Posted on 05/25/2013 6:49:06 AM PDT by Renfield
Zahi Hawass doesnt like what hes seeing. Clad in his familiar denim safari suit and wide-brimmed bush hat, the famed archaeologist is standing inside the burial vault of the Step Pyramid of Djoser, a six-tiered, lopsided mound of limestone blocks constructed nearly 5,000 years ago. The huge, gloomy space is filled with scaffolding. A restoration and conservation project, at Saqqara outside Cairo, initiated by Hawass in 2002, has been shoring up the sagging ceiling and walls and staving off collapse. But the February 2011 revolution that toppled Hosni Mubarakand also ended Hawass controversial reign as the supreme chief of all Egypts antiquitiesis now threatening to unravel Hawass legacy as well. With tourists nearly gone, funds dried up and the Ministry of Antiquities leadership reshuffled several times in the past two years, preservation work on the pyramid has ground to a near halt. The new minister has diverted reconstruction money into hiring thousands of unemployed archaeology graduates, claims Hawass, in a desperate move to stop protests. He has done nothing, Hawass says, with perhaps a touch of schadenfreude in his voice, scrutinizing the rough limestone ceiling and walls....
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
There probably are less informative and more self-important bullies working for governments somewhere but I don’t think I’ve ever seen them.
GGG managers are SunkenCiv, StayAt HomeMother & Ernest_at_the_Beach | |
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Thanks Renfield. |
Djoser the Djoserian.
During the rectification of the Vuldrini, Djoser came as a large and moving Torg. Then, during the third reconciliation of the last of the McKetrick supplicants, they chose a new form for him: that of a giant Slor. Many Shuvs, Zuuls, and Egyptians knew what it was to be roasted in the depths of the Slor that day.
So we’ve established a couple of facts:
1. Radical Islam isn’t good for human liberty.
2. Radical Islam isn’t good for human health
and now, we can state with some authority that
3. Radical Islam isn’t good for human economy.
Hawass had to go. He's too westernized and believes in preserving the artifacts of past. The cult of Islam will not tolerate anything but it's own version of history.
What always got to me was these Third World countries complaining that the West came in and "stole" their artifacts - some of which they didn't even know existed. At least in the Western museums they were taken care of.
"Back home", they are left to rot.
Same goes for our "native american" culture here. THIS is what I found at the Indian War Fort McDowell in Arizona.
At best. Until the Salafists take full power when they will be dynamited.
You’ve never been to Washington?
This article is a little light on material critical to Hawass, but even so, there are some positive aspects to this P J Barnum of Egypt.
I have, you’ve never seen Zawi Hawass on TV?
Oh yes, many times!
Prolly the reason he was such an ahole... he had to be.
Don’t cross the streams!
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