Posted on 12/14/2012 11:24:47 PM PST by djf
Now I've been watching this news for most of the day. Remarkably, it seems to change every few minutes.
First, we had the name change. Who exactly did the shooting? Ryan? Adam? Someone else?
Then, we hear that someone in camo garb or something was apprehended in the woods. When I first heard this, I assumed it was the brother and that was why there was confusion about the name.
But turns out that the brother was actually at work - and was not in the woods. So who was in the woods?
We hear that the mother is a teacher at the school. Then we hear that she was actually a teachers assistant. Then I see a brief interview with someone who DOES work at the school and who says "Nobody here every heard of her."
Then, tonight, she is reported as being unemployed.
First, the guns (which we have YET to get a clear description of the types and calibers) were stolen from the mother. Then, they were "legally purchased"... but no indication when or from where. Latest, a brief statement that they were "legally purchased with a license provided by a family member"... Now I'm not trying to label anybody here, but it sounds a little out of character that some suburban mom in small-town New England would have that many guns.
The ONLY picture we have seen of this guy so far is an out-of-focus pic taken in 2005! 2005? He didn't have a drivers license? A girlfriend? I can't see how he might get a gun without some sort of valid photo id.
Last I heard, only three of the children made it to the hospital. If so, this would be a stunning percentage kill-ratio wise for the guy. In fact in most public shootings, the vast majority are wounded, but not killed. Did this guy have some kind of training?
Too many loose ends. The story keeps changing.
Am I the only one who is having trouble thinking that this was just some whacko dude who blew a fuse and started shooting?
Yes, we have. But keep in mind that on the form 4473 there is the (disqualifying) question regarding drug use. At present, there is no record of who bought or used what, with legal sales there could be.
Those who choose to avail themselves of that new ability will find their rights curtailed for having done so (cannot legally purchase a firearm).
While that won't stop all, it would make one think before taking up marijuana use, and might pose an unanticipated side effect for others.
However, I am every bit as concerned about the psychoactive drugs which are routinely prescribed for people who are let loose on their own to maintain their pharmacology when they might pose a credible threat.
Anyone see the irony of the authors of death panels and infanticide legalization crying for kids killed at a school.
This is such stinking horsesheize.
The name was not mentioned all through the day and into the evening yesterday, and is still a relative rarity in any mainstream news report, despite some accounts that had him being killed as well.
His name is Peter Lanza. Sites whose credibility might be deemed questionable claim he’s a partner with Ernst & Young in NYC as well as tax director for General Electric in Fairfield, CT.
Is this accurate? Powerful man moving in high level financial circles, if so. This is no middle class family.
Perhaps it's easier to kill a 5 to 10 year old child with a gun shot than an adult.
Anyone at this time talking disarmament and disarmament of the children while in care needs to be tried for complicitness in murders and aiding terrorism, period. We know there are murderers out there, we probably knew this dude was a threat, but we still act stupid and take no measure that the gun owners and self defense people advocate.
Wasn’t the .223 left in the car?
Me, too, especially considering I can't help raise my great-grand and grandkids there.
it’s impossible to wrap our heads around this.
The only thing we can be sure of is that nothing we’ve been told through the trickle of tweets and “breaking stories” is accurate. The truth is that most of us are normal, rational people and we might not ever get an understandable reason for this because how can any of us understand the rational behind mass slaughter of five and six year old children at close range with handguns.
We might not ever really know because the answers won’t really ever be traceable to rationality.
What has happened to my country. Why do schools need to be armed guarded prisons?
We need to root out the secularists and stand up to the ACLU because they will be the death of us.
A 40 lb. kindergartener getting hit with a 9 mm slug is equivalent to an adult being hit with a 1 inch diameter slug. It's more deadly than normal.
The media doesn't seem to want to focus on personal responsibility anymore.
So the son of one of the teachers shows up, says he has an important message for his mom, and he gets buzzed in.
Or a guy shows up, and says his family just moved in, and is here to register his kids, and gets buzzed in...
It sounds cold of me to say so so soon, but that is the direction this has to be pushed.
America has tried the disarmed people zone thing at schools, theaters, malls, and the result invariably has been a target rich environment with little or no opposition for any demented malicious person who pops up.
We know no law can eliminate the guns in the hands of the determined. It has not worked anywhere it has been tried, even to the point of outright bans. Only letting people have a fighting chance to defend themselves and the innocents around them will mitigate the effects of the diabolical, not surrender.
It must be made unthinkable that anyone would even attempt (crazy or not) to harm such as those children--a swift and sure death would be assured.
Fox News is reporting he did not get buzzed in but broke through the glass.
What happened to the body in NJ?
The girlfriend and friend that are missing?
Who was the man in the woods?
“Abstinence doesn’t work.”
I liked your post that no....we really won’t be able to wrap our heads around this. And in regards to the ACLU Fox News is reporting the teachers and children who were locked down and waiting for help....said prayers.
You have to know they won't let any crisis go to waste, real or contrived.
I am reminded of the movie “Telefon” 1977.
People programmed by a phone call to commit murder.
I am astounded that this 20 year old, mentally dysfunctional, could achieve such a high kill ratio.
And we, who know that the sitting duck routine has to go, and more school personnel need to be armed, cannot be silenced by the wave of anti gun stupidity that is already building. Especially by Dem mayors of cities where multiple people will die by illegal guns before Monday dawns.
We need to be very vocal.
This has happened too many times, in the same way.
Our children cannot be targets, And if the school systems will not protect, then we must.
The politicians and the school libs need to be told to shut up, sit down, and that they have failed once again.
There are evil people in the world, and only resolute force will or can stop them. Not wishful thinking, and certainly not disarming people.
That is why the schools are targets—no one expects armed resistance.That perception and reality has to change.
Yes I heard that too....Fox claims now that the perp broke glass to enter school
Considering this is the same media that fabricated evidence and continues to falsely report on the George Zimmerman case....there is no doubt that the media will continue to deliberately mislead, on the behalf of the Obama Admin
From Colorado to Connecticut, the shooters have been people on the edge of sanity or being treated for some psychological 'issue'.
I would think engaging these people with some 'friend', well versed in pharmacology and psychology, could yield (for their agenda and a failure) a suicide, or rampaging murderer who had been convinced that any given subset of the population was the enemy and the cause of all their troubles. With someone so unstable to begin with, programming in suicide, or the mere realization of what they had done might finish tidying up the crime.
I wonder if the mother knew of a contact who wanted to stay secret?
Tinfoil? Maybe, but the best defense this administration has had throughout has been the unthinkable size, scope, complexity, and nature of its crimes.
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