So real the author decided to remain anonymous.
No wonder CNN is in trouble.
The oppressors use Alinsky rules, which say that any issue must be “personalized”, “frozen”, and attacked. This automatically means a list or grouping of target people.
Chaka Khan..Chaka Khan..Chaka Khan
I suggest to this idiot that perhaps the people on the list are the ones who cannot connect with Main Street America. A LOT more people have guns than those who don’t.
The list:
I’ll betcha Obama’s enemies list is way longer.
Richard Nixon? “Enemies List”?
Dog whistles, anyone?
The list isn’t big enough, nor are our enemies taken with enough seriousness.
I was talking to a group of people who usually contribute VAST sums of money to non-profits, like the ones in this list. They said the valve is closed because of the tax law changes. No more private grants. Nada, zip, none. These organizations are now exclusively in line at the government grant window. They will all be singing the praises of Obama, and supporting his programs. Most of them will vanish within a year or so.
“ literally that everyone who isn’t a card-carrying conservative seems to be counted as an enemy.”
Hey - he’s pretty bright - if you’re intent is to do harm to America - you’re our enemy!
Not too difficult to understand - even for a Libtard....
What do they all have in common? They’re all flaming leftist liberal communist socialists!
Chaka Khan? Weren’t her 15 minutes of fame over thirty years ago?
I also like the one about how the NRA is not mainstream. Really CNN? In the past couple of months, the NRA has added about 250,000 members in the last two months. That's more members than CNN has viewers!