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Drive-By Media Spin: Jealous Trump Mad Because Pence Won, Pence Running for 2020,
Rush ^ | October 5, 2016 | Rush Limbaugh

Posted on 10/05/2016 3:27:59 PM PDT by Kaslin


RUSH: MSNBC today floating a rumor. I don't know if MSNBC created the rumor or if they heard the rumor and are repeating it, but here's the rumor that PMSNBC was tossing around this morning. It is that Donald Trump is mad at Mike Pence for his debate performance because he didn't defend Trump nearly well enough, but he did good enough that it puts pressure on Trump to do better on Sunday night, and Trump doesn't like being outshined this way. The vice presidential candidate's not supposed to look better than the top of the ticket. Trump is supposedly ticked off about this.

Do you believe that? (interruption) Is that right, Politico? So I guess it's not a rumor, then. Politico has that story out there, with that theme in the story, that Trump is mad at Pence for his debate performance since it puts pressure on Trump to do better in the next debate Sunday night.

In fact, The Politico insiders, they have this group of establishment elitists that they convene now and then at Politico to assess and analyze these events, these comings and goings in our daily political lives. And The Politico insiders say that Mike Pence didn't just defeat Tim Kaine, he outshined Donald Trump. "A majority of the battleground-state insiders who comprise The POLITICO Caucus gave Pence the edge over Kaine," in the debate.

"But the Pence-vs.-Trump comparison was unanimous: Each and every one of the four dozen GOP insiders who responded to a post-debate survey Tuesday night said Pence delivered a better debate performance than the New York businessman at the top of the Republican ticket, after what was widely seen as a flop last week. ... 'Not even close,' said an Ohio Republican, 'Is there anyone outside of the Trump family who isn't wishing we could flip the ticket?'"

Again, this is one of the Politico insiders, one of 48 Republican insiders responding to the debate wishing that Pence was at the top of the ticket. Another Republican in this group from Nevada said, "Pence was the anti-Trump. He was prepared, smart, composed and he showed respectful competence and leadership." A Virginia Republican said Trump "was a disaster."

"A New Hampshire Republican suggested Pence 'pinch hit' for Trump in the final two debates with Hillary Clinton. A Colorado Republican said, 'If the Republican ticket were flipped, it would be game over.'"

So you see, Trump cannot win, it cannot be purported, it cannot be reported, it cannot be said that Trump won, because even when his vice president does well, Trump loses. And this is how the mainstream media constructs these things. So the Trump campaign had, by every estimate last night, a resounding victory. And what it means is that Trump lost in the Drive-By Media. This is the kind of crap that is beneath us. It's all together driven by fear. These people on the left simply cannot run the risk of the ideas we believe in gaining prominence or even being heard.

Now, I had bunch of people in the email -- I check it during the break -- ask me if I thought the debate would mean anything to the presidential election. I said yesterday to a caller that vice presidential debates usually don't matter a hill of beans. Can I give you an example? Let's go back to 1988. George H. W. Bush running for the presidency, his first term, he had chosen Dan Quayle to be his veep. He was up against Michael Dukakis, and "Lord" Bentsen of Texas was the vice presidential nominee. And during the vice presidential debate, Quayle versus "Lord" Bentsen, the subject of Quayle's lack of experience came up. He'd only been in the Senate not long.

So Quayle drew an analogy. "Well, John F. Kennedy wasn't in the Senate very long when he was elected president." "Lord" Bentsen paused and said, "Senator, I knew John Kennedy. John Kennedy was a friend of mine. And, Senator, you are no John Kennedy." And the roof blew off the place, and it was thought to be one of the best killer lines ever delivered in a political debate in the history of the universe. And it didn't matter a whit. George H. W. Bush beat Dukakis by eight points. The vice presidential debate didn't matter.

Now, that was just one aspect. Quayle didn't do poorly in the debate at all, but that one instance you can imagine the post-debate commentary was embarrassing. They started talking about how George Bush had chosen the wrong guy. Quayle was all energetic and flapping his arms out there on the campaign stump, and they were all beating up on George W. Bush for choosing -- they accused Bush of choosing a young guy to get women. Remember that? Quayle was chosen because he was supposedly gonna be a chick magnet. Well, anyway, the point is the vice presidential debate, Quayle reputedly got nailed by the line from "Lord" Bentsen, and George H. W. Bush still won.

So the vice presidential debate traditionally doesn't matter. But this is a different year with different dynamics and all different ingredients. I still maintain that you can't judge things happening in this political campaign the way you would judge them if both candidates were from the inside or from the establishment. There clearly is an outsider here, and, boy, are they threatened by that.

All these Democrats who wanted Trump to be donating to 'em. All these Democrats that have been sucking up to Trump for golf club memberships over the years. All of these people that desperately wanted to be invited to Trump parties when he throws them at Mar-a-Lago and everywhere. Now all of a sudden these Democrats are talking about Donald Trump as though he is the reprobate of all humanity.

I'm old enough now that I can see this stuff repeating. If you're new to this, I'm sure it's all exciting, I'm sure it's got you amped up, I'm sure you're jazzed, "Wow, this is cool, man, I love getting all chalked up like this." When you start seeing this stuff repeat and you start seeing it disintegrate and get worse and deviancy seeming to rise and become a major factor in these events, it has an effect, at least it has an effect on me. It just makes me sick of it. I'm tired of it. I'm worn out by these tactics. It's not just that it's unfair or anything like that, that would be childish to say that. It's just beneath us. We deserve better than this.

You could pick a hundred people out of the phone book and you'd get a better debate than we had last night. Just pick a hundred names and choose two of them. No, I'm not slighting Pence. Okay, do this. Pick a hundred names and choose two. Choose a moderator from the phone book and choose the Democrat candidate from the phone book and I guarantee you we'll have a better debate than what we had last night. A debate that would better serve us and actually have some meaning, play some role in determining the outcome. The way this is gonna determine, if it determines anything, is that the Democrat was such a jerk that maybe, just maybe, people will start putting two and two together and realizing that's who they all are.


RUSH: To the audio sound bites we go. Here we have a montage of Drive-By Media types, saying that Pence failed to defend Trump and that there was a reason that Pence didn't defend Trump. See if you can pick it out of here.

CHUCK TODD: Tim Kaine was running for Vice President in 2016; Mike Pence was running for president in 2020.

ANDREA MITCHELL: (background noise) Mike Pence defended his turf for 2020.

JOHN BERMAN: Mike Pence just won the first presidential debate for 2020.

WOMAN: (giggling)

PAUL BEGALA: Mike Pence, he's running in 2020! He threw Trump under the bus!

MARK PRESTON: But Mike Pence certainly did himself well if he (chuckles) decides to run in 2020.

EZRA KLEIN: Mike Pence came in and made Mike Pence look good for 2020.

JACKIE KUCINICH: I think Mike Pence may have been looking a little bit at 2020.

CHRIS MATTHEWS: Made himself probably the front-runner for the Republican nomination in 2020.

RUSH: Lockstep. Every damned one of them, lockstep, with the same damn take. And I'm just gonna tell you, throughout that whole debate last night, that didn't occur to me once, not one time, because I know that's not what Pence was doing. Pence wants to win now. Pence wants to correct the lies and character assassinations that are taking place now. 2020? These people can't stop thinking about this in their formulaic way, that even in the middle of this campaign what some people are really positioning for is 2020, and there probably are people doing that.

The same usual insiders that play all of this as a game when all of us treat this is as real as it gets. To them, it's a game. Pence setting himself up for the 2020 election. It is humanly impossible, it defies any notion of common sense and intelligence that after a debate last night you could have a front-runner for 2020! It's beyond absurd. But look, somebody sent the memo out, or maybe they didn't need a memo. Maybe they think in lockstep without being told. Just mind-boggling. Frank Luntz had a focus group over on CBS, special coverage, vice presidential debate. Luntz said to his focus group, "Give me a word or a phrase to describe Mike Pence this evening."

WOMAN: Calm.

WOMAN: Classy.

MAN: Polished.

WOMAN: Effective.

MAN: Knockout.

WOMAN: Compelling.

MAN: Composed.

WOMAN: Eloquent.

RUSH: And then Luntz were, "You were all critical of Senator Kaine. So give me your reactions to Senator Kaine."

WOMAN: Kaine cherry-picked things that made Trump sound like a crazy person, and Kaine came off looking like a crazy person.

MAN: (chuckles) Kaine came off as a jerk. I actually liked that guy, and I was really disappointed in him this time. He just kept going back to trying to needle little points. A total jerk. Condescending. I think he reinforced the worst of Hillary.

VOICE: Mmm-hmm.


MAN: I think he really did her a disservice.

RUSH: Okay. So that's encouraging. These are average American voters, and they saw it the way we did, correct? (interrupting) You saw it that way, pretty much. I mean, it was Jerk City last night. (interrupting) Look, that's my point. It was beyond irritating. It was beneath us. It was insulting to us, particularly if that was a strategy. I don't know if Kaine... See, I don't know the guy. All I know is what people inside the establishment say about him is what they say about everybody. "He's a great guy! He's got a great family!"

They all talk about each other that way. I don't know the guy. I've always been suspicious of the guy. The guy's always looked like... I was not surprised with this last night. I just think it's beneath us. If that was a strategy to go out there and be as jerky and abrasive as you can and lose the debate on purpose to make sure you get all that negative stuff in on Trump? Well, then they pulled that off, too. Now, here's Luntz. After talking to his focus group participants, Luntz had to wrap it up for anybody.

LUNTZ: Are any of you now more likely to vote for Donald Trump because of what you heard from Mike Pence? Raise your hands. Two, four, six, eight, 10. So half of you. Will it actually change any of your votes? Nobody. Well, that's pretty significant. These are undecided or uncommitted voters in Ohio. They're the ones that really matter, and tonight was a very good night for the Trump-Pence ticket.

RUSH: Why? Nobody's gonna change their vote. Didn't I hear him say that? "Will it actually change any of your votes? Nobody. Well, that's pretty significant." Ohio doesn't count anyway. The New York Times just told us it's no longer a bellwether. Hillary's pulled out of there. The New York Times said it's not a factor. Luntz should close up shop there. Ohio doesn't matter anymore, the people of Ohio. You know why? Because Ohio is "too white." That's right, my friends. Too many white middle-class people live in Ohio.

There aren't enough Black Lives Matter people there.

There aren't enough illegal immigrants.

There aren't enough ex-cons that need the permission to vote.

There's not a good left-wing cross section of America.

There are too many decent, hardworking, middle-class people in Ohio to appeal to the Democrat Party, and so the New York Times told us it's no longer a bellwether. Back in July, the New York Times did a story on how Ohio was crucial when Hillary was winning there. But now she's not, and so it's not important. Here's John King. And this, by the way, loops back to the rumor that PMSNBC was floating and that Snerdley says The Politico is reporting. This is last night -- Debate Night in America on CNN -- with John King, and he's discussing the reaction, the aftermath of the debate last night.

KING: I wanna give you one insight from somebody inside Trump world who is in the inner circle in Trump world who said that he does not think this is going to go down terribly well with Donald Trump. Even though the Trump campaign is rushing out statements with all conservatives across the country praising Mike Pence, they say Donald Trump is watching the reviews and he's hearing, "Mike Pence won. But he didn't defend Donald Trump and that Hillary Clinton and Mike Pence are better debaters than Donald Trump." Some people think that might not sit well with the boss.

RUSH: There you go. So that's the second place that it's been promulgated out there. So, see, the take-away is even when the Trump team wins, Trump loses. "Pence had a great debate. Pence outclassed the jerk! Pence outclassed the moderator. Pence was calm, he was cool, he was collected, he was fabulous, he did a great job. Trump loses! Trump lost the debate last night because Pence so easily outclassed him, and Trump is now mad that he was made to look bad and he's mad that he's got added pressure now to be as good as Pence." That's the story they're putting out, which equals "Trump lost". And then, at the end of the all of that, it didn't matter, because none of the people in the Luntz focus group say their vote was changed anyway.


RUSH: Okay. On this by the way, Drive-Bys say that Pence was actually positioning himself for 2020. You know what? There's good chance that that talking point went right from the Clinton campaign to the Drive-By Media. Somebody had to write it. I mean, the idea they're gonna think of this independently, lockstep like this? Somebody is behind this. And if you ask me, folks, the Clinton campaign is behind this.

They want to create the impression that Pence knows Trump's gonna lose. "Pence knows that Hillary's gonna win in 2016; it's all about 2020 for Pence. That's what they're trying to establish. It's all about 2020 because Pence obviously can see, read the tea leaves. It's over! Hillary's the big winner this year. There's no chance for him. So 2020." That's what's going on with that. Mark my words.


RUSH: Here's Ann in Williamsport, Maryland. Great that you got through today. Hi. How are you?

CALLER: Hi. I'm good. Thanks for taking my call.

RUSH: Yes, ma'am.

CALLER: I just appreciate all you do. I love listening to you.

RUSH: Thank you.

CALLER: But the reason I called was I really loved the way last night Pence looked into the camera and spoke to the American people. Even if they tried getting him off course, he actually acknowledged the America out in TV land, I should say. But I just really appreciated that.

RUSH: That's interesting.

CALLER: And I hope Trump does the same thing.

RUSH: Well, you know what? Your observation, I think, is shared by a lot of people. He kept his cool; he was -- importantly, he was not flustered off of the points that he wanted to make. They were trying to just rat-tat-tat endless interruptions and assaults, trying to get him off his line of thinking, forget his train of thought and the points that he wanted to make, and they didn't succeed.

Kaine ended up looking like el jerko. And, of course, now we've got the cover theory. "Well, Rush, I mean, they're so far ahead. Kaine actually went in this to lose it." That was the first theory I heard last night from Drive-By analysts. "Oh, yeah, he wanted to lose this. They've got a cushion. They can lose this. It was important to have the stuff about Trump said, and Kaine said it. And he said it and said it. He repeated himself five or six times on each one of those things, and he was willing to run the risk of losing the debate on style points or whatever just to make sure that those talking points --"

And then they concluded, "Well, you know, Pence really did well. Pence didn't rise to the bait. He kept his cool and all that, and in the process Donald Trump lost, 'cause Pence did so good he made Trump look bad." Then they told us that Trump was mad that Pence did so well because Pence doing well puts more pressure on Trump to do well as though Trump's going into the debate not really giving it his all, but now he's mad because Pence did so well that Trump really has to try now.

They actually try to make us believe this pap in the immediate debate aftermath last night where we were treated to all the analysis. Oh, and then the piece de resistance, that Pence knows that Hillary's got this locked down. It's over. Pence was simply positioning himself for his own 2020 presidential run. These people, I don't think they realize how obvious and transparent they are now to people.


KEYWORDS: 2016debates; 2016veep; debate; pence; rush; vpdebate
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To: Kaslin
The MSM and the Dems have made this a meme. Pence was so good that they had to figure out a way to cast his outstanding performance in a bad light. So they made it a negative by claiming Trump was upset because Pence did not do a good job defending him. And that Trump was jealous because Pence caused people to say that he should have been the nominee instead of Trump. All BS.

They did the same thing with Melania's speech at the convention by claiming it was plagiarized from Michelle Obama.

21 posted on 10/05/2016 4:14:44 PM PDT by kabar
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To: Grampa Dave

22 posted on 10/05/2016 4:18:44 PM PDT by JediJones (Social conservatism is the root of all conservatism.)
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To: Kaslin
Mike Pence didn't just defeat Tim Kaine, he outshined Donald Trump

Ha....this is Trump's "Reverse Dumbo" (Biden) VP pick.

Obama picks Biden as his idiot VP

Hillary picks Kaine as her idiot VP

Trump picks Pence as his VP

Dims go nuts as Pence is better than Trump (or so they say)

In any case Pence will not be in the Oval Office until 2 terms of Trump ends in 2024.

23 posted on 10/05/2016 4:18:52 PM PDT by spokeshave (In the Thatch Weave,..Trump's Wing Man is Truth.rc)
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To: kabar

The Clinton Media and the “progressives” are so easy to predict

24 posted on 10/05/2016 4:20:19 PM PDT by Kaslin
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To: spokeshave

I am not sure the VP selectee really helps the top of the ticket, but he/she can sure cause it problems.

Remember Perot’s selectee Stockton? After that VP debate, many viewers were questioning Stockton’s mental capability, should he become president. Stockton did not perform well in that debate and it cost Perot votes.

25 posted on 10/05/2016 4:29:17 PM PDT by TomGuy
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To: Kaslin

They are deplorable.

26 posted on 10/05/2016 4:29:49 PM PDT by kabar
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To: Kaslin

In the rest of the world, people just don’t get jealous their electrician or CPA or rancher or son in law or neighbor have their own unique area of expertise. We use that expertise to compliment our skills and vise versa. Too bad they don’t teach more about win-win alliances and less about feral cattiness in our institutions of ‘higher’ learning.

27 posted on 10/05/2016 4:40:07 PM PDT by blueplum ((March 11, 2016 - the day the First Amendment died?))
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To: Kaslin
It is that Donald Trump is mad at Mike Pence for his debate performance because he didn't defend Trump nearly well enough...

Yeah, this doesn't sound made up at all.

I saw people posting this "rumor" on Twitter as soon as the debate ended. Somehow I doubt Trump gave his opinion to anyone by that time, and that that person would be the type to instantly post about it on social media. Whole thing is just transparent spin.

28 posted on 10/05/2016 4:46:25 PM PDT by Trump20162020
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To: blueplum

The fact is Donald Trump wasn’t jealous of his running mate. Contrary to what the lsm tried to spin he was very proud of him.

29 posted on 10/05/2016 4:46:54 PM PDT by Kaslin
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To: Kaslin

Jonathon Craphead was pushing this line of crap about 5 minutes ago on Nutball.

30 posted on 10/05/2016 4:52:32 PM PDT by CMailBag
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I didn’t think that Pence was better than Trump honestly. Kaine just made a fool of himself. Chuck Todd always makes ridiculous statments.

31 posted on 10/05/2016 4:58:42 PM PDT by TakebackGOP
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To: Kaslin

Trump must be jealous because they - tard media - would be jealous in his place.

32 posted on 10/05/2016 5:14:38 PM PDT by Let's Roll ("You can avoid reality, but you cannot avoid the consequences of avoiding reality" -- Ayn Rand)
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To: DoughtyOne

Exactly right. This actually shows Trump’s genius in picking highly qualified people to work with him. If he was the type of person to be jealous, he would not have the huge, well run organization he has.

These media people only understand the obama type of person who is sure he knows better than anyone else, and knows nothing. It is a function of their immaturity. Just look at the difference in quality between Pence and Biden and Kaine.

Obama, Biden nor Kaine would be able to function if they somehow landed a position in a business where they actually had to produce.

33 posted on 10/05/2016 5:28:55 PM PDT by Ann de IL
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To: Kaslin

The entire Democrat machine from its politicians to its media arm has become completely unhinged. This is pure desperation now. I was watching CNN and that worthless Jake Tapper had a panel on his nonwatched show and they brought up this very subject. Trump is a winner and the man he chose as his running mate won the VP debate decisively, and as far as I’m concerned sealed the deal for Trump. I’m supposed to believe that Trump is angry and jealous of Pence. Sorry lefties, but the desperation on your end is reaching epic proportions with reaches like this. It tells me a growing number of them are gripping because a Hillary loss is imminent.

34 posted on 10/05/2016 5:29:52 PM PDT by dowcaet (.)
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To: cpdiii

Uh that happened in the Soyuz as well. People learn where there bread is buttered (or larded) and how best to live through the night.

35 posted on 10/05/2016 5:31:11 PM PDT by epluribus_2 (he had the best mom - ever.)
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To: Kaslin

I think the media should bag that bs because it could be great fertilizer...

36 posted on 10/05/2016 5:33:24 PM PDT by ConservaTeen (Islam is Not the Religion of Peace, but Ther RELIGION of PEDOPHILIA...)
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To: Ann de IL

They’re judging off Clinton and Obama, two guys who always tried to appoint folks more ignorant than they were. That was a tough task, but the effort was to wind up with people who wouldn’t challenge them on policy.

37 posted on 10/05/2016 5:56:52 PM PDT by DoughtyOne (34 days: Until Presdient Pre-elect becomes President Elect Donald J. Trump. Help is on the way!)
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To: Ann de IL

Trump actually wants to accomplish a lot, so he wants to be able to delegate and have numerous teams attacking things that need correction.

I have said I think he’ll get about ten times as much done as a normal president, because he won’t focus on one thing at a time.

He’ll be focusing on twenty things at a time.

His teams will report in like his private sector teams did. He’ll tweak things and bring things in under time and budget.

Love the prospect...

38 posted on 10/05/2016 5:59:13 PM PDT by DoughtyOne (34 days: Until Presdient Pre-elect becomes President Elect Donald J. Trump. Help is on the way!)
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To: Kaslin


The negative narrative meant to cause divisiveness in Republicans while continuing to slam Trump was begun before the ink was dry on the debate. From CNN/Blitzer, King first led off saying Dems were saying Pence couldn’t defend Trump. David Gergan says that Pence didn’t throw Trump under the bus and republicans were reassured. Then Jones comes in a bit later to turn it - “Pence did great for himself by throwing Donald Trump under the bus”. Borger mimics Jones “So while he did throw him under the if you’re a Republican watching this, you’re thinking ok, the party will still survive even if Donald Trump doesn’t. “ and off to the rumor mill the rest of the smarmy reporters went.

By 10am, MSNBC, continuing the late night propaganda, reporting “Pence acted and sounded the most presidential, but failed to defend the controversial man at the top of the Republican ticket...In short, Kaine acted like someone running for vice president in 2016; Pence seemed to have his eyes set on running for president in 2020”.

can’t find a MSNBC transcript but here’s the Wolf transcript:

39 posted on 10/05/2016 6:12:26 PM PDT by blueplum ((March 11, 2016 - the day the First Amendment died?))
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To: TomGuy
I am not sure the VP selectee really helps the top of the ticket, but he/she can sure cause it problems.

Just another example of Trump tearing up the standard "play-book" in the way he conducts his campaign.

The Stockton - Pence comparison is like comparing Ross Perot to Donald Trump.

40 posted on 10/05/2016 8:20:59 PM PDT by spokeshave (In the Thatch Weave,..Trump's Wing Man is Truth.rc)
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