Men take less stuff on vacation then women do. Me, I pack everything I might possibly need and my husband just figures whatever he doesn’t bring he can buy along the way if it’s important enough.
George Carlin (back when he was good) did an amusing routine on how men and women pack for vacations and overnight trips. Its way to lewd to post but this reminds me of it.
"...she wanted me to go, he didn't...he compromised..sort of"
Vacation? I remember being on vacation once... 2004 or 2005 I think it was. Before that it was 1978...
Day before????
Man, that is advance planning!
Most guys probably shove stuff in a bag 1/2 before they leave home.
(full disclosure: I am frequent traveler and have a pre-packed bag ready all the time)
Because that’s the RIGHT time. Everything but the toiletries right before going to bed, toiletries as soon as you’re done in the morning.
I might drag the suitcase out of the closet the day before, but having everything packed more than an hour or two before departure time would be advanced preparation for me.
When we head to Miss. to check on our house and property my wife is packed the night before. For me it is a last min. prep! Extra pare of jeans, clean socks and underwear and my pistols and extra ammo. She always asks how long we will be gone, I always say as long as it takes.
Why would you pack earlier than the day before? So you can live out of a suitcase in your own house? If it’ll take you more than a day to pack ... you’re bringing WAY too much.
NOT in THIS house....haha....I always wait until the last minute....but, my husband starts packing a couple days before....he’s kinda analytical like that!
$8 tip per night? I didn’t realize the 18% tip rule had been extended to hotel rooms.
For extended trips, there is always the problem of washing clothes. Washing them in the hotel sink and drying on the shower rod doesn’t really work that well. If you do extended stays in places with laundry service, fine, but I heard of one couple traveling to Europe who had a good system. They packed all the old clothes that were ready for Goodwill or the trash and threw them away when dirty. They bought new ones as needed.
I once ended up on a business trip that was supposed to be one over night stay in Chicago. Due to unforeseen circumstances, the stay lasted the whole week. The only solution was to buy more clothes at a department store.
Wait...46 % of men pack early ?
I don't know they existed...
Also, a man can start getting dressed to go to a wedding 15 minutes before it’s time to leave, and be ready on time.
I pack as I’m loading the car the morning of departure..
I always have clothes folded at the top of my closet and several packs of underwear and socks that are unopened. when it’s time to take a trip I just toss two or tree packs of each item in a suitcase or bag, grab some shirts slacks/shorts and some stuff from the bathroom and I’m done in under 5 minutes
Well, duh! Why would I pack until I’m going somewhere? Just how stupid are some people?
This year, nearly everyone will wait until next year, or the next, to pack for vacation. Have fun. Enjoy the slide. ;-)