, Hillary will win.
I don’t see that happening.
21 posted on
10/07/2016 9:37:11 PM PDT by
(still seeking)
I think this is the quickest shootdown of an October surprise in history.
23 posted on
10/07/2016 9:39:35 PM PDT by
("...because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved." (2 Thessalonians))
I totally agree. Good post.
One thing in his favor is the town hall style debate is Sunday. If he plays this right, he can at least stop the bleeding. Who knows, maybe he can even turn this into an advantage as crazy as that sounds right now.
The most immediate damage is, and will come from our own party. How he stops that before Sunday night IDK.
This kind of handwringing isn't helpful. Move on, that's what Trump is doing God love him. This is the GOPe/Dem last gasp to stop Trump, Lou Dobbs just tweeted:
28 posted on
10/07/2016 9:40:45 PM PDT by
Sadly, women will care more about Trump’s lewd talk than Hillary’s emails. Can’t imagine the emails getting much coverage on the gossip-that-passes-for-news shows aimed at the low infos either.
Oh no....do or die time AGAIN??
How many is this?
38 posted on
10/07/2016 9:45:47 PM PDT by
(The mind of a liberal...deceit, desire for control, greed, contradiction and fueled by hate.)
“A contrite Trump needs to”
Get lost. Bill Clinton did far worse and never apologized.
This will blow over by Monday. Trump may even grab a bigger slice of the black vote. In the tape he talks just like Jay Z.
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