Posted on 12/14/2012 11:24:47 PM PST by djf
-—— Anti-social personality disorder, Paranoid schizophrenia, drug use, alcohol use, family relations, etc. Looks to me like he hated his mother and likely hated the attention she gave to the kids at the school. Deep, dark resentments.———
Was she a dues paying teacher’s union member? Did the union fail to properly vet the mental health of one of it’s members?
I don’t think it’s astonishing that he killed six adults and twenty children in a school. They were unarmed and probably froze. Shooting a room full of kindergarten children doesn’t require any notable skikl.
No...where in the Zimmerman case they had the wrong guy ....This is the guy. He was found at the scene. As far as Zimmerman is concerned. I can’t feel sorry for him either. He was a minimum wage security guard and ended up winning a lawsuit against NBC for 5 mill. Is I were him Id be in a beach house somewhere becoming an expert surfer with a knockout babe watching the world go by....not a bad way to retire.
"Winter Concert". How tragic it wasn't the school's CHRISTMAS CONCERT, because now the townspeople and grieving parents are all praying and talking about those poor little children missing CHRISTMAS!
i wholeheartedly agree with your insight.
I can't imagine the grief these familities are going thru.
Its a result of news services trying to be the first with relevant information. Make no mistake, your issues have more to do with shoddy journalism than any grand conspiracy theory.
The confusion is endemic to immediate reporting as every scrap of half heard information is relayed immediately to the airwaves. That sets up for conspiracy theories as initial reports don’t jibe with each other and more cynicism and skepticism when the final reports don’t explain all the early contradictions and early statements and hurried speculations that are left hanging.
Video games.
Total speculation, but plausible: Guy dressed in camos in the woods surrounding an elementary school, where there are lots of little girls and boys to spy on. A pedophiles playground. Perhaps this guy does this every day to get himself off watching the kiddies and this time, he just so happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time.
but autistics including Aspberger’s can’t tolerate a lot of disruption to their routines. All the running, screaming, bleeding, dying chaos would virtually paralyze an autistic into inaction with the exception of maybe screaming while head banging. I doubt an autistic could hit a target beyond the first shot.
With some things, it works great.
It is not unusual that many people come to that conclusion after not having tried abstaining. Many of us came to that conclusion after watching others who tried not abstaining, and decided whatever they were doing wasn't for us.
Even 'bad examples' can serve a useful function in society.
And, as a side note, besides Fast and Furious, about 90 miles from me,is a city called Waco, Texas, if anyone is doubting the lefts ability to massacre kids for thier agenda.And Eric Holder was in that administration, too...
This administration may have been running guns to terrorists through our emabassy in Libya and may have thrown our ambassador under the bus to cover, so why would they not do it here?
The kill-to-injury ratiơ suggested to me immediately that the shooter was a long time video game player. Those games train the player to be accurate hip shooters. A decade or so ago there was a spate of very young store robbers who shot clerks in the forehead and, after capture, protestations that, "I didn't mean to shoot!" because the killer had been video trained to shoot at the slightest movement. It was unthinking reaction.
Ive read a few reports that says he was an avid gamer. I wouldnt be surprised that he was into FPSGs. I believe that even the military has used some of these types of games for training purposes.
In any case, it wouldnt take any amount of great skill to walk up to cowering little children and shoot them in the head, which explains why the death toll was so high. FWIW, he shot his own mother in the face, probably did the same to those poor children.
You're quite wrong, actually. In almost every slaughter (and there have been grade school slayings before), there's about a 2-to-1 ratio of injured-to-killed. (Columbine had 25 injured and 13 killed.) Even highly-trained LEO's barely crack 10-15% hits in a real-world shooting. Even if the kids were frozen in fear, hitting and killing with such... precision... is remarkable.
Either he held the gun to the head of every kid (and even a 6 year old won't sit still if he has just watched 13 classmates get thusly executed), or he was firing a LOT (which means he carried many, many clips, since he was using handguns. Since reports refer to a "pop-pop-pop" sound, I'd say that he was NOT walking up to each victim. Hence, he was shooting from a few feet away.
Further, shooting round-after-round GREATLY decreases the accuracy of your aim. Go to a gun range sometime. Try it. Then try having a friend stand behind you and simply COUNT, calmly, "one, two three"... just THAT tiny added pressure will make otherwise solid amateur shooters start trailing off by several inches. This 20 yr old unpracticed and untrained amateur had screaming kids, knew that police would be there soon, most likely SOME moving targets, AND he was shooting at a few feet away, AND was not taking time between shots to regain his aim point... and STILL he had more than 20 TIMES better of a kill ratio than almost any other similar massacre in modern history.
THAT is worth talking about.
Bingo. There is part of the problem. In today's "progressive" society, the concept of good and evil, right and wrong, has been drummed out. It is no longer taught. Now liberals wail we need national gun control. No. We need self control. We need to teach that there is good and evil; right and wrong.
It’s their slogan, they’ll certainly recognize it as such and it clearly hasn’t worked in relation to gun-free zones.
I think the little children were huddled close together and terrified. Frozen.
I think you’re just wrong.
Yep.....she'll link the massacre to some online video, no doubt.
Sorry... as a long-time video gamer (who held a world record for a few weeks once!), and a part-time shooter at the local gun range, I can tell you in VERY certain terms, video game talent has NOTHING to do with shooting accuracy... particularly after the first shot. Recoil, noise, pressure, etc are all INCREDIBLY impactful on your accuracy, and you get NONE of those at home on your couch. Then there's the hand-control. Squeezing instead of pulling... too much grip... actual FATIGUE (shooting for more than 5 min with a 45 or 9mm will tire you out a bit! 20-hour gaming marathons never prepared me for that!).
Add in autism or Asperger's, and ZERO firearms training... this was no expert, and yet his kill ratio was FAR higher than almost any other similar massacre in modern times. (Columbine has 25-to-13). This untrained kid's ratio of 3-to-26 is STUNNING, and needs a deeper look.
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