I’m a little surprised at the comments here. The kid clearly did the right thing. AND, after having had that experience, the only negative comment he has is about the consequences — of the people who wrongly accused him and jailed him for a month he says “You can assume a lot just from looking at my face and dreads. I was in basketball shorts and flip flops,” Little said. “Something like that happening to them I can kind of understand that maybe they would jump to conclusions.”
He hasn’t sued anybody or cried racism or done anything else at all negative or ugly.
I know a lot of people of all races, who are a lot older than this guy, who would have been way way angrier and less rational. I think the kid is a gentleman. In the end, that’ll be enough.
Plus now, if somebody googles him, at least they’ll come up with this story too. That’ll help.
There’s no reason for anybody to be saying anything about this young man that’s not a compliment.
He hasn't sued anybody or cried racism yet.
Maybe he never will, but he sure seems to be getting prepped as the new racism poster boy. His 3 week incarceration occurred last June. Why is he getting shopped around to all of the news outlets now?
sadly, i am a little surprised that you are a little surprised at the comments here... :(
He hasnt sued anybody or cried racism or done anything else at all negative or ugly
I'm not big on suing or crying racism - but in this case, he might have a justifiable claim for both.
People are ugly John...
Phooey. That aint liberty.
Everything I read in this article is that this is a very patient and classy individual. He hasn't been screaming racism or racial profiling. He says he can understand the reason for his arrest. He's just trying to get along with his life. The lesson for everybody should be: if you call the police, make it an anonymous tip or you may live to regret it.
Clearly this is an injustice perpetrated by the government. If we're going to give the police and prosecutors immunity for their actions -- which up to some point is entirely necessary and proper -- we should also have an automatic process whereby a person falsely accused automatically has his record expunged, at the expense of the taxpayers.