To: SisterK
Johnny had chemo last Friday and is very ill. We went to his house last Sunday to help him and get groceries he wanted. His brother tried to take him to the VA yesterday but Johnny got sick in car so they went back to Johnnys house. He tried to take him again later in the day but he got sick again in car so they went back. He will try again today to get Johnny to VA. This is why you havent heard from him on the gardening thread the past few days. He needs your prayers right now. Marcella 136 posted on 5/27/2015 8:19:08 AM by Marcella (TED CRUZ Prepping can save your life today. Going Galt is freedom.)
2 posted on
05/27/2015 4:54:04 PM PDT by
(its a spiritual war)
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To: SisterK
Thanks for letting us know. Prayers continue.
4 posted on
05/27/2015 4:56:56 PM PDT by
Iowa Granny
(Clintion ruined a dress, but Obama ruined a Nation.)
To: SisterK
may want to use an ambulance to transport.
Prayers up.
5 posted on
05/27/2015 4:57:07 PM PDT by
(Leftist totalitarian fascism is on the move.)
To: SisterK
Prayers continuing.
Please keep us updated as you can!
6 posted on
05/27/2015 4:57:28 PM PDT by
(Unmutual and Disharmonious)
To: SisterK
Prayers for Johnny. Please let him know we are thinking about him.
7 posted on
05/27/2015 4:57:29 PM PDT by
(Hillary Clinton was a "great secretary of state". - Texas Governor Rick Perry)
To: SisterK
So sorry. Prayers on the way.
To: SisterK
Bumping to Heaven for a great
FReeper and all around good guy.
12 posted on
05/27/2015 4:59:36 PM PDT by
("Walk Through the Fire, Fly Through the Smoke")
To: SisterK
Prayers tonight and through the week.
16 posted on
05/27/2015 5:03:23 PM PDT by
To: SisterK
God bless Johnny. Praying for better days.
17 posted on
05/27/2015 5:06:17 PM PDT by
(With Great Freedom comes Great Responsibility.)
To: SisterK
20 posted on
05/27/2015 5:13:30 PM PDT by
(History repeats itself because human nature is static)
To: SisterK
Praying for him; please give him our best.
21 posted on
05/27/2015 5:13:56 PM PDT by
credo 2
To: SisterK
I didn’t even know he was I’ll until recently. I can’t think of a FReeper that I recognize regularly and from whom I have learned so much. He has been in my thoughts and prayers. I just couldn’t conceive of such a strong, bold, and confident FReeper with whom I agree so much being ill. Get well soon FReind.
23 posted on
05/27/2015 5:16:22 PM PDT by
(Government cannot redistribute wealth. Government can only redistribute poverty.)
To: SisterK
25 posted on
05/27/2015 5:19:15 PM PDT by
Secret Agent Man
(Gone Galt; Not averse to Going Bronson.)
To: SisterK
Get well, Johnny. We need you around here!
28 posted on
05/27/2015 5:21:51 PM PDT by
(The Magic Question: Who's paying for it?)
To: SisterK
34 posted on
05/27/2015 5:34:40 PM PDT by
To: SisterK; JRandomFreeper
36 posted on
05/27/2015 5:38:01 PM PDT by
(A Liberal is a person who will give away everything he doesn't own.)
To: SisterK
Thanks for letting us know.
Prayers up and on way.
38 posted on
05/27/2015 5:39:57 PM PDT by
( " We would not die in that man's company, that fears his fellowship to die with us...." Henry V.)
To: SisterK
39 posted on
05/27/2015 5:42:33 PM PDT by
(the Lord is my light and my salvation)
To: SisterK
44 posted on
05/27/2015 5:56:38 PM PDT by
(Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. -- Psalm 119:105)
To: SisterK
Prayers and more prayers, of course!
54 posted on
05/27/2015 6:21:42 PM PDT by
(force multiplier in effect...)
To: SisterK; JRandomFreeper; Marcella
Prayers and prayers for you, dearest JRandomFreeper (Johnny)!
Thank you so much for the update dearest Marcella and thank you, dearest SisterK for posting Marcella's update on this separate thread.
59 posted on
05/27/2015 6:31:28 PM PDT by
(PLEASE SUPPORT FR. Donate Monthly or Join Club 300! God bless you all.)
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